joe son cosas mias o no se puede jugar ahora mismo pk ta down? es que intento entrar y me dice k revise my network.. mcespm como odio k le echen la culpa a mi network cagondios!!
Acrobat's use 2 Weapons,Yo-Yo's and Bow's
Bow:They are very powerful since they use the same system as the mage's wand,there skills require MP,there overall damage is influenced by DEX.
Yo-Yo's:They are not powerful but they are quick and have the ability to knock back opponents as they hit them.There skills are also powerful and comboable,they use FP for there skills,there overall damage is influenced by STR.
Ranger:Ranger will rely on Int and Dex for there build.Dex to powerup there bow and dodge and Int to use skills and the bow.
Jester:Jester use Sta and Str,They use Sta for there skills,and for there defense.