ArcheAge #HG


Únete al grupo aquí.

  • El juego es F2P con tienda y cuota mensual en caso de querer ser patrón.

  • Si queréis encontrar clan o hacer conocer el vuestro, hay un hilo creado para que lo podáis hacer Aquí. (leer las normas especificas de ese hilo.)

*ArcheAge On Flames: Nuevo hilo para el salseo

Shatigon ha sido el servidor elegido por la comunidad Española para jugar.


#24930 quien sabe, hace muchísimo que no pesca ni dios


#24930 No me hagas mucho caso pero juraría haber leido en las notas de un parche atrasado que arreglaban ese bug. Pero vamos, no he ido a un spot de pesca desde la 1.2 asi que no lo he visto con mis ojos...


Pues si que ha cambiado el juego, era la mejor forma de sacar dinero xD


El cleric se lleva Honor points a porrillo solo por tocar la flauta o me lo imagino?

1 respuesta

#24934 Free honor point :D


Cuando reactivan el juego?, a ver como esta el server nuevo.

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#24936 Timer

1 respuesta

Yo no se que les pasa a los tontos de trion que no paran de banearme, dios que gente mas pesada, diciendo que uso programas de terceros, claro que si campeon!! despues de comprar todo el equipo celestial (anillos,armas,etc) no puedo jugar XD


Un breve resumen, servidores nuevos e independientes desde 0 o se podrán pasar cosas desde otros servidores? Si es totalmente nuevo quizás merezca la pena empezar...

1 respuesta

#24937 No me jodas que queda todo eso? :/

1 respuesta

#24940 Por mi que ni lo abran, me lo paso bomba en Diamond shores con el cleric.
#24939 Los server nuevos tienen subasta independiente así que no podrás pasar dinero ni items.

1 comentario moderado

Si eso cuando abran. Montura y cosicas gratis!!

A Hero’s Welcome Awaits You in ArcheAge!

Whether you’re continuing the fight to reclaim Auroria, taking up arms once more, or jumping fresh into the fray, we’re hosting a Hero’s Welcome for you in Erenor!

From September 12 to October 10, 2015, we’re celebrating our biggest content update yet, Heroes Awaken, with huge rewards for all of our players (including your very own Griffon mount)!

On September 12, your highest level character will receive one of three special reward packs in the mail. The pack you receive will depend on whether, a returning hero who hasn’t logged in for 30 days or more or one of our steadfast veterans.

Plus, if you’re someone who has spent $1.00 or more on any Trion game (Rift, ArcheAge, Trove, Defiance, or Devilian) or are an active ArcheAge patron, you’ll get some extra items as our way of saying thanks for supporting us!

For loyal veterans…

You are truly our heroes. We appreciate all of your efforts in Erenor! To honor your achievements, you’ll receive each of the following items in the mail:

Untamed Royal Griffin Mount – Temporary for 30 days. Can be made permanent through the Soul Sworn Chest.
“Soul Sworn” title – Gives +1% loot drop rate, +1% exp, and +1% PvE damage.
Anniversary Cloak – Provides +15 to all stats.
Day 1 Soul Sworn Chest*
Anyone who has spent over $1.00 or are an active Patron will receive the following extra items:

2 extra Player Appreciation Coins
+7 days of patron time added to their account
*The Soul Sworn Chest can be opened once every 24 hours and will award items up to 7 times. The 7th time the chest is opened, you’ll receive a Royal Griffin Coin which will remove the 30-day limit to your Royal Griffin Mount.

The chest will also offer items such as Grimoires from the Power Unbound event, Bound Worker’s Compensations, and Loyalty Token packs. Opening the crate each day will also offer more Player Appreciation Coins and the same Royal Griffin Coin on the 7th time it’s opened.

You can exchange Soul Sworn Coins for rare goods at the Commemorative Event Workbench on Mirage Isle for the same rewards as returning veterans, in addition to a Gilded Royal Glider, a Midnight Kitsu combat pet, and the Brutal Outcast’s Costume!

For returning heroes…

The gods of the realm welcome you back to Erenor with the “Homecoming Warrior” boon – a buff that grants the following bonuses for 15 days after token redemption:

EXP Bonus 20%
Loot Bonus 20%
All attacks and healing bonus 5%
All defense bonus 5%
Movement Speed 10%
Production Time Reduction 10%
EXP protection upon death
On top of that, your presence will also empower any member in your party with:

Loot Bonus 20%
HP/MP Regen. Bonus 10%
All attacks and healing bonus 10%
All defense bonus 10%
Returning heroes will also receive one:

Untamed Royal Griffin Mount – Temporary for 30 days. Can be made permanent through the Homecoming Chest.
Ultimate Weapon Coin - Can be traded for temporary 30 day Hellkissed Weapons.
Mirage Armor Coin - Can be traded for temporary 30 day Epherium Armor sets.
Anyone who has spent over $1.00 or are an active Patron will receive the following extra items:

2 Homecoming Coins – Can be exchanged for a collection of rare items.
Day 1 Homecoming Chest* – Offers additional items each day it’s opened.
+7 days of patron time added to their account
*The Homecoming Chest can be opened once every 24 hours and will award items up to 7 times. The 7th time the chest is opened, you’ll receive a Royal Griffin Coin which will remove the 30-day limit to your Royal Griffin Mount.

Other prizes rewarded from the chest will include Bound Worker’s Compensation, Adventurer’s XP Boost Potions, Bound Vocation Tonics, Bound Hereafter Stones, additional Homecoming Coins, and more!

Exchange your coins at the Commemorative Event Workbench on Mirage Isle for rare and unique items such as Imperial Jade Wings, the Woodland Kitsu combat pet, and the Haughty Outcast’s Costume.

If you’re a free player without patron and you’d like to grab the Homecoming Chest for yourself, now is a great time to upgrade! If you add Patron to your account or spend over $1.00 with us, you may contact Customer Service via and they will award you with the Homecoming Chest.

For those of you joining us for the first time…

Welcome to the ever changing world of ArcheAge! We’re glad you decided to join us and take your first steps on the path of becoming a hero!

If you create a new character during the time period of this event, you’ll receive a Supply Crate that can be opened once per day, up to 7 times. Each time you open it, you’ll receive a variety of items to help you get started in Erenor, including XP Boosts, special starting equipment, spellbooks that temporarily increase your defense and attack power, and more!

This chest applies to all characters made on Morpheus and Rangora, so enjoy that extra boost on our Fresh Start servers!

Safe travels and good luck!

A world of opportunities awaits in Erenor! Experience a new story in a new ArcheAge today.


Yo he estado dentro y no me la han mandado xD

Serán capaces de haberla mandado al alter o algo.. si os llega a un alter no abrais el cofre por cierto, contactad al soporte para que os lo muevan al personaje que queráis. Si lo abriís ya no podrán moverlo, o eso dicen



Once these issues are resolved, we will announce a new server opening time so everyone can get prepared and not be surprised.
23:30 - 12 sep 2015

openning el 2016.

1 respuesta


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1 respuesta

Que dice Trion que menos mal que ya los conocemos y que ya sabiamos que el server no iba a estar ON a las 22:00.

Tambien me dijo que os podiais ir a dormir y tal,que ya si eso mañana.....



Mnotauro pa pasar el rato


Los mensajes que dejan en twitter los escribe el mismo tío del día que apagaron los servers cada minuto.....: En 1 hora se apagan los servers...
Ahora es cada 30... No tenemos ni puta idea de lo que pasa pero podéis esperaros otros 30 minutos a que os digamos esta misma chorrada. Son unos maquinas xD


4:30 PM PDT Update: Progress continues to be made, but we have no new information to share at this time. Next update in 1 hour.
hoy no mañanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


A las 15 nuevo intento de abrir los servers(van a ser otras risas) con rollback y regalito.
Se abren apuestas sobre hasta que hora llegaremos hoy con Twits cada media hora(or soonish).

Ragnora abre a las 16.

1 respuesta

Pues si que hay peña para el nuevo server

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A mi celestrata me da miedo o_o

#24955 que va, recuerda que rangora va a estar vacio, lo han dicho los pitonisos de este post.

#24954 Rangora abre las 2-3, supuestamente a las 14:00 abren server no mergeados, a las 14:30 los mergeados y a las 15:00 los fresh

1 respuesta

"We are targeting to open our European servers 1:00 PM GMT (3:00 PM CEST) on September 13"

"Our Legacy servers will be opened first, our Evolution servers will open second, and our Fresh Start servers will open last. There will be a half-hour delay between each server type opening"

Entiendo que abren a las 15:00 Los servers legacy 15:30 los evolution y a las 16:00 Rangora? porque en cada sitio leo una cosa que puto follon

1 respuesta

#24957 #24956 Ahora que lo pienso los españoles al ser especialitos estamos en GTM+2, el CEST(horario central europeo) es GTM+1.
Así que a esto:
1:00 PM GMT (3:00 PM CEST) -- Legacy Servers
1:30 PM GMT (3:30 PM CEST) -- Evolution Servers
2:00 PM GMT (4:00 PM CEST) -- Fresh Start: Rangora
Réstale una hora. Luego súmale 20 hasta que abran xD.


Aqui le sumas una hora por que tenemos horario de verano... Abren a las 3.


asi que hasta las 3 estamos apagados hahaah pos vaya :)