Nueva multa a CLG. 10.000$



CLG negoció con Scarra para ficharlo como Coach antes de que este terminara contrato con DIG y así influenciar en su decision, así que 10k$ de multa y Scarra no puede ser su coach las 3 primeras semanas de competición.


We were recently notified of allegations that Counter Logic Gaming’s (CLG) management violated the LCS anti-tampering/poaching provision by soliciting William “Scarra” Li, who was at the time still under contract as a substitute player for Dignitas, to not re-sign with Dignitas in the offseason and instead sign with CLG. Attempting to recruit LCS Team Members still under contract with other LCS organizations is a serious offense, and we began a thorough investigation to determine if the accusations had merit.

As a result of our investigation we’ve discovered the following:

Shortly following the conclusion of the LCS 2014 NA Regionals in early September, Counter Logic Gaming’s owner, George “HotshotGG” Georgallidis, reached out to Li directly to express a desire to work with him. Li was still under contract with Dignitas at this time.

Several weeks later, at least one Counter Logic Gaming team member was informed by team management that Scarra seemed interested in the organization and was their top choice to be coach. A team member then informed CLG management he was going to reach out to Li to discuss the possibility of Li coaching for CLG next season. This team member went on to have a conversation with Li regarding the possibility of him not re-signing with Dignitas during the offseason and instead becoming coach for CLG, a clear violation of the LCS anti-tampering/poaching rule.

In mid-October, LCS officials were made aware of allegations that CLG had attempted to poach Li, and promptly reached out to CLG management to get their side of the story. Georgallidis repeatedly made false statements to LCS officials during the investigation, denying knowledge of any conversations between himself and Li or CLG team members while Li was under contract regarding Li becoming a coach for CLG.

Multiple sources have since provided evidence confirming that Georgallidis personally approached Scarra and had knowledge of at least one other CLG team member having a conversation with Li about the possibility of him joining CLG before Li’s contract with Dignitas was up.


10.2.12 No Poaching or Tampering.

“No Team Member or Affiliate of a team may solicit, lure, or make an offer of employment to any Team Member who is signed to any LCS team, nor encourage any such Team Member to breach or otherwise terminate a contract with said LCS team. Violations of this rule shall be subject to penalties, at the discretion of LCS officials.”


CLG has violated rule 10.2.12 of the LCS ruleset and will be subject to penalties.


Counter-Logic Gaming is:

Fined $10,000
Restricted from fielding William “Scarra” Li as an official LCS Team Member for the first 3 weeks of the 2015 LCS Spring Split
CLG will still be required to field a Head Coach for the first 3 weeks of the 2015 LCS Spring Split


This is the most severe penalty we have ever levied on an LCS team. Here’s more context on our reasoning and how we reached this decision:

We consider poaching to be a serious violation which challenges the competitive integrity of the league - as such, the penalties we consider are severe. LCS teams are expected to respect not only the contracts that they’ve signed with their own players, but those that other organizations have signed with theirs. Tampering with players on opposing teams can incentivize extremely toxic dynamics (e.g. players deliberately playing poorly to “force” their organization to release them) and is an unacceptable form of gamesmanship. It also puts honest teams which comply with anti-tampering/poaching rules at a disadvantage in acquiring players.
There are a number of factors that we consider whenever we’re assessing a penalty for any violation of LCS rules. Intent and honesty on the part of a rule-breaking individual or group are important - likewise, if the offender or offenders are dishonest, we consider that when weighing our decision. We also look at who’s under investigation - for example, our judgment may be more severe for the ownership of an LCS organization whose understanding of the ruleset and potential consequences may be more sophisticated than that of an individual player.
In this case, the fact that CLG ownership made false statements to LCS officials and directly attempted to poach a player under contract to a rival LCS organization has been considered an aggravating factor in assessing the penalty.
In this case, where it wasn’t one player but the ownership of an entire LCS organization that engaged in poaching, a fine alone is not a sufficient penalty. We want our penalties to help avoid similar situations in the future, and a fine alone will not effectively deter determined organizations from attempting to poach players.
Limiting the value of CLG’s ill-gotten acquisition by restricting its ability to field Li as an LCS Team Member for the first three weeks of the LCS is a more effective penalty than simply ramping the fine amount up further.
Under LCS rules, a team may negotiate with a player under contract with another team if they obtain permission from that player’s organization. In this case, if CLG had requested and received permission from Dignitas to speak with Li prior to their talks, there would have been no issue. Teams may also simply wait until a player’s contract is up (in this case, Li’s contract was up in late October) to recruit a player. CLG chose to do neither, which has led to this investigation and outcome.
Our decision in this investigation relied heavily on evidence and firsthand testimony provided to us by sources who requested anonymity because of their close relationship with the parties at the center of this investigation. While we generally strive for transparency in our competitive rulings, we also highly value protecting sources who come forward to offer evidence to LCS officials despite the risk of potential backlash if their identity is made public.

We understand that this explanation is not as satisfying as full public disclosure of all of the evidence which led to our ruling, but doing so would pose an unacceptable risk to the anonymity of the sources who came forward to speak with us.

This ruling reflects our desire to send a clear signal that poaching is unacceptable in the LCS, as is deliberately making false statements to LCS officials.

La respuesta de CLG

Counter Logic Gaming has recently been ruled in violation of LCS anti-tampering/poaching provision. The official and relevant ruling can be found here: CLG acknowledges that the situation has escalated to the current sanctions imposed by the recent rulings from Riot Games. In order to provide some clarity to the general public regarding the situation as well as express our deepest apologies to all those negatively affected, both Scarra and HotshotGG have issued official statements below.

"At PAX Prime, after the event was over, Scarra casually mentioned he'd be looking to coach next season. I told him we were also looking for coaches, and nothing more came out of that exchange. It was very brief and informal. Some time later, Scarra messaged me on Skype and the same topic came up again. I was more interested this time because I personally believed in Scarra's abilities, especially after we narrowly escaped relegations. We started to talk more with details about our involvement together.

I knew the rules, and it was very disrespectful of me to not abide by them. It was not what I should have been doing, and it's not what eSports needs to grow and gain mainstream legitimacy. This is not what CLG is about, but I'm not a perfect person and I'll admit it. CLG's results have not been satisfactory as of late and I was trying to fix that, but I went about doing it the wrong way. I have learned my lesson and completely understand and accept Riot's ruling. I denied the allegations initially, because I was scared of the consequences, but that made things worse. I should have been honest, and it will not happen again. I extend my sincerest apologies to Odee, Dignitas, the guys at CLG, and the community for my actions."
"This is just to clarify the recent ruling against CLG. First thing I want to clear up is that nobody had any communication with each other before the end of the competitive season (after the games at PAX). At PAX, I was unsure about my future plans whether or not I was really going to stay on the team or not until next season due to various reasons I can't go into. Because PAX was a huge aggregation of friends and players that I tend to talk to and respect a lot, I spent a lot of time talking to players after the Dignitas games ended up finishing. One of the people I approached was Hotshot which never went past the phase of initial interest at the event.

At the time, I did not know I was restricted to talk to people about my situation due to a variety of factors:
Riot Games had not officially recognized coaches at that time.

I had limitations placed on me due to the fact that I was officially a substitute player of the Dignitas roster at the time. I actually did not know this was the case. I became a substitute player in the off chance that one of the players became sick and had no plans to return to playing on the starting roster at the time.
Additionally I was exploring options with CLG only in the realm of a coaching position (I talked with other people about exploring options as a player/streamer/caster/etc) which I thought was fine under the first point listed above. Both of these factors ended up creating an environment that I was not fully knowledgeable about going into the following weeks. After PAX, I approached CLG management about the situation and management (Mattcom in particular) specifically told me that I should not have talked to George due to the fact that I was still considered a player who was under contract. Mattcom stopped any and all communication from there until after my contract expired. I later found that he had previously tried to talk to Odee for clarification about my situation but that no response was given. At this moment I had no idea what on earth was happening, but that I might have made a very big mistake and gone behind regulation when I was asking people for advice about figuring out my future plans.

This wasn't some malicious attempt at acquisition by Hotshot, nor was it an attempt by me to circumvent the correct procedure to try to move away from my old organization, Dignitas. I made a big mistake and walked into a situation before I was absolutely sure about the details. I'm sorry for people affected by the situation, especially Odee and Dignitas organization. This definitely won't happen again."
CLG did not intend for any of the eventual negative consequences that have transpired as a result of the actions of the individuals involved. CLG expresses its sincerest apologies to Odee, Dignitas and Riot Games regarding these events. Counter Logic Gaming recognizes Riot Games’ continuing efforts to further the integrity of the esports scene and respects the decisions it has made in pursuit of this goal.

En resumen, y en lo que va de año:
Lose ARAM to Saint - $10k
Staff Poaching - $10k
Account sharing in Korea - $5k + banned from OGN for 2 years
Seoul bootcamp + plane tickets - $15k+
On top of that, CLG almost lost a LCS spot, yeah not a CLG year for sure.



No tiene ningún sentido esta sanción.


HS es todo un ejemplo de gestión.


ya son ganas de tocar los huevos


Hotshotgg pierde la pasta de 10.000$ en 10.000$ primero pierde vs saint y ahora esto XD


Joder con Riot, haciendo leña del arbol caido...


Claro... Y viendo lo que hacia Santorin jugándose Coast entrar en la LCS y el un sueldo.... Seguro que no lo tenía hablado con TSM kappa


HSGG es la putita de rito


CLG, la gran mentira.

Eso pasa por echar echar a Dexter, no un top tier jungler pero sin duda no el tumor del equipo, como son Link y DoubleFail.


no siento más que verguenza de que una empresa meta 10k de sanción así por la cara, los monopolios nunca fueron buenos y es lo que le está pasando al league of legends competitivo



Cuando Rito necesita pasta solo tiene que acudir a CLG


resumen? que palo leer eso


la tienen tomadisima con CLG rito pls


La multa la pagaran entre todos los americanos ya que el Gobierno le da una paga para que pueda seguir haciendo estas cosas


No se como llego a ser el owner de CLG, me imagino que creando un equipo con buenos jugadores de la epoca(incluyendose el mismo), pero este tio no esta hecho para esto. Con el progreso que han dado los esports des de que xpeke fue campeon del "mundo" hasta ahora hay un abismo, y htsgg sigue ahi sin enterarse de la mitad.

1 respuesta

#16 Si mal no recuerdo HSGG fue quien creo CLG no?

Afreeca FreecsIloveoov (coach)Roster completo, coach
EverKey, Loken
Jin Air Green WingsRaiseRoster completo
KT RolsterSmeb, Pawn, Deft, MataArrow, Hachani, Ssumday, Fly
Longzhu GamingPray, GorillaRoster completo, cambio de dueños
ROX TigersKang (coach)Peanut, Smeb, Pray, Gorilla, Cry, Kuro
SamsungWraithTrace (coach)
SK Telecom T1Huni, PeanutDuke, Bengi, PoohManDu
CJ EntusRoster completo
Team Solo MidWeldon (coach), Doublelift
InmortalsReignover, Huni, Wildturtle, Adrian, Dylan (coach)
Echo FoxLooperBig, kfo
Team LiquidMoon (Analista), David Lim (coach)Dardoch, Locodoco (coach)
Phoenix 1Adrian
ROCCATRaise, Steelback
FnaticSoaz,Amazing,Caps,JesizKikis,Spirit, Febiven, Yellowstar
H2KFebivenRyu, Forgiven, Freeze
OrigenLeDuckSoaz, Amazing, Hybrid
GiantsSimttyJ, SONSTAR
MisfitsWisdom, Selfie
Unicorns of LoveMove
Schalke04Rudy, Hattrix, Nightsniper, VisdomGilius, Sprattel, Fox, MrRallez
PSGPilot, Yellowstar (coach)
Fnatic CSKubz(coach), Kikis, Broxah, Nisqy, MrRallez, Klaj
1 respuesta


"Counter Logic Gaming was founded by HotshotGG on April 16th, 2010, after he left messiahwins due to an inconvenience between HotshotGG and Reginald"

Aparte de eso creo que existen managers y la madre de HSGG es quien se encargaba del aspecto económico del club, lo cual también explicaría muchas cosas xD


Ser de CLG es como ser de EU, implicar nadar contra corriente.

#Riorato #Regirato


A mi es que me gusta sufrir. Go CLG!


Por un lado la sanción no tiene sentido alguno, pero por otro, son CLG, cualquier sanción es bienvenida.


Papá, por qué somos de CLG?


Regi lo ha vuelto a hacer. Ha mandado a Papa Riot a sancionar a sus grandes rivales por el split.


sus grandes rivales por el split

grandes rivales por el split.

grandes rivales


A estos niveles ya no eh Dase?


Grandes rivales....


Le bait.

Yaya punisheale o algo xD


Doublelift: "Me sorprendería mucho si Curse no es el #1 este split"


Normal que no sean rivales, si cada vez que montan un equipo poderoso y rocoso para intentar optar al título, llega Papa Riot y lo cruje.

A mi hasta me dan penilla ya.

Y Farocharge pidiendo punish por "baitear" cuando lleva años con lo de "NA > EU" :palm: , como se nota que las verdades duelen.

1 respuesta

#28 Pero si NA > EU es una realidad, las cosas como son, puede que en la S5 cambien las tornas, pero las cosas hay que aceptarlas.

El bait real es EU > NA, y lo sabes, y deberian ocultarte los posts en los que lo dices, pero con tu cambio de actitud te has ganado el favor de los mods pero si sigues con esos baits acabaras mal Dase, tienes que aceptar las cosas, o acabaras con aggro 8 en lugar de aggro 4

Dase creo en ti, en tus valors y humiltat, se que puedes abrazar el NA > EU en tu corazon.

1 respuesta

#29 Si por eso la única partida entre TSM y SK la palmaron, al igual que con UOL...lo único salvable de allí es C9 y los pillo Fnatic en la s3 y los humillo delante de todo el mundo.

NA es lo que es. Thrastalk y poco más.