#481 Como te veo un poco confundido, aquí tienes la explicación de cómo SÍ stackean los lootframes (sacado de las notas del parche del día 2 de Octubre):
Warframe Loot Abilities will again be able to yield multiple-drops from already looted corpses. A single enemy can be looted by at most one Ability from each group - which is how it worked before, this just clarifies it. Warframe Looting Abilities have been split into separate functionality groups for clarity:
Loot while alive: Ivara
Loot petrified: Atlas
Loot on death*: Wukong, Khora, Hydroid. An enemy can only be killed once, they can’t ‘die’ multiple times.
Loot corpse: Nekros, Chesa
On death means that you can shoot the enemy while its being gripped by strangledome or tentacles etc, and it will be considered on death as long as the death occurs while its under effects of the ability. The ability itself doesnt need to kill.
Así que para farmear (yo grindear se lo llamo a ganar XP, no loot) Nekros+Khora, + dos frames que ayuden a matar rápido, o un Atlas con el aumento, idealmente troceando los cadáveres con daño cortante.Si crees que matas tan rápido que con un solo Nekros con Natural Talent no das abasto, puedes añadir un segundo.