¿Quieres saber cuánto tiempo has dedicado al LOL?


Esta mejor este, es mas exacto --> http://www.lolparse.com/

Lo malo es que si formateaste o borraste el registro eso no te lo contabiliza.

Pero trae mas herramientas como saber con que amigos has jugado mas tiempo y cuanto, o que campeon has jugado mas, etc.

1 respuesta

No se si alguien lo habra visto, pero el numero 1, es unranked.


dartzz, you've spent about 1608 hours on League of Legends which means 67 days of your life. You are 3797th on LAN servers and 141293th in the world. coño pues juraria que eran mas de 1600 horas


37 días, no esta mal XD


pingajo, you've spent about 772 hours on League of Legends which means 32 days of your life. You are 146818th on EUW servers and 361112th in the world.


92 days. Not bad. Entre todos los juegos que he jugado a lo largo de mi vida, puedo llegar al año online


#151 muy guapo, te sale de todo!


you've spent about 3406 hours on League of Legends which means 142 days of your life. You are 2821th on euw servers and 5675th in the world.

i win?


75 dias, menuda vergüenza, en la cuenta del wow solo con el chami tengo 150 dias xD


"Aim de Elmo, you've spent about 1620 hours on League of Legends which means 68 days of your life. You are 64051th on EUW servers and 141702th in the world."

Palabras directas a mi amor propio ajajaj Podría haber hecho tantas cosas.... Nah, mejor me voy a echar un lol :clint:


71 dias not bad


el top 7 es bronze II que crema

1 respuesta

#162 normal, es el tío que se ha encontrado con más trolls en su equipo :S


mystyka, you've spent about 732 hours on League of Legends which means 31 days of your life. You are 154258th on EUW servers and 380528th in the world.


you've spent about 2177 hours on League of Legends which means 91 days of your life.

Dios, pues no pensaba que era tanto xdddd!


39 dias, not bad.


Y yo que llevo 30 dias en mw3 y ya me parece una pérdida absoluta de tiempo xD


you've spent about 1771 hours on League of Legends which means 74 days of your life. You are 53873th on euw servers and 116859th in the world.


11 días, nada mal.


you've spent about 1201 hours on League of Legends which means 50 days of your life. You are 107095th on euw servers and 247602th in the world.


you've spent about 887 hours on League of Legends which means 37 days of your life. You are 152492th on euw servers and 357982th in the world.


92 días


ultranumb, you've spent about 3206 hours on League of Legends which means 134 days of your life. You are 4420th on EUW servers and 8724th in the world.


xiiitroyer, you've spent about 1951 hours on League of Legends which means 81 days of your life. You are 46019th on EUW servers and 97917th in the world.


El de un colega > you've spent about 4651 hours on League of Legends which means 194 days of your life. You are 235th on EUW servers and 487th in the world. xDDDDDDDDD


hiimcharl1, you've spent about 2290 hours on League of Legends which means 95 days of your life. You are 26441th on EUW servers and 55031th in the world.


chêmâ, you've spent about 2710 hours on League of Legends which means 113 days of your life. You are 12334th on EUW servers and 25210th in the world

Me siento un poco ludopata :S


Va siendo hora de dejarlo me he dado cuenta de todo el timepo perdido madre mia :S


el de un amigo,
nyss3, you've spent about 3820 hours on League of Legends which means 159 days of your life. You are 1196th on euw servers and 2581th in the world.