The Last Guardian #HO


Tengo el palpito de que este juego va a ser la hostia.

Tiene que serlo, Fumito ha perdido años de vida sacándolo adelante, y SONY no lo ha abandonado. Hay algo único que ha conseguido mantener activo un juego que saben no será nunca rentable.

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#151 Agree, no sé muy bien por qué pero tengo la sensación de que pese a tener cierto aire a ICO (que a mí personalmente me gustó mucho menos que SotC), éste va a ser la ostia y se va a colar en la lucha por el GOTY.


Todos con que muere el bicho.. pues yo creo que va a morir el niño.

Le tengo ganas al juego pero me voy a esperar a comprarlo hasta que vea opiniones de la gente, que puede ser un juegazo o la hostia del siglo.

Aun así yo sigo con hype

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Acabo de darme cuenta hoy que sale este 7 de Diciembre...

Me espero mejor no? Porque tengo mucho vicio con el FFXV y tengo mas juegos por detrás que jugar ademas que en Enero si o si cae el Digimon...

¿Pero opiniones lo reservo o me espero mejor?

Sera por juegos que he comprado a esperas de jugarlos en un futuro en Steam y ahí están sin tocar... xD

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Ya hay gente jugándolo:

Dicen que la duración será de entre 9/10 horas.


#155 mmm a ver, este en 3 tardes te lo acabarás... yo si fuera tú me lo pillaba ya xD


Dónde se puede adquirir el juego + la caja metálica, solamente?

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#158 Solo en GAME


Ico was my favorite game of all time and shadow of the colossus is top five material...

That's right, Ico WAS my favorite.

I'm not sure how critics will respond to the technical issues and I'm actually very anxious about it. I feel like the payoff of the experience overshadowed every minor frustration I had with the title. Whether it was Trico not doing what I wanted or a camera that hits the fritz, I never lost sight of Fumito Ueda's extraordinary vision for the game. In other words, I always got the gist of it. Set pieces, story and otherwise... I love this game to tears and I can't wait for all of you to get your hands on it.

UPDATE: 11/28/2016 - The games 1.01 patch is live. The game runs way smoother and trico is reacting much quicker. I think that's why they gave me the game so early. I recommend downloading the patch before play. It is the reason they delayed it after all!

  • The game took me 12 hours. Got stuck quite a few times.

  • So the environments can look late ps3 to current ps4. You can tell this game could never run on ps3. When you all get your hands on it you will see what I mean. The scope and scale is unlike anything I've seen. The animation on Trico is jaw droppingly incredible.

  • I don't want to comment on the interconnectedness too much other than you will be very impressed. The world is gorgeously realized and uniquely atmospheric. It's a linear story and I wouldn't want it any other way! I guess it's open in a certain sense

Deseando que llegue el miércoles.

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Después de la pequeña decepción que me supuso la boy band espero con más ganas este juego. Espero que cumpla.


#160 de 0 a 10, cuantas ganas le tienes a esta shit?

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#136 coherencia y comparto la misma opinión

#154 es lo que todos queremos, pero sabes que no va a pasar :/


#162 un 11.


Espero que GameUK me envie mi coleccionista o su reina arderá...

Yo pienso que no cumplirá con las expectativas de muchos (injustamente), un titulo que ha tardado mucho y se ha retrasado mucho igual carece de buenas mecanicas, quien sabe, pero en su narrativa visual, bso, todo el arte que conlleva, lo hará un gran juego capaz de colarse como un culto. Fumito lo ha hecho dos veces y tiene intenciones de una tercera, yo creo que puede.

A ver si parece que hay que tirar mierda a todo juego salvo que sea sobre una cutre boyband.


Este pavo es un periodista gabacho que según cuentan en GAF escribe bastante bien, le dio en su día un 10/10 a SotC y ahora dice de TLG:

"The Last Guardian is, without a doubt, One of the most beautiful games i have ever played. Just perfect."


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Todo este hype de última hora. Fumito curará las heridas de Tabata.



Oh por el amor de Dios.


Ya hay gente con el juego y nadie comentando impresiones.

Se masca un bombazo.


tal vez en MV nadie lo tiene


Que ganas le tengo...

Eso si, si el juego me gusta, 9/10 horas son pocas :(

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Yo tengo mucho hype. Creo que Ueda, a diferencia de Tabata, no va a decepcionar.


#171 En realidad es... casi el doble que SotC


ya hay gameplayX


Review de un mod de GAF que ya lo tiene, sin spoilers

I took notes as I played...I guess I played about 4 hours or so? I played up until just after the part they showed at E3 2015, which, by the way, is really quite fun in the game. And, as you know, I'm pro. Anyway, there is a lot going on here that Ueda and team are doing and I didn't want to forget any of it.

First, technicals for people who want it: the game itself is seriously stunningly beautiful. The indoor areas are full of richly detailed textures and great lighting effects. On the Pro, IQ is absolutely pristine. HDR really helps sell the package and really helps sell the ethereal nature of the game. The sun glistening off blades of grass is a beautiful effect. Performance is fine but I think leaves something to be desired. It's not noticeably chuggy in any particular area, but it can feel sluggish in certain scenes (I can't find any commonality between them). The animation is out of this world. I don't think I need to elaborate. The Last Guardian is absolutely drop-dead shockingly beautiful and anyone who says otherwise is a troll.

The game immediately establishes not only the size and scale of Trico but the fragility of the boy. In the very first scene, Boy (I'll call him Boy) yanks a spear out of Trico. Trico kicks and hems and haws and knocks Boy into the wall, which knocks him out cold. The game absolutely sells at every opportunity the dichotomy between the two, which makes this a real role reversal from ICO. The player is the vulnerable one and the player is the one that is useless in combat. Combat is actually taken away from the player entirely (at least so far) and the player relies on Trico for support. And Trico does not screw around! Combat is not frustrating like ICO for this reason. There are also some neat role reversals from SotC. For example, the player completes the "reverse" action on Trico in this game with the spear pulls. Whereas previously you'd be climbing all over big monsters and stabbing them, now you are climbing all over a big monster and trying to help with stab wounds. There are lots of little things that animate similarly to Ueda's old games and remind me of them.

The game frames early puzzles for players through Man's narration. If you get lost, for example, Man will chime in describing the situation and telling players what the issue was or what he did. I think this is a really effective way of helping stuck players and I haven't seen this in another game. The game will say something like, "The beast immediately became pissed off, and I searched for a way to soothe him," or something like that, which gives you the hint.

The controls feel fine. They're almost exactly like they were in SotC, with real "weight" to them and definite acceleration and deceleration periods. I don't expect anyone to have a problem with them, though the camera is more frustrating. I played for a couple of hours at the default speed; I recommend immediately turning it up until you are comfortable. It makes the game feel considerably snappier and solves a lot of issues. Fundamentally the challenge the game is dealing with is not just small rooms + big beast but that the camera is working to cinematically frame both characters to the best of its ability in a way that maintains the scale differential. Often this means Trico's head will be out of the frame. This is unsettling to players so we're constantly fudging with the stick. The camera has a definite acceleration as well so you're going to overcompensate if you start fuddling with it. I'm sort of getting used to just leaving it be and it does a fine job.

The weight of the boy feels realistic but creates awkward animation situations sometimes. His butt ends up over his head catching ledges while falling, for example. It's not a big deal but it certainly does look funny.

I took hundreds of screenshots while playing, which I have never done before. Trico will make you love him; pet lovers will be done in instantly while non-pet people will have their attention earned. Every time I look at Trico I see my Boston Terrier Max. Here is my little Last Guardian:

Maybe it is his ears? Anyway, to call Trico lifelike is to undersell Trico's animation. He's not lifelike, he's...likeexactlylike. The way he navigates small spaces, claws at things he wants to eat, the way his ears react in the wind, the way he vocalizes and draws attention, and just the way he looks at is an out of body experience to play this game if you have a pet. Max himself seemed fascinated by the game and sat on the ground watching Trico on screen.

The first time Trico comes to your rescue, you will just have your heart melt. Regardless of what you think of the game, the level at which Ueda and team have executed on their goal to build a lifelike animal creature is truly something special.

The satisfaction of "training" Trico is akin to getting a new dog or puppy to do a trick for the first time. Early in the game you get the ability to issue "commands" to Trico. They are basic and unidentified by the game. You can figure out they include jump, look, smash, etc. The first time you mount Trico and say "jump!" and he does, you will feel a rush of emotion as you can feel the bond between your characters forming. Or at least I did. Trico can't speak, and really neither can Boy since Trico can't understand him, but they don't need to. Trico doesn't call Boy and ask him if he wants to go look at some titties or tell him hoo-rah or say stay frosty, but the communication between these two is strong.

The game has a real Dark Souls vibe in terms of being able to "see" the upcoming game environments as you play earlier ones. For example, you can see the demo environment as you cross through the levels "underneath" it, which is a nice touch. The game itself has a real sense of place just like the two worlds Ueda and team built before this one. Logically things flow together and logistically you can believe that things connect to other things. Critically, puzzles are extremely organic and do not feel overwrought or "puzzley." They are satisfying and the game doles them out in well paced chunks. By the time you actually start really platforming through puzzle levels with Trico, you feel like you have earned it. And it really is fun to watch Trico jump from pillar to you hold your breath and hope he makes it OK.

Animal logic works with him. He's self sufficient mostly, so you shouldn't spend time trying to micromanage him. In fact, I was surprised often by how he was able to follow me through small areas and into places I thought I'd have to ride him or tell him how to maneuver through. Perhaps this is one area players will be frustrated by him. If you need his attention, food really works! In fact, food seems to be one of his utmost priorities at all times. There is one very neat puzzle where you need to get him to stop doing something and get him to do something else. Guess what works! Food.

I have not found it to be the case that I had to be in a particular spot or have Trico be in a particular spot in order to progress through a level. If you've explored a room entirely and get stuck, I have found that watching and listening to Trico usually gives it away. You can also mount him and give him commands to effectively steer him to where you need to go. I really haven't found him very frustrating.

Trico's tail magic reminds me a LOT of Yorda's lightning.

The subtitle font is absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful kerning. Bold. Clear. Huge.

Anyway I think I want to go play more.

Básicamente dice que tiene bajadas de fps y los controles son un poco meh, cosa totalmente normal en un juego de Ueda tho. Pero que el juego tiene algo especial como los anteriores y artísticamente es una pasada.

Se nos viene juegazo.

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Nah, dice que la cámara en ocasiones frustra un poco, pero que los controles son como en SotC, que tienen peso, vamos, cómo a mi me gusta en un juego de Ueda.


Me muero de ganas de ver qué reviews obtiene un juego como éste en pleno 2016, va a ser digno de ver.


Simon Parkin de The Guardian da a entender que para él es el juego del año:


But the standout game of 2016 will be The Last Guardian, a Japanese-made buddy game about a young boy and a hulking, dog-like creature who together must escape a tumbledown castle. In the pair’s movements the game has all the masterly animation of a Studio Ghibli film, but The Last Guardian’s true power comes from the way in which a story of trust, companionship and restoration (Trico, as the creature is called, has clearly suffered much abuse at the hands of his captors) is told not through cinematic scenes, but through the game’s tactile interactions. If ever there was a story to salve the wounds inflicted by this dark year, this is it.

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No estoy mentalmente preparado para que pase lo que todos sabemos tras XV.