<13:38:12> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:38:13> [Warning] Cannot load texture 0, file missing [File=0]
<13:38:15> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:38:21> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:38:23> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:38:28> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_b_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:38:29> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:38:46> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'all_re_combat_stun_2'
<13:38:47> [Warning] AG Entity Reegar:cannot find animation all_re_relaxed_hit_ub
<13:38:49> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:38:52> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_b_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:38:54> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:38:56> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:39:00> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:39:03> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:39:05> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:39:06> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair011/nu_m_hair011.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:06> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl)
<13:39:06> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair011/nu_m_hair011.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:06> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_1bo201.chr)
<13:39:09> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:39:17> [Warning] AG Entity Miasma Rafflesia:cannot find animation all_re_relaxed_dodge_r
<13:39:22> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:39:26> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:39:27> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_b_start' to 'stun_loop'
<13:39:28> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:39:32> [Warning] Cannot load texture textures/terrain/detail/cliff_grey_blue_with_dry_bushes_ddn.dds, file missing [File=textures/terrain/detail/cliff_grey_blue_with_dry_bushes_ddn.dds]
<13:39:32> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find detail texture
'textures/terrain/detail/cliff_grey_blue_with_dry_bushes_ddn.dds' in path '' [File=textures/terrain/detail/cliff_grey_blue_with_dry_bushes_ddn.dds]
<13:39:32> [Warning] Facial sequence "all_re_combat_hit_r" not listed in CAL file for character "game/objects/characters/nuian/male/nude/nu_m_base.chr".
<13:39:35> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:39:36> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:39:40> [Warning] Cannot load texture /, file missing [File=/]
<13:39:40> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find custom secondary texture '/' in path '' [File=/]
<13:39:44> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph player_upper_body
<13:39:45> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:39:51> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair019/nu_m_hair019_hm_type1.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:51> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair019/nu_m_hair019_hm_type1.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:52> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair010/nu_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:52> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth502.mtl)
<13:39:52> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth502.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_1bo104.chr)
<13:39:52> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair010/nu_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:39:55> [Warning] AG Entity Kudlata:cannot find animation dead_01
<13:40:01> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:40:02> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:40:02> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/male/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:40:05> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:40:07> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:40:12> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:40:15> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:40:16> [Warning] AG Entity Miasma Rafflesia:cannot find animation all_re_relaxed_dodge_r
<13:40:20> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:40:25> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:40:26> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:40:49> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:40:56> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:41:06> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:41:10> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:41:11> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:41:11> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:41:19> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'all_re_combat_knockback_b'
<13:41:19> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:41:19> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:41:27> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:41:34> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:41:45> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair011/nu_m_hair011.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:41:45> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_ar_cloth001.mtl)
<13:41:45> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair011/nu_m_hair011.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:41:45> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_ar_cloth001.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_1ac007_1arm025_4ar902_4pv003_4sh041.chr)
<13:41:49> [Warning] Cannot load texture /, file missing [File=/]
<13:41:49> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find custom secondary texture '/' in path '' [File=/]
<13:41:51> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:41:56> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl)
<13:41:56> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_1bo201.chr)
<13:41:57> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_range_honor_2g
<13:42:01> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:42:04> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:07> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:42:13> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:13> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:42:19> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:23> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'all_re_combat_hit'
<13:42:24> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:42:25> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:42:26> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:33> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:36> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:42:38> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:45> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:42:53> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/ferre/male/nude/fe_m_base_grap03.mtl)
<13:42:53> [Warning] Cannot load texture objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds, file missing [File=objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds]
<13:42:53> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find subsurface texture 'objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds' in path '' [File=objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds]
<13:42:53> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/ferre/male/parts/ar/obj/fe_m_ar_metal145.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/ferre/male/parts/ar/obj/fe_m_1ac007_1arm025_4ar902_4pv003_4sh041.chr)
<13:42:53> [Warning] Failed to Load Character file [File=game/objects/characters/ferre/male/face/fe_m_beard01.chr]
<13:43:01> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:43:08> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:43:10> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/hariharan/male/hair/ha_m_hair010/ha_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:43:10> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/hariharan/male/hair/ha_m_hair010/ha_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:43:10> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/hariharan/male/parts/ar/obj/ha_m_ar_leather162.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/hariharan/male/parts/ar/obj/ha_m_1ar601_1arm001_3sh009.chr)
<13:43:10> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_melee1h_3g
<13:43:13> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:43:14> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:43:22> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Shadowcross, player_full_body) - no path from 'Lion_DriverIdleToRun' to 'jump_bear_loop'
<13:43:26> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:43:28> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:43:29> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:43:31> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_b_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:43:35> [Warning] Particle effect not found: 'abillity_skill_table_m.illusion.tired_curse_form', from unknown
<13:43:36> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_melee1h_3g
<13:43:37> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/effects/01 - Default.mtl)
<13:43:45> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:43:46> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:43:51> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:43:57> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:44:00> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:44:01> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:44:05> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:44:09> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:44:10> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:44:17> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:44:19> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:44:20> [Warning] AG Entity Aphinity:cannot find animation music_mo_jump_b_loop
<13:44:23> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:44:28> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:44:34> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:44:35> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:44:38> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:44:40> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:44:44> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:44:52> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/pt/obj/el_m_pt_leather001.mtl)
<13:44:52> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/pt/obj/el_m_pt_leather001.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/pt/obj/el_m_1pt201.chr)
<13:44:56> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:45:01> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:05> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:45:05> [Warning] [ag] Entered state but we were still waiting for some of the nodes to enter (state=gliding_end, entity=Brandir)
<13:45:07> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:08> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:45:08> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/male/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:45:13> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:45:13> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:23> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:26> [Warning] Facial sequence "all_re_combat_hit_r" not listed in CAL file for character "game/objects/characters/nuian/male/nude/nu_m_base.chr".
<13:45:29> [Warning] [CGF Error] game/objects/item/staff_2h/staff_2h_eph_4/staff_2h_eph_4.cgf [:] LOD1 of geometry contains too many polygons comparing to the LOD0 [950 against 1068] :
<13:45:29> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:45:34> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:34> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:45:40> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:45:41> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:45:41> [Warning] Cannot load texture /, file missing [File=/]
<13:45:41> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find custom secondary texture '/' in path '' [File=/]
<13:45:44> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:45:47> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:45:47> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:45:50> [Warning] MakeSprite - too many sprite update (10). dropping.. (sprites : 120)
<13:45:50> [Warning] AG Entity Nemios:cannot find animation dead_01
<13:45:51> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/env/06_unit/06_glider/glider_b_lv_c_grap03.mtl)
<13:45:51> [Warning] Cannot load texture objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds, file missing [File=objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds]
<13:45:51> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find subsurface texture 'objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds' in path '' [File=objects/characters/ferre/female/face/face01/fe_f_face01_fur_sss.dds]
<13:45:51> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/ferre/male/parts/ar/obj/fe_m_ar_metal145.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/ferre/male/parts/ar/obj/fe_m_1ac007_1arm025_4ar902_4pv003_4sh041.chr)
<13:45:51> [Warning] Failed to Load Character file [File=game/objects/characters/ferre/male/face/fe_m_beard01.chr]
<13:45:56> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:00> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_co_attack_r_2'
<13:46:01> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:46:03> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:04> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair009/nu_m_hair009_hm_type1.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:46:04> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_ar_cloth001.mtl)
<13:46:04> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_ar_cloth001.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_1ac007_1arm025_4ar902_4pv003_4sh041.chr)
<13:46:04> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair009/nu_m_hair009_hm_type1.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:46:08> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:46:08> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:27> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:46:30> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:46:32> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:35> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:46:36> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/effects/01 - Default.mtl)
<13:46:46> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:56> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:46:57> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:46:58> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:47:04> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:47:07> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:47:08> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:47:08> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_ar_leather162.mtl)
<13:47:08> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_ar_leather162.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_1ar601_1arm001_3sh009.chr)
<13:47:11> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:47:11> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:47:11> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/female/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:47:16> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:47:17> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:47:18> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:47:20> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_combat_idle'
<13:47:29> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:47:33> [Warning] Facial sequence "all_re_combat_hit_r" not listed in CAL file for character "game/objects/characters/nuian/male/nude/nu_m_base.chr".
<13:47:34> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:47:34> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:47:39> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:47:40> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:47:41> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/elf/male/hair/el_m_hair010/el_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:47:41> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_ar_leather156.mtl)
<13:47:41> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/elf/male/hair/el_m_hair010/el_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:47:41> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_ar_leather156.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/elf/male/parts/ar/obj/el_m_1ar108_1arm001_2bt004_2pv001_2sh015_3arm001.chr)
<13:47:47> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:47:50> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:47:57> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:47:57> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/male/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:48:02> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/ferre/female/nude/fe_f_base_whtp02.mtl)
<13:48:03> [Warning] Cannot load texture game/objects/characters/ferre/female/test/fe_f_nude_fur_df.dds, file missing [File=game/objects/characters/ferre/female/test/fe_f_nude_fur_df.dds]
<13:48:16> [Warning] AG Entity Snowhite:cannot find animation fist_mo_swim_idle_rand
<13:48:20> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:48:20> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:48:26> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Mirage Snowlion, horse_full_body.xml) - no path from 'Jump Start' to 'FIST_MO_NORMAL_RUN'
<13:48:33> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/effects/01 - Default.mtl)
<13:48:34> [Warning] AG Entity Lomaster:cannot find animation fist_mo_jump_combat_s_end
<13:48:35> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:48:38> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:48:41> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:48:43> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:48:45> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:48:52> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph player_upper_body
<13:48:52> [Warning] AG Entity Stormhawk:cannot find animation dead_01
<13:48:59> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:49:01> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:49:02> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:49:04> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Loghen, player_full_body) - no path from 'Horse_DriverRun' to 'jump_bear_loop'
<13:49:05> [Warning] AG Entity Miasma Rafflesia:cannot find animation all_re_relaxed_dodge_r
<13:49:07> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:49:09> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:49:11> [Warning] AG Entity Loghen:cannot find animation fist_mo_jump_combat_f_land
<13:49:15> [Warning] [CGF Error] game/objects/item/staff_2h/staff_2h_eph_4/staff_2h_eph_4.cgf [:] LOD1 of geometry contains too many polygons comparing to the LOD0 [950 against 1068] :
<13:49:16> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:49:19> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:49:25> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl)
<13:49:25> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth140.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_1bo201.chr)
<13:49:27> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:49:33> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/effects/01 - Default.mtl)
<13:49:34> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Dayofthebeast, player_full_body) - no path from 'Horse_DriverRun' to 'jump_bear_loop'
<13:49:41> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:49:41> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:49:42> [Warning] Facial sequence "all_re_combat_hit_r" not listed in CAL file for character "game/objects/characters/ferre/female/nude/fe_f_base.chr".
<13:49:46> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:49:46> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:49:48> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:49:52> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph player_upper_body
<13:49:52> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:49:52> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/male/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:49:54> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:49:55> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_melee1h_honor_3g
<13:49:58> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:50:00> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:50:01> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:50:06> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:50:07> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:50:09> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:50:13> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair010/nu_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:50:13> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/ar/obj/nu_m_ar_leather162.mtl)
<13:50:13> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_bo_cloth502.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/parts/bo/obj/nu_m_1bo104.chr)
<13:50:13> ApplySharedMorphTargets - game/objects/characters/nuian/male/hair/nu_m_hair010/nu_m_hair010.chr - objects/characters/nuian/male/face/face00/nu_m_face00.chr not exist
<13:50:16> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_b_start' to 'all_re_combat_struggle'
<13:50:17> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:50:22> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_melee1h_honor_3g
<13:50:26> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'all_re_combat_stun_2'
<13:50:27> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:50:32> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:50:39> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/materials/effects/fume_h_ssd.mtl)
<13:50:44> [Warning] Cannot load texture /, file missing [File=/]
<13:50:44> [Warning] Error: CShaderMan::mfCreateShaderResources: Couldn't find custom secondary texture '/' in path '' [File=/]
<13:50:47> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:50:49> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:50:52> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Violent Sarracenia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:50:55> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:50:55> [Warning] Independent immortal particle effect spawned: X2_EFFECT_O.Interaction.enchant_wpn_magic2h_2g
<13:50:58> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (Miasma Rafflesia, monster_full_body.xml) - no path from 'all_re_combat_knockback_start' to 'fist_relaxed_idle'
<13:51:00> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "X2_EFFECTS.mon_effects.sarracenia_attack01_r", requested by animation "animations/monster/sarracenia/fist/fist_co_attack_r_01.caf".
<13:51:01> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:51:02> [Warning] XML parser: Buffer is null. (data size: 0)
<13:51:02> [Warning] Failed to stream facial sequence (game/animations/nuian/male/facial/twohand_re_combat_hit.fsq)
<13:51:03> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/ferre/female/costume/fe_f_sk_lord006/fe_f_sk_lord006_whtp02.mtl)
<13:51:09> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:51:13> [Warning] non cached CDF(game/objects/characters/elf/female/parts/hm/leather/hm_leather157/el_f_hm_leather157.cdf)
<13:51:13> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/elf/female/parts/hm/obj/el_f_hm_leather157.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/elf/female/parts/hm/obj/el_f_2hm108.chr)
<13:51:13> [Warning] =?:171: [Script Error] Wrong parameter type. Function .SetText(text) expect parameter 1 of type String (Provided type Null)
<13:51:14> [Warning] Anim events cannot find effect "", requested by animation "animations/monster/rafflesia/all/all_co_sk_spell_cast_d.caf".
<13:51:22> [Warning] failed to stream material xml(game/objects/characters/ferre/female/costume/fe_f_sk_lord006/fe_f_sk_lord006_whtp02.mtl)
<13:51:22> [Warning] Unable to force state death_animation as it does not exist in graph monster_upper_body.xml
<13:51:23> [Warning] [net 12:51:23.590] recv exception: internal 32770 system 258
<13:51:23> stream: disconnected (reason=1)
<13:51:23> pay method: event
<13:51:23> pay location: unknown
<13:51:23> pay start: 1900-1-1 00:00:00
<13:51:23> pay end: 2014-12-10 12:25:00
<13:51:23> premium point: 1
<13:51:23> premium grade: premium_1
<13:51:23> real pay time: -1
<13:51:24> [Warning] [Lua Error] no localized ui text for 22 option_item_my_name
<13:51:25> [Warning] chr physical geom is not precached. (game/objects/characters/dwarf/male/nude/dw_m_base.chr)
<13:51:25> [Warning] non cached CDF(game/objects/characters/returned/male/nude/re_m.cdf)
<13:51:25> [Error] CryAnimation: character-definition creation failed: game/objects/characters/returned/male/nude/re_m.cdf
<13:51:26> [Warning] non cached dbh : animations/warborn/male/wa_m.dbh
<13:51:26> stream: connected to world server
<13:51:26> stream: authorized by world server
<13:51:26> pay method: event
<13:51:26> pay location: unknown
<13:51:26> pay start: 1900-1-1 00:00:00
<13:51:26> pay end: 2014-12-10 12:25:00
<13:51:26> premium point: 0
<13:51:26> premium grade: premium_0
<13:51:26> real pay time: -1
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W26, 28), (L1, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W26, 29), (L1, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 26), (L2, 1)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 27), (L2, 2)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 28), (L2, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 29), (L2, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 30), (L2, 5)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W27, 31), (L2, 6)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 26), (L3, 1)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W28, 27), (L3, 2)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 2931
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 27), (L3, 2)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W28, 28), (L3, 3)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 13310
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 28), (L3, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W28, 29), (L3, 4)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 15578
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 29), (L3, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W28, 30), (L3, 5)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 18714
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 30), (L3, 5)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W28, 31), (L3, 6)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 26), (L4, 1)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W29, 27), (L4, 2)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 0
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 27), (L4, 2)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W29, 28), (L4, 3)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 6226
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 28), (L4, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W29, 29), (L4, 4)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 4516
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 29), (L4, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W29, 30), (L4, 5)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 5409
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 30), (L4, 5)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W29, 31), (L4, 6)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 26), (L5, 1)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 27), (L5, 2)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W30, 28), (L5, 3)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 0
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 28), (L5, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell object(W30, 29), (L5, 4)
<13:51:26> unload cell object count : 0
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 29), (L5, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 30), (L5, 5)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W30, 31), (L5, 6)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W31, 27), (L6, 2)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W31, 28), (L6, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W31, 29), (L6, 4)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W31, 30), (L6, 5)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W32, 28), (L7, 3)
<13:51:26> seamless unloading cell terrain(W32, 29), (L7, 4)
<13:51:26> Level System - Loading Start
<13:51:27> precaching world entities ..
<13:51:27> precaching world entities .. done! total (0) objects
<13:51:27> Vegetation Manager : Loading World(login2)
<13:51:27> Vegetation Manager : Loading World - Done (total 36 vegetations)
<13:51:27> total 20 terrain world surfaces loaded
<13:51:27> Precached total 6 materials
<13:51:27> seamless loading cell terrain(W0, 1), (L0, 0)
<13:51:27> seamless loading cell object(W0, 1), (L0, 0)
<13:51:27> [Warning] missing chr material : game/objects/characters/nuian/male/face/ha_m_face00.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/nuian/male/face/nu_m_face00.chr)
<13:51:28> [Warning] Cannot load texture game/objects/characters/texture/eye/eye17.dds, file missing [File=game/objects/characters/texture/eye/eye17.dds]
<13:51:28> [Warning] Failed to Load Character file [File=game/objects/characters/warborn/male/hair/wa_m_hair010/wa_m_hair010.chr]
<13:51:28> [Error] CryAnimation: no character created: game/objects/characters/warborn/male/nude/wa_m_base.cdf
<13:51:28> Load Zone Finished
<13:51:28> Level System - Loading Complete
<13:51:28> precaching instance world CGF
<13:51:28> total 0 CGF files are precached
<13:51:28> -----------------------------------------------------
<13:51:28> * LOADING: 'loginbg4' loading time: 1.73 seconds
<13:51:28> -----------------------------------------------------
<13:51:28> [Warning] Pathfinding in animation graph failed (MusicGraph, player_full_body) - no path from 'Lion Start' to 'Lion_DriverIdle'
<13:51:28> [Warning] chr material is not precached : game/objects/characters/hariharan/female/hair/ha_f_hair014/ha_f_hair014.mtl (chr: game/objects/characters/hariharan/female/hair/ha_f_hair014/ha_f_hair014.chr)
<13:51:28> [Warning] I3DEngine::RegisterEntity: entity reports invalid position: Name: LightEntityName (), Class: LightEntityClass, Pos=(24671.9,5247.9,4738.8), aabb center=(30087.5,6132.7,392.7)