Novedades: Paginas de Maestrias & Runas y más!


You keep giving champions quality of life changes, but the game itself is in need of many. And none of them are complicated in the slightest.

1. Mastery Pages upped to 20. We have been recently given 20 Rune Pages, and your new masteries adding "more choice." It is becoming overly problematic with these improvements along with new champions to keep up all necessary pages. And having to remake pages every other game is obnoxious.

2. Customizable "recommended items." Yes, there are independently developed mods that allow for this, but they are a hassle when patches come out. And this is really a feature that should be in the game. Especially when the game has characters like TF who are still recommended as awkward AD/on-hit characters, yet everyone plays them as AP. So you can't even find basic build items to jump from in the recommended list.

3. Customized control saving. This is the only one that would taken any decent amount of effort. But even still not much. A lot of players like using smart-casting for specific skills on specific champions. But in general don't like to use smart-casting on everyone at all times. This requires people to re-map their controls at the start of games based on which character they're playing. This is absurd for summoner's rift which(unlike dominion) starts immediately on load. Putting you at a huge disadvantage if you have to take that time to do something that should be built into the game. And causing even more headaches should you forget and get to lane before noticing your skills are off. Controls should save on a champion-by-champion basis to solve this problem.

RiotVeonneth - Production Assistant
These are some great suggestions, and we've definitely talked about some of them, but unfortunately some take quite a bit of effort.

In regards to Mastery Pages up to 20, the issue here is actually server load implications. We're working to making it so that all Mastery Pages are stored on the server. This way, players who switch between multiple computers won't have to redo their mastery pages each time. With 10 mastery pages and hundreds of thousands of players playing simultaneously, you can imagine that there's a lot of server load involved. When we increase it to 20, we want to make sure that our servers can handle it. Even 10 is a stretch, because unlike rune pages, Mastery Pages are free. Very few players even have 10 rune pages, so the sever load from them isn't very high.

For Custom Recommended Items, we completely agree, but we're looking at more holistic solutions (like importing build orders for both items and skills, or saving guides/notes in a better way).

For "customize control saving," I don't think we've had any direct discussions about this one. I'll make sure we talk about it, but I don't think the value here is too extreme. A huge portion of our players never change their default keybindings, and those that are "hardcore" enough to do it on a per-champion basis also probably know how to edit their keybindings outside the game.

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1) 20 Paginas de maestrias, almacenadas en el sever
2) 20 Paginas de runas, almacenadas en el server
3) Objetos recomendados customizables desde el propio cliente (No mas mod's FUCK YEAH!)
4) Atajos de teclado y asignación de teclas ahora se almacenarán en el server (para custom smart-casting)

Todo son sugerencias, pero al parecer Riot toma nota de todo, esperaremos mucho para ver estos cambios efectivos? Yo espero que no. Que pensáis de estos cambios? Propondríais a Riot alguna sugerencia o mejora?



Muy buenos cambios todos, me gusta.

Yo necesitaba mas paginas de maestrias.


Si joder, 20 paginas de maestrias xd y lastima que nunca dejaran editar las runas dsd el chat de partida(cosa obvia).





lo de customizar los recomendados mola y a parla el mod :D


#1 Gracias

  1. Mastery Pages upped to 20. pero si eso ya esta

El tema de grabar los binds del Smart cast personalizados por champion sería muy interesante. Por ejemplo, la R de Sona me gusta usarla con Smart cast y, cuando me olvido de ponerlo, me quedo mirando como un tonto la pantalla unos segundos que pueden ser cruciales.


Sobre todo las 20 páginas de maestrías, y lo de cambiar objetos recomendados viene de lujo. Ojalá lo activen dentro de poco.


buah, que buena
riot cada vez parece currarselo más aún, lol

edit: pero las páginas de runas ya estaban almacenadas en el server, no? Oo que cambia ahi?


Customized control saving. This is the only one that would taken any decent amount of effort. But even still not much. A lot of players like using smart-casting for specific skills on specific champions. But in general don't like to use smart-casting on everyone at all times. This requires people to re-map their controls at the start of games based on which character they're playing. This is absurd for summoner's rift which(unlike dominion) starts immediately on load. Putting you at a huge disadvantage if you have to take that time to do something that should be built into the game. And causing even more headaches should you forget and get to lane before noticing your skills are off. Controls should save on a champion-by-champion basis to solve this problem.

Hola Cassio Ryze y LB

Yo solo veo que diga Maestrias ahora guardadas en server, las runas no se van aunque cambies de pc creo


a ver que tal, eso de que los bindings se almacenen me gusta


20 paginas de runas dios.. y lo que yo he sudao para comprarme la 3º pagina xDD
PD: Cojonudo lo de los items recomendados


Gran aporte Aikon

La verdad que lo de salvar los smartcast y editar los recomendados masmola, pero ya le podian cambiar a TF los suyos si saben que todo el mundo lo juega de AP xd


Joder, cambios esperados como agua de mayo! A ver cuanto tardan en ponerlos...


Ahora los items saldran en recomendados y aun asi seguiran habiendo los gilipoyas de turno que mueren haciendose el callback "porque estan mirando la tienda"


¿El smart cast en qué consiste exactamente?

2 respuestas

#17 Sabes las Q de Karthus o Cassio? Eso es smart cast, una habilidad que tras pulsar la tecla (Q, W, E, R) se activa y se aplica bajo la posición del cursor.

Las habilidades tipo skill (como la Q de Ezreal) has de seleccionarlas, apuntar y luego hacer click. Con SmartCast te ahorras el ultimo click, pero requiere un poco más de habilidad para castear bien.

1 respuesta

#17 Es como la voltereta de Vayne o la q de Riven; lanzas tus skills donde esté el cursor.

Yo, aunque suene muy disparatado, desde que me lo puse hace 2 semanas he notado una gran diferencia a nivel de juego y comodidad que no es ni normal.

2 respuestas

#18 #19 Gracias por la aclaración ;)


#19 , es que se nota una barbaridad, quizas al principio no, xk te crees k puedes tirar las cosas desde cuenca. Pero una vez te acostumbras a los rangos, gana una BURRADA.

1 1 respuesta

#21 Sobre todo en heroes tipo Brand, que necesitan tirar rápidamente los combos, es lo máximo.


y como jugais vosotros, con todas las teclas en smart cast? (Q,W,E y R) ?

2 respuestas

Yo uso shift + QWER casi siempre.


#23 , yo he quitado las teclas normales y he puesto directamente las smartcast en Q-W-E-R. Y el Selfcast en Shift + Q-W-E-R


#23 Sí, smart + self.


Esta interesante pero esto es lo que yo deduzco de lo que han contestado :

  • 20 paginas de maestrias : Nos va a petar el server asi que no se yo si lo haremos...

  • Items recomendados : Estamos de acuerdo, veremos a ver como lo hacemos (esta es la unica que creo que llevaran a cabo en un plazo corto-medio).

  • Lo del smartcast : No lo vamos a hacer ni de coña.

1 respuesta

#27 , pues realmente lo del smartcast no deberia de costarles mucho, que tu pudieras hacerte varios perfiles que se guardaran en tu PC.


lo del smartcast se puede poner o es con un mod?


El título de este thread es MUY engañoso.