The Forest #HO | La bruja de Blair 2.0


¿Cuánto puede ocupar la actualización?


Venga coño, lanzar ese coop ya!

PD: Ya han puesto noticias sobre el parche! Lo lanzan a las 3PM (PST).


Pues a jugar mañana.

PD: Bouzas jugamos los dos ya que te tengo agregado jaja

1 respuesta

A las 12:00 se podra jugar.

#783 Mañana le damos ;)


Co-op multiplayer added!

Hey Everyone,
Here’s our first pass at co-op multiplayer implementation, expect bugs!
We’re really excited to see what you guys think and hear any ideas you have for either additional game modes or additions to the current mode! - As this is a first iteration we’ve limited this mode to 2 players but expect to increase this in future patches.
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub or send them in to [email protected].
0.09 Changelog:
-Slowed down tennis ball throw massively so players can play catch together on beach
-(multiplayer)Server configuration screen - This will automatically tell you your public ip address - This is temp, server browser or better
Steam integration coming soon!
-(multiplayer)Chat box - Press enter to type messages to each other - This is temp and may be buggy!!, Voice chat is coming soon! (we’re modeling walkie-talkies)
-(multiplayer)Player texture variation, run around with your survivalist buddy!
-(multiplayer)First pass at player respawn system, on dead try and find way back to body to collect your belongings
-Fixed bug where building a bench could cause save games to break
-Fixed female skin being too dark
-Rest of skinny animation variations added
Known issues:
Saving in a multiplayer game will save over single player save game, allowing you to continue progress but not as a multiplayer game (working on fix for this currently)
Destroying partially built items can be glitchy! Try not to destroy structures you haven’t placed yourself!


Solo es para dos players, vaya shit!

PD. A un colega se le apaga el PC cuando juega al forest, qué puede ser? tiene las temperaturas correctas y no le ha pasado nunca con ningún otro juego.


Hola buenas ¿alguien me puede decir como funciona el coop?
E estado probando eso de la ip y el puerto pero no hay manera siempre sale failed.

1 respuesta

#787 Abre el puerto 27000 en el router.

1 respuesta

Actualizacion de 18 megas


Version 0.09b Changelog:

(multiplayer) Fixed bug where building a Bonfire/Standing Fire/Fire Pit could cause game to crash
(multiplayer) Fixed bug where traps wouldn’t reset correctly (rabbit trap, 3 enemy trap types)
(multiplayer) Fixed bug where destroying blueprint/ghosts could cause client or server to be kicked from game
(multiplayer) Fixed bug where rock holder/log holder/log sled use/construction could cause clients to be kicked from game
(multiplayer)Fixed bug where if Host alt-tabbed out of game client would be kicked almost instantly
(multiplayer)Fixed bug where having max rabbits or lizards in inventory and trying to pick more up could cause client to be kicked from game
(multiplayer) Fixed bug where molotov could crash/kick players from game
(multiplayer)Hopefully fixed issue where client/server pc camera would intermittently turn completely black - this one is hard to track down, let us know if still occurring.
(multiplayer)Fixed missing enemy sound effects for client player (may still not appear in some cases if client is very far away from server player)
(multiplayer) Fixed issue where picking up a fish would destroy player and crash server


Lo veo demasiado fácil el juego en coop, en single player no he jugado.

Me hago una cabaña pequeña pongo fogatas alrededor y mueren solos al acercarse.

¿Os pasa que una vez matáis a muchos ya no aparecen más? me he estado paseando por todo el mapa durante más de 20 minutos y no me aparecen ni animales, ni mutantes.


#788 Gracias,las partidas en multiplayer no se guardan no?

1 respuesta

#792 De momento no, si le das a guardar se te guarda como single player.

1 respuesta

#793 Vale vale me lo imaginaba xD
Por cierto habéis visto las flechas de fuego para los enemigos van mu bien.


#794 Parece que no hay flechas de fuego xD lo leí por internet pero las intento crear en el juego y no te deja

14 días después

El tema este de que no se pueda guardar una partida en coop y luego volverla a usar (o eso he leido), supone que si juego una tarde, al día siguiente al volver, ¿tenemos que empezar de cero otra vez?


Version 0.10 Changelog:

Platforms! Place the log cabin on a slope and procedural platform will be constructed underneath to give it support. No more cabins on side of hills.
New buildable item: Tree platforms!
Building height system added Look up to place structures higher (using procedural foundation system) or downwards to place on ground (as in old system)
Climbing system! Player can now climb rope
Removed steps from tree houses! Replaced with climbable hanging ropes.
Added clamp to tonemapper to stop it sometimes turning screen completely black if seeing a very bright pixel. Fixed related issue where bloom would sometimes cause screen to turn black if it found overbright pixels.
Fixed issue with plastic torch spamming errors, causing a performance drain when using torch light source
Tweaks to world lighting and fog/ambient colors. Lighter and plastic torch now cast shadows.
Tweaked enemy density in caves
Added option to turn off all hud elements in options menu (not recommended!)
Increased size of rabbit on fire to match world scale
Small performance optimization on cpu by removing OnGui calls
Meds will now be auto consumed if health below 20 when picked up
(single player only bug)Fix for pine tree top heavy not being cuttable
Fixed missing marigold and chicory plants
Improved ambient audio zones and fixed outside sounds continuing to play when inside a cave
Improved cave audio ambience
Lizards can now be caught in cages along with rabbits (and raccoons)
Fire Arrows! Press L with bow equipped and at least 1 piece of cloth in inventory
New falling leaf particles (3x) added and improved look of leaf burst (less bright/unlit)
New fluff particles added and using a new dust shader (bright in light, dark in shadow particle shader)
Improved look of torch light - now two tone
Fixed overbright lights on mutant creepy’s fires and all bombs/held bombs and better balance on bomb explosion particles
Balance pass on all mutant textures, improved look of skin and put all into same texture value space
New improved blood particles!
Fixed issues with sticky bombs
Fixed enemy skin and player arms sometimes losing ability to receive shadow and appearing overbright
Fixed molotovs not exploding on impacting enemies
Improved transition from cannibal village hole to caves using new generic rock chunks
Log holder is now pushable using push and hold animations
Fixed audio issue where some sounds would fade out instantly/abruptly
New suitcase art (6 textures variations, 2 model variations) added!
Fixed missing mesh renderer at front of plane crash(animated forward hull)
Animated passengers added to plane crash! - Don’t skip crash!
Fixed dead lizard normals flipped causing ragdoll to look different than regular model
Improved look of small shelter (better rocks, better log renders etc)
Lighter will always light after a limited amount of attempts (was previously possible to attempt to light 20 plus times if unlucky)
Fixed lighter animation playing continuously when stashing lighter quickly after getting it out
Improved held item switching sequence (better use of existing animations)
Pale enemies no longer attack each other or the distorted creatures
Removed cave beach entrances -replaced with rope climb out areas in lower caves fixing issues with entering caves near ocean
New molotov weapon art
Fixed lighter flame being too small visually
Fixed flare gun making shooting sound when fired without flares (will now make an empty click sound)
Improved tree falling sound settings
Swimming sound effects added!
Tuned/balanced pick up sound effects, eating sound effects etc
Enemies will now always prioritize visible players over other enemies in combat
Improved instances of small items pushing player and added max velocity to attempt to stop player flying up into sky
(multiplayer) fixed bug where some shadows would break/change after respawning
Improved some environment art, started implementing better cliffs in some areas and higher detail rocks. Added new lake zone.
New art for (some) cave stalagmites and stalactites
(hopeful fix) for players sometimes swimming even when not in water area
Player will now stash weapon when swimming!
New creature added! - Check the caves.
Delay added to combat music so it won’t continuously trigger when entering in/out of combat
(multiplayer)Walkie talkies added! Press Q to communicate in multiplayer games.
(multiplayer) Fixed issue where items needed would sometimes stay on screen depending on if client/server destroyed a blueprint
(multiplayer) Fixed issue where returning to start menu would break game and turned back option in menu
(multiplayer) Fixed Enemies not showing blood particle fx on clients when they are hit.
(multiplayer) default player cap increased to 8 along with option to go up to 128 players (for adventurous players only! not recommended)
(multiplayer)Fixed Suitcases not being replicated over the network and existing only locally for each player
(multiplayer) Fixed Mutant ragdolls not replicated properly on client
(multiplayer) Fixed Wall built in MP vanishing instead of turning into logs when destroyed
(multiplayer) Fixed issue where remote players would not alert enemies via sound detection
(multiplayer) Lizard skin player armor now visible by both client/host
(multiplayer)Fix for overlapping chat text
(multiplayer)Fixed some Log duplication bugs
(multiplayer)Fixed Logs invisible for client in certain spots on the map
(multiplayer) Fixed issue where only newly built effigies would only be seen by host
(multiplayer) Fixed client/host sometimes having differently positioned yacht location
New art added for some of the cave entrances
Re-worked save game system so future updates will (likely) not erase save games to work!
Fixed issue with weapon upgrades have no or very little effect
Improved animal spawning in world- less chance of dead zones where no animals ever show up.


Alguien sabe como cargar una partida cooperativa? Al darle aload me cambia a SP.

1 comentario moderado
9 días después

Eeeeh... Me acaban de pasar esto:


1 2 respuestas

La pregunta es: ¿piensan acabar algún juego?


#800 LOL WUT? Es el mismo jodido motor que el The Forest?


Que son los nuevos WarZ o que? XDDD Menos mal q tmp pagué mucho por el juego :palm:




Pero, ¿tenéis algún problema con el ritmo de desarrollo de The forest o que? Porque a mi me parece que están haciendo un gran trabajo.

No entiendo a la gente que hace comentarios del tipo "menos mal que no pague mucho por este juego". Pero en que coño os afecta que otra compañía intente sacar un juego parecido? en todo caso sería puta presión añadida para los desarrolladores.

1 respuesta

#805 Hablo desde la más profunda ignorancia, pero creo que presión -100 por que el juego ya lo han vendido, no es como si hubieran hecho un trailer los de The forest.

1 respuesta

#806 han vendido un early access. Estoy seguro que no es ni un cuarto de personas de lo que venderán cuando el juego este acabado.

19 días después

Buenas a todos

Yo estoy jugando al juego que lo acabo de comprar y ya se me ha cerrado dos veces. Mi ordenador no es nada del otro mundo pero vamos, me esperaba una cierta estabilidad. Ademas se me ha roto una vez al guardar y otra al morir, cosas que creo que voy a hacer muchas veces. 

¿Os pasa lo mismo? Por cierto a 10€ hoy y mañana en Steam

21 días después

#800 ya esta early en steam xd

18 días después

V0.13: Cuttable corpses! Weapon rack storage, Snack storage, improved multiplayer performance and much more

Hey Everyone,
This patch gives players the ability to chop up bodies into individual parts - no more bodies exploding when you hit them!
We’ve also done a major pass at multiplayer optimization. Enemies should be less jittery for clients and both clients and servers should have a much smoother experience. Our microphone system has been revamped to use almost no cpu and also not cause those annoying memory stutters every few seconds.
New buildable items have been added to the survival book: a weapon rack, snack cupboard, bomb holder and medicine holder. In single player you can store your items at your base. In multiplayer you can use these holders to trade items with other players.
Caves this month have seen a lot of work, and Dead Cave in particular has seen a major overhaul. More interesting areas to explore, more items to find.
Finally, we’ve added a first pass at procedural floors. Along with procedural walls, and foundations these will eventually provide the building blocks to allow you to build any type of structure you want. Next patch will finally include custom ceilings!
There’s also a lot more added, all listed below.
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub
Old save games should continue to work, however if you notice anything strange (stranger than normal!) start a fresh game to make sure you are fully up to date.

0.13 Changelog -

-Armsy combat improvements - can now turn around quickly, attack to left and right and attack from further away. Will swipe at trees more often. Will react to explosions by staggering backwards.
-Armsy will knock down walls and other structures near player, and will now interact better with dynamic logs/props pushing them away
-Lowered throw force on bomb timed and added friction to rigidbody to reduce hockey puck feel
-Added distance based camera shake when bombs explode!
-Improved look of wood plank barriers - better textures, better break apart chunks
-Wooden planks now have a health value and will take longer to be broken down by a stick versus an axe
-(multiplayer)Added two new player character model variations
-(optimization) Improved Experimental Foundations & Walls memory footprint
-(building) Removed Manual Foundations 4 edges limit, improved visual feedback
-(building) Added closure snapping to manual foundations
-Improved log sled pushing - less jitter and glitches when pushing sled close to other objects
-Changed gazebo floor collider so items can be built on top of it.
-Player can no longer jump while pushing the sled
-Lowered damage from un-upgraded rock weapon
-Added extra checks to stop player falling through world when climbing ropes
-Lowered damage amount molotovs do to Armsy. Setting Armsy on fire will cause him to become enraged, running around or attacking the player
-New dying sound distortion added when player is in grey-zone state
-(audio)rope climbing sound effects added
-(audio)Falling Leaves sound effects added and tuned
-(audio)Fixed bug where bush rustle sound effect would sometimes not play if player was running full speed and at an angle
-Fixed a rare bug that caused the game to get stuck halfway in the loading process
-Fixed trees initializing after black screen removal when loading a saved game
-Slightly larger hit colliders on birds and stick weapon, makes it easier to kill grounded birds with a stick
-Enemy bodies no longer explode when you hit the body after killing them! You can now chop off individual limbs!
-Tree houses now require rope to build
-Cave 2 crayon map drawing with shiny sticker stars on it added as a collectible item. (hint: try and find locations of stars)
-(audio) Music sting added when player is woken up by enemies
-(audio) New music sting added when an important item or location is discovered
-(audio)First pass at Skinny enemy audio added
-Fixed log wall breaking apart rotated incorrectly
-Cave 1- major design re-work. More interesting areas, easier to navigate, more secret areas and items, improved collision.
-Player is no longer able to pick up logs while jumping, swimming, sailing raft or pushing sled
-Equipped logs are now dropped when beginning to swim, sail a raft or push a sled
-Standard enemies can now attack built player walls
-(hopefully) Fixed bug where enemies would sometime appear in t-pose in multiplayer games
-Improved cave 2 entrance visuals
-Random hint texts added to dead screen!
-Removed starfish from caves and other strange places. Will now only appear on beach.
-(multiplayer) New voice chat system! Using microphones/walkie talkies will no longer cause memory allocation and framerate stutters as memory is attempted to be cleaned out.
-(multiplayer)Performance improvements!
-(multiplayer)Fixed delay where log would remain visible for a short period of time even after being picked up by clients
-(multiplayer)Fixed delay between tree falling and breaking into logs for clients
-(multiplayer)Craft audio now plays for each player, you should no longer hear other players craft sfx play from far away
-(multiplayer) fix a bunch more 2d sounds that could be heard by both players at wrong time
-(multiplayer)Major lag improvements for enemies! Enemies will now visually update more often when close to a player
-(multiplayer)Fixed fires not replicating
-(multiplayer)All enemy types now show up in multiplayer games (distorted, pale creatures etc)
-Fixed missing collision on orange tents
-Fixed issues where after climbing rope, it would slightly reposition player making it very easy to fall back into hole or off ledge
-New buildable item: Weapon Rack! Store up to 4 non projectile equipment items
-New buildable item: Snack holder
-New buildable item: Explosives/molotov holder
-New buildable item: Medicine cabinet
-Fixed flare gun not setting enemies on fire
-Getting hit while blocking now drains more stamina
-Block will fail now when hit if you have very low stamina
-Birds are no longer active while inside a cave
-Optimized all animal animators to save cpu performance
-(single player only)New buildable item: Climbing Rope (needs to be hooked to a single Structure Anchor, a minimum distance with floor is required)
-Added Structure Anchors to: Gazebo (2), Log Cabin (2), Platform (2), Extensible Platform (4), StairCase (2) and Wall (2) [retro-active] (you can now attach bridges or rope to these items) (Single player only)
-New cheat code added: ‘vegetarianmode’ enemies only come out at night.
-New cheat code added: ‘meatmode’ cancels the other cheats
-Active cheats now saved locally (Hint: Type meatmode on title screen to cancel active cheats)
-(single player only)New buildable item: (experimental)Procedural
Floor (snap on top of foundations, or to procedural walls that are on foundation + floors)
-Can now rotate tree structures while placing them !
-Improved building placement near structures that can be built upon

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