ostia, seguro que está tripitido pero me acabo de fijar: el puto hermanito del general odd vaya calcos
liberz11: dat hair
nidorosity: <message deleted>
int_j4ckfl4sh: VES will own !
riosen: <message deleted>
bity123: Stoph hatin
overlord9177: Dat hair
genjoi: ap trynd.
takisp22: hhhahahahahhah atrox came 5 minutes before xD
viiyu: cop is garbage
dirtyevillol: dat hair
byshel: Uykusu gelmiş ln
sisterdriller: trynda
charliek506: hey guys
mrkevipups: can edward even speak english?
dwta: <message deleted>
kacimono: Sup
guilhermek47: sion
morfd1: bliz :d
junglesenpai: blitzcrank!
monochromia: VILEROZE
mrc316: curse has this
dupelicate_123: ***
wutlolhurr: yesssssssssssss
xxxlargetunaxxx: <message deleted>
sxqpower: Tryndacrank
medeora2000: Crs
meleoffs: yes he can mrk
twitchtest1: *** edward is in curse now?!
fogasaki: trynda ap Voyboy
bromaciaop: TRYND YES
durumu: Omg Trynd!!!!
legendarygypsy: trynd
bershwitzl: omg tryn
vegaeb: <message deleted>
maxpiston: trondamere
dueffi: since whan gollum is in ves
cezd: Tryndamere??!?
mycroza: Nautilus and Blitzcrank, ***!
jupaack: what's his age 0o ????
worstapmidna: <message deleted>
fatkidscanthide: <message deleted>
mrboom9797: edward will fail like yesteray
cowboybebeop: tryndamere voy 333333333
jhonnypd: TRYNDA!
rayyan95: velocity has ugliest team world
snush: HODOR
noahtheprodigy: tryndamere
kinganobaga: <message deleted>
jokaebarn: holy ***... tryndamere!!!!!!
thephenomman: wörttimere
lubiezamykac: vileroze looks like pedophile, vileroze looks like pedophile
llxkyoxll: AATROX
circiuskoris: kayle counters tryn pretty hard
shimezu: YAY BLITZ!!!!!!!!
vector144: Edward's english is really good
templarandrei: <message deleted>
emilbarrit: HOOK CITY
lcswatchereu: TRYNDA
christoffo91: HODOR
wazil1998: edward SORAKA !!\
daniel150696: yes trynda
golden_cow2: trynd
joones123: <message deleted>
moriresvivir: crs or die
guttinj: visit [ key4game. net] and get riot codes!
Admin Turbo lightblind: Bliyz
kikoboss12: nice team
sunguardd: try?
d4vidbc: god not a trynd
seamuss2: gg, might as well surrender now velocity
rapie88: <message deleted>
anzaae: trynda!
harleysatt: Trynd can't out trade. ***
lidiorodriguez1510: Tryndamere
slompelin: edward betrayer
l8inhopt: HODOR
zielusek: edwarddddddd
plona1: <message deleted>
thelaith5: Tryndamere > Tryndaboy
popopicos: 720p lags :x
laszx: hey Lightblind there's some A/V stutter today, wasn't like this yday.. ill watch the youtube stream for now and check back later, could you look into it?
4ced2signup: Tryndaboss!!!!
slayassasin2: who's GG's new support? since edward left
hilopit: <message deleted>
tuneworld: Protect the President!!
pachir: HOOKCITY!
killerskull98: Aatrox
trollbuildsop: VES Gollum? since when?
wikkidbukkit: vileroze = sideshow bob
child999: <message deleted>
mlyyy: HOOK CITY
syncog: Voyboy on trynd gg CRS
shobinski: TRYN!
mange2: voyboy played shitload of trynda in soloq, not that surprised ))
kraizeboi: Risky pick for voy if u ask me
flgspyke: <message deleted>
shatteredofdawn: oh my god blitz
fede869: holyyyy *** tryndamere
darkrogue87: HOOK CITY
johnothetree: naut, tf, and blitz? yeah, i think curse has this one
linclusive: trashpicks by crs except tf.
syxes: Oh God is hair
thehungrytoaster: oh my *** god that hair
adorablemeow: lag
kingwilliam12: <message deleted>
avelansh: Tryndamere
tongwon: Tryndamere is the best
xkilltec: is atrox playable right now?
Turbo vjese: Goto the lolesports website, watch it through youtube, no lag.
klepaloftw: <message deleted>
chhand: that dude has pupes on his hair
theedd15: HAIR MIA
raygone: <message deleted>
zanaku: He's gotta cut that hair. Just let it go
cheezheartz: voyboy cant play tryndamere
mrgns: cris will own trynda
xheroik: is this the first game?
sk1ro: dis lag
maxthecat13: woot go voyboy
555max555: why tryndamire...
smanofiets: lagg again
thesal90: <message deleted>
chaosspell: wowow
jandokit: <message deleted>
zabiacko: sivstare
theunzeen: Fix this lag or i will call north korea and *** all of america in the air. M'kay?
kerepteljes: HODOR
ron4bravery: guys what's the prob with him don;t be ratchists
leipo100: *** with talking
pettertd: Lag started again
tsdrummer: man Ves is some homely looking mfers
krill_pill: Holy *** that guys makes me thankful I don't have his hair
waterlemongr: trynda < jayce
monfoo: dem hair
lasseboll33: Im the only lag?
cailo13: DAT HAIR
pessimisticmoose: plastic nose?
akker7: as soon the game starts it starts lagging why???
will_smith5: that dude's hair, it's like having hair AND being bald at the same time
gblazetrill: TSM
belligero: Tryndamere reduces enemy AD by 80. Good pick. You guys aredumb.
mrmonkeynoodle: trynda going ham
ironmaiden404: split push tryndamere too sttrong
wratux: <message deleted>
xfreshcrash: HAIR MIA
que risa mas tontA JAJAJ