Final Fantasy: HeavenSward 3.0 - 23/06/2015


#180 Veo y subo a cuando cojones podremos comprarla para Steam?

1 2 respuestas

#181 No se puede todavía?

1 respuesta

Yo lo que quiero ver es el comando /played, para ver a cuando se alarga mi enfermedad


#180 16 de Junio


#178 y #179 lo anotaré en mi cuaderno de cosas que me importan 3 cojones.


#182 No, aun no -.-


#181 Eso joder, llevo semanas entrando cada día a mirar la tienda y no hay manera.


1 respuesta


Esto te contesta yoshida.



3 2 respuestas

#189 La mejor de todas las cosas que han anunciado en mi opinion


#189 ¿Eso de cuándo es? Dime que no es fake y que es actual.

2 respuestas

Si estas under construction ya podian haber dicho donde, ostia puta.

Pero al menos sabemos que estan en ello :D


Cerca de mi casa se pusieron a levantar suelo y a hacer obras

1 respuesta


De hoy


#193 Raid a casa de yukikaze para jugar desde allí.


#191 Pues a saber, no se si es fake o no, lo que me parece un poco de risa la honestidad de decir: "Currently purchasing server equipment", por lo demás me parece normal. Tampoco veo lógica la última frase en futuro, así que la imagen o bien no es de 2014 o es un fake.

De todas formas si es real, va para largo, si aun tienen que comprar, instalar y migrar... pff, al menos 3 meses xD.


Donde esta Fnatic fail???

1 respuesta

Yo soy mas pesimita y digo que hasta 2016 no lo catamos

#197 En su cueva


Está farmeando T9 ahora que lo tira.



Salvando al mundo, os olvidáis de que es Super Obama y por eso tiene menos de 2 horas semanales libres.

PD: no te piques Malanior, que es coñita <3

1 respuesta

#200 efectivamente estaba en clase, a mi me gusta que me cierren la boca, ahora.. todavía espero los bailes del wow que están anunciados en la caja.


Supuesto Limite 3 del DRK.

Cross Skills de las nuevas clases:

DRK = Gladiator/Maurader
AST = Conjurer/Thaumaturge
MCH = Archer/Lancer


Traigo crema de la buena:

Heavensward Job Action info

Ammo gives your 1-2-3 combo each a 50% chance to proc and power up the next shot.

Mierda.... lo último que quería leer, y encima es que me lo imaginaba, tenían que añadir una mecánica pesadillesca con la puta amunation xD.

2 1 respuesta

#203 el bard seguirá op


StumKrav, han actualizado la página oficial de Heavensward con más capturas de pantalla, artwork (aunque la mayor parte ya se había visto anteriormente) y algo de lore (personajes importantes, beastmen, primals, etc.), por si quieres 'maquear' el post original (que ya está muy bien como está, todo sea dicho...).


Entering a dungeon with fewer than the required number of players is done simply by having the party leader select a new option in DF. You won't be able to replenish roles, and there will be no level sync. (Yes it says that. 「レベルシンクもかからないものになります。」)This feature is available for most ARR content, but not Heavensward content. The plan is to make it available for more content in future updates.

Vamos, que se podrá elegir opción de entrar menos gente sin level sync a una duty de AAR.


No preferís dosis pequeñas de información a que nos tengan ahora hasta el E3 sin NADA ? ;_;


No, prefiero que lo cuenten todo ya.

Dark Knight

グリットスタンス = Grit Stance
ハードスラッシュ = Hard Slash
スピンスラッシュ = Spin Slash
パワースラッシュ = Power Slash
スカージ = Scourge
シャドウウォール = Shadow Whirl
ロウブロウ = Low Blow
ソルトアース = Unsure what this translates into
ブラッドプライス = Blood Price
リビングデッド = Living Dead
プランジカット = Plunge Cut
ダークアーツ = Dark Arts (this is mentioned several times)


リロード = Reload
クイックリロード Quick Reload
ガウスバレル = Gauss Barrel (various effects such as Bind, Stun, Heavy)
ウェポンブレイクやマインドショット = Weapon Break: Mind Shot
Details on what different turrets do


ダイアーナルセクト = Diurnal Sect (healing stance?)
ノクターナルセクト = Nocturnal Sect (DPS stance?)
アスペクト・ベネフィク = Aspect: Benefic
ベネフィラ = Benefira
ヘリオス = Helios
アセンド = Ascend
デトリメント = Detriment
シナストリー = Synastri
ロイヤルロード = Royal Road
キープ/シャッフル = Keep/Shuffle cards
ライトスピード = Light Speed

Dark Knight:

Hard Slash --> Speed Slash --> Power Slash - A three part threat building combo.
Scourge - A dot.
Shadow Wall - Damage Mitigating skill.
Low Blow - A "unique kicking motion" ability that stuns.
At this point they talk about the ability in which the dark knight jumps at his/her enemy but there doesn't seem to be a name for it here. They also mention that you will have a number of threat building magic abilities.
Salted Earth?? - An AoE that you can place.
The Death Knight will have a number of combo paths. The final attacks in said combo paths will have a special effect. As for MP recover skills they will have
Blood Price - When you are hit it regenerates some MP. They also mention that there will be abilities that regenerate MP when you deal damage.
Goes on to reiterate that you will not regenerate MP from outside sources (Minstrel's Ballad) when in the Darkness Aura (Dark Arts). Goes on to talk about if you can manage your abilities in the Dark Arts stance you will be better off than if you just blew all your MP on big attacks.
Living Dead - Like the Warrior's Homgang.
Plunge Cut - EDIT: I'm a fool and this is the jumping ability that closes the distance between you and the enemy.
That's all the abilities they mention. This is a pretty quick translation so I apologize for any glaring mistakes. I'm pretty confident with the action names. I'll work on the other two classes here and see if I can get them posted in a bit.
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A unique ranged damaging class with several support abilities.
Gauss Barrel - An attachment that as far as I can tell changes whether you can be mobile and shoot or if you have to stand still.
They'll have a number of buffs and debuffs that they can use such as the ability to make the next attack crit, raise damage, reduce CD, inflict heavy, inflict stun, or inflict bind.
Weapon Break and Mind Shot - Aforementioned buffing and debuffing skills (they mention that these skills are similar to their counterparts in FFT)


Diurnal and Nocturnal Sect: Pure heal vs. Barrier heal. Each ability has a different effect depending on the stance the Astrologian is in.
Benefique - Cure-like spell that in Diurnal stance bestows a HoT, and in Nocturnal Stance gives a barrier that absorbs a set amount of dmg.
Wheel of Fate - When in Diurnal this ability is an AoE heal, but in Nocturnal it reduces damage.
Healing abilities! Benefique- As mentioned above it is basically cure, and it has a chance to make Benefique II have no cast time. Benefique II - Cure II. Helios- Media equivalent. Ascend - Raise equivalent. Detriment- Esuna equivalent.
These are the abilities that will be your foundation as a healer. You will also have heals for when your target is very low on health like Lustrate or benediction. They have also confirmed there will be some newer healing abilities such as: Synastry- With Synastry, for example, when you heal the main tank a secondary target will be healed for 50% of the original heal.
Draw - Draws a card that can be used in a set amount of time. Each card bestows a different effect, but there are no cards with negative effects. They will do thing such as recover MP or TP; buff the Damage or Attack speed of a friend.
You will also have Royal Road which will consume the drawn card to buff the effect of your next draw. Keep which will allow you to reserve a card you like for later use. And Shuffle which will allow you to shuffle a card you don't want back into the deck and allow for another draw.
Lightspeed- reduces cast time.
They mention another skill (something like Against Heaven) that stops time but are skimpy on the details.


No dicen nada del SMR?


A tomar por saco el escolar, me voy al AST!

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