"Hi everyone!
When we first released One For All, a lot of players said this would be a fun mode to try with 10 of the same champion on Howling Abyss. Well, we heard you and we agree!
The next Featured Game Mode, One For All: Mirror Mode, is up for testing on PBE!
For this iteration, we made a few tweaks to the champion select process. Champ select is now determined by nominations aggregated across both teams and a vote tracker shows the nominated champions. If a strict majority is achieved (>50% of picks, excluding abstains), that champion is assigned to everyone. If not, the champion is picked based on a weighted random across all of the champion nominations – for example, if 4 people vote for Amumu, 3 vote for Annie, 2 vote for Aatrox, and 1 person votes for Alistar, there’s a 40% chance everyone will be Amumu, a 30% chance you'll all play as Annie, a 20% chance to face off as Aatrox, etc.
One feature we’ve added to One For All: Mirror Mode is the ability to purchase a Battle Boost for your team during champ select. If you purchase one, you'll unlock all available skins for yourself and your team for that match as well as a one game team IP boost. (Ever wonder how many different Teemo mushrooms there are? )
Hop in the queue and give this community-inspired variant of One For All a try. As always, let us know if you find any issues or problems and tell us what you think!"[/spoiler]
El modo One for All vuelve al PBE con mejoras, la primera la forma de elegir campeon, en donde contara la votación de ambos equipos para elegir el mismo campeon para todos.
La segunda son los bonus, el primero poder desbloquear para el partido todas las skins del campeon tanto para ti como para todo tu equipo, y el otro bonus, un plus de IP