Hilo de discusión pre-Campeonato Mundial de la Temporada 6


#179 Y este el mejor coach.

1 respuesta

El orejas y el camarero yo ya


Uno jugando al hearthstone, el otro dando pena y haciendo el mayor ridículo visto en la Lcs de NA y el otro haciendo entrevistas a jugadores de verdad xD


#181 ¿Esa foto es chopeo?

3 respuestas

#184 ojalá


#149 Me lo estaba creyendo hasta que dijiste lo de ROX. Buen bait.

1 respuesta

#184 No es chop como no lo es ésta, los biceps y los abdominales son 100% naturales


se imaginan un tsm- skt rng en grupos :)


#186 Ahí he apostado a la sorpresa. Siempre la hay en los mundiales. xD


Os recuerdo que siempre hay un premio Namei y un premio Dade...
Uno es al que viene hypeadisimo y chokea como si le pagaran por ello y el otro es lo mismo pero sin el hype.

#184 montecrosti tuvo una época en la que fue DJ... DJ vainglory se hacía llamar.

2 respuestas

#190 es decir que las rotations han estado presente en toda su carrera no?


#190 el año pasado el namei y dade se los llevo godv xD. los dos. arraso en los premios.

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#192 goldV dices?

2 1 respuesta

#193 Después me dicen que se llamó PlatEvil.


La verdad que los 3 equipos de NA llegan fuertes y sobre todo C9, menudo final de split se marcó.
Los de EU lo único ver el nivel real de G2 y poco más


Pues yo a CLG no los veo para nada bien, diría que H2K e incluso Splyce están mejor. A C9 y TSM los pongo bastante alto pero CLG nop.

1 respuesta

Hombre de los 3 de NA si que opino igual que tú, pero creo que el nivel de CLG con respecto a EU es bastante alto. Creo que h2k y splice no les ganarían, pero bueno, nunca se sabe xD

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#197 splyce esos que casi les elimina UOL?

2 respuestas

una pregunta, CLEARLOVE, no tenia problemas en los worlds? en plan que le podia la presion, que era el caller y no podia ni hablar y tuvo que coger el puesto otro y fue un deastre????

2 respuestas

Una entrevista a RNG que han traducido en Reddit:

Q: What's your evaluation of this year's LPL jersey?
UZI: It looks nice, there is a dragon symbol, so seems powerful.
Q: Former Royal White visited you recently, what did he say to you?
UZI: He asked me to try hard, that's it.
Q: You missed S5, now that you are back to the worlds. What do you feel?
UZI: Very happy, very fortunate to join RNG. Their record is good before me, so getting into S6 was easy. Hope we can get a good result in worlds.
Q: Last time, you were in the US in 2013 for S3. What kind of foods impressed you the most in your last trip?
UZI: Delicious stuff..en...I remember there was a huge lobster, and one fan bought us a huge crab (photo in original thread).
Q: How are you preparing for worlds?
UZI: Keep the status normal, as long as I show up normally, it'd be fine.
Q: New patch emphasize on laning, and you are a strong laner. What is your opinion on the new patch?
UZI: This patch focuses on bot laning, but if you pressure hard, their jungler will get you. Now ganking is easy. Back in the days it is possible to 2 vs 3, but this patch you will die for sure if got ganked.
Q: If you are only allowed to bring three things to the worlds, what'd that be?
UZI: my underwear and socks...lol
Q: Describe the US using a few words?
UZI: good air quality, very comfortable
Q: If you are bringing your own food to the US, what'd that be?
UZI: Instant noodle, because I like it.
Q: Any team that you look forward to play against?
UZI: Korean teams. Even though the gap is closing, but Koreans are still leading a bit.
Q: Anything you worry about going to the US?
UZI: Nothing, I have been there before, last time I was comfortable on food and accomodation.
Q: For bootcamping, what do you expect to get from the Korean teams?
UZI: Hope to understand their strategies, because they emphasize on strategies.
Q: What is the experience learned after losing to EDG?
UZI: We were thinking we can't win, because our status was super bad that time. After losing, we don't think it's a bad thing, at least we realized the problem, such as we were slacking off etc.
Q: What is your expectation in S6?
UZI: Semi, actually I want to get in the final, because I feel we won't lose any team in terms of individual level, but our synegy is lacking because we have only one split together. There is plenty of room for improvement on it. I hope we can learn as S6 progresses.
Q: This time, two of your teammates were your opponents in S4. How do you feel about it?
UZI: It's good, they have match experience, and won the champion. Experience-wise that helps us a lot. When we played against each other, I thought Mata was super serious, but once we become teammates, I found out that he is quite funny.
Q: Anything to say your fans?
UZI: Thanks everyone for supporting, hope this time LPL will perform better.
Q: Are you worried about high expectation from fans. Was it like S3 for Royal?
UZI: Actually we don't look good this time... In S3, fans critised us for being bad, but it's fine, we don't think too much on this.

Q: It's your first time going to worlds, what's your feeling?
Mlxg: Nothing particular, we had MSI experience.
Q: But MSI was in China, this time you will be playing as the away team.
Mlxg: It's all good, we played in Poland as well.
Q: Your team is going to Korea, what is your objective there?
Mlxg: We hope to maintain our status. Currently, we are very unstable, on some days we are super good, but on some days we are super bad.
Q: You lost to EDG in the final, what did you learn from that?
Mlxg: I actually learned nothing, we played super bad not just in the final, but for that whole month.
Q: But is the team performing better?
Mlxg: We are gradually getting back on track.
Q: In terms of playing abroad, besides your team's true ability, what other factors may affect the result?
Mlxg: If you want a good result, the only thing matters is the team's true ability, nothing else.
Q: If you are allowed to bring three things with you to S6, what'd you bring?
Mlxg: I will bring a toothbrush, because I hate those offered by the hotels. I will bring my cellphone and my peripherials.
Q: Describe the US using three words?
Mlxg: Can't think of any...
Q: Anything in the US that you wish to visit?
Mlxg: Not at all, don't want to go to the US.
Q: May I interpret it as...if not for matches, you don't want to travel at all?
Mlxg: I don't like to travel abroad, difficult to find good food (op: I assume he means good Chinese food)
Q: But your team is travelling to Korea, what korean foods do you like?
Mlxg:Korean foods are good, I like many, such as BBQ, korean fried chicken
Q: But what about foods in the US, UZI wants lobsters!
Mlxg:Lobsters? That thing tastes bland.
Q: If you are bringing your own food to the US, what'd that be?
Mlxg: A specific brand of Korean instant noodle (a super spicy one, photo in the original link)
Q: Your expectation in S6?
Mlxg: get out of the group
Q: I was talking to UZI about the new patch. It emphasizes laning, but as a jungler, what is your opinion?
Mlxg: It emphasizes more on laning and also on communication between laners and jungler. In S6, it is a nerf to teams that like lane swap, and it is buffing the other teams.
Q: What worries you going to the US?
Mlxg: No good food (op: I assume he meant no good Chinese food).
Q: After one year, you are back at worlds. You mentioned that you want to prove yourself again at worlds. What is your feeling right now?
Mata: Worlds is the stage players dream about. I always look forward to it.
Q: New patch emphasizes on laning. What is your view on the new patch?
Mata: First turret pays so much. If your rotation is bad, it is easy to lose it, so it comes down to rotation.
Q: You mentioned during MSI that you wish to play with UZI, now after one split, what is your feeling now?
Mata: UZI plays well. I myself actually learnt many things from him.
Q: For example?
Mata: Laning details. UZI played for many years and is very experienced. Plus he speaks a lot in teamfight.
Q: Can you rank the teams in S6?
Mata: Other than ROX and SKT, all the other teams can win against each other. These two teams are strong.
Q: If you are allowed to bring three things to the US, what'd that be?
Mata: My visa, phone, and wallet.
Q: Describe the US using a few words?
Mata: Tourism and westerners
Q: Which team do you look forward to play against?
Mata: No, but I do have a few teams that I want to avoid (op: the interviewer didn't follow up on this)
Q: Where in the US do you wish to visit?
Mata: Last time I went to Korean town in LA. This time I want to go to NYC. For tourism, Hawaii as well. There are many places that I want to visit.
Q: What worries you about going to the US?
Mata: Plane crash... I have always worried about this. Half-jokingly half-seriouesly, I was thinking about whether I should leave a will first.
Q: If you are bringining one kind of food to the US, what'd that be?
Mata: Such a difficult question...ramen and kimchi?
Q: Last time in the US during S3, do you still remember some good food? Would you eat again?
Mata: We didn't go to any upscale places. We searched online for a few recommended burger places. We went and it was not bad.
Q: Expectation for S6?
Mata: minimal goal is to get out of the group
Q: Anything you wish to say to the fans?
Mata: We will work harder to avoid elimination.

Q: What is your feeling rightnow before going to bootcamp
XiaoHu: Bootcamp is important because you can focus without distraction and can get into good training mindset. Even player like MLXG cannot go outside to eat spicy crawfish, so you have to stay inside and train.
Q: You weren't doing well in summer, what is your feeling now?
XiaoHu: Much better than before.
Q: Found your confidence again?
XiaoHu: Mindset-wise it's alright. It's just that our team needs adjustment. Individual play is fine. It's teamplay that needs adjustment
Q: Which team/player do you wish to play against. After all, mid is a unique positon.
XiaoHu: Bjergsen and Faker. They are considered the best in the world, and they are strong in my opinion.
Q: Will play as away team cause pressure?
XiaoHu: We played in Poland before, so it's alright. Plus in the US I will just sleep at night and train/play in the day time. I won't go anywhere, so it won't feel different.
Q: When you first started playing, did you think about going to the worlds like this?
XiaoHu: I joined professional gaming completely because I enjoy gaming. I never thought I'd reach where I am now, so I am surprised even now.
Q: Besides interest in gaming, will there be pressure and responsiblity now?
XiaoHu: I am fine now. I really paid attention to fans when I started playing. Initially it affects me a lot. Now? I only look at positive comments and ignore the negative ones.
Q: What three things would you bring to the US?
XiaoHu: Mouse, keyboard, mousepad, right, and my glass
Q: Why do you wear your gaming glasses?
XiaoHu: My friend gifted to me. But now I cannot play without it. It's like smoking, it's addictive.
Q: Does your glasses bring functionality, or just a symbol of luck?
XiaoHu: I feel comfortable wearing it, otherwise the screen makes my eyes uncomfortable.
Q: Describe the US using three words?
XiaoHu: People have open minds... on all aspects. There is a good taste of magic stuffs, I watched the movie the hobbit, and I like it. Finally, I think the US is great on all levels.
Q: Can you be more specific?
XiaoHu: Science, military, etc.
Q: What worries you going to the US?
XiaoHu: No, I don't pay attention to food that much.
Q: What about jet lag?
XiaoHu: I am all good. I go to sleep at 7am. So you can say I have already beening preparing since one year ago, lol.
Q: Your expectation for S6?
XiaoHu: My expectation is possibily lower than my teammates', I'd say minimal semi
Q: This is not a low expectation!
XiaoHu: Because they are the guys who won champions or second places, so this time I think they are hoping for the final champion.
Q: You are flying to Korea and then directly to the US. What foods do you look forward to?
XiaoHu: Mata and Looper always say Korean fried chikcen is good. I ordered korean fried chicken for them in China but they say the authentic ones are 100 times better.
Q: What about food in the US?
XiaoHu: Nothing in particular. They eat cheese or whatever. Even the looks is .... I am fine. Last time in Poland I was able to deal with cheese pasta etc, but MXLG cannot finish one bite.
Q: If you are bringing your own food to the US, what'd that be?
XiaoHu: Lao Gan Ma (spicy sauce)
Q: What if you are allowed to bring things that aren't convenient to bring with you?
XiaoHu: HaiDiLao (a hotpot chain store)

Q: What's your expectation for this worlds?
Looper: Semi
Q: RNG experienced bad performances in the summer final. How are you guys adjusting?
Looper: We will try harder in the worlds.
Q: During bootcamp, what aspects are you guys trying to work on?
Looper: everything
Q: What korean food do you look forward to?
Looper: Everything, one or two won't solve my problem(lol). On my way home, I want to eat every delicious food.
Q: If you have to choose one?
Looper: Meat.
Q: If you are asked to bring one thing to the worlds. What'd that be? Food included.
Looper: Instant noodle, shrimp flavored chips
Q: Describe the US using a few words?
Looper: It's a big country.
Q: Anywhere in the US that you look forward to visit?
Looper: NYC should be good.
Q: What's your opinion on samsung going to worlds. that's your old club.
Looper: They weren't playing good, but after hard work, they get into S6, so this must feel good.
Q: Anything to say to the fans?
Looper: We will try hard to get a good result
Q: UZI says lobsters in the US gave him a deep impression. Mata mentioned hamburgers. What about you?
Looper: then hamburgers.

#200 Clearlove? No, creo que te equivocas de jugador.

1 respuesta

#200 ¿Puede qué te refieras a TBQ de LGD? AUnque no sé si lo llegaron a cambiar


Tercer mid que dice que quiere partirse la cara con Bjergsen,lo dijo faker hace tiempo, Maple hace unas semanas y ahora xiaohu, pinta bien la cosa.


Q: Describe the US using a few words?
UZI: good air quality, very comfortable

Como tendrá que ser la polución china para que diga eso de América xD

1 1 respuesta

#204 es que en ciudades grandes de china, sales a la calle 5 minutos con mascarilla y cuando te la quitas se nota el cerco de haberla llevado :/


#199 a ver es que uol ganaría también a CLG, CLG o mejora muchísimo de la versión de play off o se va a comer un mojón. Que perdieron contra IMT que está tilted hasta RO. NA esta vez tiene más nivel en teoría que EU pero el peor equipo de los 6 es CLG.


Uzi diciendo que la meta es semis. :O

1 respuesta

#198 Nos jugamos el avatar a que H2K o Splyce les pinta la cara a Clg si se encuentran ?


Al nivel que ha llegado EDG y sobretodo Clearlove (A diferencia de la temporada pasado que llegaron fatal) hace pensar que por fin podemos ver un equipo Chino luchando de tu a tu.

1 respuesta

#209 Yo le tengo fe. Clearlove y Deft levantando unos worlds. Ojalá.

1 respuesta
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