LCS NA Summer Split - Jornada 1

No preguntéis por los horarios, los tenéis todos aquí
Nuevas normas del foro (obligada lectura)aquí.


Es que GBG jugaban bien sin casa ni pollas, si tuvieran casa serían lo mejor de lo mejorcito.


en crs se habla ruso, no ingles.


barraska barraska !!


Es verdad que Saint va aprender ruso para los ganks a bot?


Vaya barriguita de Voyman xD


Quién decía que VoyVoy era el mejor top NA? h3h3h3 troll.

1 respuesta

¿Con qué nos deleitará Nyjacky?

1 respuesta

#1056 es muy bueno pero tambien es muy irregular


jayce otra vez...


Lo mejor que ha hecho voyboy ha sido la novia, y todos le han visto las tits ya... XD


#1057 Otro de los atractivos de la LCS NA


fail cartas incomming


Y todavia le cogeran un kenen y le destrozaran como ayer


Inb4 gankeos con carta azul.

1 respuesta

¿Veremos alguna vez a Edward con thresh en TODA LA LCS?


#1064 Se le acaba escoger la carta xDDDDDDDDDD


Dios cuantos años tiene ese tío de VES? omg minimo 45

1 respuesta

espera que va a hacer el ridiculo con mierdamere


hard counterjungling incoming


Twitch me da unos tirones de escandalo. :S

1 respuesta

blitzcrank omg


Voyboy Trynd...pfff, me espero lo peor


Oh, Edward con BC here we go


ostia, seguro que está tripitido pero me acabo de fijar: el puto hermanito del general odd :O vaya calcos

1 respuesta

Trynda? dafuck


#1070 En va bien, aunque el sonido petardea un poco.


venga edward que con blitz puedes carrylear la partida


#1074 Np, sOAZ tb se acaba de dar cuenta.. lo q les interesa el lol americano xd


liberz11: dat hair

 nidorosity: <message deleted>

 int_j4ckfl4sh: VES will own !

 riosen: <message deleted>

 bity123: Stoph hatin

 overlord9177: Dat hair

 genjoi: ap trynd.

 takisp22: hhhahahahahhah atrox came 5 minutes before xD

 viiyu: cop is garbage

 dirtyevillol: dat hair

 byshel: Uykusu gelmiş ln

 sisterdriller: trynda

 charliek506: hey guys

 mrkevipups: can edward even speak english?

 dwta: <message deleted>

 kacimono: Sup

 guilhermek47: sion

 morfd1: bliz :d

 junglesenpai: blitzcrank!

 monochromia: VILEROZE

 mrc316: curse has this

 dupelicate_123: ***

 wutlolhurr: yesssssssssssss

 xxxlargetunaxxx: <message deleted>

 sxqpower: Tryndacrank

 medeora2000: Crs

 meleoffs: yes he can mrk

 twitchtest1: *** edward is in curse now?!

 fogasaki: trynda ap Voyboy

 bromaciaop: TRYND YES

 durumu: Omg Trynd!!!!

 legendarygypsy: trynd

 bershwitzl: omg tryn

 vegaeb: <message deleted>

 maxpiston: trondamere

 dueffi: since whan gollum is in ves

 cezd: Tryndamere??!?

 mycroza: Nautilus and Blitzcrank, ***!

 jupaack: what's his age 0o ????

 worstapmidna: <message deleted>

 fatkidscanthide: <message deleted>

 mrboom9797: edward will fail like yesteray

 cowboybebeop: tryndamere voy 333333333

 jhonnypd: TRYNDA!

 rayyan95: velocity has ugliest team world

 snush: HODOR

 noahtheprodigy: tryndamere

 kinganobaga: <message deleted>

 jokaebarn: holy ***... tryndamere!!!!!!

 thephenomman: wörttimere


 lubiezamykac: vileroze looks like pedophile, vileroze looks like pedophile

 llxkyoxll: AATROX

 circiuskoris: kayle counters tryn pretty hard

 shimezu: YAY BLITZ!!!!!!!!

 vector144: Edward's english is really good

 templarandrei: <message deleted>

 emilbarrit: HOOK CITY

 lcswatchereu: TRYNDA

 christoffo91: HODOR

 wazil1998: edward SORAKA !!\

 daniel150696: yes trynda

 golden_cow2: trynd

 joones123: <message deleted>

 moriresvivir: crs or die

 guttinj: visit [ key4game. net] and get riot codes!

 Admin Turbo lightblind: Bliyz

 kikoboss12: nice team

 sunguardd: try?

 d4vidbc: god not a trynd

 seamuss2: gg, might as well surrender now velocity

 rapie88: <message deleted>

 anzaae: trynda!

 harleysatt: Trynd can't out trade. ***

 lidiorodriguez1510: Tryndamere

 slompelin: edward betrayer

 l8inhopt: HODOR

 zielusek: edwarddddddd

 plona1: <message deleted>

 thelaith5: Tryndamere > Tryndaboy

 popopicos: 720p lags :x

 laszx: hey Lightblind there's some A/V stutter today, wasn't like this yday.. ill watch the youtube stream for now and check back later, could you look into it?

 4ced2signup: Tryndaboss!!!!

 slayassasin2: who's GG's new support? since edward left

 hilopit: <message deleted>

 tuneworld: Protect the President!!

 pachir: HOOKCITY!

 killerskull98: Aatrox

 trollbuildsop: VES Gollum? since when?

 wikkidbukkit: vileroze = sideshow bob

 child999: <message deleted>

 mlyyy: HOOK CITY

 syncog: Voyboy on trynd gg CRS

 shobinski: TRYN!

 mange2: voyboy played shitload of trynda in soloq, not that surprised ))

 kraizeboi: Risky pick for voy if u ask me

 flgspyke: <message deleted>

 shatteredofdawn: oh my god blitz

 fede869: holyyyy *** tryndamere

 darkrogue87: HOOK CITY

 johnothetree: naut, tf, and blitz? yeah, i think curse has this one

 linclusive:  trashpicks by crs except tf.

 syxes: Oh God is hair

 thehungrytoaster: oh my *** god that hair

 adorablemeow: lag

 kingwilliam12: <message deleted>

 avelansh: Tryndamere

 tongwon: Tryndamere is the best

 xkilltec: is atrox playable right now?

 Turbo vjese: Goto the lolesports website, watch it through youtube, no lag.

 klepaloftw: <message deleted>

 chhand: that dude has pupes on his hair

 theedd15: HAIR MIA

 raygone: <message deleted>

 zanaku: He's gotta cut that hair. Just let it go

 cheezheartz: voyboy cant play tryndamere

 mrgns: cris will own trynda

 xheroik: is this the first game?

 sk1ro: dis lag

 maxthecat13: woot go voyboy

 555max555: why tryndamire...

 smanofiets: lagg again

 thesal90: <message deleted>

 chaosspell: wowow

 jandokit: <message deleted>

 zabiacko: sivstare

 theunzeen: Fix this lag or i will call north korea and *** all of america in the air. M'kay?

 kerepteljes: HODOR

 ron4bravery: guys what's the prob with him don;t be ratchists

 leipo100: *** with talking

 pettertd: Lag started again

 tsdrummer: man Ves is some homely looking mfers

 krill_pill: Holy *** that guys makes me thankful I don't have his hair

 waterlemongr: trynda < jayce

 monfoo: dem hair

 lasseboll33: Im the only lag?

 cailo13: DAT HAIR

 pessimisticmoose: plastic nose?

 akker7: as soon the game starts it starts lagging why???

 will_smith5: that dude's hair, it's like having hair AND being bald at the same time

 gblazetrill: TSM

 belligero: Tryndamere reduces enemy AD by 80. Good pick. You guys aredumb.

 mrmonkeynoodle: trynda going ham

 ironmaiden404: split push tryndamere too sttrong

 wratux: <message deleted>

 xfreshcrash: HAIR MIA

que risa mas tontA JAJAJ

1 respuesta

#1067 Tiene 22 años xD