Shaco build: Peek-a-boo!


Bueno, pos he hecho una "pequeña" guia de Shaco (la he hecho en guiri) AIM SORRI
No seáis cabrones y votad positivo o no votéis x)
No os cortéis y probadla y mandadme algun screenshot si os salió bien la jugada!
Se acepta critica constructiva y lo de votar es COÑA. Votad lo que querais D: si expongo la guia es para que sea juzgada.

Siento lo del BBcode pero pensaba que aqui funcionaria tambien, ya lo ire borrando que ahora tengo que estudiar fisica xD (Ya le haré un lavado de cara que asi copy-pasteada queda de pena)

Aquí he escrito la guía originalmente:

-Shaco: Peek-a-boo

Summoner Spells: Ignite and Smite
Masteries: 21/9/0
Skill Sequence: Hallucinate > Two-Shiv Poison > Deceive > Jack in the box
Item purchase: Boots, 3 health pots, Wriggle's Lantern, Berserker's Greaves, Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, The Bloodthirster, Guardian Angel, Black Cleaver.



Hi, I'm [color=green]Anero[/color], and this time (my first one here in [color=orange]MOBAfire[/color]) I want to bring you a [[Shaco]] guide.

You may see the item build is very typical since there aren't a lot of different ways to build [[Shaco]]'s early and mid game, but I'm trying to focus on the playstyle, the reasons of why I build like this and the tips to success as this very fun champion.

Before I start, I have to say English is not my main language because I'm spanish, so if you see any mistake, please tell me so I can correct it.


My story

I have played Team Fortress 2 for a LONG time, and my favourite class have been always the Spy, in general I love stealth games such as Splinter Cell and that stuff, so when I installed League of Legends and played a few games, and I saw a [[Shaco]] pwning everyone in a 3v3 match, I thought [color=red]"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT DAT CHAMP!!!11!ONE!1!"[/color].

[[Shaco]] fits my playstyle perfectly, he is an invisible assasin, he backstabs people, AND HE IS A DAMN CREEPY JOKER! so when I bought him, he just became my main, and now I've grown to level 30 and I've achieved loads of wins with him, guess what? He is still my favourite champion.

The best thing of [[Shaco]] is... that I enjoy him a TON!



Well, the runes are pretty much the default AD jungler runes, but with some changes.

For [color=purple]quints[/color], I go 3x [[Greater Quintessence of Strength]] because they give 2.25 instead of 1.9 (the double of [[Greater Mark of Strength]])

For [color=red]marks[/color], I go 6x [[Greater Mark of Desolation]] and 3x [[Greater Mark of Alacrity]]. This is because although most people think the better rune structure is all runes with the same stat, maths show us that it's not true!

Let's see 3 different situations:

-For example, think you have [color=red]80[/color] flat damage with 1 autoattack per second. That means [color=red]80[/color] damage per second.

-Now think you have 9 strenght marks. That means [color=red]89[/color] damage per second.

-And now think you have 6 strength marks and 3 AS ones. That means [color=red]86 * 1.05 > 90[/color] damage per second.

This example works too with the combination of [[Greater Mark of Desolation]], [[Greater Quintessence of Strength]] and [[Greater Mark of Alacrity]].

For [color=yellow]seals[/color] I think [[Greater Seal of Resilience]] work pretty well, so I choose those.

And for [color=blue]glyphs[/color] you can choose either [[Greater Glyph of Focus]], [[Greater Glyph of Alacrity]], or [[Greater Glyph of Warding]].



For a long time I have been playing a [color=red]21/0/9[/color] mastery page for jungling, but then I tried [color=red]21/9/0[/color] with points on [[Butcher]], [[Tough Skin]] and [[Bladed armor]] and I definitively felt the difference.

I found me killing red buff and then blue buff losing just 100 hp!
Also my jungling speed improved a lot, so I could clean it fast and have more time for the thing I like the most, ganking.

I was amazed with the results so that's my current mastery page.

There isn't much to say about the 21 points on Offense... more AD, AS, Armor Pen, Critical Damage (it doesn't improve [[Deceive]]), and also more general damage for [[Two-Shiv Poison]],[[Jack In The Box]] and [[Hallucinate]] explosion.

And the 9 points on Defense, well you need them to reach [[Bladed armor]]. I also put 1 point on [[Summoner's Resolve]] for that 10 gold I earn each time I use smite... it's not much gold but... it's better than 0 gold D:.



I start with boots and 3 [color=red]health pots[/color], I do this because I can run faster from a buff to another and I can gank when people is only level 2 or 3.
Although I just use 1 pot or 2 if i have made a mistake...

Then I build my [[Wriggle's Lantern]] at level 6 or 7, so I can solo [color=orange]Dragon[/color].

At this point of the game, you definitively NEED a [[Oracle's Elixir]] that will help you to succesfully gank, break enemy guards on dragon and buffs, and also see enemies such as [[Shaco]], [[Twitch]], [[Evelynn]], [[Talon]], [[Teemo]], [[Akali]]...

I know many people preffer [[Boots of Mobility]], but I think that more attack speed ([[Berserker's Greaves]]) means faster jungling and also faster killing enemies in ganks, so you can earn money faster to get a [[Zeal]] which will improve your movement speed.

Your core build should seem like this:
-[[Berserker's Greaves]]
-[[Wriggle's Lantern]]
-[[Trinity Force]]
-[[Infinity Edge]]

Now you have reach this point of the game, it's time to say good bye to our [[Wriggle's Lantern]] and say hello to our new and shiny [[The Bloodthirster]].

You probably are now in late game. At this point, you will be the second or third focus of the enemy team, so you need a [[Guardian Angel]] becouse you can't get out of battles quickly if you use [[Deceive]] to get in (we will talk about this later).

The enemy team is stacking armor? Now it's time to buy either [[The Black Cleaver]] (expensive one) or [[Last Whisper]] (cheap one).


Why Triforce? It's ******* expensive!

Well... Every player asks this sometime...
Lets check the stats:

[[Trinity Force]]:

-[color=orange]30[/color] attack damage, this helps you with autoattacks, [[Deceive]], [[Two-Shiv Poison]] and [[Hallucinate]].

-[color=green]30[/color] ability power, this helps you with [[Jack in the box]], [[Two-Shiv Poison]] and [[Hallucinate]].

-30% attack speed, this helps your autoattacks as you are a melee champion.

-15% critical chance, idem.

-[color=red]250[/color] health, since you are a squishy champion you'll need this sustain.

-[color=blue]250[/color] mana, this helps you mid game when you don't have blue buff.

-12% movement speed, in this build you have [[Berserker's Greaves]], so you need some speed bonus.

-[color=cian]The Slow[/color], this synergizes with [[Two-Shiv Poison]].

-Sheen effect, this gives you 150% of your basic attack and improves [[Deceive]] and every other autoattack after a skill.

I see a lot of people buy [[Phantom Dancer]] instead of [[Trinity Force]], but this (much cheaper) gives you 25% more attack speed and 15% more critical chance.

I think having 55% attack speed, 40% critical chance, 110 attack damage, 30 ability power, 250 hp, 250 mana ([[Berserker's Greaves]], [[Infinity Edge]] and [[Trinity Force]]) + all the [[Trinity Force]] bonuses such as the passives, is better than 80% attack speed, 55% critical chance and 80 damage ([[Berserker's Greaves]],[[Infinity Edge]] and [[Phantom Dancer]]) + 1500 spare gold. (1500g is less than a [[B. F. Sword]] = 45 AD)

Also the point of [[Trinity Force]] is that you build it slowly buying 400g items that go improving you.

[color=green]The choice is yours.[/color]


Situational items

There are cases when you need something that fits the situation, such as more armor, more magic resistance, even more DPS...

These are the items I would consider to buy:

-[[Thornmail]]: if the enemy is heavy AD and [[Guardian Angel]] armor is not enough.

-[[Banshee's Veil]]: if the enemy is AP nuker and you want to deny ultis like [[Ashe]] or [[Ezreal]] ones.

-[[Phantom Dancer]]: if you are dominating so much that you don't even need any defense.

-ANOTHER [[The Bloodthirster]]: One is not enough?... well, then pick another if you want to (although I don't recommend this)

You can also find items that fit your playstyle and you think that improve [[Shaco]].



[[Shaco]] has a skill set with a lot of CC, confusion spells and burst damage, and that makes him very strong early game and valuable in teamfights thanks to his [[Jack in the box]].

-[[Backstab]]: Not much to say about this... just try to attack the people in their [color=red]backs[/color].

-[[Deceive]]: This is the skill that makes [[Shaco]]... well... [[Shaco]]. It makes you invisible for 3.5 seconds and grants a special critic in your next autoattack. [[Backstab]] synergizes with this. [[Trinity Force]]'s passive works with this too but [[Infinity Edge]]'s one doesn't.

You can use [[Deceive]] to enter the line you are ganking without beeing seen, to initiate, to nuke... also it's a flash with stealth.

-[[Jack in the box]]: You place an invisible turret (enemies see the smoke on casting) that triggers when an enemy is in its range, scaring him and dealing damage over 5 seconds.

This gives you the insane jungling speed characteristic of [[Shaco]]. Use it to jungle, to block the scape route of your enemy before ganking, to stun in a 1v1 fight or a teamfight... The damage of this is not the important thing, but the AoE stun is.

-[[Two-Shiv Poison]]: The passive of this is similar to [[Frozen Mallet]] one, and it also gives you dodge chance against minions (jungle included). Its active throws a dagger that deals magic damage (scales [color=orange]+1.0 per aditional AD[/color] and [color=green]+1.0 per AP[/color]) that slows your target but your passive stops while this is on CD.

Use this to deal damage, to slow far targets or to finish an enemy that just flashed away.

-[[Hallucinate]]: You summon a second [[Shaco]] that deals less damage and recieves more than the original. It lasts 18 seconds,and when it explodes it deals AoE damage.

You can use this to get out of team fights, to destroy turrets, to avoid delayed ultis like [[Karthus]] one, and also to avoid skillshots like [[Dark Binding]]... but my main rule of using this is: [color=green]When you don't know what to do but you know you need a little bonus to survive or kill someone... just press R.[/color]


Skill Sequence

This won't take much time.

Just 2 basic tips:

-[color=green]Lvl 1[/color]: [[Jack in the box]]
-[color=green]Lvl 2[/color]: [[Two-Shiv Poison]]
-[color=green]Lvl 3[/color]: [[Deceive]]

And then:

[[Hallucinate]] > [[Two-Shiv Poison]] > [[Deceive]] > [[Jack in the box]]

[color=yellow]Why do I get [[Deceive]] before [[Jack in the box]]?[/color]

I do this because level 5 [[Deceive]] is MUCH more useful than level 1, and [[Jack in the box]] long stun is not needed until late game.


Summoner Spells

[[Smite]]: Jungler must-have.

[[Ignite]]: I use this to finish off people when [[Two-Shiv Poison]] is not enough or you want more burst damage.

Other viable spells:

[[Flash]]: You may need this when your [[Deceive]] is on CD.

[[Exhaust]]: You have enough slows but maybe you want more...



Jungling is the best role for [[Shaco]].

He is fast and he can gank when the enemy thinks that you aren't able yet.

I have two different routes, depending on the situation, but I'm used to follow the first one:

1- Go to [color=purple]Wraiths[/color] and at 0:43-0:45 put a [[Jack in the box]] where the boss Wraith spawns.

Go to the [color=red]Red buff[/color] and put [color=yellow]3[/color] [[Jack in the box]] where the boss spawns always they are not on CD.

Then run to the [color=purple]Wraiths[/color], wait in bushes until they attack your Jack, and kill the big one.

Run to the [color=red]Red buff[/color] and place the last [[Jack in the box]] as the monster spawns. Wait in bushes until they attack your jacks and then kill all of them.
Pick [[Two-Shiv Poison]]

You shouldn't use any potion yet.

Run to the [color=blue]Blue buff[/color] and kill him using [[Smite]] and all your arsenal. You should use potions here.
Pick [[Deceive]].

You are now available to gank.

2nd route is quite the same but going first for the boss Wolf and Blue, and then Red.

[color=orange]GANKING[/color]: Go to a lane where your partner is not overextending (tell them not to do it).

Ping the victim.

It's better if you wait until all the enemy minion waves are in fight, so you can [[Deceive]] to the lane, place a [[Jack in the box]] on the enemy's scape route and then attack him.

Use [[Two-Shiv Poison]] and [[Ignite]] only if it's necessary.

[color=yellow]I CAN'T GANK ANYONE, WHAT DO I DO?[/color]: Counter-jungle. Go to the enemy jungle.

Do you see the enemy jungler in minimap? If you do, then clean his jungle.

If you don't, wait in one of his already spawned Buffs (He is going there) and place all [[Jack in the box]] you can in bushes. Wait him and... [color=red]PEEK-A-BOO![/color]

When you are > level 6 and you have [[Wriggle's Lantern]] you can solo dragon by doing ulti and making the dragon attack it and not you.

Guard Dragon always until late game.


Mid and late game

Here you are.
Now your mates are asking you for buffs. [color=green]Accept[/color].

You can lane now and push, since [[Shaco]] is a very good pusher and can guard with his [[Jack in the box]].

Roam and help your team, and try to be present in skirmishes, where you should try to nuke the squishies with Q, autoattack, W, autoattack, E, autoattack. Try not to be focused.

[color=yellow]LATE GAME[/color]:

At this point you should ward Baron instead of Dragon.

Be present in [color=red]ALL[/color] the team fights.

Enter the last with your carries.

-[[Deceive]] into the fight, Autoattack their carry, [[Jack in the box]] in the middle of them so you stun them, [[Two-Shiv Poison]] and try to kill the carry. If they are focusing you, [[Hallucinate]] and [color=red]GTFO[/color] as quick as you can.

If they are not focusing you try to deal some more damage and then [[Hallucinate]] anyways.


3 vs 3

In this chapter I'll talk about my strategies and tips on this type of matches.

At level one pick [[Jack in the box]] so you can put some turrets in a bush to get first blood. Unfortunately there are clever enemies sometimes that don't fall in your trap...

Now try to be solo top.
Start last hitting minions and every time you have a [[jack in the box]] up put it in the edge of one bush, near the wall so minions don't trigger it, and where the enemy enters the bush so [[jack in the box]] triggers immediatly when he enters. This is [color=green]your bush[/color].

Some enemies just don't enter the bush, but some get bored of being harassed and try to hurt you. Enter [color=green]your bush[/color] if this happens and nuke your enemy.

I don't think this will happen twice in a match with the same enemy in lane phase.

Once you are level 6 and you have [[Wriggle's Lantern]], kill Dragon, guard it, and kill it every time it's up. Now you should [color=red]push[/color] your lane and clean the jungle.

[color=orange]Ganking[/color] is pretty much like in 5v5, so just remember what I said before.

[color=red]Stealing Dragon[/color] is [color=yellow]VERY[/color] important.

You have guarded it, so enter with [[Deceive]] when it's low hp, kill it, and [color=red]GTFO[/color] with [[Flash]] or casting [[Hallucinate]]. It's Ok if you steal it but you die.

Teamfights and that stuff are like in 5v5.



My first game after uploading the guide:



Overall [[Shaco]] is a fun champion and that is what matters for me.

I'll be updating this with photos and videos if you guys leave me some possitive votes :)


Bonito spam te has marcado no?


Spam por? D:


Pones un enlace a otra web en cuestion para recibir votos positivos. No se, me parece algo de spam. Si quieres que veamos tu guia, curratela y ponla aqui. Es una opinion vaya.


Pues porque deberias poner aqui la guia con sus imagenes, sus barras, y de mas, no linkearla a otra web, no te parece?

1 respuesta

Lo de los votos lo digo pa que no voteis negativo na mas xDD y bueno yo creo que ahi esta mejor presentada y tal pero si queréis la paso a aquí... aunque lo veo un poco innecesario.

1 respuesta

He visto Ignite + Smite y he pensado: Bien, este chaval sabe a que juega.

Luego he visto que el segundo punto lo das en la E, por lo tanto no gankeas a lvl 2 en medio con rojo, y por ello mereces mi más eterno desprecio.

Burn in hell!

P.D. La guía está muy bien, pero eso lo cambiaría SÍ O SÍ.

1 respuesta

Entro veo que pones runas azules de coldown, voto negativo y me voy.

22 1 respuesta

te coges prender y aplastar y despues en el apartado de robar el dragon dices de salir con flash! :P

nahh te estoy trolleando xD


#8 Si miras en el apartado de runas veras que doy 3 opciones, esas, resis magica o velocidad de ataque.
Ademas si SEGURO que no lo has probado no prejuzges tan rapido...

#7 bueno para mi gusto cojo antes de gankear los dos buffs y asi es exito casi seguro pero no se, para gustos los colores.

1 respuesta

#10 no te he votado negativo, era coña, pero ni coldown ni velocidad de ataque, resis magic ok. xD

1 respuesta

#11 No, si yo llevo resis magica, pero son mas populares las de cooldown. Y las de velocidad de ataque las he probado tambien y son jugosas.

Creo que las 3 opciones son dignas de mencion, pero cooldown es la mas socialmente aceptada bajo mi punto de vista xD



2 respuestas

Me dan ganas solo por decir lo de votad positivo o no voteis de votarte negativo, si está mal te votaré negativo, votando positivo a una guia mala (no la he leido aun) lo unico que haceis es conseguir que mas gente juegue mal.

Ahora la leo y te voto

Te he votado positivo por que está bien la guía :)

PD: Cambia los "becouse" por "because" :P

2 respuestas

Azules MRes/Mana Reg de toda la vida xD


#13 Pues que con los 2 buffs estas al 3 con el slow de la e.

#14 Tú veras, lo de votar era coña como comprenderas podeis hacer lo que querais y si pongo la guia me expongo a ello. pero no votes mal solo por fuckar xD


Para que una guia de shaco si no te dejan jugarlo nunca ?


1 respuesta

#1 pos he hecho una "pequeña" guia

es pequeña, pero le has metido tantos fines de linea que parece enorme, no enteindo el por qué

sobre la guia, nada nuevo. Shaco ad con brillo/trinity. Yo quitaria tanto ad y meteria un qss, un phantom dancer,y tal

1 respuesta

#6 "Lo de los votos lo digo pa que no voteis negativo na mas xDD"
osea que si no nos gusta la guía o nos parece que está mal, no podemos votar negativo? :/

1 respuesta

#19 Y dale, pues a ver tonto no soy y no os voy a decir "Votadme negativo".
Es solo un chascarrillo pero algunos no lo pillais, pero supongo que si tu haces una guia querras los menos votos negativos posibles no?

Lee mi anterior respuesta, podeis hacer lo que querais. Pero no voteis al tun tun

#18 Cierto lo del build visto, pero como veras en las primeras lineas de la introduccion ya digo que los items no son nada nuevo, pero me he intentado esforzar en justificarlos y en dar algunos consejillos, tampoco soy el mesias de shaco xD solo que me gustaria compartir lo que se

#17 Jodidamente cierto xD


Ahora le echaré un vistazo, pero solo por usar ingles siendo español te voto positivo.


#14 Cierto, no hay un puto examen de ingles en el que lo escriba bien >.< (creo que he corregido todos los "becouse" xD)


Da igual si la guia es buena o mala.

Si la posteas aqui ya sabes que te vas a exponer a criticas en cantidad, al menos te lo estas tomando bien.

Lo apropiado (y lo unico que me molesta a mi) es que postees aqui la guia que tardaras unos 3 minutos en dejarla tambien bonita por aqui, no es normal abrir un hilo en una web donde hablamos de estas cosas y enviarnos a otra...

Lo logico es que postees la build completa y curiosa, y ya despues si eso nos pones abajo link y dices "si os ha gustado agradeceria que votarais positivo" y ya esta.

2 1 respuesta

#23 3 minutos tardo en ponerla aquí, pero en escribirla me he tirao unas pocas horas D:

Si que tienes razon que por pereza no la he traducido y pasado a aqui pero comprenderas que es mucho trabajo porque si la paso aqui en ingles fijo que me alguno me dice algo por ello xD

#13 con la ruta que sigo yo en 2:40-2:45 ya tienes ambos buffs y lvl 3 (lo cual es bastante rapido) ademas gankeando mid al lvl 2 si faileas has perdido un tiempo precioso y a mi me gusta limpiar rojo y azul para luego gankear todo lo que quiera sin preocupaciones, pero que vamos cada uno lo hace a su manera

1 respuesta

#24 Yo digo copiarla nada mas, aunque no tenga imagenes (que tambien es un momento ponerlas) y en ingles valdria, cualquier cosa menos lo que has hecho que ha sido poner un link a otra web :/ cuando toda web se nutre de sus visitas.

Lo del ingles yo personalmente en los foros que modero no lo "castigo", para mi el mediavidero medio es un hombre/mujer de unos 20 años o mas, español y de clase media, si no tiene unos conocimientos de ingles medios o mediobajos es porque no le ha dado la gana.

Es como pedir que no utilicemos palabras poco comunes al postear porque hay gente que no las entedera, con segun que palabras que me perdonen algunos pero son unos incultos.

En la web se pide escribir correctamente, con puntuacion (comas, puntos, parrafos) al menos que yo tildes tampoco pongo por vago. Igual que se solicitan esos minimos tambien se podrian solicitar de ingles, entiendo que no se haga pero vamos.. que no son los años 60 eh, y todavia los hay que se ofenden porque se deja alguna palabra en ingles y no saben.

1 respuesta

#25 Sabes qué? tienes razon. Yo la pongo y el que no sepa ingles pues... que vaya a otro hilo :(

1 respuesta

#26 Pero quita los códigos, corchetes y demás al menos alma de cántaro...

y los títulos con

[/ bar](sin ese espacio después de /) quedan wapens.
EDIT: vale ya he visto porque está tan vasto el c&p


Vaya copy/paste te has marcado amijo xddddddd

Respecto a la guia, no me gusta las azules que llevas.

1 respuesta

#28 Ya ves, pero es auto copy paste eh? que conste xD


Cambias el trinity y la black cleaver por 2 bailarinas y te sale el mejor chaser del juego con unos criticos de infarto, y por menos oro.