Krepo se retira


Pues si, Krepo, ex support de Fureur, La GG, CLG.EU, Alliance, Evil Geniuses y Elements anuncia su retirada en su Facebook

A few months ago I came to you with the statement that it was "Do or die", "put up or shut up". Today i'm here to announce that it'll be the latter. Effective immediately i'll be retiring as a professional player.

It's hard to find the right words to describe the current situation, but i'll try to do my best. League of legends is the best thing that ever happened to me. I've had a pretty awesome career looking back. The only regrets I have is not trying a little harder, putting in a little more effort here & there, mostly season 3, and handling certain situations slightly different. I'm an emotional person, as much as I try not to be, and those emotions sometimes get the best of me. Then again, I've learned a lot in these years and have become a completely different person than I was 3-4 years ago when this was all set in motion. I hope changed for the better.

I've enjoyed being a player on the stage so much. It's the best feeling in the world, going on stage and have the crowd react, even cheer your name. Especially this split after being "out" for a while. To the LCS Berlin crowd, thank you so much, you have no idea how much it meant to me to hear you shout my name one more time. At least now I feel, i've had a chance to say goodbye. Even though I still played my last match without knowing it was the last, but at least somewhere I knew it could've been.

But all good things come to an end. Lately I found myself having a little less fun with the game. Looking back i'm having a hard time finding 3 consecutive days where i've been truely happy in the last few months. Hell, i've been getting salty and even a tad toxic in soloqueue as of late. Most of it stemming from the fact that I care a lot about winning & playing the game correctly, but I think i've gone too far in that mindset sometimes. I've always said the moment playing this game stops being fun and feels like a grind, i'll retire. And i think that moment has finally come.

I've always wanted to be recognized as a great player. I think I truely can be (or could've been), or perhaps even am, in some ways. This year I somehow wanted to prove it to myself & the community. I take solace in the fact that a lot of my peers who i respect a lot (think of Rekkles, tabzz, forgiven, kasing & more) have all told me they thought i was a good player. And that honestly is enough. Looking at my track record it's obvious I will never be able to achieve what I did in season 2 ever again, and that's alright. I'll treasure the memories and work on what's next instead.

Over time i've learned i not only enjoyed playing the game, but also commentating and analyzing it for the viewers. I have a lot to learn to follow in the footsteps of some of the great casters currently present, but it's something I want to pursue.
It's pretty daunting to realize that i'll never play a competitive league of legends match ever again, but i just have to look at it positively, starting another chapter in the story that's my life.

There's a lot of people I owe gratitude to for supporting me along the way, i'm truely grateful for your help/advice/comeradery. I'd make a list but there's too many. You know who you are.
Last i'd like to apologize to all fans that would've wanted me to play in this summer split & to Elements for not riding it out with them or being the change to get the team back on track. I wish them the best of luck and hope they make it to worlds.

Thanks for reading, krepo out.


Inesperado totalmente


Se marcara un Deficio? Le faltaba nivel para competir (aunque bueno, estando Rydle, Edward o Unlimited tampoco daba mucho el cante) pero carisma le sobra, y las veces que ha estado en la analysis desk no lo ha hecho nada mal


puto krepo ahora va a succionar de la teta de Riot como hizo Deficio en su momento , hay que joderse que tengamos que aguantarle más tiempo por la analyst desk o lo que sea que vaya a hacer


Ya era hora de que se diera cuenta que no vale ni para pelar patatas


Pues esto cambia todo en EL


Vuelve Nyph? xD


Suena Babeta

1 1 respuesta

Ahora EL tiene que buscar un support shotcaller medio bueno para que a Rekkles no le duela la espalda... solo se me ocurre wewillfailer, aunque veo que ficharán a Nisbeth xd

2 respuestas

Ya era hora. Desde la S4 era un ex-jugador...

...lo que no quita que haya sido el mejor jugador de Elements en la S5.




Ya te tocaba, ahora a hacer un Deficio.


desconocía lo de rekkles, ocultarme esto


A mi me ha pillado bastante por sorpresa esta, estaba convencidisimo que se quedaba en Elements, jugó bastante bien desde que entró para llegar desde la retirada, pero bueno. A ver si termina de comentarista o alguna cosa así, que no lo hacia nada mal.


Se va uno de los dos grandes suports que ha dado nuestra región.

Ya tocaba.

1 comentario moderado

Esto confirma el inicio del peine de Froggen?

1 respuesta

#9 será de tener una mala postura en la silla


#17 Yo creo que a Froggen aún le queda bastante, si es que se retira.


#9 a ver, que rekkles no sigue en elements xdd


Ya era hora.


Buen support, mejor comentarista


mejoro muchisimo a Nyph desde que llego, pero tampoco es que eso tenga demasiado merito viendo el nivel del todas formas bastante inesperado.


pues ultimamente estaba a buen nivel. Las ultimas semanas del split los unicos que daban la cara en Elements eran precisamente Rekkles&Krepo y son los 2 que se piran

1 respuesta

#24 Rekkles tambien se pira? Confirmado? :psyduck:

1 respuesta

#25 Hombre supongo xD si entra Tabzz sera pk Rekkles esta fuera

en el post de los fichajes en las ultimas paginas salen imágenes del próximo roster de Elements y todo indica que Tabzz esta en el


Krepo support live expectancy: < 2 años
Krepo caster life expectancy: no limit

Krepo support horario: 8 am - 8 pm todos los días
Krepo caster horario: 5pm - 11 pm los fines de semana

La decisión es fácil


le tenia hate en la s2 a el y a todo clg eu por intentar disputarle la hegemonia europea a m5... pero la verdad es junto con edward es el mejor supp que ha dado europa.

Una pena ver irse a jugadores que marcaron una epoca en el lol cuando lo veiamos 4 gatos (darien, krepo, genja, snoopeh etc)

1 2 respuestas

#28 Gran menosprecio al único tío que ha jugado todas las finales de la LCS ganando 4 de 5 y ha participado en casi todos los worlds.

Un saludo de Yolo.

2 respuestas

#29 pero yolo es relativo, que antes no era supp