Albion Online #HG | Sandbox Multiplataforma

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Hacer SPAM aquí de vuestro clan puede conllevar una moderación, para promocionarse tenéis el hilo oficial para clanes de Albion Online.


#2337 mira loco, me suda tres cojones la discusión que tienes por aquí pero el aire de superioridad que estás dando, y encima la chulería esta ya cansa. Vuelve a la cueva

1 respuesta

pero si lo bonito de este juego es la colaboracion entre clanes y en la comunidad española no hay ningun clan grande ahora tocara colaborarentre los pequeños

1 1 respuesta

#2342 Algunos clanes ya se están moviendo.

1 respuesta

#2343 ¿cuales?

1 respuesta


Yo e visto alguna guild que otra juntar varias guilds Españolas una de ellas o que parece que lo esta intentando es ARTESANOS, creo que se han juntado como unas 4 o 5 guilds y ahi están por lo menos lo intentan pero por ejemplo MERCERNARIOS a desistido, ES MEJOR va por su cuenta y las demás no tengo ni idea.


Estoy pensando en pillar el juego y hay una cosa que no entiendo. Para que te vale el founder pack? A parte del oro y eso. No te dan montura ni nada no? Y luego tengo entendido que las cosas de los founders también te las pueden quitar en PvP si mueres. Entonces?

Es que si es asi entonces me espero a la salida, o a que anuncien algo sobre los paquetes de salida, porque si ya han confirmado que no te van a dar tantas cosas lo mismo son mas barato

Lo único que veo rentable ahora mismo son los 30 días de premium y el oro

1 3 respuestas

#2341 Te recuerdo que yo soy quien se tomó la molestia de responder tus preguntas mientras otros te mandaban a leer por ahí. Si no te gusta como respondo a un troll, no me leas.

#2346 A esta pregunta ya te repondo con lo que te dijeron con anterioridad, después de la sobrada que te has pegado:


Creo que tienes mucho que leer compi ...



  • Está confirmado que los founders de ahora darán mas perks que los packs de la release
  • Es recomendable aprender a jugar ahora para el día de la release poder progresar lo mas rápidamente posible.

Tengo alguna pregunta:

Si te pueden lotear/romper todo el equipo cuando te matan (incluida montura), como lo hacéis para tener equipo para la siguiente batalla? Es que imagino que si juegas bastante morirás muchísimas veces al día. Unas de las cosas es matar a otros y lotearles, eso ya lo conozco. Y si no, todo el día farmeando en zonas donde no te puedan matar o algo así?

2 respuestas

#2349 Para eso está el gathereo y el crafteo, si gathereas 1 hora sacas para 5-6 equipos de t 6 con la gorra


Yo la vez que lo probé se me hiciera repetitivo el tema de los TIER , una pena que no lo pueda probar de nuevo.


#2346 Veamos, por partes, cualquier cosa que tu ahora hagas o ganes se reseteara en la release y cada uno tendra su premium y su oro concorde a su pack. El juego es full loot y te pueden quitar desde el equipo hasta las cosas del pack, pero bueno que tampoco es una perdida loca por que te dan un caballo, el ancla y poco mas.

No se que diferencias habra en los packs de ahora o de la release, pero si tu idea es comprarlo hazlo ya como se le aconseja a todo el mundo ya que con el tiempo que le dediques ahora te dara la experiencia de aprender a las diferentes armas, sus valores, comprender como funciona el arbol de tecnologias y bastante mas cosas.

PD: olvidate de los ruidosos, por que solo les vas a ver haciendo eso, ruido. Ya que no les vas a ver en ningun sitio mas que aqui haciendo ruido >.<

#2349 Veamos, lo de tener el equipo para la sigueinte batalla la respuesta sencilla es llevarte 3-4 sets completos incluyendo comidas, montura, ect... e ir gastando de mejor a peor.

Luego lo de morir muuuchisimas veces al dia es muy relativo, es decir, ahora mismo en esta beta han desactivado una funcion primaria del albion y es que cualquier bicho te mata y te rompe el equipo, es decir, esto ahora no ocurre pero en la release cualquier bicho de cualquier zona si te derriba ati (o a todos los del combate) os va a rematar y os matara con todo lo que lleveis encima.
Entonces, respondido esto, en zona amarilla no te pueden rematar, solo derribar asique aqui nunca mueres (en este momento)
En zona roja con el sistema de reputaciones actual la gente ni se activa el pvp, por que con matar a 3 randoms ya pierdes tantisima reputacion que te expulsan del continente royal, osea, una autentica basura de sistema, es igual de seguro que zona amarilla practicamente.
En zona negra siempre esta la posibilidad de morir, que ocurre, que depende de tu modo de juego o lo que hagas tienes mas posibilidades de morir que otros, veamos un ejemplo:

pjA esta con una party de 5 tios en una mazmorra azul de tier alto donde suele haber mucha afluencia de gente, sus posibilidades de morir son bastante altas en el caso de que les venga una zerg ya que estan encerrados (aunque farmeando fama) y lo tienen chungo.
pjB esta picando sus minerales en mapas de poco transito con su caballo to flama aladito y le ve un scout, se monta y sale echando hostias a zonas mas seguras.

El que esta en mapas mas concurridos tiene mas posibilidades de morir por lo general, pero eso no significa que vaya a ser el que muera antes por que quizas al minero le enganchan 3 tios que son especialistas en derribar monturas y muere antes que los otros 5 que estaban en Narnia farmeando fama. Entonces esa es la mejor respuesta que se puede dar, el riesgo es mayor beneficio pero tiene un riesgo mas alto.


Se supone que ya no hay mas wipes hasta la release no?

1 respuesta

Así es #2353


Todo el oro que vas consiguiendo se puede guardar en un lugar seguro? Y cosas que crafteo que si salgo a pvp y no quiero llevarlas y dejarla en un lugar seguro? En una guild que ventajas hay respecto a ir solo? Inventario común o cosas así? Es que estoy esperando a que salga para pillarlo y estas cosas no veo videos donde las expliquen xd

1 respuesta

El oro se guarda en el inventario, no lo pierdes, si es a lo que te refieres. En cambio, si te matan, pierdes una cantidad "pequeña" de plata. Son dos tipos de moneda diferente. Y no, ninguna se puede guardar en un cofre como en otros juegos mmo.

En cuanto a lo de los objetos, todas las ciudades (Fort Sterling, Caerleon, Bridgewatch, etc.) tienen un cofre central que es personal. Lo malo es que no se comparten. Lo que guardas en una ciudad no lo puedes ver en otra. Igualmente, las ciudades de guild y los territorios con torre tienen sus cofres que funcionan exactamente igual. Además, en las ciudades de guild o en las islas personales puedes poner cofres crafteados en los que puedes dar acceso a quien quieras.

Y si, te recomiendo pertenecer a una guild. Al principio puedes hacer cosas por tu cuenta, pero va a llegar un punto en que jugar con gente va a ser necesario para seguir descubriendo contenido del juego, como las GvGs, los ataques a territorios y demás. También están las hellgates, aunque van a modificarlas en el próximo parche. Otra ventaja de estar en guild es que haciendo una "party de fama" subes mucho más rápido el nivel del equipo que puedes llevar. Normalmente se hacen grupos en las propias guild para subir rápido entre todos.

Espero haberte ayudado algo :)


Parche provisional:

Hector Update / Version 1.0.321 / REV 86230 / 24 May 2017

New Features and Major Changes

The Black Market

The Black Market is now open in Caerleon!
Your new rotund friend is waiting for you west of the main square
Buys gear, sells it on to shady characters
The merchant will put up buy orders for equipment he wants
You can also make sell orders and wait for his prices to match
Items bought by the merchant mysteriously find their way into the hands of mobs in the world, which will then occasionally drop them as loot
Quality and enchantment level will remain intact throughout the process
Pricing auto-balances itself
Every time a mob wants to drop an item, it checks the black market storage for that item, and if there aren't any in storage, it increments the buy order for that item by an amount based on item value, so prices for items will rise until they're high enough to be worth selling to. Also, a certain percentage of items are mysteriously lost along the way, so there's an inbuilt destructive element in the cycle to keep the economy flowing nicely
Outlands changes

Harbors and Black Cities are gone
Harbor clusters are now normal clusters
The three cities in the black zone - Fort Thursair, Farewich, and Sheerbrough - have been removed
Islands in the three cities, and all market orders in both cities and harbors, will be moved to Caerleon. Any items left in banks in these cities or in harbors will be lost, as will any buildings left standing.
The Realmgate
The Caerleon Realmgate has now opened!
This glowing gateway in Caerleon (in the middle of the Royal Continent) will allow you to travel to one of numerous realmgates in the Outlands
Outlands gates all connect exclusively to the Caerleon gate
You can't use a realmgate on a different continent (Anglia, Cumbria and Mercia) for 60 minutes after travelling
You can't travel to a different realmgate on the same continent for ten minutes after travelling
Outlands resources
Outlands regions in Anglia and Cumbria now spawn the same number of resources as the equivalent region in Mercia
The better outlands regions now have increased chances of having enchanted resources (Cumbria having twice the normal chance of enchantment, and Mercia having four times)
Tier 7 resources now have more spawn locations, but spawn with 23 units
Tier 8 resources now spawn differently (see Territory changes below), and spawn with 27 units
Red zones now have substantially better loot chances than safe zones, and outlands now have substantially better loot chances than red zones
Territory changes

Improved watchtowers
Watchtower territories are now the sole source of T8 resources
All resources in watchtower territories now respawn at the beginning of their prime time
The resources are guarded by NPC guards, but can be raided by other players
Declaring fights
All GvG fights now need to be declared 22h in advance
World PvE Improvements

Mob camps and dungeons
Many new medium-sized mob camps have been added, which replace around half of existing solo dungeon entrances
New large mob camps have been added, and their regions reworked to make them more visually significant
All the old large camps have been retired
New, huge dungeons can be found beneath large camps, some of which have multiple layers; these replace (and substantially improve upon) all existing non-raid group dungeons

See here for more information!

New layout
Hellgate areas have been rebuilt from scratch
The map now forms a pentagram, allowing groups to rotate around them as they see fit - this should be much better from a PvP perspective
You can enter at any one of five points
Mob revisions
Mobs are now set up to be much easier to disengage from
Consistent DPS reduced to make it less crippling to be ambushed while fighting them
There are now five minibosses
You need to kill all five to trigger the main boss
Helping to kill a miniboss gives a short 5% buff to damage and resistances
Exit timer
You can't leave any hell until you've been there for at least four minutes (or until you die)
Infernal Hellgate
This is the new name for the Hellgate found in red and black zones, which still exists, but with all the changes outlined above
Ignited Hellgate
Ignited Hellgate is a new Hellgate, found in yellow zones
When you lose all your health inside this gate, you're knocked down and ejected from hell
The hostile counter is enabled
Item power is soft-capped to keep them competitive
Fame and loot are scaled appropriately for its reduced danger level
Ashen Hellgate
Ashen Hellgate is a new Hellgate, found in green zones
Similar to the Ignited Hell, with the following changes:
It's limited to two players only
The boss is replaced with a lootable chest
Mobs are appropriately balanced for the player numbers
Fame and loot again scaled for danger level
New Mounts

Undead, Keepers and Morganas now all have two faction mounts: a regular one, and an epic one which has activated ability. Note that the Undead Bonehorse already exists and is therefore not listed here.

New Tier 8 Undead epic mount: Spectral Bonehorse
One of the new epic faction mounts, the Spectral Bonehorse is a prestige mount with an active ability, allowing you to briefly turn invisible
To craft, needs a regular Bonehorse and a special item that drops from the weekly Undead raid boss
New Tier 5 Keeper mount: Swiftclaw
The Swiftclaw occupies a similar role to the Direwolf, but losing a bit of speed in exchange for more protection
Swiftclaw Cubs will drop from Keeper bosses
New Tier 8 Keeper epic mount: Rageclaw
Another of the new epic faction mounts, the Rageclaw is a prestige mount with an active ability, allowing you to sprint even faster for a short period
To craft, needs a Swiftclaw and a special item that drops from the weekly Keeper raid boss
New Tier 5 Morgana mount: Warhorse
The Warhorse is an improved version of the Armored Horse
To craft, needs an Armored Horse and a special saddle that drops from Morgana bosses
New Tier 8 Morgana epic mount: Nightmare
The third of the new epic faction mounts, the Nightmare is a prestige mount with an active ability, allowing you to leave a trail of burning fire behind you for a short time, damaging any enemies who touch it
To craft, needs a Warhorse and a special item that drops from the weekly Morgana raid boss
New Tier 8 mount: Transport Mammoth
Transport Mammoths are the ultimate Guild-level transport: it carries huge amounts of cargo, and while it's slow enough that it probably needs a sizeable escort through dangerous territory, it's also tough enough to withstand some punishment while you fight the enemy off
Mammoth calves are a rare drop from mammoths
New Tier 4 mount: Giant Stag
The Giant Stag is a fun alternative to the regular Horse, with some small stats differentiation
Fawns drop rarely from Giant Stags
Similar to a Direwolf
New Tier 2 mount: Mule
Given as a reward for completing the tutorial
The perfect starter mount!
New tutorial

Once you get into the first town, you will find friendly Royal agents around to help you find your feet
Finish all their tasks, and they'll reward you with the new Mule mount and a Novice's Cape
Journeyman's weapons

All base weapon types now exist at Journeyman (T3) level
Added in this release: hammer, crossbow, quarterstaff, dagger, cursed staff, frost staff
This also eliminates the remaining weirdness with the Adept nodes for those weapons
Potion Rework

All potion have been revisited and reworked.
Potion Cooldown has been reduced to two minutes, and in some cases even lower.
Healing Potions:
Heals a portion of the max heals over the course of 15s (Duration is the same on every tier)
Energy Potions:
Instantly restores a percentage of the max energy
Resistance Potions:
Increases Resistances and Crowd Control Resistance for 6s.
Revive Flasks are now Gigantify Potions:
Increases Max Health and Max Load for 15s
Chilling Flasks are now Sticky Potions:
Can be thrown at a ground target, to create an area which slows and reduces damage of enemies.
Recovery Potions are now Poison Potions:
Can be thrown at enemies to poison them, dealing true damage over time and reducing armor.
Cleansing Potions are now Invisibility Potions:
The caster turns invisible after consumption.

Health bars have been given a visual makeover.
An energy bar is also now shown beneath health bars.
Load screens are now approx. 700% more sumptuous.
The Destiny Board UI has been brought up to date, and is now much easier to read.
The Destiny Board tracker widget is substantially improved:
You can change its size!
You can show percentages!
You can untrack individual nodes!
You can switch to an "icons only" view!
Destiny Board completion notifications have been updated to be sleeker and more modest (and therefore use up less of the screen).
World map has been smoothed and polished.
The territory UI has been overhauled, as has the UI for scheduling attacks.
The GvG UI has been overhauled too (and you can now kick players from GvG again).
Multiplayer expeditions will now tell you what role other players signed up for (so you can kick your "healer" who's using dual daggers).
You can now adjust the quality of footsteps in the options menu.
Hovering over resources in the world now displays a tooltip telling you what type of resource it is (can be disabled).
The cluster map now has a compass border again!
The Keeper leadership - including the Earthmother - once again walks the world, and can be found in Inis Mon.
Inis Mon replaces the old Caerfyddin area.
Added a proper "buildings" button to the HUD.
The travel planner UI has been improved.
The portrait selection UI has been improved (as you can tell, the UI team has been busy).
Silver drops should now consistently appear 0.5s after a mob dies (previously they were being blocked by death animations).
Armors have had a visual rework, improving quality and making them more readable.
Using a ground-target spell no longer interferes with auto-attacking.
When force-moving (default RMB in Classic controls), instant spells will now generally not interrupt the movement.
You can now use arrow keys to scroll between regions when searching in the world map.
Login screen now gives you feedback that it's doing something when you log in.
Added missing armor and weapon sounds.
Added missing sounds for various buffs and debuffs.
Added missing sounds for various mobs.
Added reward jingles for Destiny Board notifications.
Added sounds for certain player actions (eg buy, sell, repair).
Added sounds when selecting major buildings.
Combat Balance Changes

The balance changes on this server are not final and may change before the update hits the live game!
Arcane Staffs:

New ability: Energy Bolt on Q Slot
New ability: Energy Beam on W Slot
Magic Sphere:
Ability reworked: It can now be cast on allies or self, increasing magic resist for allies in the area. Enemies in the area will lose energy and are also revealed from invisibility.
Arcane Orb:
Cooldown: 20s -> 15s
Motivating Cleanse:
Cooldown: 10s -> 15s
Passive: Magic Force:
Abilities needed to activate: 6 -> 5

Demon Arrow:
Hit Delay: 0s -> 0.2s
Reduced projectile speed
Passive: Slow Poison:
Slow Strength vs Mobs: 25% -> 40%

Additionally breaks shields buffs of targeted enemies
Fire Staffs:

Cast Range: 9m -> 12m

New ability: Power Geyser on W Slot
Slowing Charge:
Can now be cast on enemies and allies
Now also slows all enemies during the dash animation
Cast Range: 9m -> 12m
Slow Strength: 42% -> 50%
Energy Cost reduced by 41%
Slow Radius: 5m -> 4m
Ground Breaker:
Energy Cost reduced by 16%
Earth Shatter:
Energy Cost reduced by 17%
Energy Cost reduced by 14%
Bash Knee:
Energy Cost reduced by 40%
Holy Staffs:

Life Touch Staff:
Is now a one-handed weapon
Holy Touch:
Can now be applied to the caster
Passive: Magic Force:
Abilities needed to activate: 6 -> 5

Battle Howl:
Silence Duration reduced by 17%
Nature Staffs:

Cleanse Heal:
Cooldown: 10s -> 15s

New ability: Seperator on E Slot of the Quarterstaff
Forceful Swing is now available on W slot of all Quarterstaff-line items
Removed the self-slow
Concussive Blow:
Energy Cost reduced by 40%
Energy Cost reduced by 29%

Charged Blade is now called Inner Focus:
Reworked the ability: It is now a 2s self channel where each tick increases damage, cc duration and move speed.
If the enemy had a move speed buff active on hit, the caster will now get an additional move speed increase
Lunging Strike:
Energy Cost reduced by 33%
Spirit Spear:
Energy Cost reduced by 25%

Spinning Blades:
This ability is now a ground target jump attack, which deals AoE damage on landing
Mighty Swing:
Damage Reduced by: 11%

Speed Caster:
Energy Cost Reduction Buff: 20% -> 40%
Duration: 10s -> 8s
Heal increased by 33%
Max Stacks: 5 -> 10
Energy Drain:
Now also restores energy of each ally in effect range

Cooldown: 40s -> 60s
Perpetual Energy:
Duration: 6s -> 8s
Increases the resistances of the caster now, instead of reducing it.
Reflected Damage: 105% -> 100%
Damage Type: Physical -> Magical

Shield Charge:
Radius: 5m -> 4m
Duration: 4s -> 3s
Duration: 14s -> 16s
Move Speed Increase per second: 10% -> 20%
Max Move Speed Stacks: 10 -> 5
Now also increases Crowd Control Duration

All Shields:
Resistances reduced by 20%
Now also increases Cooldown Reduction (50% of the reduction strength of the horn)
Attack Speed Bonus reduced by 25%

Base Move Speed increase: 10% -> 20%

Essences are no longer needed for refining!
Essences are now only dropped by special mobs at altar locations.
You can no longer harvest resources while participating in GvG fights.
Focus numbers are now all 10x larger: you get 10x more per day, and as a baseline everything costs 10x more than it used to. (Focus stockpiles should also be multiplied by 10x.)
On top of the above change, focus costs now vary by item, depending on their tier and how many resources they use.
The chat font is now bigger.
Options to auto-deny duel requests and Guild invites are now found in the Social setting rather than the HUD settings.
Beginner's items have been buffed to be somewhat stronger.
T2, T3 and T4 hide mobs are now slightly faster to skin (reduced by 50%/25%/10%) to somewhat balance out the time penalty involved in killing the mob.
Corrected build requirements for Legendary player houses.
Reduced the item power soft cap in the Yellow zone from 900 to 800 item power, and in the Green zone from 900 to 700. The scaling factor is also somewhat stronger than it used to be.
Laborer balance overhaul:
"Fame to progress" recalculated - it should now take 50 journals to get a laborer to T8. (Note that, to get the laborer to a useful level of happiness, you need the appropriate tier of house and furniture too, which will take somewhat longer to afford for most players. Also note that there is never a disadvantage to levelling up your laborer!)
Journal rewards recalculated to match current balance: they should now give 20% of the value of what they need to fill. Generally this means Fame targets go up and rewards go down, compared to the previous balance.
Mercenary journals have had their Fame targets reduced, and their silver rewards rebalanced.
Work time is now 22h.
Trophy journals now take 3x as long as an equivalent non-trophy journal.
Fame rewards for Brittle Skeletons, Frail Skeletons and Ghouls have been reduced by 30-70%.
Destiny Board specializations for combat, crafting and farming have had their Fame targets doubled.
Destiny Board specializations for gathering and refining have their Fame requirements per mastery level increased by between 1.01x and 2x (scaling linearly from ML0 to ML100).
All Destiny Board crafting nodes in the farm tree have their Fame requirements per mastery level doubled (multiplies with the above, where applicable).
Destiny Board adventurer nodes have had their Fame requirements rebalanced.
Destiny Board trainee fighter node now unlocks automatically when you reach the center node.
Destiny Board journeyman weapon nodes no longer have two stages, and the spell they formerly unlocked is now unlocked from the start.
Spell unlocks on the Destiny Board have been repositioned so they unlock earlier.
Region names have been reviewed and, where necessary, streamlined to aid readability and pronounceability. (For example, many Hs were removed from mountain region names, because Celtic is not most players' first language.)
Material costs of armored horses and oxen increased by 50%.
Mobs will only aggress players by proximity if they're not in combat: once they start fighting, they will only aggress players who do something aggressive until they die or reset.
"Aggressive things" (for the purposes of mob aggression) now includes all aggressive spells on mobs and all beneficial spells on mobs' targets.
Giving a shield to a mob's target will now cause aggression proportional to the shield's strength, bringing it in line with healing.
Critter/hide mob skeletons will now stick around for twice the mob's average respawn time, decreasing "skeleton piles" and making it easier to see where higher-tier mobs spawn.
Veteran and Elite Morgana Knights have had their mechanics adjusted to be more interesting.
Added some additional Guild logos.
Lowered territory yield buff to 50%, to compensate for the increased amount of resources now found in watchtower territories.

Fixed an issue where disconnecting and reconnecting while queued for an expedition did not re-enable the queueing UI.
Fixed an issue where keybindings for developer macros were showing up in the options menu.
Fixed an issue where Elder's Legendary House could not be constructed.
Fixed an issue where some artifacts were not getting crafting bonuses from the Destiny Board.
Fixed the expedition minimap marker being far too big.
Fixed an issue with faction capes being incorrectly listed in crafting nodes on the Destiny Board (because you can't craft them).
Fixed an issue where you could get "free repairs" by enchanting a damaged item: enchanting an item now requires it to be undamaged.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't cancel alliance invitations.
Fixed an issue with quantity sliders getting stuck after using the "-" button.
Fixed an issue with people falling off bridges.
Fixed an issue where market warnings were confusing "above average" and "below average".
Fixed an issue where territory guards were respawning too fast: they now take around twenty minutes to return
Fixed an issue with game clock and chat timestamps being out of sync.
Fixed some issues with the quantity slider in the crafting UI.
Fixed an edge case where blue players could manipulate unrestricted PvP zones to attack other blue players when they shouldn't be able to.
Fixed player footsteps sounds for all weapons types.
Fixed a number of issues with mob spell audio.
Fixed some issues with audio effects on projectiles.
Fixed mount footstep sounds and mount interaction sounds.
Fixed sound volumes in many places.


Resumen en español xD aquí va, aunque no viene todo


Tengo dos preguntas rapidas:

1) Me acabo de plantar en t4 con ayuda de los de mi clan y estoy tirando para la rama de healer. Se podria tener como una subclase subiendome otra cosa por ejemplo magia con algo mas de dps o arco?
2) Es inevitable los pateos? No hay una especie de TP que te haga un teleport a la ciudad mas cercana o algo asi?

1 respuesta


  1. Puedes usar el arma que quieras, así que su quisieses puedes ir con Arco y armadura de tela o lo que te apetezca, no hay limitaciones.
  2. Toca ir a caballo amigo :s, existe un TP pero para usarlo tienes que ir sin nada, es decir desnudo literalmente.
1 1 respuesta

#2360 no hay un tp por el que pagabas plata? O eso era solo para cuando llegabas al mundo y te querías cambiar de sitio?

1 respuesta

#2361 Ese te lleva a las zonas de inicio y hay que pagar como tu dices.


Es difícil tener una isla privada? serviría para un punto de reunión del clan y compartir ahí recursos o es solo personal ? cualquier info de esta estaría bien

2 respuestas

#2363 Difícil no es. Pide una pequeña inversión que se va incrementando a medida que la mejoras. Los clanes tienen su propia isla y luego tú tienes la tuya personal. En ambas puedes gestionar privilegios. Así en la tuya personal, puedes dar acceso a la isla a gente de dentro o fuera de la guild, para poder acceder a ella, usar cofres, tus puestos de crafteo, etc...

1 respuesta

#2363 Puedes tener tu isla privada, y dar acceso a quien quieras, y aparte tu isla de clan.

#2364 me has ganado por segundos !

1 respuesta

#2365 Madre loco que no es una competición a ver quien contesta antes y queda way XDD
Por cierto sobre compartir las islas sin limite siguen sin hacer nada verdad?
aunque con lo que han metido de usar el foco en los cultivos algo han solucionado, no he probado apenas el nuevo sistema


Mañana lo compro para tantear.. pero como fundador que seré de un clan supongo que mis objetivos principales son conseguir una isla para la guild,mi isla y intentar ser una maquina de farmear materiales,cultivos etc..

consejos? ^^

2 respuestas

#2367 Tómatelo con calma, que al principio estarás completamente perdido, averigua como subir a tier 3 tu sólo, vete hasta Caerleon y monta allí´tu isla privada y tu isla de clan, y a ir cogiendo conocimientos poco a poco.

Yo estoy probando el parche nuevo, y vaya chorrada de quest para conseguir un burrito, que antes costaba la vida reclutar a alguien, y encima daba error la web xD

A propósito, ¿no decían que quitaban las esencias para refinar?

1 respuesta

#2367 pues entonces voy a tener que pedirte asilo :3

1 respuesta

#2369 Por mi genial,obviamente lo posteare mi clan y hare sitio en el ts para los del albion