Helen 'RealMomGG' Geogallidis, nueva CEO de CLG


Por lo que he entendido en la notícia, la madre de HotShotGG va a ser la nueva CEO de CLG, dejando a su hijo fuera de ese cargo, simplemente epic.

Counter Logic Gaming, one of the world’s premier professional gaming organizations, today announced the appointment of Helen “RealMomGG” Georgallidis as Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Georgallidis was recruited by CLG to increase the growth trajectory of the company and replaces former CEO and Co-Founder, George “HotshotGG” Georgallidis. Mr. Georgallidis will retain final authority on all business decisions and provide input on the long term goals of the organization, but will now be able to put his full attention and effort into being a player.

“As CLG has continued to grow far beyond what I could have ever expected, I feel a transition is necessary in order to push the organization to the next level,” said George Georgallidis, Co-Founder of CLG and Captain of CLG Prime. “Helen’s enthusiasm for eSports and leadership qualities are what I feel is necessary to help CLG take that step, and I have every confidence that she will be successful in carrying our momentum and success forward even further.”

No stranger to new opportunities, prior to joining CLG Helen Georgallidis taught hundreds of students over the past twenty-seven years ranging all ages, to all subjects, with over two decades in French Immersion. Striving to make a difference for all students who have traditionally struggled in school, she headed up a two year action research project with the help of neuroscientists around the world, to pilot computer software and innovative teaching techniques that would make a difference in the lives of all students, so they could succeed in school. Leading by example, she’s strongly committed to a coaching/mentoring approach and has devoted her free time to supporting and encouraging talented young teachers to reach out and make a difference in the lives of each and every student, regardless of abilities, every day.

“A talented and very dedicated group of people contribute to the overall success of a company as big as CLG,” said Ms. Georgallidis, CEO of CLG. “Over the past two years since WCG 2010, I've lent more and more support with the legal and financial sides in helping grow the company. Our vision is to put ourselves in the forefront of eSports. To make that happen, George asked me to take over a more prominent role to help run the business, so he could focus more on the players, on streaming and on his own performance. My background and training in education has been a good fit with my new CEO role. I've closely followed League of Legends since the beginning when George started streaming and I'm proud to contribute to CLG's continued success and the growth of eSports.”

Ms. Georgallidis joins the current executive management team of CTO/Co-Founder, Alexander “Vodoo" Beutel, who through his hard work behind the scenes, has turned clgaming.net into one of the most popular networks for League of Legends, and Robert “CyberBob” Del Papa, who has utilized his entrepreneurial background to manage the operations and acquire major partnerships for the organization. Helen Georgallidis will now sit on the board and serve as CEO effective immediately.



Un enchufazo en toda regla, vamos.

Tienen la misma cara los dos.


Pues tiene toda la cara de ser panchi.

no offense


Panchimon al rescate... oh wait

2 comentarios moderados

pues yo me la pinchaba

1 comentario moderado

j3j3j3j3j3 seguid con las bromas racistas y machistas, no pasa nada.

Estoy siendo ironico, lo aviso por si me lee algun deficiente.


es que no se que broma de noticia es esta xD

1 comentario moderado

La madre de Ocelote será la próxima en tomar SKgaming.


Lo de fregar la grieta a mi me ha hecho gracia xDD

La verdad que esto es, cuanto menos, SURREALISTA xDD.


Best nick ever.

1 comentario moderado

partome la polla con vuestro permiso. El nick es ya la guinda del pastel, imaginate mientras se piensa que cibernick escoger mother of god


Que grande joder jajajaja


Se la ve espabilada. No

1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

#19 Helen 'RealMomGG' Geogallidis, nueva CEO de CLG

1 respuesta

#18 espabilada o no a sacar pasta por la gracia de que su hijo juegue al lol.
Y nosotros aqui perdiendo el tiempo.


El nick no me parece tan malo, aunque HotmomGG podría tener más tirón comercial


#20 Ya, mi problema es que no sé que hace un CEO (vamos, no sé lo que es).

1 1 respuesta

Vale que queramos que los e-sports sean más normales en nuestras vidas etc etc pero hay cosas que pasan de madre ya...

PD: Me ha salido un Matías Prats sin querer xD

1 respuesta

#24 tienes una capacidad de reaccion inferior a 5 segundos que es lo que tarda en salir que has editado un mensaje. la policia investigara este caso

1 respuesta


o bien


hagan sus votaciones


#25 y si ha editado para poner el pd?

1 respuesta

#23 Creo que las siglas quieren decir Chief Executive Officer y vendria a ser el presidente o director general del equipo.


WTF simplemente awesome..
2 dias mas tarde "hotshotgg fuera del equipo" huehuehue.


la de troleadas que se va a comer el amigo HSGG en soloq