Aún no se sabe el motivo pero Saintvicious ha dejado CLG para ir a Curse, lo ha confirmado en su twitter.
Updatearé en cuanto sepa más.
UPDATE1: También se confirma que Voyboy deja DIGNITAS y se une a CLG como solo top y HSGG como jungler.
Y Crumbzz deja Curse y va a DIGNITAS.
As the season 2 championship approaches many teams are scrambling to practice and get into a good stride before this major event. As many of you may have guessed, a lot of teams are getting gaming houses as a way to ensure their devotion to the game as well as increased practice hours to prepare them for the gold. Team Curse is no exception. Unfortunately , I cannot attend the gaming house that Curse has so eagirly offered to provide, due to personal reasons, primarily University as I wish to continue my studies without a halt, and moving into a gaming house would not allow me to do so. It is with good blood that I am announcing my leave from Team Curse. I am forever grateful for the opportunities they have provided me in the League of Legends scene, and the memories, as well as the friends that I will continue to have over at the flamed logo team. It may be sad for some, but I must do what is in my best interest. I would like to thank all of Curse's staff for creating one of the most pleasurable work environments I have been involved with, as well as the entirety of my team. Jacky, Pobelter, Elementz and Cop for being fantastic teammates as well as great people and players. And most of all my manager Liquid112 for having provided me the opportunity to join Team Curse in the 1st place and being the most hardworking person I have ever met, as well as handling any situation thrown his way perfectly, including this one. I thank my fans for grinding this with me, they are the driving reason behind this game and behind my motivation, and hopefully staying with me in the future. I'm going to try my best to remain in the competitive scene of League of Legends as I just can't get enough of it. It's been a blast, but this is goodbye to Team Curse, and I wish them nothing but the best in the future.? Alberto Rengifo, Today 2:45 PM
Hey everyone, were enthralled about Saint joining the team, this bad ass mofo has huge amount of tournament experience, played on what was the best team in NA and now brings a wealth of skill to Team Curse. We can?t be more excited. With that being said, we are also very sad to see Crumbzz go.