Atlas, nuevo survival MMO de piratas de los creadores de ARK

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Todos aquellos mensajes que vayan con la intención de meter "mierda" al juego serán moderados (bajo el juicio de la moderación).

Sin embargo se ha creado un hilo para que os podáis desfogar y poder soltar todos aquellos memes o críticas al desarrollo de ATLAS.
2 comentarios moderados

#174 Ostia pero eso de que puedas extinguir una especie no me acaba de convencer del todo. Lo que igual se refieren es que de ciertas especies hay un limite. Por ejemplo en ark, el unicornio o fenix, son únicos en el mapa, y hasta que no mueren, no sale otro. Si alguien lo tiene tameado no vuelve a salir salvaje.


Features en inglés:

MMO On the Grandest Scale

Physically sail in real-time across the vast oceans with the proprietary server network technology. Explorers will voyage to over 700 unique landmasses across 45,000 square kilometers, with thousands of Discovery Zones, and ten distinct world regions each having their own unique resources, creatures, secrets, and environment hazards! There is a separate PvE ATLAS for players who don't wish to play any PVP.

Construct the Ship of Your Dreams, Plank by Plank!

Build drydocks and start with a dinghy rowboat, basic raft, tiny sloop or nimble schooner, moving on up to your own versatile brigantine or titanic galleon capable of transporting hundreds of crew and extensive cargo. Name your ship in big bold letters, paint and copy your own pirate flag and custom-place all the pieces of your ship -- which sails and where, planks and gunports, every single structure piece has a physical Weight and Material -- to function exactly how you want.

Captain your Crew!

Recruit real players and AI crew from freeports or rescue seasoned crew from destroyed “Army of the Damned” shipwrecks to man distinct stations on your boat! Set sail and explore the ATLAS with them to gain experience and level up their stats or gear, as well as levelling your Ship. Your crew are versatile! Whether on land, or ship, or even riding behind your animal companions on emplacements, they can man weapons of all kinds-- cannons, swivel guns, siege engines, turrets, and even gigantic mortars, many with dynamically swappable ammo types including grapeshot, chainshot, spikeshot, liquid fire, and more! Instruct them to board enemy ships and help you conquer the seas! Keep their stomachs full and their pockets full of gold lest you want a mutiny in your hands! Take on the Captain’s Wheel or divide up the command responsibilities via Lieutenant Podiums to direct the Ship’s assignable weapon systems, sails, and stations, including standing-orders or manual grouped fire. Or, walk up to any station and take control of it yourself!

Pirate PVP to the Limit

Everything is up for grabs including player’s ships, their crew, their pets, their forts, their land, and their booty. If you can get your hands on it, you can take it. A ship’s permanent logbook tells the tale of their legendary travel, exploits and ownership.

Be the Hero or Villain you were meant to be

MMO-scale character progression systems include, at launch, over 15 Disciplines with over 300 Skills, in a vast unlockable tree. New "Feat" system allows for active and passive bindable character abilities, while new stat-buff system allows innumerable abstract statistics to be modified by Skills, Items, and Armor. And now, everything has scalable stats, including structures, and can be progressively Upgraded!

This is Who You Are

Extensive character visual customization enables an endless range of realistic (and not-so-realistic) characters, with a vast array of sliders, morphs, muscle tones, and tweakable values. You can even per-pixel design your own permanent tattoos (and then draw warpaint on top of that too!). If someone exists in the real world, they should be creatable in ATLAS! Best-in-class dynamic hair growth and real-time aging systems allow you to get old and... pass on your legacy? (Or find a fountain of youth!).

Endless Adventure

Full Quest and Waypoint systems, with sub-quests and rewards, for major goals -- while procedural treasure maps and challenge zones also ensure there's always something new to find out over the horizon.

Intense Action

Tactical melee combat systems with blocks, parries, dodges, character motion, optional shields, stunning and strength-varying strikes, directional attacks, and more for use in either first or third person perspectives. Fists, swords, maces, blackjacks, daggers, and much more give you tremendous options to pick the right weapon for the job. Meanwhile, period-appropriate-weaponry with skill-based active reload systems include flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and more -- just be sure to keep your powder dry!

Claim What's Yours

Form a company, claim territory and apply taxation and behavior rules to that which you own: be a benevolent governor, a feudal lord, or a ruthless dictator. Territory ownership is visualized on your dynamic zoomable World Map, with Fog of War obscuring uncharted regions and Shroud of War hiding enemy territories out of sight range. Contest other government's ownership of land, structures, or ships to expand your empire! The top large-scale Spheres of Influence on the Official ATLAS' are visualized in real-time on the PlayATLAS homepage. Design your own custom flag per-pixel to apply to your claims, to be famous (or infamous)!

Creatures Great and Small

More than 50 creatures at launch varying from breedable utilitarian farm animals & shoulder mounted parrots and monkeys that offer unique buffs, all the way to magical mermaids and gigantic sea monsters of legend. Creatures can be found in their logical regions, but take skill and tactics to tame using new mechanics, while also gaining the most benefit and fertility from their natural biomes. Ferry these temperamental creatures across the vast oceans in a virtual Noah's Ark to trade in exotic locales.

Freeports to Meet & Greet

Level-capped starter zones allow you to learn the ropes and meet new players in a safe space before you venture out into the great unknown. Where the wind and destiny takes you beyond that, is up to the gods!

Build Your Empire

Overhauled building systems include automatic foundational elevation adjustment, dynamic tile type swapping, improved snap detection & previewing, integrated plumbing systems, per-pixel-paintable everything, beast-of-burden harness attachments for field-gun and carriages, and much more! Survival systems newly include, among other aspects, Vitamins benefits and deficiencies, with recipe & cooking skills and varying ingredient qualities.

Powerful Mod and Server Functionalities

Want to build a World War II Spitfire? Or a Flying Fortress bomber with fully walkable interior and gun stations, carrying troops loaded with machine guns and rocket launchers? How about a Tank? An Aircraft Carrier to play out the Battle of Midway on an expansive scale? How about an Arcadian Steampunk Airship floating through a cloud-world? These examples and much more are provided with the ATLAS Dev Kit, where you can make effectively create whatever large-scale MMO action game you want to see happen, all supported by the database-driven network technology that powers ATLAS. Unofficial ATLAS' can be of any size and configuration, while a visual map tool lets server hosts layout their own complete custom world of islands, continents, terrain features, spawns, resources, hazards, underwater zones, dynamic weather, biome configurations, ecology, and an infinite number of other configurable features -- all dynamically streamed to the client during gameplay. The possibilities are endless!

Far, Far More

Stay tuned for more details on the extensive features and content of ATLAS. This brief sampling is just the tip of the iceberg (though be sure to watch out for those in the polar regions, as they're extremely dangerous to ship hulls!!).

1 respuesta

#184 Fuente?

1 respuesta

Pues por la información que está saliendo, parece un Ark a gran escala persistente. A ver como piensan regular el efecto bola de nieve de los grandes clanes. Yo cuando pienso en este juego me lo imagino como un sandbox MMO al estilo, salvando (muy mucho) las distancias, de Mortal Online o Ultima Online. Veremos.

1 respuesta

#186 Yo creo que se auto regulara solo.

Es evidente que tendrás las alianzas con 400 personas que controlaran muchos territorios, tal y como pasa en ark. Pero ya te digo que habrán muchas y si no tiempo al tiempo.

Desde la experiencia de ark, las grandes alianzas también se descomponen, se traicionan etc.


Según comentan en el discord se tardaría 17h en ir de punta a punta del mapa


A mí me llama muchísimo. Caerá no day 1 , pero caerá


Pues si.... hay mapa para aburrir.


Day 1 aquí con mi clan del mortal.

3 1 respuesta

#191 Hacerme hueco que vuelve Eustakio.

1 respuesta

#192 quieres jugar con los mejores no? Ya veo ya


A ver si veo algo potable lo tendre que pillar, soy de sandbox yo. Compro todo MMo sandbox que sale al mercado por mierda que sea, este no iba a ser menos. Pero day 1 ni de broma... es todo muy sospechoso... Un proyecto tan grande, con este secretismo... sacarlo de un día para otro como si nada... Con la dificultad técnica que debe de costar hacer lo que pretenden hacer...

3 2 respuestas

#194 claro estamos acostumbrados a starcitizen que llevan años vendiendonos mierda y cuando salen unos con el trabajo echo nos parece extraño jajjajaaba

1 respuesta




Con la dificultad técnica que debe de costar hacer lo que pretenden hacer

Han utilizado todo asset posible del Ark. Cosas originales obviamente tendrá este juego, pero texturas, algunos modelos, animaciones, tema construcción, cualquier herramienta que se use para crear Ark, etc, etc...

Por otra parte no sé como funciona esa empresa, si tenían algo antes de Ark, a lo mejor son de dar "sorpresas" de este tipo.


Por cierto alguien tiene enlace al discord de esta gente?

1 respuesta


También hay un discord de una comunidad que se esta formando en castellano completamente no oficial, en plan clanes unidos y tal

1 respuesta

#198 gracis tío, pasa también el otro discord porfa!


#195 Ya me veo venir los lloros xd

1 respuesta

Aún sin gameplay a 4 días del lanzamiento?????????


#200 en peores plazas hemos toreado amigo.


Algunos venimos de un Fallout 76, que podría salir mal. xD


no se si se diría pero al parecer va a haber alas delta, planeadores o lo que se llame eso.

1 respuesta

Estoy teniendo deja-vu. Es el ciclo de siempre, con los mismos de siempre... y aún no se aprende xDD

4 1 respuesta


1 1 respuesta

Todos de la mano a pegarnos la torta padre.


here we go!


El día 19 espero un live de este hilo!

1 respuesta

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