Nuevo equipo de Lemondogs


#26 xD no te preocupes, pero eso decía, NiP no están mal pero CW está que arde, por eso digo que han tenido suerte de que no les toque.


Este rooster no hay por donde cogerlo...


"[EN] Hey everyone , I learned this morning that we were announced by LoLesports and there was a post on reddit. So yea that was the great news , we (ShLaYa , CrazyCaps , Zeriouz and Myw) are the new LemonDogs roster. From what I could read , we're going to perform bad, get 2-0'd by TSM and finish 8th in LCS, etc etc... It is sad to read such comments and see that people are only talking about "names". But who was M5 before they crushed everybody? Who was LD before they get #1? I did know how good these players were and their potential as a team, but people don't. Because I play SoloQ on top level and used to play with/against these guys. Here we go. This roster. Why these players? There's a reason ! All I can say is that individually they are on a very good level. Our names might make you question about the level of the team. I'm not going to say anything about how we're going to perform because I don't know it myself. But what I can say is that we're going to practice and work hard and our goal is to reach #1 as we have a good potential. I'm very happy that we got earned this opportunity and we will just do our best. We will have to face TSM this weekend and be sure that we are preparing for this. However I could also read a lot of positive and supportive comments about me and our new team and I wanted to thank you for that. Have a nice day and tune in on sunday !"

ImSoFresh comparandose a M5 y al LD del año pasado.

1 respuesta

#33 Hombre, yo creo de decir que están preparados para jugar contra un equipo que conserva su roster desde hace varias season a excepción del mid, y que optan a todo en NA son palabras mayores, de todos modos creo que no compara su nivel, sino la forma en que se dieron a conocer. Ojalá no se equivoque y hagan algo relevante, pero yo creo que no será así. GL!