Pues eso, el Ego en persona, deja TSM y se va a TL, lo cual creo que es lo mejor que podía fichar TL ahora mismo, tanto en macro como en adc de NA.
En lo personal, me da pena, creo que TSM gana mas con DL que con el tortuga.
Y eso, para mi es un acierto enorme de TL, por que ganan macro y skill, con sus idas de cabeza...pero ya vimos que en TSM no tuvo tantas, como en CLG.
Pero que ahora, no puede estar TL, y enciam su adc actual, deja mucho que desear.
Esto me da que pensar, si el pegamento viene fuertote de korea, y recupera su puesto en mid...que va a pasar en TL? DL o pigleto?
-Andy ‘Reginald’ Dinh
“I’m happy that Peter has this opportunity to practice competitively before the summer split. He’s been a good friend of mine, and we will happily give him a fair try out for the summer split. The goal is to have the best possible roster at worlds and having Double as a potential 6th man would only help us with our endeavors at Worlds 2017 . It is good that he’s getting practice now, and hopefully it will not be a large shift for him when he comes back.”
-Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng
“During my break, I realized that playing competitively is my calling and although I didn't intend to come back before Summer Split, an opportunity came up for me to return the to pro play earlier.
My time on TL will help me ease back into the competitive environment and prepare me for my tryout with TSM in the summer.
In the meantime, please cheer for me on Team Liquid! ” -Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng