Actualización de Mitad de Temporada 2017


Tras muchos avances y pequeñas noticias sobre diferentes partes de esta mega actualización de mitad de temporada, Riot ha publicado ya un sitio con toda la información:

Hemos llegado al punto medio de la temporada 2017. Ahora es el momento de echar un vistazo a los últimos seis meses de League of Legends y sentar las bases de lo que se avecina.


En la pretemporada nos propusimos modificar a los asesinos para que fuera más justo enfrentarse a ellos, por lo que cambiamos parte de su daño explosivo por habilidades, como movilidad y selección de objetivo. Rengar y LeBlanc suponen un desafío especial en el que aún estamos trabajando, pero para la mayoría de los campeones, el impacto a mediados y al final de la partida ya no se determina solo por unos cuantos asesinatos (o muertes) al principio. Con respecto a los objetos, algunos de los cambios que realizamos en la letalidad han sido más flojos de lo que esperábamos, pero cuando añadimos las mejoras a los objetos de letalidad, los usuarios dominaban el metajuego. Desde entonces, hemos encontrado un punto medio razonable.

Por otra parte, tenemos la jungla. Actualizamos Aplastar y los campamentos de monstros para que los junglas pudiesen elegir un orden para despejarlos que coincidiese con su estilo de juego (por ejemplo, objetivo único contra daño de área). Esto otorgó al rol de jungla demasiada influencia al principio de la partida. No obstante, hemos vuelto a cuadrar esos ajustes y estamos contentos con los resultados. La pretemporada también introdujo plantas a la jungla, y tras algunas mejoras rápidas de uso, se han convertido en un elemento habitual del estilo de juego de la Grieta del Invocador. Con un pequeño ajuste al tiempo de reaparición del fruto de miel, las plantas ofrecen momentos dinámicos en la jungla sin torcer demasiado las partidas.

Aparte de la pretemporada, la plantilla de LoL tiene algunas caras nuevas y otras actualizadas. Se ha renovado a Warwick y a Galio, Camille ha llegado a la Grieta y Xayah y Rakan conformarán el primer lanzamiento de dos campeones al mismo tiempo. También hemos lanzado actualizaciones pequeñas de habilidades para Alistar, Shyvana, Aatrox y Cho'Gath, con lo que creamos experiencias más fluidas y un estilo de juego más sólido.

Último tema: tiradores. Como los junglas, asesinos y tanques (Coraje del coloso) han entrado en acción, los tiradores se han enfrentado al metajuego más duro que habían tenido en mucho tiempo. Hemos abordado estos factores de forma individual: redujimos la presión inicial de la jungla, controlamos a los asesinos y la letalidad y limitamos el enfoque del Coraje del coloso. Le añadimos algunas mejoras concretas, como la actualización de Sed de sangre del Señor de la Guerra, y por fin hemos resurgido.

La primera mitad del 2017 ya ha quedado atrás, ¿qué nos espera esta mitad de la temporada?


Sejuani, Zac y Maokai van a tener nuevas habilidades que dominar. Esto les otorgará identidades únicas entre los campeones que inician los combates de equipo.


Sejuani se convierte en toda una líder de guerra bárbara. En cuanto la Cólera del Invierno se abalanza a la batalla, los golpes helados de su banda de guerreros dejan a los enemigos vulnerables a la inmovilización de Congelación permanente.


Pasiva - Escarcha: Tras no recibir daño durante un breve periodo de tiempo, Sejuani se vuelve inmune a ralentizaciones y obtiene resistencias adicionales. Escarcha dura brevemente tras recibir daño. Escarcha se actualiza más rápido con el movimiento de Sejuani.

Q - Asalto ártico: Sejuani carga hacia delante, inflige daño y lanza por los aires a los enemigos a su paso. La carga se detiene en el primer campeón enemigo o monstruo gigante golpeado.

W - Cólera del invierno: Sejuani blande su maza delante de ella y después golpea en una línea. Ambos movimientos infligen daño y aplican Escarcha.

E - Congelación permanente: Pasiva: los ataques básicos de Sejuani aplican Escarcha a los campeones y a los monstruos gigantes. Los campeones cuerpo a cuerpo aliados que estén cerca también obtienen este efecto. Escarcha se acumula hasta cuatro veces.
Activa: Sejuani inflige daño, aturde y congela al enemigo objetivo cuando alcanza el máximo de acumulaciones de Escarcha. El primer ataque o la primera habilidad de Sejuani contra un enemigo congelado inflige una parte de su vida máxima como daño.

R - Prisión Glacial: Sejuani lanza su boleadora de hielo verdadero que inflige daño, aturde y congela al primer campeón que golpea según la distancia recorrida. Las boleadoras de largo alcance dejan a su paso una tormenta de hielo que ralentiza a los enemigos, la cual explota tras un breve retardo para infligir daño y ralentizar muchísimo a los enemigos, salvo al objetivo original.


El hombre materia es más material que nunca. Manos locas agarra a los enemigos y los pega, mientras que ¡Rebotemos! hace que los enemigos acompañen a Zac en un viaje alocado.


**Pasiva - División celular: ** Cada vez que las habilidades de Zac golpean a un enemigo, él desprende un trozo de materia que puede reabsorber para recuperar vida.
Al recibir daño letal, Zac se divide en cuatro células que intentan recombinarse. Tras un breve retardo, Zac revive con una cantidad de vida que depende de la vida de las células supervivientes.

Q - Manos locas: El brazo de Zac se estira y agarra al primer enemigo al que golpea, de forma que le inflige daño y lo ralentiza. El siguiente ataque básico de Zac obtiene alcance adicional y, si ataca a un enemigo diferente, lanzará a cada objetivo hacia el otro, lo que inflige daño en una zona si chocan.

**W - Materia inestalbe: ** El cuerpo de Zac entra en erupción e inflige daño a los enemigos cercanos. Absorber materia reduce el enfriamiento de Materia inestable.

E - Honda elástica: Zac carga y se lanza hacia una ubicación objetivo, de forma que lanza por los aires a los enemigos cercanos. Zac genera trozos adicionales de materia por cada campeón golpeado.

R - Rebotemos!: Zac se reduce hasta convertirse en un charco y carga, lo que lo hace inmune al control de adversario y ralentiza a los enemigos que tenga encima.
Volver a activar ¡Rebotemos! sin cargarlo totalmente hace que Zac recupere la forma y empuje a los enemigos cercanos.
Si Zac lo carga durante al menos un segundo, absorbe a los enemigos que tenga encima y los lleva hacia la ubicación objetivo, de forma que inflige daño a los enemigos en la zona al llegar.


Maokai vuelve a sus raíces como espíritu vengador de la naturaleza. Ahora invoca un muro gigante de raíces para atrapar a sus enemigos.


**Pasiva - Absorción de magia: **Los ataques básicos de Maokai lo curan periódicamente. El enfriamiento de Absorción de magia se reduce por cada hechizo que lance o reciba Maokai.

**Q - Zarzal opresor: ** Maokai aplasta el puño contra el suelo, lo que empuja a los enemigos cercanos, ralentiza a los que tiene delante e inflige daño a todos los afectados.

**W - Avance retorcido: ** Maokai se transforma en una masa móvil de raíces que se desplaza hasta el objetivo y lo inmoviliza.

**E - Lanzamiento de pimpollo: **Maokai lanza un pimpollo para que vigile una zona. Los pimpollos persiguen a los enemigos cercanos, explotan si los tocan y ralentizan a todos los enemigos a su alrededor. Los pimpollos colocados en la maleza duran más e infligen daño adicional prolongado.

**R - Garras de la naturaleza: **Maokai invoca un muro de zarzas y pinchos enorme que avanza hacia delante e inmoviliza a los enemigos que atrape. La duración de la inmovilización aumenta cuanta más distancia recorra el muro.


Estamos abriendo algunas vacantes nuevas en la serie de objetos de defensa con dos añadidos nuevos:

Y en un apartado menos llamativo, también vamos a ajustar algunos de los objetos de aguante existentes. Varios intercambiarán un poco de vida por resistencias adicionales, mientras que otros verán mejoras a sus efectos únicos. ¡Toda la información estará en las notas de la versión!


También queremos asegurarnos de que la gente que no juegue tanque tenga opciones defensivas sólidas. Varios objetos tienen pasivas que los campeones de daño querrían tener, por lo que estamos ajustando las vías de progresión y las estadísticas para que sean más consecuentes con lo que necesitan para hacer su trabajo. Para daros una idea de a lo que nos referimos, os presentamos al nuevo Ángel de la guarda.


Hacer lo mejor para vuestro equipo significa a menudo sacrificar la gloria persona, sobre todo si no sois un campeón de daño. Vamos a añadir nuevas recompensas para los apoyos que han dominado los estilos de juego de su calle y a incrementar el reconocimiento que obtiene cualquier campeón que no sea carry por las jugadas que ayudan a conducir a su equipo a la victoria.


Ahora, Moneda antigua, Escudo reliquia y Daga de hechicero tienen misiones. Al usar la pasiva de vuestro objeto de forma apropiada (Favor, Botín de guerra y Tributo), esta evolucionará, por lo que ganará un nuevo y poderoso efecto.


El punto fuerte de League of Legends no es reconocer los logros que no involucren matar a gente. Por ello, los campeones que no sean carries lo tienen difícil para obtener el reconocimiento que merecen. Vamos a darle a estos grupos mejores formas de realizar un seguimiento y de celebrar sus éxitos.


Vamos a añadir nuevas estadísticas a la pantalla de final de partida, con lo que otorgaremos a los apoyos, a los campeones que avanzan en solitario y a los tanques nuevas formas de medir sus contribuciones al equipo.

  • Daño mitigado en uno mismo
  • Daño a torretas
  • Puntuación de visión
  • Puntuación de control de adversario

Con el tiempo habrá más estadísticas, como curación al equipo, escudos al equipo y muertes evitadas.


Las barras de vida y los anuncios de los asesinatos hacen que sea más fácil tener un seguimiento del impacto de vuestro daño en tiempo real. Vamos a crear una claridad similar para los hechizos de invocador, los objetos y el control de adversario, por lo que estas jugadas quedarán más destacadas con unas partículas más claras.

  • Además de los iconos actualizados, los efectos de control de adversario ahora aparecen encima de las barras de vida del campeón.
  • Nuevas atribuciones visuales establecen una relación de los campeones que tienen algunos hechizos de invocador y objetos con los objetivos que se ven afectados por ellos.
  • Los aspectos visuales de las muertes ahora tienen el color del equipo, por lo que es más fácil seguir el contador de muertes mientras se desarrolla la batalla.


Algunos objetos ya realizan un seguimiento de lo bien que habéis estado usando sus efectos, como el daño total bloqueado de Medallón de los Solari de Hierro. Vamos a añadir esa función a otros objetos para que los jugadores puedan ver el impacto de sus compras. Los objetos activos también van a recibir un nuevo borde brillante en la IU para que os ayude a recordar que tenéis que usarlos más a menudo.


Ahora, cuando se derrota al Heraldo de la Grieta, este suelta el objeto Ojo del Heraldo. Usadlo antes de que se acabe para invocar de nuevo al Heraldo como máquina de asedio que destruye estructuras.

Como aliado, el Heraldo de la Grieta avanzará por la calle más cercana, por lo que reducirá a escombros las estructuras enemigas si no lo detienen. Luchar contra ella en la calle es parecido a luchar contra ella en el foso, atacadle en el ojo para enviarla llorando de vuelta al Vacío.


Aunque tenemos mucho de lo que discutir sobre la mitad de la temporada, queríamos pararnos un momento a hablar sobre tres de los proyectos que llegarán conforme continúe 2017.


Actualmente estamos trabajando en una gran mejora del sistema de honor, la cual llegará más avanzado el año.

El sistema de honor actual no ratifica lo valioso que es el trabajo en equipo. El nuevo sistema está diseñado para estar mucho más integrado con la experiencia de juego. Contará con mejores incentivos y recompensas para los jugadores que han sido honorables de forma constante.


Cuando el formato de 10 bloqueos llegue a las partidas normales, tendrá un aspecto diferente a lo que habéis estado viendo en el panorama profesional. Existen algunas diferencias fundamentales a cómo se usan los bloqueos en ambos escenarios, así que vamos a adaptar el sistema en función de las necesidades de las partidas emparejadas.

En el sistema de juego regular, queremos asegurarnos de que todos los jugadores tengan la misma representación (todos pueden bloquear) y que a la vez la selección de campeón siga siendo justa (en la que no importe el orden de elección). Si es posible, también reduciremos la duración general de la selección de campeón. Tendréis más información poco después de la mitad de la temporada.

Cuando se introduzcan los 10 bloqueos, deberéis tener 20 campeones o más para jugar clasificatorias (en lugar de 16). Tendremos un fin de semana de mejora de PI muy pronto para daros la oportunidad de compensar esa diferencia.


Jugar a League of Legends con amigos en partidas normales o en clasificatoria flexible es una cosa, pero pensamos que existe una oportunidad para añadir nuevas experiencias competitivas a LoL, una diferente de la antigua cola de equipos de clasificatorias. Queremos que los equipos organizados compitan por recompensas, pero que también incluya y atraiga a jugadores de todos los niveles.

Pensad en algo parecido a formar un equipo con vuestros amigos y participar en un torneo de aficionados juntos, ¡donde el riesgo, la intensidad y las recompensas aumentan! Aún estamos trabajando en esto, así que estad atentos.

Añado comentarios de Rioters en los Boards del PBE a continuación:

Support item changes

Hey, Guys!
Limely and Riot Colin here to talk about the recent changes we’ve made to the Support starting items: adding Quests and Rewards, and reworking the Ancient Coin line.

TL;DR - We want the Support player’s laning actions to be more interactive, meaningful, and drive towards a feeling of progressing through the game without simply piling on more gold, as it’s very easy to do more harm than good that way. There is still a lot more to do for Supports to catch them up to the other positions; adding quests and their rewards is just one of several steps towards improving the Support experience.

Problem Statement / Solution Space
Supports tend to lack meaningful points of comparison - they can’t compare scores like CS, and let’s be honest - “Wards Placed” is not necessarily indicative of good vision play. :P It’s even harder to compare performance when a subset of Support champions are played with an item that allows them to opt out of interacting with the lane if they so choose.

To combat this we have added milestone quests to the starting gold items to allow the player to measure their success during the laning phase, with an impactful reward on hitting a goal - if you can get your reward before your opponent, how will you use that advantage?

We’ve also made changes to the Ancient Coin passive in order to enable meaningful quest progression and encourage lane interaction. Our goal here is to add a pattern that allows opportunities for a higher payout, at a higher risk.

Quest Details
Once you have earned a certain amount of gold with your choice of starting item, the item’s quest is replaced with a unique passive.

Ancient Coin line: Gain an elixir that instantly grants a skill point when consumed. Takedowns on enemy champions spawn gold and mana coins.
You still have a max of 18 skill points per game - you’ll finish leveling your abilities at level 17
If your inventory is full, the elixir is automatically consumed (and you can choose a skill)

Relic Shield line: Gain a shield that regenerates out of combat. Executing minions accelerates the regeneration.

Spellthief’s Edge line: Tribute procs grant a short burst of movement speed.

Ancient Coin Line Rework
The old Ancient Coin passive created very stagnant gameplay, and limited our ability to tune its primary users as well as the player’s ability to excel in lane. Whether you were losing or winning lane, there was very little to no impact on your gold income.

Here’s how we’re changing that:
When minions die near the player (but not due to the player), they sometimes drop a gold or mana coin for the player to pick up
Not Yet Implemented for PBE: Cannon minions always drop coins for a little more reliability
Mana coins restore % missing mana with a flat floor of mana restored
Ancient Coin items now have base ambient gold in line with the other two starting items

There are still some clarity issues around having two Coin players in the game, as well as balance on the risk vs. reward of grabbing those coins, so we would love your feedback to help us fine tune the experience.

We understand that giving the Support starting items special power upon quest completion has the risk of making them more appealing to non-support players. We want to avoid poaching on these items - we want the rewards to be impactful, but if it becomes ideal to buy an item whose mini-game you don’t actually plan on actively participating in just to get the reward late game at minimal investment, it cheapens the experience for those who are opting into the gameplay. To limit the item to those who are interested in investing in the item for the item’s sake, the quest cannot be completed unless you have at least the second tier of the item (Nomad’s Medallion, Targon’s Brace, or Frostfang).

Additionally, we changed the timing of spending charges on the Spellthief’s Edge line:

The cooldown on spending charges after a minion kill has been decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, but this is now per minion kill. This means if you are Sona and your Q accidentally takes a minion you are punished less, but if you clear a whole wave, don’t expect to be using any of your charges any time soon. :P

Frost Queen’s Claim and Eye of the Watcher are unchanged as the restriction is lifted.

There is now a delay after a Tribute charge is spent before the same spell can spend another. This means that abilities such as Morgana’s W and Miss Fortune’s E don’t 100% guarantee three stacks of damage/gold if your opponent moves out of the spell area.

We know there are still a lot of improvements we could make to the Support position to make it more compelling and balanced with the other positions. There are some pain points that haven’t been addressed with these changes, but we plan to continue working on ways to give Supports more control over their own destinies. :3

Please let us know what you think! We’ll be around to answer questions for a bit.

Supporting Supports,
Limely & Riot Colin


Hi all,

In the SUPER near future we’ll be releasing an updated version of the Rift Herald to PBE. For the last year and a half she has been relegated to an afterthought in terms of objective importance. Her reward, while powerful and purposefully niche, didn’t encourage many teams to opt into the high risk of combating her.

In revisiting the Rift Herald, we reaffirmed that there is value in having an objective on the top side of the map that is worth pursuing for players. We want the individuals and teams who devote their resources to capture her to feel well rewarded and empowered to take further action. In short, we want the Rift Herald to be an objective worth considering in the average game, and we want the slaying of this epic monster to have an epic feeling reward.

I’ll get more tactical as to what we’re actually doing but will first throw out the usual caveat that much of this is subject to change and we’ll be closely monitoring PBE and player feedback. We’re treading in somewhat unknown waters, so we expect that even after launch, there will be substantial tuning and potentially large transitions to make. Now, to what’s changing:

It’s long been a goal to update Rift Herald’s visuals and polish her sounds so she feels like a natural inhabitant of the Summoner’s Rift (void corruption notwithstanding). The most immediately noticeable and probably most important change to the Rift Herald this midseason is her substantial makeover.

Still photographs hardly do the new version justice. She also has a set of brand new animations, particles, and sound effects as well. Check her out on the Rift to see her full new ensemble.

The Encounter
The Rift Herald on Live we’ve grown to know and love had some challenges with the encounter:

It’s super punishing. If you opt into the fight at a bad time, or alone, you’re probably going to die.
There are significant restrictions: outside very rare exceptions, you needed two people to beat the encounter.
Learnability of some of the mechanics wasn’t incredibly high. Eye-hitting was only discoverable with multiple people, and though we encouraged swapping aggro her leashing was pretty punishing.
We approached these issues with some hesitance. Can we support a Herald who doesn’t chunk you down really fast? Can she be soloable? To increase the potential she’ll be viewed as a real objective, we’re answering in the affirmative to both of those questions.

While duoing her should still be the best plan of action for ease and speed, lone champions will now have the opportunity to kill her. Her attacks are more plodding, giving a solo artist the capability to sneak around her and land attacks on her achilles heel (or eye). She doesn’t punish players quite as much if they start opportunistic attempts at her. Generally, if you die from the encounter now it will be due to the enemy team swooping in. We’ve also made her quite a bit more patient with enemy aggro swapping, so she won’t leash outside exceptionally gamey circumstances.

We also wanted to play up her epicness: Dragons, Baron, and even Scuttle Crab have some variation to their combat pattern outside of throwing autoattacks and running away. We wanted to infuse her with a little more spirit and life. She’ll now charge at the first enemy who angers her, significantly damaging and knocking away anyone who dares get in her way. At certain health thresholds she’ll also get enraged and launch a larger conal swipe attack. Both additional attacks are threatening, avoidable, and should help opponents discover the effectiveness of bopping her in the eye.

The Reward
Anyone on the team who slays the Herald can collect the Eye of the Herald when she is captured. This item will allow the champion to summon her within a short timeframe to have the Herald do their team’s bidding. While the summoning ceremony takes time, the results of a good use are devastating.

She hates turrets. No one knows why. There are stories (that I just made up) that the turrets on the Rift memorialize the visage of the Herald’s enemies from the Void. Perhaps they just look like tasty treats, a nice fit for her high sodium diet. Regardless of why, once she’s set to do a team’s bidding, she’ll barrel down a lane, knocking aside enemy minions and charging at turrets as soon as she gets in range. That’s where the real fun and destruction begins.

While Herald can do decently pushing on her own, she is even more susceptible than she was in the pit. Hits to her eye do more damage, she can be stunned, and she’s generally not as tanky. If she is not protected by a squad of champions, the enemy will likely make quick work of her. But a team that picks their timing carefully and is dedicated to protecting the Herald could siege down multiple turrets. Importantly, the Herald mercenary does damage based on her current health. The more damage enemies do to her, the less she’ll do in return to enemy turrets.

In Closing
The version that first hits PBE will not be set in stone. We’ll be polishing her up over the course of the next few weeks and paying attention to any negative fallout that might happen. We do believe that this new reward will generate interesting gameplay and we are devoted to making sure it feels like an appropriate and epic reward. Let us know what you think!

Utility Contribution

Hey all!

In the Intro to Midseason we talked about highlighting the contribution of non-carry roles in League. This is the first step of many towards this goal, and it’s aimed at making supports and tankier champions feel more rewarded and recognized for their actions. It also comes with the added benefit of improving tactical clarity for both players and viewers.

In this thread, we are looking for your feedback (as well as any bugs you may find) on these features and your thoughts on future additions, especially with regards to tracking additional stats.

Crowd Control Name Display:
By giving CC states a more in-your-face treatment, we hope that players and viewers will be better able to track the flow of a fight and help teammates figure out when to follow up or turn tail. While CC is already appreciated when noticed, this new display works to improve that feedback loop so everyone can bask in the light of a 5 man Leona ult.

The system follows a strict prioritization to deal with situations where multiple CC types are applied to a champion - after all, if you’re airborne or suppressed, being blinded as well is the least of your problems.

As with many features of this kind, we found some inconsistencies as we worked on this, and while we hit most of them, there may be a few that still look a little off. Please keep an eye out for them, and let us know any you encounter.

End of Game Stats:
We’re getting more relevant stats onto the End of Game screen! Again, this is only our first offering - expect more in the future.

Crowd Control Score, a sum of all the CC effects applied to champions during the game - hard cc is weighted higher than soft cc.
Vision Score, a calculation of contributed vision over the course of the game - further details to come.
Damage Dealt to Structures, the amount of damage dealt to towers/inhibitors/nexus.
Damage Mitigated on Self, the amount of damage a champion reduced or blocked, through abilities or shields
Please note that these stats are still in process of being implemented, as will have more updates as the PBE cycle continues.

Better Item Feedback:
Have you ever found yourself wishing how much damage you’ve blocked with your Locket? This change will add more of these stats onto active items, so you can better evaluate how well you’re using them.

Please note this feature will not be showing on PBE for a couple of days, as we put in the remaining work to get it ready.

Spell Attribution:
Have you ever been drive-by ignited, or you think you heard your lane opponent pop heal, but you’re not sure? We’re adding a new VFX trail from caster to target on most summoner spells and active items to make those moments clearer. There’s a visual for both enemies and allies, so it should be easier to discern who cast what in a skirmish.

Death VFX:

Our old death VFX (for those who noticed it), was slow and subtle. We are updating the effect for both enemies and allies to be snappy and more noticeable so the flow of a fight is more clearly communicated.

Active Item HUD:
Active items often contain a lot of power and gold-efficiency of an item, which is great when you remember to cast it, and awful when you don’t. This change adds a thicker and more prominent border to our major activatables, separate from consumables and trinkets.


Me gustan todos los cambios que van a hacer. El nuevo heraldo me parece mucho más útil que el antiguo y a ver si consiguen equilibrar a esa aberración inmatable llamada Maokai.

1 respuesta

Se viene irelia con el nuevo GA

#2 la cosa es que el roll de maokai es ser immatable, lo suyo seria que hiciera apenas daño

1 respuesta

Lo del heraldo a ver que tiene que estar gracioso que te lo ponga un trynda en la cara y bye ini


Ay pero que pereza de parcheeeee


Añado algunas notas que han comentado Rioters en los boards del PBE al #1 sobre varios temas, en inglés están:

Support item changes

Hey, Guys!
Limely and Riot Colin here to talk about the recent changes we’ve made to the Support starting items: adding Quests and Rewards, and reworking the Ancient Coin line.

TL;DR - We want the Support player’s laning actions to be more interactive, meaningful, and drive towards a feeling of progressing through the game without simply piling on more gold, as it’s very easy to do more harm than good that way. There is still a lot more to do for Supports to catch them up to the other positions; adding quests and their rewards is just one of several steps towards improving the Support experience.

Problem Statement / Solution Space
Supports tend to lack meaningful points of comparison - they can’t compare scores like CS, and let’s be honest - “Wards Placed” is not necessarily indicative of good vision play. :P It’s even harder to compare performance when a subset of Support champions are played with an item that allows them to opt out of interacting with the lane if they so choose.

To combat this we have added milestone quests to the starting gold items to allow the player to measure their success during the laning phase, with an impactful reward on hitting a goal - if you can get your reward before your opponent, how will you use that advantage?

We’ve also made changes to the Ancient Coin passive in order to enable meaningful quest progression and encourage lane interaction. Our goal here is to add a pattern that allows opportunities for a higher payout, at a higher risk.

Quest Details
Once you have earned a certain amount of gold with your choice of starting item, the item’s quest is replaced with a unique passive.

Ancient Coin line: Gain an elixir that instantly grants a skill point when consumed. Takedowns on enemy champions spawn gold and mana coins.
You still have a max of 18 skill points per game - you’ll finish leveling your abilities at level 17
If your inventory is full, the elixir is automatically consumed (and you can choose a skill)

Relic Shield line: Gain a shield that regenerates out of combat. Executing minions accelerates the regeneration.

Spellthief’s Edge line: Tribute procs grant a short burst of movement speed.

Ancient Coin Line Rework
The old Ancient Coin passive created very stagnant gameplay, and limited our ability to tune its primary users as well as the player’s ability to excel in lane. Whether you were losing or winning lane, there was very little to no impact on your gold income.

Here’s how we’re changing that:
When minions die near the player (but not due to the player), they sometimes drop a gold or mana coin for the player to pick up
Not Yet Implemented for PBE: Cannon minions always drop coins for a little more reliability
Mana coins restore % missing mana with a flat floor of mana restored
Ancient Coin items now have base ambient gold in line with the other two starting items

There are still some clarity issues around having two Coin players in the game, as well as balance on the risk vs. reward of grabbing those coins, so we would love your feedback to help us fine tune the experience.

We understand that giving the Support starting items special power upon quest completion has the risk of making them more appealing to non-support players. We want to avoid poaching on these items - we want the rewards to be impactful, but if it becomes ideal to buy an item whose mini-game you don’t actually plan on actively participating in just to get the reward late game at minimal investment, it cheapens the experience for those who are opting into the gameplay. To limit the item to those who are interested in investing in the item for the item’s sake, the quest cannot be completed unless you have at least the second tier of the item (Nomad’s Medallion, Targon’s Brace, or Frostfang).

Additionally, we changed the timing of spending charges on the Spellthief’s Edge line:

The cooldown on spending charges after a minion kill has been decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, but this is now per minion kill. This means if you are Sona and your Q accidentally takes a minion you are punished less, but if you clear a whole wave, don’t expect to be using any of your charges any time soon. :P

Frost Queen’s Claim and Eye of the Watcher are unchanged as the restriction is lifted.

There is now a delay after a Tribute charge is spent before the same spell can spend another. This means that abilities such as Morgana’s W and Miss Fortune’s E don’t 100% guarantee three stacks of damage/gold if your opponent moves out of the spell area.

We know there are still a lot of improvements we could make to the Support position to make it more compelling and balanced with the other positions. There are some pain points that haven’t been addressed with these changes, but we plan to continue working on ways to give Supports more control over their own destinies. :3

Please let us know what you think! We’ll be around to answer questions for a bit.

Supporting Supports,
Limely & Riot Colin


Hi all,

In the SUPER near future we’ll be releasing an updated version of the Rift Herald to PBE. For the last year and a half she has been relegated to an afterthought in terms of objective importance. Her reward, while powerful and purposefully niche, didn’t encourage many teams to opt into the high risk of combating her.

In revisiting the Rift Herald, we reaffirmed that there is value in having an objective on the top side of the map that is worth pursuing for players. We want the individuals and teams who devote their resources to capture her to feel well rewarded and empowered to take further action. In short, we want the Rift Herald to be an objective worth considering in the average game, and we want the slaying of this epic monster to have an epic feeling reward.

I’ll get more tactical as to what we’re actually doing but will first throw out the usual caveat that much of this is subject to change and we’ll be closely monitoring PBE and player feedback. We’re treading in somewhat unknown waters, so we expect that even after launch, there will be substantial tuning and potentially large transitions to make. Now, to what’s changing:

It’s long been a goal to update Rift Herald’s visuals and polish her sounds so she feels like a natural inhabitant of the Summoner’s Rift (void corruption notwithstanding). The most immediately noticeable and probably most important change to the Rift Herald this midseason is her substantial makeover.

Still photographs hardly do the new version justice. She also has a set of brand new animations, particles, and sound effects as well. Check her out on the Rift to see her full new ensemble.

The Encounter
The Rift Herald on Live we’ve grown to know and love had some challenges with the encounter:

It’s super punishing. If you opt into the fight at a bad time, or alone, you’re probably going to die.
There are significant restrictions: outside very rare exceptions, you needed two people to beat the encounter.
Learnability of some of the mechanics wasn’t incredibly high. Eye-hitting was only discoverable with multiple people, and though we encouraged swapping aggro her leashing was pretty punishing.
We approached these issues with some hesitance. Can we support a Herald who doesn’t chunk you down really fast? Can she be soloable? To increase the potential she’ll be viewed as a real objective, we’re answering in the affirmative to both of those questions.

While duoing her should still be the best plan of action for ease and speed, lone champions will now have the opportunity to kill her. Her attacks are more plodding, giving a solo artist the capability to sneak around her and land attacks on her achilles heel (or eye). She doesn’t punish players quite as much if they start opportunistic attempts at her. Generally, if you die from the encounter now it will be due to the enemy team swooping in. We’ve also made her quite a bit more patient with enemy aggro swapping, so she won’t leash outside exceptionally gamey circumstances.

We also wanted to play up her epicness: Dragons, Baron, and even Scuttle Crab have some variation to their combat pattern outside of throwing autoattacks and running away. We wanted to infuse her with a little more spirit and life. She’ll now charge at the first enemy who angers her, significantly damaging and knocking away anyone who dares get in her way. At certain health thresholds she’ll also get enraged and launch a larger conal swipe attack. Both additional attacks are threatening, avoidable, and should help opponents discover the effectiveness of bopping her in the eye.

The Reward
Anyone on the team who slays the Herald can collect the Eye of the Herald when she is captured. This item will allow the champion to summon her within a short timeframe to have the Herald do their team’s bidding. While the summoning ceremony takes time, the results of a good use are devastating.

She hates turrets. No one knows why. There are stories (that I just made up) that the turrets on the Rift memorialize the visage of the Herald’s enemies from the Void. Perhaps they just look like tasty treats, a nice fit for her high sodium diet. Regardless of why, once she’s set to do a team’s bidding, she’ll barrel down a lane, knocking aside enemy minions and charging at turrets as soon as she gets in range. That’s where the real fun and destruction begins.

While Herald can do decently pushing on her own, she is even more susceptible than she was in the pit. Hits to her eye do more damage, she can be stunned, and she’s generally not as tanky. If she is not protected by a squad of champions, the enemy will likely make quick work of her. But a team that picks their timing carefully and is dedicated to protecting the Herald could siege down multiple turrets. Importantly, the Herald mercenary does damage based on her current health. The more damage enemies do to her, the less she’ll do in return to enemy turrets.

In Closing
The version that first hits PBE will not be set in stone. We’ll be polishing her up over the course of the next few weeks and paying attention to any negative fallout that might happen. We do believe that this new reward will generate interesting gameplay and we are devoted to making sure it feels like an appropriate and epic reward. Let us know what you think!

Utility Contribution

Hey all!

In the Intro to Midseason we talked about highlighting the contribution of non-carry roles in League. This is the first step of many towards this goal, and it’s aimed at making supports and tankier champions feel more rewarded and recognized for their actions. It also comes with the added benefit of improving tactical clarity for both players and viewers.

In this thread, we are looking for your feedback (as well as any bugs you may find) on these features and your thoughts on future additions, especially with regards to tracking additional stats.

Crowd Control Name Display:
By giving CC states a more in-your-face treatment, we hope that players and viewers will be better able to track the flow of a fight and help teammates figure out when to follow up or turn tail. While CC is already appreciated when noticed, this new display works to improve that feedback loop so everyone can bask in the light of a 5 man Leona ult.

The system follows a strict prioritization to deal with situations where multiple CC types are applied to a champion - after all, if you’re airborne or suppressed, being blinded as well is the least of your problems.

As with many features of this kind, we found some inconsistencies as we worked on this, and while we hit most of them, there may be a few that still look a little off. Please keep an eye out for them, and let us know any you encounter.

End of Game Stats:
We’re getting more relevant stats onto the End of Game screen! Again, this is only our first offering - expect more in the future.

Crowd Control Score, a sum of all the CC effects applied to champions during the game - hard cc is weighted higher than soft cc.
Vision Score, a calculation of contributed vision over the course of the game - further details to come.
Damage Dealt to Structures, the amount of damage dealt to towers/inhibitors/nexus.
Damage Mitigated on Self, the amount of damage a champion reduced or blocked, through abilities or shields
Please note that these stats are still in process of being implemented, as will have more updates as the PBE cycle continues.

Better Item Feedback:
Have you ever found yourself wishing how much damage you’ve blocked with your Locket? This change will add more of these stats onto active items, so you can better evaluate how well you’re using them.

Please note this feature will not be showing on PBE for a couple of days, as we put in the remaining work to get it ready.

Spell Attribution:
Have you ever been drive-by ignited, or you think you heard your lane opponent pop heal, but you’re not sure? We’re adding a new VFX trail from caster to target on most summoner spells and active items to make those moments clearer. There’s a visual for both enemies and allies, so it should be easier to discern who cast what in a skirmish.

Death VFX:

Our old death VFX (for those who noticed it), was slow and subtle. We are updating the effect for both enemies and allies to be snappy and more noticeable so the flow of a fight is more clearly communicated.

Active Item HUD:
Active items often contain a lot of power and gold-efficiency of an item, which is great when you remember to cast it, and awful when you don’t. This change adds a thicker and more prominent border to our major activatables, separate from consumables and trinkets.


#3 Es verdad, pero creo que si le bajan mucho el daño lo pueden volver frustrante de jugar en soloq.


Que ascazo de parche, bruisers con GA destrozando, maokais con 5000 hp y los nuevos items inmortales, amumu con cetro abisal... Zzzzzz


Yo estoy expectante, el cambio a los items de support pinta bien, y quiero creer (que va a ser que no, pero bueno) que los update a los tanks les quitaran mucho daño.

Eso si, lo del nuevo GA es una locura.

1 respuesta

Si hubiera un ban a un ítem en el draft, GA no se vería nunca. Qué item más absurdo para los bruisers.

1 1 respuesta

#9 es muy difícil quitar daño a algunos tanques sin dejarlos useless, maokai era una bestia que aguantaba, cuya pasiva le daba sustain y cuyas cuatro habilidades hacían daño, las cuatro.

lo de Zac me parece correcto, RIP meteos.

1 respuesta

#11 Ya bueno, por eso dudo que sean capaces, hay que darles mas CC y quitarles daño a todos, pero el problema de eso es como lo equilibras para que no se dejen de jugar y solo se jueguen bruisers...

1 respuesta

#12 Mira galio, un kit con muchas cosas y la única forma de nerfearlo es quitandole daño xD. Y como dices, si tienes un tanque que no aporta daño y enfrente una fiora que se va a bajar a tu tanque y te va a reventar luego la cara a ti también.... o el hecho de que te salga un trundle enemigo... que ese si que hace daño y que se vuelve mas tanque que tu tanque con la ultimate. Ahora lo de los nautilus/maokai top damage en la partida con objetos defensivos.... eso no puede seguir pasando.


#10 hombre los ap tienen una cosita bastante mejor llamada zhonyas.

Mi reino por un zhonyas para adc


Si le bajan el daño a los tanques por mucho cc que le pongas no los juega ni peter, yo el primero.
Los tanques en midgame y en TF van muy bien, pero cuando su jungla te campea, vas contra un kennen o fizz "tanque" jugando un nautilus y tu equipo no te ayuda....
A lo que quiero llegar es que segun que situacion jugar tanke en linea es una tortura en solo q (oro, plata) y si le quitas daño apaga y vamonos.
Si los adc estan en la mierda y no quieres pasarte con el daño pues mas rango.


Si a un tank le quitas todo el daño no lo juega nadie porque en soloq abusan de ti y cuando te quieras juntar tienes la partida perdida y en competitivo (más ahora con el heraldo que se van a meter recursos en top) los pueden sacar de la partida. Lo que tendrían que tener los tanks es cierta facilidad para limpiar waves a X nivel, como más o menos tienen ahora pero limitar su daño a partir del midgame. Los cambios a los items de tank harán, imagino, que veamos menos guanteletes y que la coraza del muerto baje su daño y eso, evidentemente, tiene que ayudar. De la misma forma que el aumento de MR pasivo de los campeones y el GA nuevo, en principio el problema con los tanks lo tienen los adcs y los adcs van a ser más difíciles de matar ahora para un tank ap.


Maokai ha muerto quien va a jugar al nuevo si hace todo a camara lenta :S


Con galio, harían 4 parecen pocos.


Las 3 ultis me parecen una mierda comparada con las anteriores

1 respuesta

A nivel de SoloQ el rol del tank esta bien.

En top hay muchísimos picks que te hacen sufrir. Lo que no es normal es que pillen al soplapollas de tu adc porque esta de frontline, además de que el late cualquier adc te hunde el pecho.


#19 hay gente que se cree que el cambio de la r de mao es un buff xddd


el video de maokai está a 0.5? Que lentitud de todo.


Pues se han cargado a Maokai, ha pasado de ser un tanque brutal a un support, este monstruo sin la ulti no es nada.


El bicho nuevo:

1 respuesta

wtf que se a volado la torre, espero que cuesta la vida bajarselo...

que divertido tiene que ser pushear con dragon de morde y esto al min 15




gl en competitivo.



Que palo le ha metido a la torre dios


Pero y esta burrada de daño? Que le ha quitado el 50% de vida joder xD


Anivia le hace counter


WTF pero eso en competitivo va a ser un asco xd

1 respuesta