Ultimate General: Gettysburg


Nuevo juego por parte de el creador de los mods Darthmod de Total War. Se ha retirado de la scene para centrarse en hacer sus propios videojuegos.

Promete IA avanzada, batallas realistas sin caer en el piedra-papel-tijera, gameplay complejo sin recurrir al micro-management y constantes updates basados en las peticiones de la comunidad. Según comenta por el momento están mapeando al milímetro toda la zona de Gettysburg aunque las batallas las limitarán a campos de 9km2.

Viniendo de quien viene, puede ser el GOTY de los juegos de estrategia sin despeinarse.

Battle Realism: Rock/Papers/Scissors-style simplistic gameplay is in my opinion an obsolete way to provide battle balance and does not resemble reality. Would Alexander the Great win his battles if these examples always happened: cavalry beats archers, spearmen beats cavalry, infantry beats spearmen (the usual simple approach of an RTS game)? In our game soldiers will react using realistic physics and many important tactical aspects so that the player will feel that he commands real troops and not lifeless robots. Our current graphics technology may prohibit us from creating the perfect looking game, but from the start we will offer common sense to strategy. Factors like Morale, Fatigue, Flanking, High Ground are essential to strategic thought and must be simulated as accurately as possible.

Deep gameplay with less complexity:
Striving too much for realism can make a game too complex, boring, difficult to handle and eventually a failure. On the other hand over simplicity and arcade gameplay is something I have never preferred as a gamer and I am certain many others feel the same, considering the success of smaller Indy games that outsell games with much bigger budgets. So in a few words I will try to make Ultimate General: Gettysburg as easy to handle as possible without many confusing buttons. You should not require a tutorial or a big manual to play the game but you will be able to understand progressively how the "inside" complex mechanics work. For example: terrain importance increasing unit's effectiveness or brigade's exhaustion making them rout more easily even when facing a smaller force.

Good AI:
A strategy that is easy to beat offers only few gameplay hours and can be really frustrating, if AI is a complete fool. Now, I have the chance to design an AI that can make a proper firing line, that can flank, that can understand where and when to attack… in real time. That may sound trivial, but I think you will agree that very few games can offer these features in a whole working set. Most RTS games make the AI tough by providing better fighting statistics per higher difficulty rate or hide its incompetence by speeding up everything so the player cannot catch up with all simultaneous actions. This is a cheap cheat! My goal is to make the AI effective and able to win you without these tricks. And from first looks it seems we have succeeded in that (we will be able to show it to you in the near future).

Connection with players:
It will be a game where strategy fans can participate very actively in its creation. As you did for DarthMod, providing valuable feedback, and requesting features, you can do it now again; using our forums where we will have active discussions with players, gather ideas and organize frequent gameplay tests. For me a game must have a strong “pre-connection” with all of its potential players during production, so that it gets as many features they want as possible.

Dynamic campaign:
You can fight the Battle of Gettysburg as a Union or Confederate general and attempt to rewrite history through a chain of historical and “what if” battle scenarios. Gettysburg Battle is divided into time parts and according to the outcome you progress to the next engagement with the enemy. Your performance in battles is crucial for your future missions. If for example you lose too many soldiers to capture Cemetery Hill on the 1st day you may trigger a speculative scenario battle which you will be unable to win. Those who remember old times favourite Sid Meier's Gettysburg will understand the above mentioned campaign logic.

Battlefield full of soldiers:
Each unit represents a brigade scaled to hundreds of men. Infantry, cavalry and artillery move in line or column formations, exchange gunfire or melee and generally fight realistically, resembling real troops of the American Civil War era that you observe from high altitude.

Intuitive and easy controls
: By creating movement paths with the mouse on your PC or by finger gesturing on your tablet, you can command your army with ease. Furthermore, there are only a few buttons to issue additional orders, because your units have a self-awareness system that makes them to react to threats without the need of micromanagement.

Realistic Morale and Fatigue:
Demoralised troops become irresponsive, devastating volleys cause havoc in your lines, flank attacks can rout your strongest units, tired troops fight less effectively and many more similar tactical aspects require your deep strategy planning.

Terrain Advantage:
High ground provides realistic bonuses such as increased weapon ranges, accuracy and morale bonuses. Capturing hills will be crucial especially for artillery, giving significant advantage to range and line of sight.

Challenging AI with no cheats:
Ultimate General will be one of the few games where AI will not use traditional game cheats or hidden tricks to fight player. The innovative Ultimate General AI, represented by AI characters such as "Careless", "Indecisive", “Defensive”, “Cautious”, “Cunning”, “Aggressive” or “Dynamic” will be sufficient enough to defeat you on medium or higher difficulty levels, if you are not careful enough.

Basically, that is all I could share with you right now. I would like very much to know your first opinions about Ultimate General: Gettysburg and be sure that your participation will help enormously to make it as great as you want. Our forum will open soon and there you will be able to provide your feedback and ideas maybe your historical research or you can participate in our first closed betas.



dios... que pintaza O_O


Mola. Aunque parece que solo van a ser batallas encadenadas no?


Por favor por favor que salga despues del verano por favorrrrrrrrr.

1 respuesta

Pero que pintaza!!!! Me gusta el tipo de juego y me encanta la epoca que trata la pega es que esa batalla solo son 3 dias estaria bien que le añada otras campañas

1 respuesta

Muy bonito la verdad, a ver que tal se juega.


muy buena pinta sip


#5 Gettysburg is just a first step. We are planning to evolve this product improving the gameplay, graphics and adding new features based on your feedback. In the future if this game is successful, we can explore other settings and time periods. Visit our forum to help us make the game that YOU want.

Tiene toda la pinta que van a tantear el terreno con éste, y si ven que tiene aceptación irán sacando.

Por ahora, sin haber visto mucho más, y con lo que comentan, ya me lo han vendido.


Mirando las fotos... ya que usa esos gráficos podría meter números más reales. Una de las gracias del Darthmod del Empire era que te hacía regimientos de verdad con 400 hombres lo que ya le da otro aspecto a las batallas.

Aunque igual son más o menos de ese tamaño las que aparecen..


#4 tranquilo para el verano que viene estara listo.


Otra cosa no se pero buena IA seguro que tiene esto. El tio era capaz de hacer malabares con una IA pesima de los TW y encima con un juego que estaba totalmente hardcoded.

A favoritos y +1 de esos.


El creador del Darthmod no era un griego al que iba a contratar Creative Assembly pero al final no se que pasó que no lo hicieron

1 respuesta

#12 Que es un flipado. Además les hace siempre el trabajo gratis. Iba a escribirlo yo pero esto lo explica muy bien.

I would hold off the wild praise for Darth… his mods for the Total War series have always primarily been taking other peoples work and combining them into a larger mod pack with his own small tweaks.

Something that has caused a number of bust ups between him and the community as well as the developers over the years as he has consistently felt entitled to a job at Creative Assembly based on the success of his mods, and his tendency to spit the dummy out when CA snub him.

For instance when CA hosted a mod summit before Rome 2 was announced they invited a bunch of mod makers from the TW franchise, particularly people who had developed tools and methods of modding the game in ways that CA had not anticipated would be possible. Darth never got an invite because he did not meet those criteria and he had a strop on the forums before announcing he was never making another mod for the series again.

So in short… take his association with this title and its subsequent implied pedigree as a result with a pinch of salt.


Llevo unos días jugando al Airland Battle por tu culpa #1, y que juegazo. Ahora, con romII a la vista, me sales con otro mas.

Tiene muuuuy buena pinta.


Mola, espero que salga pronto.

13 días después

Noticias nuevas en la web de esta gente :


2 meses después

Se sabe algo de la fecha de salida?

2 respuestas

#17 +1

Alguien sabe algo?

1 respuesta
8 meses después

#17 #18

Juego disponible en alpha desde ayer mismo por un precio bastante bajo 7.5€.


1 respuesta

Alguien lo ha probado?

1 respuesta


ME acababa de pillar el Banished. Por qué me haces esto.


Antes de acabar la semana seguramente lo haya comprado. Paso de comprarlo hoy que quiero hacer un trabajo pero ganas no me faltan. Ya os contaré.

El juego no pinta nada mal para ser alpha-


Pintaza, vi imágenes hace tiempo y estaba esperando a ver si salía algo más. El estilo gráfico me parece muy original y acertado, la verdad. A ver si alguno de por aquí lo pilla y nos cuenta sus impresiones.


Joer, tiene mucha mejor pinta de la que esperaba. Una pena que esté ambientado en la Guerra Civil Estaodounidense. ¿Alguien sabe de algún otro juego de este estilo?

2 respuestas

#23 El Cossacks II quizá. O ya puestos el Empire Total War con mods.

1 respuesta

#24 Mmm gracias. Los total war ya los tengo muy vistos, pero al Cossacks igual le doy un tiento, no lo conocía.

1 respuesta

hay una cosa que no entiendo, disparan mas que en una pelicula del oeste, y veo luego que hay poquisimas bajas, alguien que me lo explique? lo mismo es que me estoy perdiendo algun detalle...

3 respuestas

#26 No es así como funcionan los americanos?



El Rise of Nation no tiene esas formaciones pero... No sé. Rise of Nations?


Si Condition es la vida puede que sea simplemente que aunque tú veas un número determinado de soldados en el pelotón, el pelotón realmente no está 1:1 con el número de soldados, y en su lugar, irá disminuyendo de acuerdo con la vida de manera escalonada y no progresiva. Esto es condition 100% a 80% el mismo script. Etc

Y también que en esa época las balas fallan que dan agusto. Has jugado al M&M con el mod de las guerras napoleónicas? Horrores.


#23 El Cossacks es el más parecido que puedes encontrarte.


Me lo voy a pillar sí o sí

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