



#7649 Eso de que el WoW es una hez de juego... me río en tu cara chaval, no paran de sacar MMORPGS y luego no duran 1 mierda ;)


#7652 Me parece absurdo q tengas q entrar al post de darkfall, en el q se hablan cosas de darkfall y en el q derek comparaba las caídas del primer mes del WOW cuando tienes un foro completo para alabar tu querido juego.

A algunos se os va la vida leyendo posts de otros MMOs esperando a cualquier mención sobre el WOW.

Ah, y de todos esos MMOs que sacan de los q hablas, el 99,9% siguen abiertos por lo que generan beneficios a sus creadores, es decir, juegan gente. Q te importa a ti q al WOW jueguen 10 millones de personas (casualidades de la vida, casi todos asiáticos o norteamericanos) si no vas a jugar con ellos? A esos MMOs siguen jugando gente y si siguen pagando es porque se divierten.

PD: El wow es una mierda :)


#7652 carebear spotted, vuelvete a tu farmeo y a tu juego para flojitos.


#7652 el WoW murio cuando salio la TBC. Lastima que mucha gente no tenga npi del juego antes que salieran los server españoles que fue lo que termino metiendo gente imbecil a jugar.

Darkfall es otra cosa, es algo hardcore que es lo que menos tiene el WoW ahora haciendo instance una y otra vez como subnormal para tener eso llamado "logro" que no sirve una mierda.

PD: Tenia que soltarlo, odio cuando alguien se mete con darkfall siendo el mejor MMORPG en el mercado actual.



El eve es bastante superior en todo :>



Excepto en lo que debería de destacar, el sistema de combate. Este es muy lento para ser un juego de naves espaciales...


#7567 Agree y añadiría tb la curva de dificultad y el PVE, q aunque el PVE del darkfall sea una mierda, es infinitamente superior al del EVE.

De todas formas EVE lleva muchos años en el mercado y darkfall 1 mes. Es muy pronto pa comparar.


#7652 te está callendo una buena....

PD: El wow es una mierda



Lento en que sentido? soy capaz de volarte la nave en 20 segundos teniéndote a buen rango, otra cosa es que la gente se olvide de su DPS y se meta mods de tank a piñon, eso ya depende del gusto, aun así, el eve en group vs group (roaming) no es para nada lento, prácticamente vas desintegrando naves cada 20 segundos.


#7660 Lento en el sentido que de toda la vida los juegos de naves espaciales destacan por su rapidez y dinamismo en el combate, un claro ejemplo es el X Wing Alliance.
El combate del EVE no se basa mucho en habilidad personal, sino mas bien habilidad táctica, y a mi personalmente eso no me gusta nada en un juego de naves espaciales. Si yo juego a un juego de naves espaciales quiero tener la sensación de estar esquivando asteroides, lasers, naves espaciales a la vez que hago un tirabuzón para adentrarme en la nave nodriza y poder destruirla.

A eso me refiero con combate lento.


De todas formas, hoy por hoy, sería absurdo negar q el EVE es superior al Darkfall. Darkfall tiene muy poco contenido fuera del PVP (aunque aún nadie ha conseguido hacer barcos decentes). Pero no quita q sea muy divertido, con un roaming bastante entretenido la verdad.

Me gustaría leer de los devs un comunicado q nos diga q parches en forma de contenido nos vamos a encontrar de aquí a unos meses la verdad.


Dejando de lado pólemicas:

Me he convertido en PK por un subnormal que se lió a zurrarme y le tuve que matar 2 veces. ¿Alguna idea sencilla para dejar de ser PK? Aún soy 'level bajo' y no puedo solearme facilmente a nadie, y menos encontrar a ningun otro PK o enemigo racial, me paso la vida andando sin montura.

Pues eso, a ver si dejais alguna idea. Por cierto, para gankear hay que aprender una skill o como es la cosa? lo mismo para revivir, donde se aprende?

Un noob-saludo xD.


Vete a zona enemiga, campea spots de mobs newbies, espera que alguien este jodido de vida, y remátalo, es la única manera que tienes


#7663 tu eras del clan que estoy verdad? XDDDDDD


Toran ya no tais aliados con Agony etc?


Si Toran, pero entre que he podido jugar poco y estoy n00beando ya ves como me va por ahora haha.

Voy a ver qué puedo hacer xD.


#7666 ya no o eso creo xDDD


Que tipo de arma a una mano creeis que irá mejor para combinar con escudo?


#7669 Primero, tienen el mismo rango todas. Segundo, espada y hacha van mejor contra armas a dos manos y maza contra otros que llevan escudo.


Yo te recomendaría una espada ya que el daño por corte siembre me ha gustado más xD.

PD: El wow es una mierda, sí una mierda.


Y llegamos a la semana 7 del juego:

(no lo traduciré porque es un tochaco)

El post original de http://www.afraidyet.net/

Week 7
Many players riding the fence finally were able to get the game this last week. With an influx of new players making their way into the facitons we might even see some balance swing changes. The player based regional factions solidified this week with only one suprise emergence of power, the Shadow Bane Allances (SBA)> Comprised of a couple old guilds and several mid-age guilds, the Shadowbane Alliance managed to fill the power void in the mid west, consolidating assets formerly owned by the former Savage Alliance and Forrest Republic.

North West Island - Deceit
Two consecutive weeks of growth for the Death or Deceit alliance. Cities, towns, and player skills likely raised significantly in this period. Minor house cleaning efforts amongs the family with guilds such as WMD, and Evil Bastages parting ways with the alliance. Small steps of progression towards the east were present in this week with LoD taking Lys Noir's grove enabled pirate-hamlet (52). While the alliance continued to pound on the Agony's Skogul hamlet (121). This hamlet has strategic value boasting easy access to the rich dwarven trade lands as well as three resource nodes. Clearly, Hyperion understands Skogul's value and late in the evening hours of easter Sunday they finally officially allied the sole remaining member of the Latin Federation.

North East Island - Hawaii
The Hyperion Empire who earlier in the month invaded and dispatched most of the Stasis forces (i.e. VG/CoTP) continues to have a firm foothold on the island of Yssam. It will take more folks, more manpower, and more resources to shake the King off the porch and they will likely have to come from an outside party with outside resources. Maybe one of those vanquished nations living in a Chaos City, such as vanquished forces from CoCK, Harm, Latin Federation can provide the manpower and battle experience needed for the Yssam alliance to clean up and retake Yssam for themselves. Timing will be critical here sooner or later there is going to be pivot battle on the mainland and the window of opportunity for Yssam will only come once.

Northern Mainland - Dwarven Territory
Lots of action in the north last week with the former Latin Federation suffering major loses going from 5 controlled assets down to one. With moral low, control of their region shrinking, the guilds that comprised this alliance have begun turning on each other which of course has accelerated their demise. Given the asset losses and alliance in-fighting, it is likely this federation will be extinguished by the end of the week. Controlling interests such as SBA to the South, Deceit to the North, and Hyperion to the East, close in on the carcass.

Western Mainland - Shadowbane Alliance
The Undead Lords (an old UO based guild) used political savvy and guile to leap frog out of a cornered position on the back half of Deceit into the mid-west map. I'm a little closer then these events then most, and have some respect for their actions. UDL mostly stayed out of the Harm vs LOD deceit war and this choice allowed them the political clout to restructure with little interference from CoTC or Deceit. KGB's city Darkmore (#9) on the western front of SBA's space now looks now looks isolated and vulnerable, especially in light of CoTC and SB's apparant WAR status. Will these two duke it out, knowing Hyperion will expand / consolidate, or will they join forces and unite the Western hemisphere as the King has done to the East?

Eastern Mainland - the Hyperion Empire
The eastern half of the map remains firmly in the King's grasp with only a few mild disturbances in the ranks this week. Namely, the Homeless city had a leadership struggle which was quickly rectified but one has to wonder about any city or empire where a Supreme General loses control. The King, having consolidated his foothold in Yssam, successfully holding off minor challenges to his southern border, continues to have the most power in the game. His control of assets, resource nodes, and gold income must simply be staggering. The fear of a World War destroying months of city building holds an uneasy peace at his borders allowing him to focus his gaze (like Yssam) unmolested.

Mid-Mainland - Afghanistan
Guilds such as TheMercs and Serenity Now continue to prove their viability as independent mercenaries rampaging through the middle of the map. These guilds self imposed exile from the burdens of city ownership and the remnants of the vanquished guilds who lost their cities or hamlets are starting to show real power from their Chaos city bases. I have seen first hand how the gorilla warfare from these rogue nations can cripple cities, hamlets, and bend the influence spheres of nations. Proving that the mercenaries are not entirely without honor, Tyrion X of the Rainbow Ninja's (a TheMerc smurf guild), hosted a fight night in the center of the map. The fight night was broadcast in most Clan Alliances and based on its success it looks like were due for more to come in the near future. As usual in PVP, everyone was quick to throw the cheat card and to the winners, in this case at Ky Ky of Serenity Now. However, his footage of several of his fights makes it perfectly clear he simply outplays his opponents. Time to buck up folks and find a new excuse for losing cause the 'he hacks', 'he aimbots', 'he cheats' that permeates these forums does nothing but hurt the game.

Southern Hemisphere
Cairn had two notable events in the last week, first an expulsion of the guild called CoCK comprised of members from senior guilds such as LoTD and some remnants of Harm. In a move that was predicted in week one's review they were expelled primarily due to a conflict in strateigcal interests. In short CoCK wanted to expand, SuN and Blood wanted to stand pat. The second progressive action was Cairn's capture hamlet 128 in the north which fell into their lap after a botched siege by La Rosa Nosa. Blood and SuN continued usage of the smurf guild The Outcasts allows them to expand their territory with little threat to valuable city assets. I personally wonder how long it will be before they push into the CoTC assets directly to Cairn's north west and establish a foothold on the mainland. The western island known as Rubiyat continued to be firmly in the Dusk Alliance's control. Dusk advanced their position by capturing Hamlet 43 on Sunday with little opposition from regional powers. With the overall low effort either of these souther island alliances have had to put into defense one has to wonder how long before they play their 'nuke' and blast into the middle map.


Hoy a las 17:00 hora española abren la tienda.


hawaii, Afghanistan???


#7674 Son nombres simbolicos que le ponen a las islas o regiones.


#7673 Que abren la tienda a las 17:00, no se os olvide xd


Claymore recluta cualquier raza incluso enanos para los nuevos que empiezen hoy ./tell toran cete xD


Algun elfo quiere compartir aventuras conmigo ? No me siento preparado para ir a la ciudad del clan aun xD.


tienda abierta, ya tengo cuenta! :D


Elrond buscas clan? XDDDD

Tema cerrado