Competitive Ruling: Origen


Como parte de una investigacion de Riot, se ha descubierto que la administración del equipo no ha firmado los contratos correctos con su Head Coach y los jugadores en su equipo sustituto. Además, Origen no había establecido una estructura de remuneración que cumpliera con la Team Participation Agreement para todos sus miembros.

Estos problemas ya han sido solucionado por Origen. Por no cumplir con los terminos del Team Participation Agreement, se multa a Origen con 10.000€.


TL;DR: As part of a Riot investigation, it was discovered that Origen’s management had not signed compliant employment contracts with their Head Coach and the players on their substitute roster. Additionally, Origen had failed to set up a remuneration structure which is compliant with the Team Participation Agreement for all of their team members. These issues have now been resolved by Origen. For their prior non-compliance with the contract terms of the Team Participation Agreement, Origen will be fined 10,000€.


In the beginning of March, it was brought to the attention of league officials that Origen did not have correctly set-up employment contracts with their Head Coach and their substitutes. Upon subsequently auditing all contracts between Origen and their team members, league officials discovered that while all the players on the starting line-up had contracts compliant with the Team Participation Agreement, none of Origen’s team members were correctly set up in regard to the financial framework required in Germany.

To explain further: all EU LCS teams are required to comply with the regulations of the jurisdiction they are operating under. This includes, but is not limited to, properly accounting, withholding and paying all required personal income tax, health insurance and social security contributions. While Origen had this properly reflected in the contracts they have with their starting line-up, the actual contributions and withholdings had not been processed properly.

During the investigation, Origen has been honest and straightforward about the issues and was swift in resolving them. As of March, contracts for all players and the Head Coach have been amended to comply with the Team Participation Agreement. Additionally, Origen has set up a payment framework which is compliant with both contractual obligations to Riot and their team members, as well as applicable labor regulations. However, we consider failure to comply with applicable regulations for payroll management as an employer to be a significant infraction. Even if in this case the players did not suffer direct monetary damages, they were exposed to legal risk as Origen failed to observe employer responsibilities. We will hence continue to monitor Origen’s payments to their team members for the duration of the Summer Split to ensure there are no further issues in regard to their remuneration.


Origen has violated the Team Participation Agreement and is hereby fined a total of 10,000€ for not setting up compliant employment contracts with their Head Coach and Substitutes and failing to provide and execute on the required payroll framework for all their Players at the beginning of the Spring Split.


Team Participation Agreement:

[...] the Team Owner has entered into an enforceable written employment contract with each such Team Member on Active and Substitute Rosters, full-time on Active and at least part-time on Substitute [Roster] [...]

The Team Owner shall comply with all national, federal, state, and local payroll, benefit, and other laws applicable to the Team, the Team Members and Team Managers, if any, including with respect to making deductions and contributions for social security, unemployment and similar taxes.


Q: How does this affect Origen’s Team Members?
A: Since the responsibility to comply with aforementioned regulations lies with the employer, Origen’s Team Members will not be negatively impacted by this as Origen will have to retroactively pay missing contributions according to applicable regulations in place. Since Origen resolved the issues within a timeframe which is considered reasonable by the German jurisdiction, health and disability insurance were still accessible during the window of non-compliance.

Q: Were players getting paid? How does this affect team payments?
A: The investigation by league officials showed the payments for the previous months were not missed, only that team members were not properly set up on Origen payroll, as stated in their contracts and required for employment.

Q: Why is this considered a severe infraction?
A: In this case we are looking at 9 cases of failure to properly set up payment structures as well as 3 cases of improper employment contracts. While players were paid, negligence on Origen’s side put both the players and the team at risk. Left unresolved, this would have put all involved parties at risk of non-compliance and potential damage to player welfare.

Q: Why is this ruling coming out a month after the investigation took place?
A In order to confirm that the situation was properly resolved, league officials worked with Origen for the past weeks to ensure that obligations were being met and the remuneration structure had been set up correctly.


Como ya adelantó LCSguy... y Carving.


Multa CLG y a correr, aquí no ha pasado nada.


Vaya hate, si fuese TSM seguro que no tardarías tan poco!!!

PD: Poco han pillado para lo que se esperaba, 10,000€ no es nada.


Es lo que les faltaba para ir full CLG.


Peke seguirá afeitándose con Gillette


Una multa de 10k? En otras regiones les harían vender la plaza de CS...


Lo que faltaba.


Lamentable esto


Este equipo es una parodia madre mia



Vaya chiste todo.


Antes de Que digais nada

Yaya esta traducciendo el TL DR con la ayuda de esto


Vamos, que no estaban ni siquiera cumpliendo ya no con la normativa de Riot, que es privada y dices bueno, puede haber alguna cláusula que confunda.
Es que no estaban cumpliendo con la normativa de Alemania, es decir, que si les llega a venir una inspección por parte de un inspector de trabajo alemán, se les cae el pelo.
No solo pagarán 10.000€, sino también con carácter retroactivo todo lo que han dejado de pagar.
Si esto llega a oídos de la Tesorería alemana, no descartéis más sanciones.
Lo peor de todo? Que esto se soluciona con un gestor y el mío cobra menos de 100€ al mes.
Quién llevaba esto? Mari Carmen? Venga no me jodas..

8 2 respuestas

#14 Eso he entendido yo, que la multa sera pequeña pero ponerse al dia les habra costado sustancialmente mas.
Al menos parece que se han puesto al dia con la hacienda y sanidad alemana y no les deberia causar mas pro lemas.


Muy tipical spanish. Menuda imagen, la verdad es que tenia a xPeke por otro tipo de persona, en este año ha demostrado mucho

1 respuesta

La multa es ridícula, pero claro, supongo que vendria con un descenso administrativo y como ya han caido, pues se han librado.

Riot tiene que empezar a sancionar ya a todo el mundo igual, la multa CLG es de broma xd Y depues de lo de Tainted Minds tenian que ser mas severos...

#16 Quien lleve las cuentas de OG, que dudo que sea Peke, se ha lucido, si.

3 respuestas

Me parece poco dinero.


#17 dicen que por cada rework a ryze multan a clg


Pero eh, que Peke es un héroe español al que admirar y querer, mientras que el prepotente de Oce levantando una empresa de la nada con su legalidad y buena estructura es un demonio y da mala imagen al país. Así nos va, con chapuceros como este como insignias, asqueroso.

14 1 respuesta

Aceptais traductores por un salario digno?

2 respuestas

visto lo visto, los jugadores que se ficharon, que origen parecía que ni preparo las relegations, la despreocupación de los jugadores en stage o por lo menos lo que aparentaban y ahora esto. origen parece que quería decender a propósito cuando vieron que la cosa no andaba


#21 Si lo traduces entero, lo meto en #1 sin problema, si.


#21 hacemos politica OG, solo voluntarios :^)


#17 Peke no llevará las cuentas, pero es el maximo responsable del equipo, asi que creo que consciente de la situación si era. Vamos, que la estructura de OG ni es tan grande ni compleja como para que el maximo responsable no sepa nada de lo que pasa en su propia organización de unos cuantos trabajadores y con tan poca profundidad estructural.

1 respuesta

#25 Consciente si, no digo eso xd


No voy a decir quien ha estado manejando OG hasta el 1 de enero, pero...

1 2 respuestas

Es una pena, tenían que forzar también el descenso administrativo y bajarlos de CS a la LVP, que es donde se merecen estar.


La unica duda que tengo es si ha sido por ignorancia o por ahorrarse unos euros. Y no se cual es más triste y cutre de los dos


#27 Creo que todos tenemos claro quien llevaba las cuentas en la OGFamily.

1 respuesta