Os pego lo que pusieron en los foros oficiales que no se si estará puesto respecto al tema de las diferentes colas, los personajes que desaparecen y demás problemas:
Disappearing Characters
A bug is making some players' characters appear as missing. The characters are unaffected and have returned after a short wait and logging in again.
Missing Patron Status
Some players who purchased Patron time or a Starter Pack from the website are not receiving their Patron status in-game. This is due to a delivery error preventing the entitlement from applying to their account which will be addressed.
Non-Patron Players Getting Patron Status
We've seen the reports from non-Patrons saying they have Patron status in-game. This was not an intentional grant and will be reversed.
New Queue Visualization
The new queue visualization on the server selection page was a necessity as part of introducing the grace queue. Unfortunately, it does not show Patron versus general queues. The good news is that Patron queuing is granting the priority access it should to Patrons. We are working to update the visualization to show both queues and which the player is in.
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