Voyboy deja el panorama competitivo


Voyboy deja el equipo curse y el panorama competitivo, dice que necesita un tiempo para pensar en su futuro...

Hello friends,
I want to start by getting straight to the point—I will be parting ways with Team Curse and will not be playing for them during the next split of the LCS. I did not make this decision lightly. I have agonized over this for many months, constantly weighing my options and envisioning what is in store for my future.

When I made the decision to hold off on attending university roughly three years ago, I promised myself that I would play the game for one more season and try my absolute best to win worlds during that time.

Although I did not accomplish that goal, I discovered a passion that kept me going and fueled me forward each and every day. That passion was for you guys, my fans. Throughout my career, I have worked tirelessly to return the love and support you all have shown me. Every time I got on stage at a competition, I felt the need to play my best and win for everyone that counted on me.

Every time I turned on my stream, I tried my hardest to teach and entertain those of you who tuned in. And every time I met a fan at an event or just out on the street, I was always humbled your kind words—it always made my day brighter to get to talk and connect with you guys. That is ultimately what has kept me playing this game to this day and will continue to drive me moving forward.

To be clear, this is not my retirement. I absolutely love this game, our community and all of my fans more than anything. I will continue to play and stream League, fight for the top spots in Challenger, and 'CYA NERDS' all over people each and every day. This is not necessarily the end of my competitive career. At this time however, I feel the need to take a break from playing competitively so I can spend more time thinking about what I want to do with my future. While my chapter with Curse in the LCS has come to a close, I am confident that my journey has only begun.

To everyone at Curse, thank you for setting the bar for eSports and treating me like family. To Steve, thank you for giving me the opportunity to join the team and helping me each step of the way—I have grown as a player and a person because of you. To my teammates and close friends, Quas, Dom, Xpecial, and (now) Piglet, I am confident that you guys will kick ass next season. Leaving this team is one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. Just know that I will be cheering for my boys the entire way. We may have barely missed worlds this year, but I know that you guys will make it happen. Curse or die.

To my fans, I can only hope that you all understand and respect my decision. My greatest worry in all of this is the thought that I may let down or disappoint even one of you by not playing in the LCS next split. That passion to make you proud burns inside me as fierce as ever, and even though I will be taking a break from the LCS for the time being, I promise that I will not be going anywhere. I will continue to teach and play League for you all as much as I possibly can. Thank you for staying by my side and supporting me throughout everything. It's a scary thought not knowing exactly what I'll be doing. But, whatever I decide, my greatest wish is that I will continue to have all of you behind me.


Joedat “Voyboy” Esfahani


Esto si que no me lo esperaba....

1 respuesta

#2 Ni yo...

Seguirá con su stream pero no creo que vuelva a ser lo que era


Voy a editar el #1 para que sea de lectura más sencilla.

El RPV es que quiere darse un descanso, que muchas gracias a Curse. Que esto no es el final de su carrera competitiva pero que quiere pensar en su futuro y necesita tiempo para sí mismo.


wtf vaya sorpreson

A ver que coreano se trae cur$e


A ver con que pro se va ahora la furcia de novia que tiene


Vaya, esto si que es una sorpresa, no dice por qué se toma este descanso, simplemente que tiene que pensar en el futuro y tal, pero nada concreto... En fin, es raro que en el auge de su carrera tome esta decisión...

Sincerely, c ya nerds!

1 respuesta

Ahora que está mejor que nunca? Voyman plz...
A ver qué se saca Liquid de la manga, porque seguro que tiene algo guardado.


Curse Faker


No dire que me da pena... con lo mal que me caia XD


Curse link xD

1 respuesta

#11 No por favor XD, no es que sea fan de curse, pero no me gustaria tener que ver a piglet teniendole que tirar del carro a ese inutil.

Supongo que ficharan algo de fuera, los midlaners buenos en america no es que abunden.


Voyboy :__________(

PD: CRS Siphthur pls

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#13 renovó con Dig

1 respuesta

Crs Watdefox o Crs Kerp y ganan la LCS con la minga.


#14 damn!


Crs Alex ich y a campeonar


Joder este mid me encantaba con sus picks su akali, etc ...

Una lastima, a ver si vuelve rapido.


Crs dade

1 respuesta

Crs Xpeke...


#19 Si acaba de irse a China xD

1 respuesta

#21 Yo hasta que no haya hilo confirmandolo en este foro no me creo nada.


Ahora que estaba en su mejor momento de midlaner...


Se va una leyenda


El mejor top que ha tenido nunca NA.



Ya tocaba, se arrastraba que daba gusto

1 respuesta

Se va uno gran jugador de la escena de NA el mejor yasuo de NA y un tipo humilde, muy campechano y amigo de sus amigos, ojala vuelva


Curse tiene la mejor botlane de NA y dinero a patadas, pueden fichar a quien quieran.


Curse Soaz, y todos contentos.