Mortal Online 2 #HG


@mabelrode paga mis oros.

2 respuestas


Me debes un burro!

1 respuesta

#91 Aceptas bizum?

1 respuesta

#92 te regalo a @kranick
#93 Paypal mejor xD

1 1 respuesta

#94 joputa jajaja


Pues me acabo de enterar de la existencia del Mortal Online 2... Redios, mira que tenía defectos pero tenía algo el juego original que era la leche. Uno de los pocos juegos en los la sensación de libertad era cojonuda, y digo "sensación" porque en el fondo no se podía hacer tantas cosas diferentes. Pero da igual, Mortal Online era la leche, espero que hayan aprendido de los fallos para el 2. Lo jugaré sin duda.


#87 pero que hay que rehacerlo de nuevo. Bueno, no, pero que si lo importan a UE4 el motor no es mágico y lo mejora eh xD Pueden tocar cosas más fáciles y tirar de iluminaciones predifinidas chulas, pero eso ya MO siempre lo ha tenido guayo. Pero los modelos tendrían que rehacerlos de nuevo, programación y código de red... a ver.

Se le seguirá la pista a ver por donde salen xD

20 días después

#46 avisame si vuelves please :D :D

1 respuesta

#98 si no os unos a nosotros, seréis simplemente exterminados, primer aviso.


#99 por cierto si alguien le da por jugar que sepa que somos un grupo grande y organizado para que podías disfrutar de mortal 1, lo que le quede, también tenemos la posibilidad de que saqueis la subscripcion muy muy barata, para más info PM me porfavor


#70 tio tio tio tio tio, ya no me quieres!

#78 Tarde pero llego...

#75 Es un traitor!

La verdad es que es uno de los juegos que más me han divertido, veremos en lo que acaba, si funcionara todo lo que era sobre el papel sería el juego perfecto. No quita que en la salida se disfrute de buenos momentos.

4 2 respuestas

#101 amen


#101 amen

2 meses después

en unas 16 horas empieza la closed alpha.


Uffffff, menudo hype mas tonto.
A ver que vemos mañana.


por fin algo mínimamente interesante en el género mmo, me cago en la puta :rage:

1 respuesta

#106 en 3 horas y pico empieza la Alpha de combate, por cierto es una Alpha que no cerrara, irán añadiendo contenido hasta su lanzamiento en EA en steam y wipe claro.


cuando saldra en EA en steam?

3 1 respuesta

#109 Que chulo se ve. He entrado cuando sonaba una musica del MO1, menuda morriña joder
PD: He visto los mismos saltos por la desync y me he sentido en casa xD

1 respuesta

#110 pocos saltos habras visto, vamos si estamos mirando el mismo stream...

1 respuesta

Ni tan mal, estoy viendo el paisaje y tiene mucha mejor pinta que los paisajes planos del 1.

1 respuesta

#113 ojo que no lo tenia al maximo de graficos ni de coña, ahora lo acaba de poner pero creo que se le quedad corto el pc


#111 Parece que ha sido algo puntual de uno que aparecía lejos, en general se ve bastante bien


Dear Mortal Online community,

It's a big day for us; today we reach our first public milestone and start the closed combat alpha for all conflux and lifetime players. You will receive your MO2 key in your MO1 account section. So be sure to log in to that account and get the steam key. The keys will be available just before the timer on the website runs out.

You add the key in your steam client to add a new product, and then you can download MO2.
As described here:

If you do not have a key you can still get one instantly if you donate towards the conflux package.

Information regarding alpha test session

Please note that this is our first external alpha. There will be bugs and issues, which is to be expected, and with your help this part of the development cycle will greatly improve the game before we enter beta and open beta.

We would like to thank all our confluxers for helping us polish the game in a quick and efficient way. We can only cover so much on our own with such a small development team now that larger scale tests begin.

We have a new server system located in London for improved latency world wide and performance. This is not the final server hardware but it’s pretty close and should be able to handle this first flood of players.

The current world you are playing in still needs some performance improvements which may cause low fps for low end computers. We plan to keep improving this build with further improvements in overall world performance during the early stages of alpha.

Player character bodies are close to final in Human clade, however armor and gear is not final yet and may change over the coming weeks. There will ofc be new clades and armor types in upcoming alpha sessions. The current armors and bodies are not fully optimized yet and this might cause FPS issues when a lot of characters are on the screen at the same time.
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Article "Retail CD Keys"
We try to update our servers once a week, one small for polish and bug fixing, and one larger with various features and assets.

Our main focus at this point is to monitor the new server’s stability and performance as well as crushing any crashes or bugs you the players find.

*You will be able to create one character and choose from any of the races within the Human clade.
*You will be able to select a gear loadout to start with, which you will keep even when killed.
*You will be able to find other armor pieces and weapons in boxes/chests/barrels in the game world that you can loot, including capes.
*There will be 3 full armor sets to choose from and swords and axes to use on the battlefield. Please try them all and give us your feedback.

Another focus of this test is combat and movement systems. Our combat system is now in alpha state which has all normal attack functions available such as left/right swings, thrusts and overhead strikes. You can also parry/block and counter attacks.

When you die you follow the red light beams to find a priest who will bring you back to life. If you can’t find your way open the character sheet and press the Priest button to teleport to the nearest priest.

There is a short combat testing course outside of the two towns you can try out. When you strike the first melon (or pig) a timer starts and you will have to slash all of the objects as fast as possible. Your time will be saved to a global leaderboard.

You are free to roam the limited Myrland alpha area around Fabernum and Kranesh. There is an invisible wall blocking off these areas that you cannot walk past in this version. More parts of the map will open up during the closed alpha.

You will be able to use your character window to change your gear and use your inventory.
If you get stuck you click ESC and click Im Stuck, it will then move you to a safe location and send a report to us so that we can fix the stuck position. Please do not abuse this system just to get into strange spots as that will flood our artists with confusing bad reports.

If you discover a bug you simply press ESC and click submit a bug and write a short description on what bug you ran into and submit it. This report is also stamped with your position so if you find floating objects, or some other oddity, simply write something like “floating tree” and our artists can find it. No need to explain exactly where it is.

If the game happens to crash you will be shown a crash popup window after the game closes. Please use the send option as it will send the crash report to our system and will be incredibly helpful to our programmers.

In the settings you will be able to customize your experience in Mortal Online 2. Please try it out and report any bugs you find through the same in-game menu as before.

Happy bug hunting and good luck on the battlefield!
Thank you for your support and interest in being part of this early alpha testing of MO2.

-Star Vault dev team


mas stream, este español.
