Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess
Abilities & Stats
Base Stats:
Base Mana Regen Per Second: 1.5
Base HP: 585.6
Base Mana: 300
Attack Speed Per Level: 2.5
Mana Per Level: 40
Base Movement Speed: 340
Damage Per Level: 5
Mana Regen Per Second Per Level: 0.15
Base Attack Range: 125
Base Magic Resist: 32.1
Armor Per Level: 3.8
Base Damage: 60
Base Armor: 26
HP Regen Per Second Per Level: 0.16
HP Per Level: 95
Magic Resist Per Level: 1.25
Base HP Regen Per Second: 1.9
Prophet of an Elder God (Passive)
Illaoi draws the presence of her god, spawning a Tentacle on nearby impassible
terrain if no other Tentacles are nearby (20 - 12 second cooldown based on level). Tentacles
interact with Illaoi's abilities and last until killed or if dormant for 1 minute.
Tentacle Smash (Q)
40/45/50/55/60 Mana
10/9/8/7/6 sec Cooldown
Passive: Illaoi is healed for 5% of her missing health whenever a Tentacle
damages a champion.
Active: Illaoi smashes down a Tentacle, dealing [10 x level] (+1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 total AD) physical damage.
Harsh Lesson (W)
30 Mana
6/5.5/5/4.5/4 sec Cooldown
For her next basic attack, Illaoi leaps to her target dealing 15/35/55/75/95 (+1.1 total AD) physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will also swing at the target.
Test of Spirit (E)
35/45/55/65/75 Mana
20/18/16/14/12 sec Cooldown
Illaoi rips the spirit from a foe's body, forcing it to stand before her, so she can
teach them a lesson.
Illaoi calls on the power of her god to pull the Spirit from an enemy champion for 10 seconds. The Spirit can be attacked by Illaoi and her allies and echoes 25/30/35/40/45% (+.08 % total AD) of the damage it takes to the target.
If the Spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes a Vessel.
Vessels spawn a Tentacle every 10 seconds for 1 minute and have their
movement speed slowed by 80%, decaying over 2 seconds.
Tentacles swing at Spirits and Vessels dealing [10 x level] (+1.2 - 1.6 total AD ratio based on Q) physical damage.
Leap of Faith (R)
100 Mana
120/105/90 sec Cooldown
Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing 150/250/350 (+ ,5 bonus AD) physical damage to nearby enemies.
A Tentacle spawns for each enemy champion hit and, for the next 8 seconds,
Tentacles swing 50% faster, are untargetable, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second