Interesante entrevista a Doublelift (CLG) hablando sobre los ADC y su itemizacion en :
We'll start off with the most talked about AD carry item – what do you think about the recent hot fix changes to Blade of the Ruined King?
Doublelift: Blade of the Ruined King is still overpowered. It fills the role in your item build of both Blood Thirster and Phantom Dancer for life steal and attack speed. It just gives you too many stats.
You've stated in previous interviews that AD items were overall nerfed in Season 2, yet there is still Blade of the Ruined King. If BotRK were to be reverted back to its previous state, how would you evaluate the overall strength of AD items?
Doublelift: It would be trash. But now with the current Blade it's different. The overall strength is still bad, but not as bad. They did nerf Warden's Mail though which helps a lot.
Do you think then the strength of Blade of the Ruined King balances out the weakness of the other AD items?
Doublelift: I don't think Blade of the Ruined King is balanced and it isn't supposed to be like that. They should definitely nerf it and then buff other AD items to bring them up to par. Obviously if everyone is rushing Blade it's overpowered.
Leed el resto de la entrevista aquí.