Eso lo dices justo antes de que Effort pierda 2-0 y con ello tu credibilidad baje por debajo de la de Rajoy en los mercados.
no era un allin, estaba a 3 bases, ha sido efectivo porque drg ha sido greedy as fuck y ha dejado la mitad de su army petándole la third a effort, en cuyo punto se ha suicidado.
#497 dont worry dongbro, renacerá, mkp también estuvo en un slump en 2011 y a principios de 2012 gano dos MLG seguidas.
o eso o seguirá el camino de alcoholismo y leage of legends de drugdealer
#503 pírate de aquí y vete a comer koalas, follarte canguros y acariciar tiburones
this is for sad people who cant into travel
based fagshadow
On August 14 2012 20:13 lastshadow wrote:
lol all of you flaming/judging the kespa players are posting so ignorantly and foolishly. The gsl players are afraid of the kespa players, and kespa rapes them faceless in practice, none of you have any idea what you talk about when you critique their play. You think because they lose meaningless bo3's in a WCS a few times that they're somehow bad? This is also the logic where people exalt foreigners that can take a bo3 off a korean. it's meaningless, and again, in practice kespa > gsl.