Allods Online 3.0 anunciado

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Puede ser que la cuenta europea no funcione en el cliente americano? Yo he flipado porque tengo 600 gpotatoes de esos en la americana O_O y al ultimo juego que jugué fue el FlyForFun hace decadas..


La cuenta europea si que funciona para el americano, ya que no tuve que crearme cuenta en este juego ya que tenia una que había hecho servir en el europeo y también en el Aika otro juego de esta compañia.

Por cierto para los indecisos y para los que no informaros de que hay un evento de doble exp que durara ni mas ni menos que 8 dias.

1 1 respuesta

#512 Ueeeeeeee!!! A farmear se ha dicho!! A ver si en este periodo de tiempo subo a 30 más o menos.


hola, estoy en el server de ISA europa, soy nuevo y estoy un poco pez

mi nick en el juego es Trentt


Si eres de la liga whispea a algun sicario si quieres una guild hispana para aprender sobre el juego y tal.
En el imperio existe una tal Fuerza Imperial que dan bastante guerra tmb.


Buenas, me estoy bajando el juego (UE)

Alguna recomendación de personajes o cualquier cosa que un noob debería saber xD


estoy en la liga, a ver si me whispean a mi :D


¿Que personaje es divertido de llevar? o alguno que este op :P


eso da = , en el proximo parche seguramente cambien bastante todos los personajes.

1 respuesta

#519 he quitado el ataque basico del "1" sin querer y ahora nos e como ponerlo xD

yata ^^


Gracias al doble de XP por fin he llegado a la zona PvP, ahora empieza el juego de verdad, parece mentira que un FTP le de una soberana paliza en cuanto a originalidad a muchos juegos de pago.


Exacto al lvl 23-24 pisas una nueva zona en la que puedes hacer quest normales con algunas que son pvp, así mientras te vas liando con gente del otro bando. Lo hace más llevadero y divertido, aunque siempre hay algún que otro lvl alto por ahí tocando las pelotas xD, si podéis compraros los emblemas de la justicia en la tienda y tirárselos verlos caer de 1 hit es priceless.


Si más adelante no defrauda, este juego me tiene más enganchado que el WAR, el PvP está mucho mejor hecho, solamente le faltaría que hubiese castillos para conquerir y posibilidad de atacar ciudades y ya sería la polla, aunque esto último no lo tengo muy claro aún que no se pueda hacer.


pregunta , tienes algun tipoo de penalizacion al morir en pvp?

1 respuesta

En estos low levels por lo que he visto no hay penalización alguna, eso si espero que más adelante cambie para que le de algo mas de incentivo.


#524 No hay ninguna penalizacion por morir.


no pero siempre intentad tener los charm equipados para que vuestros items no se conviertan en cursed que baja muchisimo la estadística y necesitas una poción para arreglarlo XD


Eso es, si mueres uno de los objetos que llevas equipados te infecta y en lugar de darte los stats te los resta, así que si hay penalización por morir y llega a joder bastante depende de como, la solución está en llevar holy charms para que los protejan.


Los cuales son gratuitos y se venden en packs de 500 xD. Yo soy 32 y aun me quedan 320 de los primeros 500 que compre a nivel 1 xD

1 respuesta

#529 Ya juer, lo que pasa que los que regalan ahora duran 24h.


si tienen 24 horas de caducidad , también haciendo la misión del blesing de 4 horas , te dan otra misión que te regalan 10 creo


Entonces hice bien en comprarme 5000 de los antiguos, los que no tienen caducidad xDDD

1 respuesta

#532 Véndeme 1000 que no tengo yo de esos.


Nah! xDD


los de 10 que te dan por mision esos no tienen hora de caducidad


Estoy instalando y me gustaria saber que tal esta el priest, si es divertido de jugar y si es muy lento subir con él comprarado con los demás.

Algún consejo más sobre otra clase tambien me vendria bien, sobre todo me gustan personajes del arquetipo priest/mage. Warden, Summoner y Psicionist no se si se adecuan a estos arquetipos(?).

Y por último y más importante, en que consiste la parte de pago del juego? pagar da ventajas o solo facilidades? leí hace tiempo de este juego que o pagabas o no eras nadie y me desanimé y querria saber como esta actualmente este tema

#537 ty


Sobre el priest básicamente existen dos maneras de hacérselo, Melee Healer o Caster Healer(AoE). El melee healer en principio tiene más dps que el caster healer, las habilidades tienen un cooldown mas bajo y mete más aun así con la correcta gear he visto caster healer que mete un monton también. Si no tienes problemas con el ingles mírate los foros oficiales de healer aquí que encontrarás mucha información.

Sobre las otras clases más bien conozco poco tendría que preguntarles a los otros de por aquí. Sé que el warden puede curar y tienen algunas habilidades supports , el summoner creo que también tiene algun heal?... Mírate las habilidades de cada Arquetipo.

Si lees mas atrás veras que esta discutido el tema de sobre los que pagan y los que no, los que pagan siempre tendrán una ventaja sobre los que no pagan porque si no para que pagar no? xD. Pero tampoco se nota, conozco a gente que ha llegado al máximo y solo se han comprado una bag.

1 respuesta

Lo digo y lo repito una y otra vez a lo largo del hilo. La unica ventaja que tiene pagar es que te puedes sacar dinero con mas facilidad vendiendo lo que compres. Ya esta, porque para lo unico que de verdad hace falta pagar es para comprar Crystal Chips para comprar el equipo, y todo lo que se compra con pasta real se puede comprar con dinero del juego.


Pues yo me he comprado la montura ahora que está de oferta, para hacer la misión diaria que te dan el incienso y el pergamino de doble XP va de lujo.



Disclaimer: While we make every attempt to include all changes in our patch notes, some changes can be unintentionally omitted.


• Two new zones, Kirah and the Isle of Revelation, have been introduced

• The level cap for players has been increased to 47

• Introduced a new set of equipment slots that can only be filled with relics. Relics are items that are more powerful than normal items and can only be in raids. The effects of the relics will only be active while a player is affected by the Draconic Aspect effect

• Players can now view the contents of another player’s relic slots with Piercing Gaze rank 3 if the player is the same faction, and piercing gaze rank 6 if the player is the opposite faction

• Added a release event to celebrate the official release of Allods Online. All monsters have a chance to drop special coins and new merchants in each faction’s capital will trade special prizes for these coins. Also added a new dance that can be used by typing /sdance

• Added a marriage system. Players can get married if they are the same faction, level 15, and have a Pair of Wedding Rings, a Wedding Outfit, and a Wedding Accessory which can be obtained from the Item Shop. Married players will have access to special marriage spells which can only be cast on their spouse

• Added moods that can be displayed next to a player’s name on a friend list

• Added color patterns that can be used to change a mount’s appearance

• Runes are now inserted into a new Patronage Bonuses window. Players can now equip 2 runes at level 1, 4 runes at level 10, and 6 runes at level 20. Engraving kits and rune removers are no longer required to add or remove runes

• Automatically removed any runes in all players’ equipment and deposited them in players’ bags. If there is not enough space in a player’s bag the runes will be sent to a player’s bank, and if there is not enough room in a player’s bank the runes will be mailed to the player with the in-game mail system

• Casting a patronage spell now applies the Patron’s Blessing effect for 45 seconds, dealing a killing blow to another player now applies the Patron’s Blessing effect for 60 seconds, and resurrecting, logging in, or using Incense now activates the Patron’s Blessing effect for 5 minutes. The Patron’s Blessing effect can be removed by typing /shine

• Players no longer need to activate their patron’s blessing to receive a stat bonus, a damage bonus, a healing bonus, the effects of any equipped runes, or access to Martyr’s Salvation

• Increased the maximum health of some monsters by 33%

• Changed the damage dealt by monsters in various dungeons based upon the size of the group

• Effects that changed the cast time of spells no longer affect Martyr’s Salvation

• Rebalanced the stats on various items

• Added new versions of all heroic dungeons for level 45 players

• Final bosses in heroic dungeons for level 40 players no longer grant Prestige

• Decreased the amount of server lag that occurred when teleporting between different locations

• Optimized database functionality

• Cloaks are now hidden when mounted

• Quest names are now colored differently to reflect their difficulty relative to the player’s current level

• Added the option to turn voice emotes on or off

• Added the option to set the distance at which party members’ and raid members’ portraits turn gray

• Changed certain monsters so that they are no longer aggressive

• Added sound effects to the Fiery Wolf and the June Dreadnaught

• NPCs and interactive objects are now highlighted when mousing over their context action button

• Added a message that warns players that they are disbanding a guild or kicking a player from a guild

• Removed the ability to kick a player a guild from the drop down menu that appears when right-clicking on a player’s character portrait

• Added information about the last time a player was online to the Members tab of the Guild List tab

• Added a Save the Guild Information button and a Save the Message of the Day button to the General tab of the Guild List tab

• Auction house search queries must now be at least 3 characters long

• Added a drop down menu to input field of the chat window that allows players to use the mouse to select the channel they wish to type in

• Added the ability to link items in the chat window by using “Shift+left-click”

• Increased the cooldown duration on trinkets that can be bought with Combat Glory 90 seconds

• Decreased the duration of the effects applied by trinkets that can be bought with Combat Glory to 6 seconds, down from 10 seconds

• Trinkets that can be bought with Combat Glory now increase a player’s Strength or Intelligence instead of Rage or Wisdom

• Monsters will no longer apply a knock down effect to a player when they attack a player from behind. Instead, they will apply a movement impairing effect

• Martyr’s Salvation now increases a player’s mana regeneration rate when used in combat

• Added a mini map. The default hotkey is “Shift+M”

• Added the ability to change the group position of a raid member that is offline

• Players can no longer access the Social menu until they have completed the beginning instance

• The chance to be inflicted with a knock down effect and the duration of a knock down effect is now dependant on a player’s Willpower and Conviction

• Fixed a bug where the ability to gain extra Combat Glory from the Battle Lust effect stacked

• Messages about legendary items that players have recently looted no longer appear for items that are lower than level 45

• Players are no longer able to use HTML tags in the chat window

• The final confirmation option in the Trade window is now automatically selected

• Fixed a bug where switching between fullscreen mode and windowed mode crashed the game client

• Increased the amount of Symbols of Glory that can be stacked in one slot

• Fixed a bug where the Chain of Fate could inflict damage to targets that were not in a player’s line of sight

• The Blood-Etched Rune now inflicts Astral damage

• Fixed a bug where the Blood-Etched Rune ignored a target’s Endurance

• Removed magical resistances from earrings

• Fixed a bug with the ship customization menu
• Fixed a bug with the shoulder armor of Kanian females

• Fixed a bug with the sending of chat messages when they were preceded by an emote

• Fixed a bug that caused mounts to glide instead of run

• Fixed a bug where the final boss in a dungeon would be inaccessible if a party member died and was resurrected without going through Purgatory

• Fixed a bug where rotating the camera while casting Martyr’s Salvation would interrupt the cast

• Fixed a bug which caused the quest log’s size to change

• Fixed a bug in the calculation of healing when wound complexity is present

• Heals can now be nullified, similar to how wound complexity causes heals to be resisted. In PvE, the percent of healing that is nullified is dependent upon the type of monster that is attacking the player. In PvP, the percent of healing that is nullified is dependent upon the level of the defensive runes of the defending player versus the level of the offensive runes of the attacking player. The percent of healing that is nullified is recalculated when an additional monster or player begins attacking the defending player, similar to how wound complexity is recalculated when an additional monster or player begins attacking the defending player. The percent of healing that is nullified is only reset to 0 when a character’s health reaches 100%, similar to how wound complexity is only reset to 0 when a character’s health reaches 100%

• Fixed a bug that prevented players from logging back in after being disconnected

• Fixed a bug where Esc did not close the Stable window

• Fixed a bug that caused a mount’s hunger and health to display incorrectly

• Fixed a bug that prevented players from successfully looting chests obtained in the Astral if their ship was in the Astral while the servers were down

• Fixed a bug that prevented players from installing updates when they used Windows 2000


• Talents and Rubies have been reset for all classes

• Many of the class abilities have been reworked. All classes now have abilities granting positive effects to other party/raid members In addition, new abilities and rubies that represent upgraded versions of existing abilities have been introduced. To unlock them, players must complete a series of adventures in Kirah

• Some racial abilities have been reworked

• Holy Shield no longer removes Genoer the Devourer’s Empathetic Contact

• Blaze of Faith effect now stacks for different Priests and only affects the Priest who cast it

• Fixed a bug with the Devout Servant Ruby

• Spiritual Focus effect is now properly consumed when the Heavenly Smite is cast

• The first rank of Holy Blast now has 2.5 seconds cast time, but its damage has been increased

• Purification now removes a Warden’s Bee Swarm effect

• Purification now removes a Mage’s Combustion effect

• Purification now removes a Summoner’s Acid Poison effect

• Purification now removes a Psionisist’s Mind Fire and Astral Blight effects

• Healers can now use one-handed and two-handed spears

• Added voices for some spells

• Northern Lights, Burning Desire, and Positive Feedback Rubies now restore 5% of the player’s mana

• Removed the Clarity ability from the game

• Conflagrate, Ice Quake, Flash, and Reflections cannot be cast while silenced

• Purge consumes one point of both fire and frost force and no longer restores mana

• Some entropy effects are now affected by the Mage’s intelligence

• Wall of Flame’s cooldown time is 30/10/5 minutes depending on the spell’s level. It also grants an effect which gives immunity to its fear for 30 seconds upon the cancelation of the fear

• Fixed a bug where damage inflicted by Electric Pulse was not correctly modified by Elemental Shield and Shocking Grasp

• Increased the duration of Strike of Justice’s movement speed effect when charging towards the target to 5/6 /7 seconds and provides immunity to snare effects

• Paladins can now use barrier related abilities while stunned or controlled

• Strike of Justice’s stun effect lasts for 2 seconds at all ranks

• Paladins now rely on Expertise instead of Perception when the chance to resist Poison damage is calculated

• Elf Paladin’s Pious Brand effect is now considered a control effect and can be removed with Martyr’s Protection

• Paladins will now receive damage from Confusion Potions when using Heavenly Nova, Shadow Protection, and Strike of Justice

• Fixed a bug with Crusader Blow and Crusader Seal tooltips

• Fixed a bug with the additional damage dealt by Condemnation in regards to the number of Marks of the Pariah on the target

• Psychotic Urges ruby no longer increases a critical strike chance of Choke

• Significantly increased the damage dealt by Astral Blight

• Brilliant Aura now only restores mana to the Psionicist and not all party members

• When a Psionicist leaves combat with a target, Mental Link and any other effects on the target are lost

• Temporal Acceleration decreases the cooldown of Spectral Assassin

• Ectoplasmatic Form now absorbs damage inflicted by Confusion Potions

• Mind Fire has been redesigned. It now has a 1 minute cooldown and no longer inflicts damage. Its mana cost has been increased. It now increases the cooldown of the target’s next three spells by up to 20 seconds. This effect does not apply to Patronage Spells

• Decreased Mental Cleansing’s healing for the second and third ranks, and increased its healing for the first rank

• Mental Cleansing inflicts 8 Stacks of Mental Overload on the target

• Telekinetic Pull now always knocks the target down and has a chance to stun

• Telepathic Gift’s cooldown is 5 minutes;it restores 20/35/50% of the target’s mana pool and doesn’t add a Mental Overload effect

• Intense Flames and Violent Lightning increase damage inflicted by Incendiary Arrow and Tesla Arrows by 5/10/ 15% up from 3/6/9%

• Tesla Shot cast on a target in a melee range now applies the Depleted Resources effect on the Scout

• Scouts now rely on Expertise instead of Perception when a chance to resist Poison damage is calculated

• Every new level of Caltrops increases its effective range to 8, 10, and 12 yards respectively as well as duration of stun applied to the target

• Fixed a bug with Ruthless Fighter

• Fixed a bug with Tranquilizing Arrows

• Summon Fiend ability is now a talent and not a ruby

• Martyr’s Salvation will not recover a minion’s health anymore if the player is in battle

• Minions’ stats now change dynamically. For example, if a Summoner drinks a potion, they will not need to resummon their minion for it to take effect

• Cadavers and Fiends receive 75% less damage from the majority of AoE-spells

• Fixed a bug where minions would not correctly follow the Defensive command

• A single target can now be affected by multiple Summoners’ Corrosive Acid, Fear, and Demonic Curse effects

• Reduced the damage from Bear’s Blow, Boar’s Blow, Wolf’s Blow, and Hawk’s Strike by 15%

• Increased Lightning Strike’s damage by 45%

• Increased Storm’s damage 20% and its duration is now 5/7/9 seconds down from 10/14/18

• Increased the chance of applying Searing Pain from 30% to 50%

• Coordinated Strikes ruby now increases damage inflicted by Wolf’s Blow by 5%

• Reduced the cooldown of Bee Swarm by 10 seconds at all ranks, and it can now be prepared in advance

• Wardens’ pets’ stats now change dynamically. For example, if a Warden drinks a potion, they will not need to resummon their pet for it to take effect

• The Coordinated Strikes effect received upon use of Wolf’s Blow or Clout now reflects how many strikes are left in the attack. Mana is consumed every time the target receives a hit

• Natural Brewer now works correctly when creating Refreshing Potions

• A pet’s Open Wounds effect now inflicts increased damage if the target is moving

• Great Hunt can be used during a global cooldown, but still triggers the global cooldown

• Confusion Potions now inflict damage three times

• Medley Mastery increases duration of the Confusion Potion effect

• Nature’s Grip no longer entangles targets if Warden has logged off

• Pets now consume energy when hitting the target, instead of when receiving a command

• Increased the cooldown and damage dealt by Tiger’s Strike

• The dodge granted from Enhanced Reflexes now applies to the Warden’s pet as well

• Heightened Senses now reduces the damage a pet takes from AoE damage, instead of increasing its dodge

• Static Charge now prevents spell pushback upon being hit

• Increased the damage dealt by Chomp. In addition, Chomp can now inflict the Open Wounds effect

• Bear’s Blow now requires a target and inflicts more damage if the target suffers from Open Wounds or Exposed Weakness

• Fixed a bug with the Acute Pain ruby

• Fixed a bug where learning Combo Strikes would make fist and pet attacks inactive

• Motivating Presence Ruby no longer affects other party members

• Jagged Slice no longer prevents a target from bleeding, nor does it prevent the bleed timer from resetting by other attacks. The target can have both bleeding and Jagged Slice effects at the same time

• Reduced the damage of Aimed Shot by 66% and its cooldown is now based on weapon speed

• Damage of the rank 1 Forceful Kick has been reduced by 5%

• Damage of the rank 3 Forceful Kick has been increased by 10%

• Warriors now rely on Expertise instead of Perception when a chance to resist Poison damage is calculated

• Headbutt’s stun effect on both the target and the Warrior can now be removed with Martyr’s Protection

• Damage dealt by bleeds (except from Jagged Slice) is not affected by the attack speed of the equipped weapon


• Changed the quest rewards that are given from quests in lower level zones so that they are useful to a wider range of classes

• Added new portals and Portal Keepers to various zones

• Changed all Portal Keepers’ quests so that they can be completed by using in-game gold instead of by killing monsters

• Changed many anthropologists’ quests so that they can be completed by using in-game gold instead of gathering items

• Fixed a bug that caused map markers to disappear for various quests

• Afanasy Nikitov now tells players about different allods

• Increased the level of Aidenus

• Fixed the quest “A Pledge of Fervor” so that Marks of Diligence no longer disappear when the quest is abandoned

Oreshek Fortress
• Decreased the damage dealt by the Runaway Troll in the normal version

• Decreased the frequency with which Timur Kruchinin uses Saboteur’s Bomb

• Increased the amount of experience gained when killing Timur Kruchinin in the normal version

• Increased the damage dealt by Timur Kruchinin’s Saboteur’s Bomb

Castle Blight
• Increased the level of Dakkar de Desirae

• Increased the damage dealt by the Ghost of the White Knight

• Increased the respawn rate of the item needed for the quest “ Tasty Mushrooms”

• Feodor Konshin now tell players about different allods

• Increased the level of Yasker

• Fixed the quest “A Pledge of Fervor” so that Marks of Diligence no longer disappear when the quest is abandoned

• Fixed a bug where Ugy the Dull and Igy the Dim would occasionally not drop items

Laguna Boil
• Fixed a bug where players could not enter the normal version

• Martyr’s Protection can now remove the Frosty Grave effect

Lab Thirteen
• Monsters in the normal version are now level 23

Dream Factory
• Changed the quest “Psychic Attacks” so that all group members do not get credit when the Agitated Gibberlings are killed

• Improved the map

• Players that are below level 29 can now teleport between Sites of Power that are controlled by their faction

• Increased the range of Emblems of Justice to 45 yards

• Lowered the level requirement for the quests “Contacting Your Patron” and “Communing with the Martyrs”

• Lowered the level requirements for the quests “A Potent Cleanser” and “Creating the Essence”

• Pulsing Will-o’-the-Wisps are now immune to control effects

• Fixed a bug where players disconnected when they entered the Isle of the Dead

Tensess Temple
• Monsters in the normal version are now level 34 to level 35

• Fixed a bug where Voisvet Belov and Loyal Worshippers would not appear if players logged off in the dungeon

• Decreased the difficulty of the quest “Yasker’s Emissary”

• Decreased the difficulty of the quest “Meeting the Seers”

• Changed the monsters for the quest “The Eljune Bazaar Portal” from Wretched Demon Scouts to Tainted Will-o’-the-Wisps

Dragon Ring
• Decreased the difficulty of Jarrkath the Fiery

Yazes Shard
• Rebalanced the Arena of Death for level 45 players

• Amalgam can now drop from the chests in the Arena of Death

Gorluxor’s Tower
• Rebalanced Gorluxor’s Tower for level 45 players

• Rebalanced the World Mysteries “Strange Cultists” and “The Demonic Threat” for level 45 players. Players who have completed these World Mysteries at level 40 will be able to complete them again, but they will not receive rewards a second time

• Fixed a bug where wardens’ pets and summoners’ minions would disappear when fighting Sarn

• Decreased the damage dealt by War’kaz the Mindreaver

• Fixed a bug where Nogrom did not correctly detect players

• Holy Shield can no longer remove the Infinite Astral Rain effect

• Players that do not have the quest “The Holy Culprit” can no longer use a Coba Stone

• Fixed a bug where players could activate the Cracked June Pillar multiple times during the quest “Unending Waves”

• Fixed a bug where players would fail the quest “Boris’ Secret Ingredients” if they logged off before the quest was complete

• Fixed a bug where players would fail the quest “A Stone Age Style Duel” if they logged off before the quest was complete

• Fixed a bug where players did not receive credit for killing monsters for the quest “The Isle of Intrusion”

• Redtooth the Unyielding now counts towards the completion of the quest “A Gipatian Massacre”

• Fixed a bug where the Ethereal Cutthroat was immune to control effects

• Fixed a bug where the Chunk of Flint and the Stone Axe could not be resold

• Added additional rare monsters

• Added additional Servants of the Light

Defiled Ruins
• Fixed a bug with the distribution of loot from Vur’tazz the Ravager

• Decreased the attack speed of Vur’tazz the Ravager

June Catacombs
• Added a map

• Rebalanced the June Catacombs for level 45 players

• Amalgam can now drop from the Copper Boxes, Silver Boxes, and Gold Boxes in the June Catacombs

• Decreased the maximum health of various monsters

• The June Shield and Holy Shield now share a cooldown

• Fixed a bug where wardens’ Bestial Clones would disappear when fighting bosses

• Players can now leave and re-enter the June Catacombs at any time for 4 hours after their initial entrance into the June Catacombs

• Chests in the Outer Circle now spawn 40 minutes after the June Catacombs open

• All monsters in the Outer Circle are now neutral

• Increased the difficulty of all monsters outside of the center of the Central Circle

• There are now 5 main bosses that can be accessed through levers in the center of the Central Circle. Each party can only kill 1 of these 5 bosses

• Fixed a bug where Copper June Coins did not function properly

• Using a June Portal now costs 50 Tin June Coins

• Added areas where the Imminent Danger effect is applied to players. The Imminent Danger effect applies the Rewarded for Victory effect when a player kills another player, and inflicts the Punished for Death effect when a player is killed by another player. Each stack of the Rewarded for Victory effect allows a player to receive 10 Tin June Coins from a June Portal, while the Punished for Death effect prevents a player from receiving any Tin June Coins from a June Portal

• Added a repeatable quest that rewards players with 1 Emblems of the Raider which applies the Curse of the Raider effect. The Curse of the Raider effect inflicts damage to all enemies within a 5 yard radius

Melting Isle
• Rebalanced Melting Isle for level 45 players

• Legendary items can no longer drop from the chests on Melting Isle

• Amalgam can now drop from the chests on Melting Isle

Astral Confrontation
• Fixed a bug where a server restart would cancel all bids on the Astral Frontier Auction House

• Fixed a bug where a guild that had captured an Isle of Confrontation received half of their bet after the Astral Frontier Auction House closed

• The option to teleport to an Isle of Confrontation now only appears during the Astral Confrontation

• The initial duration of the Astral Confrontation is now 60 minutes. The duration of the Astral Confrontation is increased by 60 minutes when the attackers capture the first checkpoint. The duration of the Astral Confrontation is increased by 30 minutes when the attackers capture the second checkpoint. The duration of the Astral Confrontation is increased by 30 minutes when the attackers capture the third checkpoint

• Fixed a bug where paladins were interrupted by the damage dealt by Holy Barriers when using a June Cannon

• Fixed a bug where players were interrupted by the damage dealt by area of effect attacks when using a June Cannon

• Added a progress bar that displayers the status of a nearby checkpoint

• Added spells that are granted to random players for random periods of time

 o   Waves of Transformation causes all enemies with a 40 yard radius to inflict damage equal to 10% of their maximum health to all players within a 25 yard radius


 o   Winds of Chaos inflicts the target with the Winds of Chaos effect which inflicts damage equal to 15% of their maximum health every 2 seconds for 60 seconds. Spreads to all enemies within a 10 yard radius of the target


 o   Eternal Frost summons an invisible trap for 2 minutes which stuns all enemies within a 35 yard radius when an enemy enters the area and reduces the movement speed of all enemies within a 35 yard radius by 70% when an enemy enters the area

• Increased the difficulty of the Great Mages

• Fixed a bug where killing a Great Mage with a June Cannon would prevent the summary window from appearing

• Added additional prizes for all participants in the Astral Confrontation that is calculated based on the number of players present and the effectiveness of their actions. The prizes will be distributed when the Astral Confrontation ends

Kingdom of Nature
• Added additional Servants of the Light


• Added the Second Astral Layer

• Added quests to the Novograd Port and the Nezebgrad Port that allow players to access the Second Astral Layer

• Added quests to the Novograd Port and the Nezebgrad Port that will eventually allow players to access the Third Astral Layer

• Added vendors to the Astral hangars who sell ship devices

• Added a Magic Astrolabe which allows players to instantly jump to the chosen sector

• Added quests to the Astral hangars that teach players how to use a Magic Astrolabe to instantly jump to the chosen sector

• Fixed a bug where players could not make interhub jumps through wormholes

• Fixed a bug where the game would crash when an Astral ship traveled to a different sector

• Fixed a bug where the game would crash when a player remained on a Far Astral Allod after their Astral ship departed

• Fixed a bug where the game would crash when a player entered combat with certain Astral demons

• Decreased the difficulty of octulhus, Savage Astral Spellweavers, and Savage Astral Maulers

• Increased the aggro range of Savage Astral Rippers, Savage Astral Assassins, and Savage Astral Predators

• A Shipbuilder’s License can now be used to finish the construction of an Astral ship that is partially constructed

• Fixed a bug where players could not access the Astral ship tutorial quests if they constructed their Astral ship with the use of a Shipbuilder’s License

• Fixed a bug where players could not access the Astral ship tutorial quests after completing the quest “Only for Captains!”

• Fixed a bug where certain Imperial Astral ships appeared as League Astral ships while they were being constructed

• • Damaged ships will now automatically start being repaired upon entering the Astral hangar

• Increased the damage dealt by Astral demons to devices

• Increased the damage dealt by all artilleries

• Decreased the energy consumption of basic shields

• Increased the energy consumption of advanced shields

• Improved the visualization of some cannons’ spell effects

• Improved the camera movement for some cannons

• Increased the effectiveness of all shields

• Fixed a bug where some shields did not regenerate after being damage by certain Astral demons

• Fixed a bug where players could not replace some devices

• Fixed a bug with the visualization of the visor

• Only one device in a stack of devices will now be deleted when a device is deleted

• Added five new allods – the Isle of Corruption, the Jade Labyrinth, the Isle of the Damned, Fireheart Isle, and the Crucible

• Fixed the maps of various Far Astral Allods

• Fixed a bug with the Fleeting Salvation effect at the Abandoned Pyramid

• Added a new boss to Silent Isle

• Decreased the damage dealt by Dalera on Silent Isle

• Fixed a bug where players could summon Kazad more than once on the Isle of the Lost


• Changed the amount of reagents required for some crafting recipes

• Fixed a bug with Guardian’s Potions

• Players will no longer be able to be affected by the effect of a weaker potion if they are already affected by the effect of a stronger potion

• Added adamantite ore to mining deposits in Yazes Shard and Gipat

• Herbs in Siveria now require level 90 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Frozen Frontier now require level 140 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Darkwater now require level 190 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Igsh Military District now require level 90 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in the Dead Sea now require level 140 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in the Wild Isles now require level 190 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Asee-Teph now require level 240 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Eljune now require level 240 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Coldberg now require level 340 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Avilon now require level 340 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Dragon Ring now require level 340 Herbalism to be gathered

• Herbs in Yazes Shard now require level 390 Herbalism to be gathered

Item Shop

• Changed the expiration date on Lesser Log Extenders and Greater Log Extenders to 30 days

• Players no longer dismount when they use Lesser Log Extenders or Great Log Extenders

• Players no longer dismount when they use a Purse of June Coins

• Increased the amount of Holy Charms that can be stacked in one slot

• Fixed a bug where players occasionally could not preview vanity accessories and vanity masks

• Fixed a bug with the Astral Transporter

• Added new Item Shop items – Token of the Explorer, Indigo Wolf, Additional Stable Slot, Wedding Attire, Wedding Ring, Bottle of Champagne, Romantic Gift, Mighty Scroll of Purification, and Exceptional Scroll of Purification

• Permanently removed Rune Removal Seals, Steel Engraving Kits, Mithril Engraving Kits, Adamantite Engraving Kits, Rough Dragon Hide Backpacks, Dragon Hide Backpacks, and Enchanted Dragon Hide Backpacks from the Item Shop

• 1 Rune Removal Seal can now be exchanged for 1 Crystal Chip

• 1 Steel Engraving Kit can now be exchanged for 7 Crystal Chips

• 1 Mithril Engraving Kit can now be exchanged for 14 Crystal Chips

• 1 Adamantite Engraving Kit can now be exchanged for 21 Crystal Chips

• 1 Improved Rune Removal Pick can now be exchanged for 200 Crystal Chips

• 1 Professional Rune Removal Pick can now be exchanged for 286 Crystal Chips[/i]