TGA 2020: Tráiler del gameplay de Warhammer 40,000: Darktide


Fatshark llevará su fórmula de shooter cooperativo de Vermintide al mundo de Warhammer 40,000. Darktide saldrá en 2021 en PC y Xbox Series X|S.


Meh un poco frío, con lo que da de si el universo de Warhammer 40k y me da la sensación de que estoy viendo un calco de Vermintide con otras skins...

5 2 respuestas

#2 Pues me pasa lo mismo, no es muy diferente si alguien hubiese creado un mod, cambiando todo a W40k xd


Pero esto es 40k?


Pues no he jugado al Vermintide, pero comparando videos, creo que el salto gráfico es bastante grande xd este parece verse de vicio


Vermintide pero en wh40k. Vendido, no necesitan hacer nada nuevo.


#2 es que es vermintide pero en 40k, de ahi "darktide".

da gracias de que salga algo decente del 40k


Lo que no me mola es el grandullón, la música a lo Wolfenstein y que no lo veo muy oscuro, pero da igual, es vermintide 2 mejorado con skins del 40k, se viene con padre :3. Vermin 2 me dió más de 200h, espero que esté me de más ^^ ; siempre viene bien purgar herejes

1 respuesta

Lo de ver cadianos reventando legiones me saca de contexto totalmente.. cuando no eran más que sacos de carne a destajo, en fin el vídeo me parece una cutrez total.. Sinceramente Vermintide me pareció curioso por la estética medieval y oscura que daba fantasy además que pega bien las masacres cuerpo a cuerpo que salen pero aquí en w40k? De dónde cojones se sacan rambos imperiales? xDD

Almenos si fuesen marines todavía podría dar algo el pego pero esto me parece una aberración xD Con el mundo que tiene W40k con por ejemplo los Tiranidos, podrían haber hecho un survival horror de supervivencia de verdad y no está mierda.. xD

1 respuesta

#9 Ojo que no se pegan con Marines de plaga, sino con cultistas y poxwalkers ( bueno, y algún boss meterán )... Tampoco lo veo tan mal, al menos tenemos algo decente de 40k. Y como dicen arriba, es un vermintide de 40k, no un survival horror; se dijo desde el principio, no sé qué esperábais algunos :/

1 respuesta

Artículo de la Revista de PC Gamer, Edición de Reino Unido de Enero 2021:

WARHAMMER 40,000: DARKTIDE is coming, so grab your torch and chainsword
By Fraser Brown

After more than five years surrounded by Vermintide’s skittering, shrieking Skaven, Fatshark has jumped into the grimdark future of Warhammer 40,000. Darktide pits another four brave souls against unrelenting waves of monstrous enemies in a city being corrupted by the power of Chaos. It’s a meat grinder, but you get to be the teeth, chewing through hordes, leaving nothing but dismembered body parts in your bloody wake. And this time, there are chainswords.

There was a teaser trailer in July, but since then Fatshark hasn’t given much away about its next co-op outing. Chatting to the team, it’s clear they’re being careful about what exactly they reveal at what is still a fairly early stage. They want to keep some surprises, but there’s also much that’s still up in the air. They’re asking themselves a lot of questions about Darktide’s final form. “We are still iterating on it and still trying to find our feet,” says Fatshark co-founder Martin Wahlund. “It’s all about the fun factor and getting it right, and getting the feeling right. We want to welcome Vermintide players, but we also want to make sure that everyone who hasn’t played them is just as welcome, and we need to onboard them in a good way.”

What is clear is that Darktide expands on Vermintide rather than completely reinventing it. You charge into missions with three friends, slaughter your way through enemies – with occasional breaks for some problem solving – and over the course of your misadventures you grow stronger, get better equipment, and maybe tart yourself up with some cosmetic flourishes. Within that familiar routine, however, Fatshark is tinkering away and planning some significant changes, with seemingly every little system being put under the microscope.


The setting, of course, necessitates some of these changes. This is the far-flung future, so there’s fancy tech, guns everywhere, and gargantuan hive cities that house billions of people. But this is still a universe with knights who wade into battle with swords and shields. There’s a medieval fantasy element amid the gun-toting sci-fi, which means there’s the potential for a lot more flexibility. “We want to make it possible for players to play in more ways,” says Wahlund. “So we’re going to have way more customisation than we had in Vermintide. We work in a lot of that, and you’ll see more varied characters.” He stops short of actually unveiling the full list of who exactly we’ll be playing, unfortunately. The Imperial guardsman is the only one that’s been confirmed, though more have been shown off in concept art and trailers, including a huge ogryn.

Fatshark’s desire for variety has manifested itself in several ways, and the most fundamental, perhaps, is melee and ranged combat now sharing the spotlight. Vermintide is a first-person melee series with several ranged options, but in Darktide it’s an even split. Guns are extremely common in 40K, but the tabletop fights still frequently devolve into close-quarters brawls; and this makes even more sense within the confines of a hive city. What you use depends on the mission you’re on, as well as the specific encounter, so character builds are becoming more situational.

“Expanding the gameplay loop to include a ranged component and seeing how we can push that to provide a better variety of gameplay experiences also connects with the loadout choices that you make both personally and as a team,” says game designer Mats Andersson. “You get to play very targeted group setups, or make one with a very wide variety of different playstyles. If you look at Vermintide II, you are more pigeonholed than we want to make this type of game. We want to provide more options for you to approach the same kind of content.”


Before they delve back into the infested hive for another mission, the squad can prepare for the challenge with more granular customisation – it’s not just about picking the right tools and accessories for the job.

Fatshark is also considering things like talents for weapons, not just characters, and generally more ways to let you refine your character and get that alluring progression buzz.

“As we’ve seen in Vermintide, players really enjoy tweaking their loadouts,” says creative director Anders De Geer. “And since we have a lot of great modders, they also want to tweak individual weapons, talents and other stuff. So we are working with a system right now that will allow players to have way more freedom than they had in Vermintide to customise their toolkit when they go into a mission.”

This is something Fatshark’s already been trying to do more in Vermintide II – letting players have more control over their rat-slaying adventures, via everything from rebalancing weapon choices to introducing entirely new subclasses as DLC. In Darktide, though, it sounds like an even more targeted approach is going to be cropping up everywhere from the off. You can’t make choices about loadouts and talents without proper intel, and that’s where the mission map comes into play. This is the evolution of Vermintide II’s rather plain mission board and offers up a selection of crises affecting the various sectors of the gargantuan city.

The idea is that you’ll be able to see, at a glance, just how intense the mission will be and what modifiers are affecting it, like acid rain or blackouts. The city is constantly changing, too, with missions vanishing and maps you’ve already explored getting a refresh thanks to some fresh quirks.

“In Vermintide II, a lot of the dynamism came from the conflict director and how we spawned the enemies,” says Wahlund. “Now we want to have the same type of feeling, but also working with the actual level itself, so it could be a bit different depending on how you play it and the missions that you play, but also because of the weather, electricity or gas leaks. There’s a lot of things we can play around with to get a completely different feeling when you play a mission.”

Violence, gore and waves of enemies are probably the first thing your mind conjures up when you think about Vermintide, but in Darktide the pace and the tension will have more peaks and valleys, with quieter moments to sneak around or solve a puzzle. It’s more of what you might expect in a dungeondelving RPG.

“It’s really easy when making a game like Vermintide to just open the funnel, and then open it some more, because the more enemies we throw at people, the more fun it is,” says Andersson. “But you can also go the opposite direction of actually bringing down the tempo and making it a bit more lenient. We want to be able to still provide that gameplay experience where your heart is up here all the time, but we also want to expand it into a place where you actually have time to talk and breathe. If we lower the tempo, we get a completely different kind of mood, if you will, in a level.”

This is one of the reasons why you won’t be playing as Space Marines. They’re unstoppable juggernauts who, in a real-time setting, could easily just march through the hordes of enemies, never needing to rest, and certainly never taking a break for a chat. They’re stoic and a little boring, and Fatshark wants characters with charisma. And fear, too, which Space Marines are also largely unfamiliar with.
Slowing things down doesn’t always mean making things comfortable. If there’s a power outage, for instance, you’ll have to rely on flashlights to see where you’re going, making your exploration of the sector more methodical, but no less tense. An abandoned dark sector is obviously fertile ground for some horror. While the Skaven are extremely unsettling, Darktide seems more primed to get you jumping out of your seat, at least when you’re sneaking through pitch-black areas that are filled with poxwalkers, the gruesome zombies cursed by the Chaos god of disease, Nurgle.

Poxwalkers are Darktide’s horde enemy. They gather in large groups and, though weak individually, can overwhelm squads with their huge numbers and relentless attacks. What makes them different from the Skaven, though, is that they’re not constantly dialled up to 11. When you see the Skaven, they’re charging at you, screeching at the top of their lungs, but zombies are typically a bit more chill, giving squads the opportunity to sneak around them. But that can also make them even more dangerous than the Skaven.

Just before we spoke, producer Steven Brigas found himself climbing up a ladder in the hive, believing himself to be alone, only to find a horde of poxwalkers just hanging out, waiting for him right at the top. If they’d been Skaven, they would have been jumping down that ladder straight away, spoiling their ambush. The poxwalkers got the better of Brigas, but next time they might not appear there, or he might be able to mow them down with a very large gun. Having all this devastating weaponry means you can annihilate more enemies, and Fatshark can throw even more at you – but not all of the time.

Making sure players aren’t entirely sure what’s lurking around the corner has been key to keeping people around in Vermintide, and Brigas says that Fatshark’s taken a look at all of its systems to see how it can throw more surprises at players, rework maps and refine Darktide’s ability to keep dragging everyone back to the hive. The city itself gives the team even more freedom to experiment. These arcologies are designed to house billions of people, and while a hive world might contain thousands of them, each is still a self-contained city that functions like a world within a world.

“The scale is huge,” says Brigas. “For me, what’s really fun about a hive is, even if the odds are one in trillions, it’s already happened. And that’s just such a fun concept to play with. It gives us a lot of room to just keep growing and doing interesting stuff for a long time. One mission could see your squad navigating the hive’s disgusting sewage system in the dark, while your next misadventure could take you to a well-lit habitation zone that might even contain NPCs who have yet to be killed or transformed by Nurgle’s minions. You probably won’t be making your way through throngs of people, but there will be reminders that you’re fighting in a place that was once teeming with life.

Revisiting an area that once housed some NPCs and seeing it taken over by enemies or emptied by a deadly gas leak is also bound to have more of an impact, reinforcing the stakes and making it clear that this is a warzone. Dynamic missions seem to suit live service games in particular, where developers can react to player feedback, tweak the modifiers, or introduce brand new ones in an update. The mission map can be “altered instantly, basically,” says De Geer, with Fatshark able to wrench out a feature, like some bad weather, make some changes and then pop it back in once it’s happy with the improvements. It also lets the team design special missions that appear only for a set time.
Wahlund says these could come with additional unique rewards, encouraging dedicated players to watch out for them and jump in as soon as one appears.

If you’re looking for a group to take on these missions, Fatshark’s trying to ensure that you still get to choose where you go. Where Vermintide 2 strongly encourages players to use Quick Play, which throws you into a random mission, Darktide will grant more freedom to choose specific missions to play.

“Co-op is something that we’ve focused on even more this time around,” says De Geer, and that goes beyond letting you have more of a say on where your co-op adventures take you. “We’re trying to find more places to introduce co-op, and one of the strongest ones are special enemies, but there’s also customising your loadout with your team and making sure you’ve covered all your bases.”

Vermintide’s specialists, even the ones who couldn’t take much of a beating, forced players to work together. If there’s an assassin around, you need your teammates to keep their eyes open, or to kill it if it jumps you. In Darktide, Fatshark wants to use them to challenge players more and make them experiment with proper team tactics. It’s still not settled on what these specialists will be, however.
There’s a lot of units that could fit the bill, though the team is mostly restricted to the roster of the tabletop game. Whatever the final list ends up being, the goal is to create encounters where it’s imperative that players learn to cooperate effectively. “And if they don’t,” Brigas warns, “then they’re not going to survive.”

There are other things that might be used to bring players together – non-combat activities, for instance, and puzzles that are a bit more involved than pushing some stones in the correct order. There might be times when the party has to split up, too, but with the cooperative elements still intact. Maybe two players could fight off waves of enemies, while the other half of the quartet deal with a less bloody problem. This could also provide more opportunities for players to shine even if they’re not racking up the kills. But Andersson emphasises that it’s really about letting the whole team shine; letting everyone feel powerful together. “It’s way more fun moving down a horde together than you doing it on your own with everyone else watching,” he says. So the idea is to give everyone a chance to contribute, whether it’s solving a puzzle, helping your squad by tanking a tough enemy. or utilising everyone’s skills to kill a specialist.

Darktide is still in this exciting stage where it’s ripe with possibilities, but at this point it’s hard to predict what it will look like when finished. Fatshark’s idea of Darktide is still a compelling one, though, drawing out the best bits of Vermintide and investigating why they worked so well, and how that can be applied in other places or taken in new directions. And honestly, you can’t go far wrong with chainswords.


It’s a prime holiday destination – just ask Nurgle

1 HABZONES: The hive’s billions live in the habzones, where you might even find some survivors holding out against the tide of Nurgle’s abominations.
2 WALKWAYS: If you want an idea of the scale of the hive, why not visit one of our gothic, picturesque bridges and walkways. Don’t look down.
3 MARKET:Come to the underground water market to admire the uplifting graffiti and cheery atmosphere. It’s probably even nicer now that Nurgle’s moved in.
4 SERVICE TUNNELS: Why not explore the guts of the hive? Though the weather isn’t great – we’ll warn you, an umbrella doesn’t protect you from acid rain.
5 PRISON: Don’t forget to be on your best behaviour. The Imperium isn’t delicate when it comes to upholding the law. Hence all the blood stains.

Choose your weapon

BOLTGUN: The standard Space Marine weapon, the boltgun is a devastating bit of a kit – a mobile cannon that can blow enemies to smithereens. Smaller versions are carried by the Astra Militarum.

CHAINSWORD: The classic melee weapon of the Imperium across the galaxy. Its sharp, grinding teeth make quick work of thick armour and alien flesh. It’s usually accompanied by a gun, so you can shoot and shred.

LASGUN: The main weapon of the Imperial army, the lasgun shoots out a focused energy beam that can sear off limbs and even puncture power armour. It’s not the beast the bolter is, but it’s still a good, solid weapon.

POWER HAMMER: This bad boy is as good at cracking armour as it is rocks thanks to the disruption field that surrounds it. Just think of how many poxwalkers you could take outwith one devastating swing

Who you’ll be sharing the hive with...

POXWALKERS: Poxwalkers are the cannon fodder of Nurgle’s cursed armies – shambling, plague-ridden husks that serve as the living weapons of the
traitor guard. They attack with teeth and claws and whatever simple weapons they can find, and they keep mutating even following death. Like regular zombies, poxwalkers gather in hordes and can quickly swarm you.

TRAITOR GUARD: The traitor guard are former members of the Astra Militarum who have pledged themselves to Chaos. This regiment is the Moebian Sixth, deployed to help out the Moebian government, but are now attempting to seize power. These treacherous guardsmen fight with anything from simple melee weapons and chain axes to lasguns and combat shotguns.


  • Todavía queda mucho por ajustar y toquetear en el equilibrio, progresión y detalles exactos de los niveles, están cambiando la fórmula del Vermintide pero sin quitar lo que lo hace excelente: coop para 4 jugadores, masacrar hordas, levelear, conseguir equipo mejor, y los cosméticos para pimpearte.
  • Los principales cambios es que mientras Vermintide es melee-céntrico, Darktide tendrá un equilibrio entre cuerpo a cuepo y combate a distancia más acorde con Warhammer 40k y su ambientación en una Ciudad Colmena. Habrá más personalización de tu personaje y menos meterte en una carrera con un rol superdefinido. Quieren expandir más las opciones de combate a distancia. También intentarán que elijas más combinaciones de equipo y talentos para las propias armas que usas, en función a la misión y sus condiciones, en vez de tener una sóla configuración genérica. Básicamente más libertad a la hora de personalizar la jugabilidad y dicen algo nebuloso de trabajar más con los modders para proporcionarla.
  • El Mapa de Misión de la Ciudad Colmena tendrá Inteligencia de espías que te permitirá personalizar tu equipo y tácticas en función de la situación del nivel que visitarás. Verás cómo de intensa es la situación, qué modificadores tiene (como clima peligroso, lluvia ácida, apagones, falta de energía, escapes de gas...). También veremos cómo aparecen y desaparecen misiones del mapa, así como algunas que son cambiadas por los desarrolladores si no funcionan como les gusta o modificándolas temporalmente para un evento. Algunas de estas misiones podrían proporcionar ocasionalmente recompensas únicas, para que la gente esté al loro.
  • Habrá más libertad a la hora de elegir qué misión quieres jugar, en vez de animarte con mejor Botín a simplemente usar Quick Play aleatoriamente como en Vermintide.
  • No será acción sin parar como Vermintide, si no que habrá momentos de exploración, sigilo y rompecabezas para variar el ritmo, con toques de horror ocasionales, más parecido a un mazmorreo tipo D&D. Habrá Picos y Valles de Acción y Suspense, básicamente, que se pueda tener adrenalina y conversaciones. Si no hay luz iremos más lentos con las linternas, por ejemplo, o los Poxwalkers no son sólo hordas berserker, si no que pueden estar ignorando nuestra presencia o emboscarnos al girar una esquina. También habrá Rompecabezas a hacer por dos jugadores mientras otros dos les cubren o tendremos que dividir el grupo en dos parejas para lograr el objetivo.
  • Todas las aventuras serán al parecer en la Ciudad Colmena, pero esta tiene miles de Arcologías que son ciudades autosuficientes distintas, por lo que visitaremos asquerosas alcantarillas, zonas habitat donde podremos encontrar algunos ciudadanos supervivientes o llegar a sitios donde un escape de gas ha masacrado a los habitantes. Habrá variedad de localización y circunstancias para aumentar su longevidad.
  • Quieren que los enemigos Especialistas de Darktide obliguen a jugar en equipo todavía más que en juegos anteriores. Si no cooperamos, no sobreviviremos. Saldrán, como es lógico, del Fluff de Warhammer 40.000.
  • Por el momento sólo confirman que habrá un Guardia Imperial y que no habrá Marines Espaciales porque son máquinas de matar que casi no hablan y no tienen miedo, por lo que drama habría más bien poco XD Parece seguro que hay un Ogryn (Ogrete en la lengua de Cervants) porque lo vimos en el Gameplay, así como una Sacerdotisa de la Eclesiarquía.
16 2 respuestas

#11 Frost, tío, bésame.
Pinta guapo

1 1 respuesta

#12 ....

My chainsword is ready!


por el momento pinta incleible el arte y el escenario aunque echo de menos un quinto personaje, algun psiquico quizas o un catachano


#10 Yo no esperaba nada ya que no estaba al tanto del juego xD Pues la guardia esta al nivel de los cultistas.. se salvan solo algunos regimientos y ciertos escuadrones, el ogrete es quien mas puede triunfar ahi xDD aunque aver como lo implementan. Lo que decia es con el lore rico de W40k que hay se han centrado en hacer un clon de vermintide..

Por lo que ha puesto el compañero arriba tendra grandes diferencias con vermintide.. asique esperare a verlo para criticarlo pero sinceramente estos juegos de escuadras infinitas me parecen ya que estan hasta en la sopa pero aver que tal esa progresion mencionada ademas de los niveles que añadan constantemente..

2 respuestas

Pues tiene pintaza, solo por poder ver en 1º persona el estilo de las ciudades oscuras de 40k... ufff


Pues nada, la gente olvida que es Day 1 en Gamepass, si no me equivoco.



#15 hombre, tan rico que es y apenas hay juegos que se centren minimamente en ciudades colmena y que se involucre a la guardia imperial y ogretes.

si esperabas otro juego tactico con marines espaciales hay otras opciones vaya

1 respuesta

#11 Genial a mi ya me lo han vendido. MIra que le tengo horas metida al Vermintide.

Por poner una pega: Lo que dices de los marines espaciales. Coño yo es lo que quiero ser una killer machine!!.

1 respuesta

#18 Si solo existiesen las ciudades colmena en W40k.. pero hay cientos de detalles bestiales a los que sacar partido. Lo que no me esperaba es otro juego clonico, llevan años sacando copias de TBS y FPS simples.. y siguen haciendolo.. estoy de ver juegos de marines espaciales hasta los cojones, almenos ver a la Guardia es algo nuevo pero en lo que me enfoco es que no veo a un cadiano repartiendo ostias como hulk, llamame raro.. eso es cosa de marines :D

Pero como digo me esperare a ver que sacan ya que pretenden darle buen contenido al juego y almenos algunos de los ultimos han salido bastante extensos pero eso no quita que me decepcione de no ver un RTS/RPG o un FPS/TPS epico que haga justicia a la historia de W40k

2 respuestas

Si queréis ser un marine dando ostias ---->

Dejad que celebremos que se hagan cosas de 40K sin los puñeteros marines.


#20 Seguramente todo llegue. Lo único que espero es que no sea un saca pastas como el Vermintide (del que tengo todo) por que en realidad es lo que es... Me gustaría que los cosméticos fuesen free o farmeables y que los pagos sean expansiones, pero expansiones de verdad. Con mapas, item, clases/personajes etc.

Podría estr tremendo.


y si sumasen una campaña con narrativa decente....

Btw raro me parece que no haya un psíquico autorizado. Deseando ponerme skin de Krieg.

1 respuesta

#23 Si hiciesen una adaptacion sobre los Fantasmas de Gaunt me corria del gusto.. y ya si hacen alguna peli o serie le dan por culo a SW, GoT o su madre en pepinillo..

Pero bueno.. siempre nos quedara soñar xD

1 1 respuesta

#19 Se refieren a cómo son los Astartes en la ficción, en la que 4 se quedan haciendo guerra de guerrillas en un planeta traidor y al final de un trimestre el planeta se les rinde porque no han dejado de sabotearles y asesinar líderes sin dormir más que 1 hora a la semana en ese tiempo XDD

#20 Lo dices como si no hubiese existido el Dawn of War 1 y 2 (el 3 caca XD), el Space Marine etc Han habido buenos juegos en su tiempo, ahora toca un FPS cooperativo con melee, que ya era hora porque no hubo ninguno todavía X)

#24 Pues estás de enhorabuena, porque el creador de Man in the High Castle está haciendo una adaptación de la trilogía del Inquisidor Gregor Eisenhorn para Amazon, ¡en formato serie!

5 2 respuestas

#8 El grandullón es un ogrete de esos, los usan de suicidas basicamente. A mi por Lore me gusta.

1 respuesta



Pues estás de enhorabuena, porque el creador de Man in the High Castle está haciendo una adaptación de la trilogía del Inquisidor Gregor Eisenhorn para Amazon, ¡en formato serie!


Vermintide es bien. Repetir la misma fórmula puliendo un par de cosas a mi me es suficiente para pasar unos buenos ratos echando partidas de vez en cuando


#26 ya, pero es como muy sosete no? aunque eso lo arreglarán con Skins de pago.. jeje


He entrado a saco últimamente con el transfondo de 40k. Ni tengo tiempo ni he jugado nunca con las miniaturas, pero me estoy poniendo puo entre la wikihammer, los videojuegos y las novelas que tengo pilladas. Ando enganchadete.

Voy a gozar mucho este juego, a ver si nos juntamos varios para darle.

1 respuesta