#13 Si, la sancion es por apalabrar con un equipo estando en el team RIOT, que eso las normas de RIOT lo prohiben.
Lo que acaba de poner Defecio en su Facebook. (Link directo https://www.facebook.com/LoLDeficio/posts/468601626637245)
spoilerHello guys.
I want to share a personal statement in light of the recent competitive ruling (http://na.lolesports.com/…/competitive-ruling-martin-%E2%80…).
Leading up to the summer split, I have made some poor decisions and not respected the seriousness of the matter. I should have informed Riot about my offer the moment I received it and not discussed the situation with any active LCS players. When two friends talk one thing often leads to another and opinions get shared that should have stayed private.
Throughout my career as pro player and shoutcaster, I have always been close with a lot of players and I value these relationships very highly. This will not change but I have had to learn the difference between talking to a player as friends and talking as a Rioter. It is 100% NOT okay to give opinions on career choices and to share your own potential future plans as a Rioter, as it can impact a player´s decision making. While I never intended any harm, I definitely didn’t act in the professional manner that I expect from myself and as Riot expects from me.
I want to first and foremost apologize to the fans that support me, to Riot, our broadcast team here in Europe and everyone watching the LCS. I can say that this will never happen again. My focus always has been and will remain on making this the best EU LCS split and to keep improving my shoutcasting. I will prepare and be ready for week 4 to deliver a great show.
Thank you for reading my message and thank you to everyone who follows my career and supports it.
Para los que no entiendan ingles o simplemente sean unos putos vagos:
Que dice que debio avisarle a RIOT desde el primer momento que recibio la oferta por parte de CW y que no se tomo con toda la seriedad que deberia el formar parte del team de caster de RIOT, y que hablo con varios amigos (pros se entiende) sobre esto sin haber avisado a RIOT, y que no entendia la diferencia entre hablar como amigo a hablar como parte del equipo de RIOT, y bueno en definitiva que va a mejorar su forma de castear y que va a dar todo de si para estar a tope en la semana 4.