Klaj nuevo support de Fnatic


Parece ser oficial: el nuevo support de Fnatic será Klaj, como se rumoreaba. Viene a sustituir a Noixiak que no ha dado el nivel esperado.

Building a third League of Legends roster in three years has been a difficult task. We set out in 2016 to create another world-class team as our ambitions remained as high as ever. We spoke with a lot of potential players, bolstered our scouting network and tried to find five players who could work together to continue our successful legacy. We were also keen to give opportunities to up and coming talent to build them into the competitive scene.

When looking for our new support this year, as well as all of our new players, the bar was raised extremely high. Yellowstar was not only our shot called, he was also our team captain and the most experience player at in Fnatic. We knew it would be difficult for us to find someone to replicate what he did for us, yet we embarked with the new roster with high hopes.

When taking on Noxiak, who stood out as the best candidate during his trial phase, we knew our shot calling system had to change. The burden of responsibility fell onto Rekkles, who despite having a great strategic mind and being a good communicator, was put into a difficult situation due to the micro-intensive nature of the ADC role.

Furthermore, despite last week’s great results and overall improved performance, we had to look at our long-term goals. We are already planning ahead to develop a team capable of reaching Worlds and need to have players we feel will perform together at the highest level. In order to develop our team in such a direction we felt that a change to our line-up at this point was required, and therefore made the decision to move Noxiak to a substitute role.
We want to reassure our fans and the community that this decision was not made easily. After a few weeks of trying to solve the issues, we informed Noxiak that he would no longer be part of the starting lineup. He will remain as a substitute on our team for the foreseeable future and we will evaluate things moving forward. We will communicate any further updates in due course.

Here is what Noxiak had to say:

Lewis “Noxiak” Felix
Hey guys. I am no longer a part of FNATIC’s starting team. We didn't live up to the expectations and struggled to find synergy with each other. Every new team struggles in the start but I feel like we did not fix those gaps fast enough. Martin and I have different approaches to the lane phase and the game in general and neither of us could adapt to the other one’s style 100% even though we really tried.

I feel kind of sad on the one hand as it didn't work out and on the other hand I feel excited about what's gonna be next. FNATIC helped me a lot and I am really grateful for that. I’m not entirely sure of my plans going forward but only time will tell! We will continue working with Lewis in the coming weeks to find him a suitable home within or outside of Fnatic. We would like to thank him for his contribution and hard work.

Introducing Johan "Klaj" Olsson - our new support! Ensuring we found a replacement for Lewis became our priority once the decision to move him to the substitutes was made. We looked once again into the tried and tested as well as the emerging talent available. A few names stood out until we found a particularly suitable candidate.

It is hereby our pleasure to introduce you to Johan “Klaj” Olsson! Johan hails from Sweden and is notorious in the challenger solo queue scene as a highly skilled support player. He only has a bit of competitive experience but his lack of on-stage game time is made up for by his hunger for success. We also feel that Klaj and Rekkles will have improved communication as they will surely create a closer bond in and out of the game.

Johan "Klaj" Olsson
My name is Johan Olsson, a few of you might know me as Klajbajk and I will be the new Support for team Fnatic starting today. I'm twenty years old, born and raised in Sweden and I've played League of Legends since Season 1. I'm really thankful for the opportunity that I've been given and I'd like to personally thank Brokenshard for helping me develop as a person and a player. I'll do all I can to live up to people's expectations and trust. I will also be changing my name to “Klaj” moving forward! Klaj will be playing this weekend against both Elements and the Unicorns of Love. Please join us on giving him the warmest of Fnatic welcomes and follow him on Twitter.

Finally, we caught up with Deilor to get his overall thoughts:

Luis "Deilor" Sevilla, Fnatic Head Coach In December when we were holding tryouts for the team, Noxiak was by far the most standout performer. We saw potential in him but the team didn’t come together as desired from a communication and shotcalling point of view.

The aim of this FNATIC team is to perform at the World Championship and I did not feel that the team was working well enough to match our goals. We need to have good communication and shotcalling so the change had to be made. We tried to overcome these problems but progress was way slower than I considered needed. Even though it makes me sad and maybe this change doesn’t have an immediate positive impact on our LCS results, I’m sure it’s the correct decision for our long-term plans.

I want to give a big thanks to Lewis for his work at FNATIC. We have brought Klaj onboard after rigorous tryouts and multiple recommendations and I look forward to helping him develop into a world-class support. Please show your (as always) awesome support for Klaj by welcoming him to the team! And keep following Noxiak as we are sure he will be back in the scene before long.

Sinceramente, no veía el nivel de Noxiak tan malo como para peinarlo tan a la ligera. Hubiera visto mas lógico el peine de Gamsu, que para mi no ha demostrado aún mucho.


En twitter también. A ver si hay suerte y sale bueno, aunque sigue sin convencerme hacer cambios en estos momentos


¿Estará para jugar el Jueves o ya para la próxima jornada?

1 respuesta

Esperado, Noxiak no tiene nivel para FNC y su champ pool parece bastante pobre.


Es que Noxiak no tenía ni mecánicas ni nada especial, jugaba como un challenger player random

Y Fnatic SIEMPRE ha acertado con sus cambios de roster, así que tengo confianza plena y seguro que será una mejora

1 respuesta

Pues confiantes en KlaJ, la verdad es que este año por horarios no estoy pudiendo seguir mucho la LCS pero Noxiak estaba lejos de ser un top player.


#5 SIEMPRE no porque un cambio fue el propio noxiak no=? xd

9 1 respuesta

#7 Bueno, noxiak fue un cambio porque yellow se piro, por lo tanto no cambio a nadie, entro sin mas jeje


Contigo empezo todo Noxiak


Pues vamos a ver si funciona la botlane de rubios.

No echaremos de menos a Noxiak o eso espero xD


Ni puta idea de quien es este, pero vamos por lo menos la imagen ya me llama más la atención que el sangre horchata, esperando un life of legends.


enchufe del rubio.

1 respuesta

#12 De Deilor? Jaja

1 comentario moderado

Ahora solo falta cambiar a Gamsu por algun top bueno.

1 comentario moderado

Fatic pls


Buena decisión de Fnatic. La de cambiar a Noxiak obviamente. Ahora toca acertar con el substituto. Ojalá salga bueno.

Lo de Gamsu ya si eso lo vamos dejando para más adelante cuando Spirit sepa decir algo en inglés.


Sinceramente me parece que la gente ha hateado demasiado a Noxiak solo por que Giants no lo cogieran antes que a Rydle, como seguidor de sus streamings puedo decir que mecanicamente es bastante y tiene un buen macro game, ahora una cosa muy diferente es como juegue solo q y otra competitivo, y se ha visto demostrado.

1 respuesta

Solo Klaj'kalas.


ya tardaban Noxiak no estaba demostrando NADA, aer que tal este


#19 Yo creo que se le hatea por ser sustituto de quien es, no por nada más.

Si vienes a sustituir al jefecito pues vas a tener mil ojos encima, es lo que hay.

1 1 respuesta

Este cambio me hace recuperar la confianza en Deilor.
Ha visto que Noxiak no evolucionaba como esperaba y ha decidido cambiar. Eso, en mi opinión, habla muy bien del mister.


#3 Debuta el jueves.

2 comentarios moderados

Yo no creo que Noxxiak sea, en líneas generales, un mal jugador, su problema era que a pesar de no hacer grandes cagadas tampoco aportaba nada especial al equipo


solo falta por echar a gamsu y ya ganan el split


#22 si pero a mi no me parece precisamente la pata mas coja de fnatic, hay otros que se esperaba mucho y no estan apareciendo, ademas falta coordinación, rotaciones y decisiones mejores.

1 respuesta

Lo he visto en streams bastante estos últimos días y me parece bastante mediocre , esperando que me calle la boca