The Forest #HO | La bruja de Blair 2.0


Respecto al coop recuerda lo que decian en Don´t starve; ojala lo hagan asi; cuando el juego este listo si la gente sigue jugando y pidiendolo que lo hagan coop. Mientras por mi mejor que se curren un buen juego de supervivencia.


Version 0.07 Changelog:

Rock holder blueprint added
Moveable log holder blueprint added
Mid sized cabin blueprint added
Tree house blueprint added
Working door added to custom build doorway
Male version of skinny mutant added
New animal added: Tortoise
New animal added: Racoons!
Animal numbers will go down over time if you kill a lot of them. Will eventually slowly repopulate
Different animal types now stay around specific parts of world
Weapon balancing, all weapons will be slower when holding an item in left hand (Lighter, walkman etc) faster when held with both hands. New slower axe anim in combat.
More accurate weapon collider sizes, small axe smaller, stick bigger etc
You can now catch rabbits and place them into the rabbit cage
Better previous weapon switching system
Improved blueprint placement, items will now turn red and be unplaceable if intersecting trees
New rock attack animation, more powerful, uses more stamina
Cave’s now only contain blue skinned enemies and distorted mutants
Better combat theme
Better lake theme
Fixed peaceful mode (was accidentally broken in last update)
Further improved enemy pacing over time, fixed bug that could cause enemies to vanish over time
Energy now replenishes faster when sitting on bench
More small props added
Switching weapons whilst holding molotov will no longer cause it to drop
Sound effects added for adding sticks/logs and rocks to storage
Whoosh sound added when items moved around inventory
Fixed molotov pieces bouncing around causing fire to move in strange ways
Fire now scales with amount of fuel
Plants now burn for longer
Trees will tumble over if burnt now and added new burning material with embers
Tree leaves will now burn away correctly when on fire
Energy bar now flashes when playing music to make clear that your stamina is getting a boost
Crafting info pages unlocked in survival book (rough, missing lots of items)
Fixed bug where you could get infinite flares by dropping flare gun and picking it up again
Fixed bug where day count could change when entering/exiting caves
Fixed yellow axe mesh not visible when equipped
Terrain texture and shape improvements
Fires can now cook an unlimited amount of items, food will be placed at random location on fire
Fixed bug where you could sometimes get infinite sticks/rocks in inventory
Arrows should now work more effectively against enemies
Visible lizard skin armour!


Que os parece mi nueva casa del arbol? xD

Es imagen de Steam, por si salta error o algo


Joder, cada vez tiene mejor pinta.

18 días después



Tengo comrpado y descargado el juego, pero atnes que nada... ¿Es difícil?

1 respuesta

#756 Sí que lo es, si no usas el truco veganmode xDD


no uses el veganmode lol le quitas toda la gracia al juego.


Eso que he lo que eh el veganmode¿?

1 respuesta

#759 pues jugar sin enemigos.


Y que sentido tiene jugar sin enemigos¿? si el salseo en estos juegos es lo mejor jaja.


Que grandes!

13 días después

Tenía pensado comprarme el juego porque por lo que he visto tiene muy buena pinta. ¿Qué opináis por aquí?

¿Está previsto el multi-player?

1 respuesta

#763 no cuentes con ello... a corto plazo!



-FMOD audio support added.
-New tree fall and break apart sound effects! fall sound will now play until tree connects with terrain
-New ambient sound effects mix and implementation
-New improved footstep sounds. Running footsteps sounds added.
-Sand and water depth footsteps. Carpet sounds when in plane
-Raccoons can now climb trees!!
-New art added, cave explorer bloated
-New art for red plane axe
-New art for crafted timed bomb
-Massively optimized 3d roots model
-Improved collision on gazebo and added in grass cutting to prefab
-Fixed missing collision on spiked defence structure
-Fixed small shelter and gazebo collision not blocking enemy vision
-Energy now drains faster when carrying logs (and faster still if carrying two logs)
-Added bloom option to graphics menu (turning off will improve GPU performance on slower cards)
-Fixed overbright small uncuttable plant
items now spin around as upgrade are applied!
-Fixed timing issues with lighter and walkman stash anims (items would disappear before the hand was off screen)
-Big sapling is now cuttable and collision no longer blocks player movement
-Fixed music in plane sequence off by a few seconds
-Optimized deer model
-Attack improvements : less chance of double swinging when attacking ground with axe. Axe attack at ground will switch to forward attack if player looks up whilst attacking.
-Fixed bug where flare gun would stop working after you put it away/load game
-Fixed body parts rolling (only decapitated heads will roll now)
-Fixed some player stats not being set on load save game (lizard armor, hunger etc)
-Fixed fish cooking instantly on drying rack
-Improved collision on custom wall piece with window (you can now shoot arrows through window)
-Fixed bug where you could fall through ocean or lake onto dry ground below
-Improved lake swim zones
-Skinny enemy unique animations added!
-Improved physics on small rocks thrown
-Fixed (hopefully) player thrown into air after chopping dead enemy up
-Fixed sprung rabbit traps not resettable after loading a game
-Thrown rocks and tennis balls can now be used to distract enemies.
-Hitting trees with items will cause noise that enemies can hear.
-Thrown flares will now attract enemies to them, and improved feel of throw
-Cliffs and large rocks will now block building structures instead of letting you build the items underneath them
-Fixed small cabin door and custom wall door getting stuck in terrain
-Axe added to blocked cave room
-Fixed bug that was stopping raft from being buildable via book
-Fixed bug where cut trees were not saved the first time you saved/loaded a game
-Fixed bug with escape key if pressed once in building mode
-Fixed bug where selecting tree houses in book multiple times without actually building them could break building other items
-Fixed suitcases around plane not having working pickups on loading a saved game
-Rabbits should now be saved in rabbit cages on save/load
-Rabbits/raccoons will not disappear from traps if player moves far away
-Poison will no longer take away armor, only health
-Added low memory option to graphics menu - will be on by default if 32bit windows or if you have under 4gigs of ram. Will limit/turn off some of the effects to keep memory down.
-Improved memory usage and performance of skin shading.
-Introduced new skin wrap textures to control where skin is more translucent.
-Fixed missing audio on weapon fire
-Increased length fire stays on some weapons
-Fixed missing sound effect on eating meds
-More informative text about leaves in inventory
-Increased amount of impact upgrades have on weapons
-Tweaked how and when combat/stress music plays
-Fixed upgrades not showing on weapons after loading a saved game
-Main menu audio now plays throughout loading of game
-Fixed pedometer being slow to open and close
-Fire weapons will no longer be lit when lighting a regular fire
-Disabled player inventory and game pausing if player is dead
-Fixed garden not working with seeds
-Collected seeds are now visible in inventory
-Fixed bug where you couldn't cut aloe vera plant
-Simple leaf sub surface scattering added!
-Improved motion blur performance on enemies and creatures
-Music volume now has it’s own slider in options menu
-Cassette tapes are now pickups and have unique names/info in inventory. Search caves and other areas to find them.
-Closing inventory now removes items from crafting cog
-Fixed gui messages and icons appearing over pause menu and fixed red cross appearing on load screen
-Added option to return to title screen from pause menu
-Simplified bomb building to use any amount of coins
-Texture and animation memory improvements
-Left hand does not play block animation if using non-stick weapon
-Longer damage trigger added to enemies to fix player ducking from attacks cheat
-Fixed issues with enemies sometimes standing back up instantly if struck
-Fixed issue where enemies would sometimes stand in one place forever
-Less bunching up on turtles
Note: Some reported bugs may be due to old save games! To ensure your game is fully up to date, start a new save game.


que es el FMOD?

por cierto parchaco xDD

1 1 respuesta

#766 Ni idea

10 días después

Me recomendáis cogerlo a día de hoy? Parece el que el desarrollo sigue avanzando poco a poco

1 respuesta

A mi me parece un buen juego, y lo pillé casi nada más salir... te lo recomiendo.

1 respuesta

#768 #769 A mi también me parece un buen juego, pero he de decir que le falta mucho, yo lo tengo pero hoy por hoy no me lo pillaría

1 respuesta

#770 Hombre yo se lo recomiendo al precio que está ahora, visto lo visto, cuando esté acabado será muy bueno (seguramente valdrá el precio que le pongan) pero si se puede ahorrar ese dinero directamente, eso que gana jajaja


Hey Everyone,

Here’s a small patch 0.08d containing mostly bug fixes (Including finally a fix to distant shadow distortions!)

Our bigger patch 0.09 has been pushed back to this coming Monday whilst we sort out the last remaining co-op multiplayer issues!

As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub or send them in to [email protected].

0.08d Changelog:

Tree structures (tree houses) are now destroyed when the tree they’re on is cut down
Improved raft and fixed issues with raft and save/load
Fixed Drying Racks food positioning
Fixed Bench ghost positioning
Fixed bug that caused projectiles to be “paid” twice when thrown
Fixed glass upgrade recipes for most weapons
Fixed Plane Axe’s Cloth on crafting mat (for fire weapon upgrade)
New upgrade recipe Sticky bomb: Bomb Timed + Tree sap
Player run animations added!
Fixed thunder sound being cut off early
Fire enemies will now sometimes attempt to burn down player built structures again
New sound effects added – fixed missing underwater sounds, added splash and fall sounds to player. Added transitions between day/nighttime. New improved tree cut sounds.
Fixed some issues with skylight occlusion option
Improved bloom performance by 2-3x
Fixed bug where item would be unequipped after using inventory, then opening book then hitting escape
Massively reduced amount of memory ghost items take up
New player textures
(multiplayer)Player head added! (this also fixed issues with player head shadows in single player)
New better looking torch cookie
Fixed destroyed wall logs not being pickupable
Fixed feathers being hit away by weapon when killing birds making it hard to collect them
Fixed issue where held weapons would get permanent motion blur on them
Fixed glitchy shadows break up in distance!
Fixed some bugs with using lighter and it vanishes/equipping at wrong times and fixed bug where pressing the ‘O’ Key would attempt to bring up lighter
Fixed fire on effigies not burning birds or player
Enemies no longer sleep outside during the day
You can now destroy enemy built art and effigies!
Fixed camera position on during plane crash so you can no longer see down your own neck
Improved performance of held flare
Tweaked animal density in world
Improved weapon colliders for more accurate hits

:O :O :O :O :O :O


Ya han metido el coop?

PD: Vale, el lunes


oh dios mío. #hype


ahora mismo tal cual esta sin el coop es un juegazo, con el coop mejorara 100% xD


¿Es 100% seguro que pondrán coop el lunes? Yo no tengo el juego, pero si es cierto que meten coop me lo compro ahora mismo.

1 respuesta

#776 Our bigger patch 0.09 has been pushed back to this coming Monday whilst we sort out the last remaining co-op multiplayer issues!

lo tendrian que haber metido en este parche que han puesto ahora, pero lo han retrasado para el lunes porque tenian problemas con el multy, pero si es 100% que lo meten :)

1 respuesta

#777 Okay, pues ya lo tengo :) espero que el coop sea para mínimo 3-4 personas.


Con ganas de coop.


Pero hay información del coop o algo? Alguien sabe de cuantas personas va a ser o de cómo va a funcionar?

Tema cerrado