Lo que piensa Mistake de Zyra:
*Zyra: Also underrated in this patch, in that people are not sure how to use her. Madlife plays her very well. She is similar to Sona and Lux, her strength is how she has an instant way to use her full combo as soon as she lands E. This is amplified with early burst ADs like EZ and Corki. She also grants vision with seeds.
*Sona: Near invincible in this patch, by which I mean she has few counters, she is only really afraid of ganks. Koreans use Zyra against Sona, since she has very long poke, this is however a very skill oriented match-up. Zyra doesn’t have good base stats to go against Sona. Remember to use Q on the seeds, Q has ranged poke, which is much more annoying. You get 5g for killing a plant, but I get 300 for killing you, so don’t be shy on placing them. Oh, actually Blitz counters her, once Azubu picked Sona they banned Blitz, it seems we have a consensus on this.