He puesto el aviso en el post-it, veamos cuantas veces se pregunta si tenemos partidos o algo durante el dia de hoy.
"We are truly sorry for the delays in the EU LCS Summer Promotion broadcasts. Unforeseen technical issues are preventing the continutation of game 3 between Wizards and Team Alternate. Without being fully confident that we can fix the situation today, we have postponed today's matches, and will restart at a future date and time.
We know how important this match is to the players involved, as well as the fans watching at home. We, too, are frustrated with the issues that have arisen and pledge to work diligently to fix what is broken. We have multiple teams in North America and Europe working towards resolving the issue.
Later today, we will be releasing additional information regarding the continuation of the EU LCS Summer Promotion. Until then, please bear with us as we work out our technical issues.
Nick Allen"
#1988 stan pospuestos hasta mañana(domingo 5)
Yo de ti quitaria la fecha.. por que mañana te preguntaran igualmente.. xD
Y mas cuando aun no se sabe la fecha ni nada.
#1988 en realidad nadie ha dicho que los partidos se pospongan a mañana, riot dice claramente que se posponen a una futura fecha, nos iran informando, pero no hay fecha.. quizás es hoy.
Anda que... también es suerte que tenga estos bugs el cliente de torneos porque llega a ser en el normal y la gente le da un ataque al corazón.
Para aquellos que tengan mono. Stream del torneo LOL en la LVP. http://www.twitch.tv/lvpes2