aXiomatic entra en Team Liquid


aXiomatic compañía liderada por los dueños de los Golden State Warriors y de los Washington Wizards entra en el capital de Team Luquid.

El grupo de inversión está liderado además de personalidades como Magic Johnson.

Los dueños de Team Liquid, Steve Arhancet y Victor Goossens, acaban de hacer público la entrada de la compañía aXiomatic en el capital de la organización. La empresa, liderada por Peter Guber, dueño de los Golden State Warriors, y Ted Leonsis, propietario de los Washington Wizards, ambos equipos de la NBA, supone un paso más al interés que los eSports están despertando entre los deportes tradicionales.

El comunicado oficial de Liquid:

“Team Liquid, one of the most successful global esports team franchises has announced the sale of the controlling interest in their team to a diversified and accomplished ownership group led by two renowned professional sports team owners, media and technology entrepreneurs Peter Guber and Ted Leonsis. Steve Arhancet and Victor Goossens will continue in their respective roles as Co-CEOs of Team Liquid and will also serve as Directors for Team Liquid. Guber and Ted Leonsis will serve as Co-Executive Chairmen of their new esports ownership group aXiomatic and will be joined by a group of leading strategic partners in building their broad based esports enterprise. Bruce Stein, an accomplished executive from technology, content and consumer product companies will serve as CEO of aXiomatic.”

— aXiomatic eSports

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, we have announced a groundbreaking strategic partnership with an investment group led by Peter Guber and Ted Leonsis. For myself and Steve, this has been a really long time in the making and we are excited finally to be able to share it with you. When we started looking for investment early last year, we had many different options from multiple minority investments to a majority investment. Throughout this long process I have really gotten to know Bruce and Peter as intelligent and trusting partners and they have put together a phenomenal investment group to invest alongside them—including Ted Leonsis whose background is a perfect mix of sports, technology, and innovation.

I would like to take this opportunity to speak briefly about what this means for Liquid. An important message I wanted to communicate today is that Steve and I are both on long term agreements as Co-CEO’s of the company. In a way, our involvement in leading Liquid is even more assured now than when we were sole owners. There is no place I would rather be than working to bring Liquid to greater heights together with our amazing staff and players. I’ve now put almost half of my life into Team Liquid, and I’m ready to begin a new chapter in the ongoing story of our presence in esports. Today I want to leave you with a message of reassurance that everything will be the same but better. I intend to write a long-form blog post in the coming weeks that will provide more insight into our decision and newly formed partnership. It will describe my hopes and aspirations, but it will also touch upon worries and concerns that we have had to think deeply about.

I want to give a shout out to Bruce who has been spearheading many of the conversations this past year. He’s one of the smartest, most grounded, and ethical individuals I’ve ever met and I am proud that I will be able to have him as a mentor. Most importantly thank you so much to all the fans and staff that helped to make this happen. We could not have done it without you.

  • Victor "Nazgul" Goossens

I will always be a fan at heart—a gamer who fell in love with League of Legends. I decided to build a team because I've been passionate about gaming and competition since I first started playing WarCraft and StarCraft. It's the core inspiration for why I set out to build an esports team in the first place. I followed my heart and walked away from my career in Washington D.C. even though all I knew was that I loved gaming. It's been an unbelievable journey so far, and I am so proud to make a difference in this growing industry.

The recognition that esports has received over the past few years has been awe-inspiring, and the hobby that our fans and I share can now be counted among the biggest competitions in the world. This partnership will give our current and future players opportunities that I could only dream of when we started. Peter, Ted, and Bruce share the same ambitions that Victor and I have been working toward, and I am excited to learn as much as I can from them.

Team Liquid is already one of the organizations shaping the future of esports, but there are still so many opportunities that we want to explore. The goals I share with Victor have changed—they are now a lot bigger, and a lot bolder. There are very exciting times ahead, and we're all going to take this to the next level together.

  • Steve "LiQuiD112" Arhancet

Que empiecen a llover billetes.



Bueno, a ver para quien son los dineros.. quiza los jugadores vean poco


Steve, PUEDES DEJAR DE GANAR PASTA y gastar pasta?


Y ya van dos.

Casi nada, verás tu la LCS NA el año que viene, esto se va a poner muuuy interesante.

El cabrón de Steve se lo está montando demasiado bien xd

1 respuesta


#6 cuánto puede valer entrar en TL? y en "los otros"? Me imagino a Reginald con la duda más sembrada que un campo.

2 respuestas

#8 Vender parte de la squad para ganar poder es worth it, seguramente regi haga lo mismo.


#8 No lo sé, el número puede ser mareante la verdad.

A Regi le tiene que poner mucho para vender parte de la squad, lo que puede valer esa brand...


Regi se va a jubilar con 50 yates


Ojo a la gente que está en aXiomatic, casi nada xd

  • Monumental Sports & Entertainment - One of the largest sports and entertainment companies in the country, Monumental owns and operates professional sports teams such as the NHL's Washington Capitals, NBA's Washington Wizards, WNBA's Washington Mystics and the AFL's Washington Valor
  • Magic Johnson - Hall of Fame basketball player and serial entrepreneur
  • Steve Case - Chairman & CEO Revolution, Co-Founder of AOL
  • Donn Davis - Co-Founder of Revolution and Managing Partner of Revolution Growth
  • Dick Glover - Representing Mandalay Sports Media and their current President and CEO, former EVP of ESPN, former CEO Funny or Die.
  • Tony Robbins - Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and life & business strategist
  • NextVR - Industry leading VR company specializing in live VR sporting events for FOX Sports, NBC Sports, HBO/Golden Boy, etc.
  • Alan Shapiro - CEO of Dick Clark productions
  • Mike Mahan - President of Dick Clark Productions
  • Lon Rosen - EVP, Chief Marketing Officer of the Los Angeles Dodgers
  • Tucker Kain - CFO, Los Angeles Dodgers and Managing Director, Guggenheim Baseball
  • Rick Welts - President, COO of the Golden State Warriors
  • Brandon Schneider - SVP Business Development of the Golden State Warriors
  • Kirk Lacob - Assistant General Manager at Golden State Warriors, Co-founder of imoji
  • Harry Tsao - General Partner of Juvo Capital, Co-founder of Juvo+
  • Paul Schaeffer - Vice Chairman, COO of the Mandalay Entertainment Group
  • Jason Sugarman - Founder, Chairman, CEO of Valor Group Holdings
  • Blake Byers - General Partner of Google Ventures (GV)
  • Chad Byers - Co-founder and General Partner of Susa Ventures
  • Mark Scher - Founder, Principal of Scher Investment Group
  • Jordan Rambis - VP Development IDW, tech/esports consultant
  • Fred Schaufeld - Managing Director SWaN & Legend Venture Partners
  • Zachary Leonsis - VP and General Manager of Monumental Sports Network
  • Eric Lefkofsky - Co-founder of Groupon, Innerworkings, Echo, Uptake Technologies and Lightbank
  • Brad Keywell - Co-founder of Groupon, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Lightbank, CEO of Uptake Technologies.
  • Lerner Enterprises - Managing principal owners of the Washington Nationals MLB team, Owners of Lerner Enterprises
  • Tom Kartsotis - Founder, CEO of Bedrock Manufacturing (owner of Shinola and Filson), founder of FOSSIL
  • Russ Ramsey - Chairman, CEO of Ramsey Asset Management, co-founder of investment firm Friedman, Billings, Ramsey
  • Jeong Kim - Chairman of Kiswe Mobile; Former President of Bell Labs
  • Mark Ein - Chairman of Kastle System, CEO Capitol Acquisition Corp, Founder and Owner of World TeamTennis franchise the Washington Kastles
  • Crane Kenney - President Baseball Operations, Chicago Cubs
  • Larry Barden - Chair, Management Committee at Sidley Austin LLP
  • Dhani Jones - Entrepreneur; Investor; TV Host; Former NFL Linebacker
  • Tony Nader – Managing Director SWaN & Legend Venture Partners
  • Paul Strauss – EVP Mandalay Pictures

FreeSM estaba valorado en 30M no? lo compran easy si quieren.

1 respuesta

Imagine it, TSM wins worlds in 2016 at the Staples Center, instead of walking to their trophy they walk off the stage, return in there newly branded TSMLakers shirts together with Kobe Bryant and lift it.
:qq: :qq: :qq: No pasará, pero sería perfecto.

#14 Aprox, si, pero estimaciones del año pasado eso, tambien decian que FNC valia 45~ y mira ahora como están.

2 respuestas

#15 45 centavos vale FNC

ahora FreeSM con Liftlift vale 100M


#15 ahora que me has hecho acordar de el comercial que hizo Dyrus con HTC de una casa de retirados y salia TOO con una maquina simulando ganar los worlds con TSM xDDD


Steve como el año que viene no vayamos a los worlds voy a plantearme mi existencia


that's my boy :D


De C9C challenger no se sabe nada?


Sin dinero que va Steve, que cabron, como se lo ha montado. Ahora a ver si ese dinero lo invierte bien, dijo que quería remodelar el equipo por completo.


Magic se siente identificado con Team Liquid y ha decidido ayudarlos en una campaña humanitaria.

(Sí, es un chiste de VIH)


Para lo que le va a servir el dinero. :psyduck:


Me recuerda a lo de Shaquille O'Neal y NRG, ya sabemos como podría terminar la historia

1 respuesta

pues como dije con el schalke y muchos se me tiraron encima, mucho nombre pero veremos a ver la pasta que le meten y el equipo que montan, teniendo que meter a 3 de NA lo veo complicado que puedan plantar cara a C9,TSM, etc. a no ser que le puedan robar jugadores a estas organizaciones, al menos a Inmortals


Otro que se apunta a la fiesta? Madre mia la que se va a liar, no se yo si esto es buena o mala noticia.


Por curiosidad, los que no veis estas noticias como algo bueno, ¿porque lo veis así?

#24 No tiene nada que ver, Shaq es solo un inversor cualquiera en NRG, aqui aXiomatic ha entrado directamente en la compañia, dejando a Steve y el otro fundador (que nunca me acuerdo del nombre) como CEO, pero metiendo a gente suya de vicepresidentes.

4 respuestas

Wanxi, este es tu equipo.

#27 xk dejara de ser su juego nicho y dejaran de ser "especiales", basicamente ese es el llanto principal.


#27 Soy muy escéptico con grandes inversiones en un mercado en tan poco tiempo y lo último que quiero es que se cree una burbuja en el lol, para que en cuanto le salga mal el plan a alguno de los grandes inversores o los números no les cuadren como ellos planeaban de repente creen dudas sobre la rentabilidad del lol y acabe estallando una supuesta burbuja que ellos mismos habrían creado y que podría llevarse por delante todo el tinglado.


dentro de 1 año todos los equipos de la best lcs van a ser comprados por clubes grandes de deportes o q xD

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