MediaLive! LoL - Especial EU pasa el peine


#358 Os cagais como saque el catalán de Hospitalet, no me entiende ni Dupler xd


Pepi pidio a Snoop Dogg como coach, pero no llegaba el presupuesto.


Como Pepi tenga el nivel que tenía al final del split pasado, adios


Pero si yo te entiendo yaya TT

1 respuesta

estamos hablando del elo de la s1? por favor que esto es serio

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yo creo que el split pasado, como Gitans se gastó la pasta en fichajes, pues no habia para drogas :(


No hace falta que os vayais tan lejos, hace 1-2 seasons fue top1 de soloQ.


Serio xdddd

#364 Claro que me entiendes, si yo hablo muy bien xd


Amunt València


Pregunta: Cuanto tardara la aficion del valencia en pedir la dimision del coach?


#365 2200 de Elo en la S1 era un disparate eh, las mecánicas no serían nada, pero el nivel...

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Okay, alot of you probably won't see this but here we go.
I'm one of the designers who left. (shubi)
First off, I want to thank the people who are supporting us! next up I want to tell the ppl who don’t support this that that is their right to think that and I understand it completely.
You must know that atleast me and the other designer got promised gear. (wich we never got) But this isnt the main reason for me leaving. The fact that the staff was not being communicated that there would be like roster changes but we had to find out ourself through rumours or other websites that it all was happening is really frustrating. we want to bring the best for the fans but we simply couldn’t.
For the design stuff there was just not enough communication, I had to ask a lot of ppl to get like riot photo’s of the players. (wich to this day I still didn’t get) to make banners ect with.
there were multiple confrontations where we got told that we were easy replaceable and that we were not here to like suggest things or something.
Every week there were meetings but the last few weeks it all started to go downhill, less ppl started showing up without giving a notice… not fun when you postpone stuff to hear that it wasn’t needed cuz there isn’t a meeting anyway
I know a lot of people have suggested that yes there came a new ceo but a lot of people are also saying that he “cleaned” up the staff and we all got dropped. Well let me tell you, sadly I’ll need to disappoint you… I am not going to shit talk the person cuz I don’t really got to know him, all I know is that I asked something and all I got to hear is that he was busy doing other things… we also did not got to talk to him since he was never on the meeting. And I don’t think he cared that much about us. So no we did not get dropped.
the list goes on... but i'm not that good at writing so i'll keep that to that :p
now why I posted it on twitter is so that I don't want people like me who get to do the same thing, the first few months it's all alright cuz you know you get to call yourself part of a big LOL team, i mean how exciting is that you know. but after a few months you start realising that what was promised wont get through and you start seeing the bad things. For the people saying to get respect you need to give it. I have tried to give respect for the past 7 months so there is no lack of respect there.
I hope this cleared up some things and ppl will understand me more now.


Dulper :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:


La marató, promovida por el régimen da la TV3


#371 si, era muy alto y todo lo que quieras, pero de un tiempo a esta parte eso ya no significa nada.


Lo que no debería ser normal es que solo una parte sea la beneficiada, y que encima el trato deje bastante que desear


Mediavida es una ONG. Todos han sido voluntarios.


........ Huele a que se metieron a lo cazapartner, para estar dentro del mundillo y tal


Creo que alguno dijo que se enteraba de los rumores por reddit

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#379 eso parece

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Y lo que se han ahorrado? eso es lo importante xD


#380 pero que hay de malo en eso? si son unos mindundis que se han dado aires de algo, nada mas

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#382 están dañando la imagen de OG y OG se está enfangando con esto eh


#382 coño claro, si es lo que acabais de decir en el live, que todo va a salir peor y luego las consecuencias de que un don nadie con nada que perder se ponga a decir mierda...


"una empresa como origen" Si son el peor ejemplo de empresa



Me referia a visibilidad slack


a corto plazo te ahorras 2 duros. A largo plazo pasa lo que pasa y das una imagen penosa y de capullo integral.


si... puedes tener a 4 o 5 voluntarios y sacar toda la tajada posible, y ahora pasa esto y se te van 5 hablando mal y la imagen del equipo queda a la altura del betun.

ser una casa de putas es siempre "worth"


Yo creo que a los patronicadores les da igual todo, salvo que cometan un delito de los gordos

Tema cerrado