Last Epoch #HG

NUEVO TRAILER: Harbingers of Ruins

FECHA DE LANZAMIENTO: 9 de julio de 2024


A mi me sigue poniendo que nanai el online

1 respuesta

#1681 idem


#1675 que si cojones


We’ve scale tested for months with third parties, consultants, the help of infra providers, and our own backend team. We have the ability to scale servers quickly, have reserved a large amount of bare metal machines, and do not have a maximum spend for cloud overflow- it’s all elastic. From the extensive testing we’ve done, unless we do have a really crazy turnout, we should be stable. It’s not lost on us that many much larger companies than us have had issues at launch though... We’re optimistic and if there are issues it certainly won’t be for lack of effort, spend, or ignorance to the importance of launch day.

If we do have issues I promise that we’ll stay very communicative and you can be 100% certain we’ll be all hands on deck working to resolve anything that comes up. We understand what’s on the line.

I will say that this is probably the most stressing thing to the team as we’ve seen games be review bombed and eviscerated when there are launch issues. I remember being frustrated when games I was excited for had launch issues in the past, but now being on the other side of it I’ve seen how much of an emotional toll it can take on a team to face hatred for something that they have tried hard to prepare for but it not be received/gone well despite best efforts. Just in general I think it’s a good thing for the gaming community to understand the impact those types of things have on development teams. That’s not me asking for leniency for our team, just rather an insight I feel worth sharing for gamers in general.

Another thing I’ll share because it’s interesting and something I didn’t understand before being in game development (before LE) - it’s nearly never the game servers that have issues at launch as those are easy to scale as long as you have the funds and willingness to pay the server providers (typically Google or Amazon), it’s more often an issue with services like login/authentication/database rate limiting. We use Steam and other services that are battle tested at scale for these things.

But, in summary, we’ve prepared heavily and have every reason to suspect we’ll be in good shape come launch day. If there are issues we’ll be communicative and working to address anything that comes up immediately.

1 respuesta

A mi que no se pueda entrar me esta sirviendo para intentar decidir la clase. ¿Alguno habeis probado alguna de las siguientes para comentar?

Multishot marksman o Lightning blast runemaster


#1684 Nada que no se supiera pero que los 3 tontitos del hilo no entienden.


Ahora va de lujo, vaya cambio con respecto a la 0.9.2, ahora da gusto con mando y se ve que flipas xd


No va chavales, no me timéis.

1 1 respuesta

A mi me va de puta madre la verdad ,ya estoy en el acto 3


Acaba de palmar Wudijo HCSSF al 66.

1 respuesta

#1688 Ira a los que estan dentro. Hay que esperar no queda otra.


con el tab no se veia el mapa de la zona? lo tengo bugged y a vosotros os va?


#1690 Hostias, encima es un bicho que le ha revivido despues de matarlo xDDDD


online play unavaipollas, tal y como me olía.

Mañana por la mañana a primera hora se intentará de nuevo, piro al balatro un rato y a sobar



Aquí están jugando el online en party.


Vale, soy retrasado xd

Estaba intentando todo el rato entrar en EU West. Meteros en US central y ya se puede jugar online.

2 respuestas

Ojalá haberme gastado la pasta en este y no en el diablo xd


#1697 Puedes continuar luego el progreso cuando quieras en EU West, correcto?


#1697 Luego puedes cambiar de server?


Mi PJ lo cree en EU West,ahora esto jugando en US central


Yo acabo de entrar tras 20-25 intentos de Connecting, por si os sirve xD


Yo estoy en Asia pero no paso de los Jardines de la esperanza


He entrado en US pero sigue sin cambiar de pantalla.


Entiendo que hay misiones bug tambien no? porque llevo 15 minutos dandole a una guardiana que tengo que hablar con ella y no hay manera


A mi siempre me deja en conectando y luego nada de vuelta al lobby que putada loco xd


Nah no cambia de pantalla.


Edito: que ya tengo la pet xD.

2 respuestas

#1708 Que es eso?

1 respuesta

#1708 Hecho

1 1 respuesta