Cambios en la OGN de Corea


KeSPA, Riot Games and OnGameNet have announced their plans for the 2015 Season

KeSPA, Riot Games Korea and onGameNet have released a joint press release announcing their plans for the 2015 season. The press release confirms the move to a league based system and restricts teams to one team per organization. Full press release is below.

Greetings from the executive office of the Korean eSports Association, OnGameNet, and Riot Games.

First of all, we would like to apologize to the eSports fans, pro-players, pro-team affiliates, and all other parties related to eSports, for keeping you waiting for such a long time.

As we have promised before, Korean eSports Association (“KeSPA”), OnGameNet, and Riot Games (“3 Parties”) would like to share with the fans the tentative operation plan for 2015 eSports league, which has been discussed amongst the 3 Parties thus far.

The 3 Parties plan to collect various opinions on the subject matter of this announcement for one week and dedicate some time to discuss together what direction the Korean LoL eSports league should take by holding an open public hearing on Tuesday, November 4th.

As many fans are aware, the Korean eSports environment and system are still lacking in many regards to be considered a mature professional sports market.

KeSPA, OnGameNet, and Riot Games decided that it is time to responsibly suggest a new vision for eSports in Korea. Although this new vision may be controversial, we decided that it would be most important to inform and share all the information with the fans.

Furthermore, the 3 Parties would like to strongly state that our first and foremost concern during our discussions was that the proposed changes to the 2015 eSports league help improve the welfare of Korean pro-players.

We would like to ask for the fans’ sincere concerns and opinions on the proposed plan below. KeSPA, OnGameNet, and Riot Games will continue to heed to the fans’ voices.

Thank you.

Proposed plan for the 2015 Season

LoL Champions: Shift from tournament format to league format

  • Run biannual leagues starting in 2015 (first half / second half; 4 months each)
  • 8 teams will participate in the 2015 Season
  • Provide 7 seeds to top 7 teams based on past LoL Champions performance
  • Determine the recipient of the remaining 1 seed via a separate qualifier tournament
  • Continue the efforts to increase the number of participating teams in the league

KeSPA LoL teams will shift from a two-team system to a single-team system

  • Participating teams in the 2015 Season of LoL Champions will compete as a single representative team of the company
  • For 2015 Season, the team roster will be expanded to 10 players (5 players will be starting)

Launch a reserves league for KeSPA LoL teams

  • 10 players in the team roster may participate in both LoL Champions and the reserves league

Consider hosting pre-2015 Season friendlies or a seed qualifier tournament

  • Review the possibility of holding pre-2015 Season friendlies or a seed qualifier tournament to replace the 2014 LoL Champions Winter Split

Seek ways to improve the welfare of Korean pro-players

  • Expand KeSPA pro-players’ Azubu streaming broadcast business and support various events
  • Ensure increase in actual income of KeSPA pro-players who are streaming
  • Introduce “Minimum Salary Policy for Pro Players for the 2015 Season”
  • Adopt minimum salary standards that are on par with other domestic professional sports to help pro-players lead a stable professional career
  • Support operating costs of teams participating in LoL Champions
  • Help participating teams without a sponsor to find sponsorship and provide financial support for operating costs
  • Set a one-year requirement for contracts between players and teams participating in LoL Champions
  • Teams are advised (but not required) to set 1-year contract terms with the players in the 2015 Season, and required starting from the 2016 Season
  • Ensure pro-players’ stable professional activities by requiring contracts to last at least one year


Gracias Rito. Por ser unos manazas.

MonteCristo approves.


Lo mas importante

  • Run biannual leagues starting in 2015 (first half / second half; 4 months each)

  • 8 teams will participate in the 2015 Season

  • Provide 7 seeds to top 7 teams based on past LoL Champions performance

  • Determine the recipient of the remaining 1 seed via a separate qualifier tournament

  • Continue the efforts to increase the number of participating teams in the league

  • For 2015 Season, the team roster will be expanded to 10 players (5 players will be starting)

  • KeSPA LoL teams will shift from a two-team system to a single-team system

  • Participating teams in the 2015 Season of LoL Champions will compete as a single representative team of the company

  • For 2015 Season, the team roster will be expanded to 10 players (5 players will be starting)

  • Adopt minimum salary standards that are on par with other domestic professional sports to help pro-players lead a stable professional career (Que los equipos amateurs los CS de aqui tengan salarios)

  • Expand KeSPA pro-players’ Azubu streaming broadcast business and support various events

Super RPV

onGamers nos explica


Como muchos pasais de leeros el tochaco en ingles, os lo resumo yo en 2 palabras:

LCS Korea


Y para que quiere un equipo 10 jugadores? :|

1 respuesta

No entiendo eso, 10 jugadores? Wtf

1 respuesta

Edito el título y, por lo que veo, nada de esto está fijo. Lo han propuesto y no está aceptado aún.

1 respuesta

#5 Probablemente se acepte.

#3 #4 No tiene mucho, swapear jugadores, cambiar la botlane vs otra concreta, jugar con un top que use asesinos, y cuando lo necesites usar uno que use bruiser tanks.


Pero eso tendría sentido si pudieran cambiar después del champion select no?

1 respuesta

rip in peace ogn

1 respuesta

#7 Nah, sabiendo el side que tengas ya vas sobrado


Y van a tener una liga para los jugadores de reserva, omgwtfbbqlol


Nada que no se supiera ya, solo se confirma


Comienza el declive del lol?


Todo es un calco punto por punto de la LCS y aun así se empeñan en meter a KeSPA y la OGN que han demostrado durante estos años saber organizar torneos con formatos interesantes para el espectador. El 4ª partido de la 7ª jornada del Split de primavera entre Jin Air e IM lo verán sus familiares supongo.

Al menos Riot podría tener la decencia de decir que es su juego y se lo fo**** como quieren.

RIP Blind Pick

1 respuesta

Sea acertado o no, que ya se verá, me parece lógico que se estandarice dentro de unos límites la competición de League of Legends.

1 comentario moderado

#13 Liga a Bo2 con Blind Picks en Play Offs

Como China

6 comentarios moderados


Aún que tendremos la liga de reserva, pero vaya tela.

A ver en que termina esto, porque pueden aparecer coreanos en todas las regiones con la mierda esta, porque sin tantos jugadores en la OGN, muchos van a largarse rapidísimo.


La LCS tiene un formato asqueroso, vamos a copiarlo en todas las regiones!

  • Riot Games 2014
1 respuesta

#24 Son unos genios estos de Rito.

Ademas eso de conjunto, dudo que a la KeSPA-OGN le haga gracia cambiar de formato.


Se ha quitado el circuito de puntos???

1 respuesta

#26 No se ha dicho nada pero al haber solo 2 Splits, puede que si que lo quiten.


¿Alguién entiende la manía de Riot por darle tanto peso a las competiciones regionales?

1 respuesta

Primeros numeros del salario minimo que impondra la KeSPA


#28 Yo lo que tengo claro es que quieren hacer de esto algo mas estable para los jugadores y con ello profesionalizarlo de manera eficiente. A parte querran que todas las regiones compitan de la misma forma.

Para los espectadores es algo peor (sobretodo si quitas circuito de puntos)

Para los jugadores es mucho mejor ya que les da un salario y una etabilidad minima de un año.

1 respuesta