Mortal Online


Dos preguntillas:
¿Cuanto Taming necesitas para domar a un burro como montura?
¿Si le robas a alguien que ha muerto lo que ha dejado durante cuanto tiempo eres un criminal?

1 respuesta

#3361 Depende el level, con 30 ya tameas, y si es gris y abandonado lo puedes tamear sin problemas.


A ver que no me he dado cuenta y me compre el libro de domestication, ¿me sirve de algo?, pero fui a buscar el libro de taming y no encontre ninguno ¿donde lo venden?

Lo digo porque creia que con domestication se domaba a los animales y lo tengo al 38 pero no soy capaz de domar un burro despues de darle mas de 10 intentos.

PD no sabia que se necesitaban ambas asi que ya he encontrado el libro para el taming, lo tenia delante y no lo veia xD, a ver si el server se pone on y se pone a estudiarlo mientras duermo

PD2: Me esta tocando un poco la moral puedo domar ya burros y he domado unos 10-14 pero todos son demasiado jovenes para usarlos como montura... ¿que hago?, estoy domandolos entre Tindrem y Meduli

PD3: Por fin logre domar un burro que se pueda montar dios que alegria, intentare trasladar el banco de Tindrem a Meduli, por cierto kranick ¿tienes solo una guild o teneis cantera?


JE JE JE acavo de hacer correr a rodri desde fabernum asta tindrem no podia contra mi y mi vampirito, asta que llegaron 2 montados y m mataron, corriendo tras d el.. le decia run my bitch ,el full steel, con lykiator, yo con caballito y armadura normalita, nos quedamos sin monturas a pie frente a frente lo deje a un toque y yo a mas de la mitad d vida y que se va corriendo a tindrem je je je

1 1 respuesta

#3364 tu llevas tiempo ya jugando? es que no me suenas :) como te llamas ingame? el puto rhodri, nosotros lo hemos matado infinidad de veces y lo mejor es entrar al irc y ver sus rages en directo no tiene precio jajaja


je je je kranick a quien conoces que tenga un demon bat, armadura pesada y caballos alterados geneticamente... el unico loco que es guerrero y dominator.
ya sabia que hiba corriendo a tindrem por ayuda y llevarme a un confrotamiento desigual donde le ayudaran sus amiguitos, pero no queria dejar de insultarlo, le decia "run my bitch" y el corriendo de mi decia "eres muy malo" y lo contestaba entonces por que corres de mi? je je je

2 respuestas

#3366 pues conozco a unos cuantos xD




    Fixed glitch where loot bags would stay in world too long.
    Player loot bags with 2 items or less will now be timed as AI loot bags.
    Pet loot bags with 1 items or less will now be timed as AI loot bags.
    Night darkness has been adjusted back to how it was before.
    Some carcass yields has slightly been increased.


    Beast Mastery now adds 0-75 level when unlocking pet attacks.
    Fixed issue where you could steal items that wasn't drop on death.
    Improved messages when stealing.
    You now gain skill in Beast Mastery when your pet levels up.
    Reading made secondary skill.
    Incisium is now obtainable by skinning.
    Beast mastery now properly displays the pet attacks up to 125.


    Fixed another issue with loading UI for some people.
    Fixed an issue with cross hair target updating incorrectly when the target took damage.


    Enhancements category added to the broker.
    Armor vendor NPC armors have been tweaked.


    Fixed issue where running out of stamina wouldn't correctly cancel swings.


    Guild-leaders can no longer be kicked from their guild.


    AI will no longer use resist on good spells.
    Minotaur carcasses added.
    Megnaton carcasses added.
    Minotaur hp tweaked.
    boiled leather added on Sators


Guild-leaders can no longer be kicked from their guild.

Estarás más tranquilo, ¿no? xD


#3366 m pero quien eres en el juego?


pus ocelote aztec.. esta es la temporada otoño verano donde se vacia el mortal?

1 respuesta

#3371 si en esta fecha la verdad que no juega ni piter laustroc jaja bueno juega menos gente al menos :)

11 días después

With our previous donation goal, character art revamp, nearing completion, we'd like take it up a notch.

Player characters and humanoid NPCs are by far the most common object you'll see in Mortal Online and, until now, our animation quality in some areas has been lacking.

With the completion of this new goal, we will be hiring an experienced AAA animation studio to overhaul the majority of all character movement animations including running, walking, sprinting, jumping and more. These animations will all be incredibly realistic and believable. In addition, both male and female characters will now have independent animations instead of sharing the same generic animation as it is now.

With your help, player character and NPC movement is going to look incredible.

Because we're currently in the skinning phase of development on the character revamp, which is one of the final stages, these animations will be integrated at the same time without causing any delays. This means that the revamp patch will now include excellent animation in addition to the new models without delaying the patch at all.


Greetings, fellow Mortals! It's been a hot summer so far, and the newly formed Myrland Racing Association (MRA) has been hard at work putting together a grand race across the lands. After careful planning and preparation, we are proud to announce the first Myrland Summer Derby!

The MRA will be putting on a race across the land, only this won't be your typical race around a track... but instead will be a long, grueling and deadly race filled with the type of danger you can only experience in Myrland. As you've probably guessed, this means PvP, ambushes, teamwork, alliances and back stabbing! The first to survive long enough to get to the finish line wins!

Breeders, this is your chance to get your trade off the ground and have the honor of being the breeder who bread the champion mount. We will have a long period of time from this announcement to allow time for breeding, skilling up and exploring the lands. Participants will want to use this time to familiarize themselves with every city and major landmark. Also, keep in mind this is not just going to be a sprint to the finish line, but an endurance trial for you and your mount. With this in mind, Free to Play players will have a chance at the prizes too, with a little cleverness and teamwork.

We have some exciting prizes to hand out, so sign up today and show your riding prowess!

  • Event Date: Saturday, August 17th (3 weeks from today). The race will commence at 1 pm EDT
  • How to Sign Up: Open a support ticket in-game under the "Other" category. Include the name of the character you'll be racing on, the name of your mount, and have a 30 gold entry fee ready to trade. All gold will go into the prize pot, with the MRA matching 30% of the total player contributions.

Registration will be open from now to August 15th

  • Race Details: The race will begin at the upper vineyard field in the Tindrem area, just to the east at the foot of the hill where the donkeys spawn (Bush Pig spawn next to the buildings). The finish line will be announced just before the race begins.
  • Rules:

  • When the racers are gathering at the starting line, there will be a temporary hold on PvP, Thieving, killing of pets, duels, etc. until the race officially sets off. Once it begins, all of these will be permitted as normal. Failure to follow this rule will result in forfeiture of the race (if you're a participant) and teleportation to a random location.

  • Other normal game rules apply


  • Grand Prize (First Place) - A GM created, level 125 mount receipt of a mount type of your choice.
    A sizable prize of Gold
    Custom Forum Title
    Your character and mount's name announced on the Mortal Online Facebook winning announcement.

  • Second Place:
    A moderate sum of Gold
    Custom Forum Title
    Tindremic or Log House deed of your choice (Tier 1)
    Your character and mount's name announced on the Mortal Online Facebook winning announcement.

  • Third Place
    Custom Forum Title
    Your character and mount's name announced on the Mortal Online Facebook winning announcement.


Hola gente. Como esta de vida este juego? siempre me quede con la espina clavada por probarlo. Lo recomendariais a un viejo jugador de Ultima Online?

Un saludo y gracias

1 respuesta

#3375 Si totalmente, pero tambien te digo que te esperes a septiembre, que pasen las vacas, que mucha peña esta descansando.




    You now gain experience in Beast Mastery by having your pet fighting.
    You now gain 20 times the experience in connections by getting caught and convincing the guard to NOT kill you.
    Fixed issue where back-stab would do less damage then intended.


    Fixed invisible item issue when un-equipping directly into a banked bag
    Fixed invisible items when trading and receiving more items then you have free space in your inventory.
    Fixed mount equipment going invisible when switching one saddle directly for another.
    Added a function to make sure players have enough free space in their backpacks to get change back from vendors.
    Fixed stable spelling errors.
    Fixed cooking spelling errors.
    Fixed a equerry crash.
    Fixed glitch where stolen items could in some cases be stacked.
    Fixed an issue where broker UI could break if you targeted a banker while having the UI open.
    Fixed a glitch that could make items placed in houses/chests/loot etc go invisible when a item was placed on top of another.
    Fixed issues where items that was being extracted but you moved too far away got invisible in your inventory.
    Fixed static-move type for AI to fix sentries that spawn inside towers.


    Use text for players that are in mercy mode will now correctly changed from "start trade" to "execute"
    Rebuilt "find next slot" functions for faster and more secure execution.
    Added support for Preload Streaming. (64 bits users)
    Melee combat animations bumped to priority 2 from 3.
    Ranged combat animations bumped to priority 2 from 3.
    Combat walking increased by 5%
    Added support for a new GM command that grants players the ability to enter spectator-mode. This is useful if you want to stream events or create movies.
    Maul head volume slightly increased and blunt mod slightly reduced.
    Maul head physical size slightly reduced and adjusted.
    Risar axe slightly reduced blunt mod
    Exceptional tindremic sword slightly increased slash dmg
    Worn NorseClaymore slightly increased slash dmg
    Some spelling issues have been fixed on icons and icon links.


    Added support for waitTime after a AI attacks to make it easier to balance AI. to "execute"
    Some ai attacks improved to sync dmg dealth in sync with animation.
    Some attacks been reballanced on animals

Yo sigo pagando el mes pero llevo ya dos meses sin entrar el verano me agota...


si nosotros igual, ademas estamos esperando el parche fuerte como agua de mayo.


SV va a emprezar a realizar entrevistas ajugadores y gremios conocidos.

Aqui la primera:

Greetings to you all!

We would like to introduce the first segment of what will be a regular series we’re calling Community Spotlight. We will be interviewing players, organizations and guilds which have made an impact on the Mortal Online community.

Today we sat one of our Game Masters (GM Galenus) down with the leader of the Myrland Trade Union, Yakazi. The Myrland Trade Union is an organization of tradesfolk formed right here on our official forums. So, without further ado…

GM Galenus: Well first, thanks for agreeing to give us some of your time to come and speak with us
Yakazi MTU: Of course! Glad I could do it. Always good to see community things like this.

GM Galenus: We're planning on doing much more as far as things like this go :)
GM Galenus: So, can you tell us exactly what the Myrland Trade Union (MTU) is, and what it's about?
Yakazi MTU: Well, the Myrland Trade Union is basically a organization of crafters, engineers, hunters and anyone who participates in the Myrland economy. It was an idea I had for a long time but I just decided one day to implement it. The Myrland Trade Union isn’t a guild. It's traders coming under one banner for a common cause. To provide Myrland with safe and trustworthy trading. There are many people from various types of guilds. Including some i used to be at war with back in the day haha.

GM Galenus: Interesting! So you guys are coming together, regardless of guild status for the common cause of promoting good trade and economy?
Yakazi MTU: That is correct. The union itself is essentially made from its members. Many of the members are within trading guilds, pvp guilds, etc. That is an important principle of our Creed. No one is allowed to treat anyone with disrespect or bias. Regardless of their outside guild affiliation. We have a great group of people and it has grown quite well.

GM Galenus: Who do you allow to join, and how does one go about signing up?
Yakazi MTU: Anyone who participates in the Myrland economy is allowed to apply for membership. Whether you are a crafter, trader, engineer etc. If you participate in these activities then you can look into our page link under services. From there you can read our FAQ and make sure you understand our basic rules(Creed of the Union). Then, you can send in a formal application and it will be voted/discussed by its members whether to allow you in at that time.

GM Galenus: How did you end up starting the MTU? Was it just you at first, or did you start out with a group of friends?
Yakazi MTU: I ended up starting the MTU after the Arcturian period ended with Evrelon. I was searching for something to start trade wise always. The guilds never worked out personally so I thought about testing this new idea. It gained support fairly quickly and couple of people applied early on. It was me who started the Myrland Trade Union, but the members make the union. They decide on things they want to do as a group or trade with each other at times. It has a really fun atmosphere and we hope to sponsor events for mortal online in the future. I must give thanks to those members who joined in the beginning and especially those joining now. I can’t say how great it is to see people communicating and expanding this idea!

GM Galenus: How would you say it's been going so far? What are some of its successes?
Yakazi MTU: The success has been great so far, some good people have joined and we have denied a few of course, based on some circumstances. Some of the successes i see is basically how the name is represented. On every member's shop our crest is shown(Made by member Slightly Campana). The crest is to guarantee a safe and good trade experience. Not only that, but the members communicate to each other. Whether it be about trading or helping out with some events. It’s all on how much you want to put into it. For example, the other day someone needed
2k flakestone. A member jumped in and responded. Later that day they traded together. It’s always good to see those types of things for the union and the community.

GM Galenus: Have you run into any difficulties so far? What would you say are some of its weaknesses at this point?
Yakazi MTU: There haven’t been any difficulties per say, except for maybe denying a few that have applied. That’s always hard because you want them to join but at that time it wasn’t the best. I wouldn’t really consider anything a weakness, but basically the union is volunteer except the creed of the union's basic principles. Most agree to keep it that way since it is a union, not a guild. So we can’t necessarily force anyone to pay a tax or join in on things. We've had ideas pop up about denying trade to certain groups, etc. But that goes off the track and leads towards a guild mentality. Whom you trade and work with is up to you, even if you get killed haha. All that being said, we have coordinated very well with planning certain events for the future. As well as many willing to donate money, including myself if we ever wanted to complete a project.
Yakazi MTU: for the best*
Yakazi MTU: We encourage every member to have a voice, regardless of how the vote turns out.

GM Galenus: What are your plans for the future with the MTU?
Yakazi MTU: The future could hold anything. What I plan to do is be there for its members and possibly add some more things to the MTU. Some things the community will plan to expect hopefully, will be some events or at least having the MTU sponsor. So if you wish to host an event, the MTU's members could possibly help. The future is up to its members and me, so we will see! But we plan to continue its growth for the betterment of Myrland's economy.

GM Galenus: How large is the MTU at this point? How much influence on the trade economy would you say you've had so far?
Yakazi MTU: We have 16 members including myself at this point. We have some that are interested in joining when they are fully back. Influence wise, it depends on where our members live. Most the influence of our name comes from the forums and if the members mention it while in game. Since there is no formal in-game tag. We have posted some things on the bulletin boards in the past but not so much as of now. At first things were slow generating business solely on the name. But since so many services are part of this organization it is hard not to miss it. Our union members business depends a lot on the game population as well. I opened my shop in February (currently closed) and it would go it spurts business wise. The MTU name is there to provide a safety net for the customer if they see the insignia crest represented on his or her page. I remember at one point a person in the community posted that they were part of the union without ever applying. And a few people posted in response saying " I don’t see a Yakazi stamp here". That was very cool to see, so the name has gotten out there somewhere.
Yakazi MTU: members live in Myrland*
Yakazi MTU: see the crest*

GM Galenus: Well it seems like things are going pretty well for you guys! Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. We wish you the best of luck with the MTU's endeavors!
GM Galenus: Is there anything you'd like to add, in closing?
Yakazi MTU: Thank you very much and I'm glad I could do it! The only thing I'd like to say is basically for SV to keep up the good work and all those interested in the MTU, apply! =D
1 respuesta

#3380 Esperando a que te entrevisten :)

1 1 respuesta

#3381 No creo jajajaja

9 días después


We're progressing nicely on the character and armor revamp update. With our new donation goal being met, the same update will now also include new animations. Together with new character models, incredibly detailed armor and entirely re-made animations, Mortal Online will look better than ever.
Now, it's time that we introduce a new armor set which will be coming with this update. One of the cool things about this set is how different it looks when made with various materials.
Introducing, Expilator. This armor set is designed after the armor worn by the thursar Zkargul the Expilator, one of the most successful gladiators to ever step on the sands of the Tindrem arena.


en la pagina oficial se pueden ver algunas fotos mas



Bug Fixes

    Fixed a rounding error which made it look like players that had less than 1 HP left would be dead in the UI.
    Fixed issue where players that tamed something during the last 4 min of shutdown wouldn't get that pet saved.
    Fixed issue where removing guild stones by trading houses sometimes would put the stone in a hidden slot.
    Fixed issue where hilts wouldn't correctly upgrade the stats of the weapon on which it is crafted.
    Fixed lance icons showing the incorrect icon.
    Fix the decayed house message to correctly tell players how long until the house will be either freely lootable or completely decayed.
    Feeding potions to pets will no longer have the pet eat the entire vial unless it's empty.
    Fixed issue where hitting a mount with a player on it would incorrectly give the wrong hit number feedback to the damage dealer.
    Fixed issue where player vendors wouldn't correctly add items.
    Fixed issue where items would end up bugged when equipped directly from a bank to a pet.
    Fixed issue where you wouldn't lose your Hidden Criminal flag if you logged out while grey-flagged and HC flagged.
    Fixed issue with trading from someone with a full inventory.
    Fixed issue where mailed items would sometimes count into your deposit counts.
    Fixed issue where items in destroyed houses would not be visible when trying to loot.


    Territory towers will now NOT save during the last 15 min of boot (because no one can get in and defend them).
    Add animation when crafting.
    Trading with NPCs will now play an animation.
    Added support for cross-node avatars.
    Optimized parts of the animation code.
    Rebuilt fall damage. Be aware that the calculation has changed, meaning that heights that were safe to jump from before might now result in fall damage.


    Added support for a new item: Dice. Dice can be right-clicked and will then give a message to players around you on what you rolled.
    They come in different shapes with different amount of side.
    If you stack several dice and click the stack each dice in the stack will be rolled once.


    AI spawned by fishing will now auto-aggro the fisher.
    Non-bleeding AI should no longer bleed or spawn blood decals.
    Player vendors will now update better when items are added, bought or canceled.
    Player vendor items will now show a lot more information for weapons, armors etc.
    You can no longer equip pet items directly from bank. Should fix non removeable horse equipment.
    You can no longer abandon pets that are attacking.

buenisimas notas, proximo parche animaciones armaduras personajes :P xDD

7 días después

Sebastian uno de los desarrolladores ha puesto esta imagen el el twiter, de cosas que habra en el TC, y si es farming, granjas parece ser.

Now I have a farmer and a farm to!

Mas cosas sacadas del foro, muy muy interesante.

Current overall approach to TS (called TerritoryStructures in code).
You build buildings.
Buildings have NPC slots.
Upgrading a building give it another NPC slot and more HP as well as changing its look.
You can hire NPCs by buying/finding contracts.
NPC contracts can be placed on any building with a slot.
Some buildings, such as the farm,gate etc. Come with a NPC. These NPCs does not exist in contract form.
The NPC itself does the code work. In this case he spawns pickables.
You always talk to NPCs you never tell a building to do something.
NPCs need wages. If they don't get wages they will riot.

This is the most basic run down of where we are at.
Special buildings will ofc exist that deviate from this norm but hopefully in a logical way.

This gives us the most content for what we build since every NPC we have in the game.. pretty much.. can be placed on any building with a free slot.
Further more each of those NPCs will require a contract meaning that we get a whole ocean of new items that we can use for drops/minor quest thingys/rewards for doing things as well as giving you the option to build the town the way you want.

Note that this is still work in progress!


The area around the guild house will be big enough to build a single wall or so and some things inside it yes.
Ya the guards are NPCs and can therefore be placed on any building with a slot for npcs.

To get patrolling NPCs you place guard posts, these will connect with each other and create a path between them. Any NPC placed on a slot on a guard post will automatically patrol using those paths so you could have.. utility vendors walking around if you want.

Any guard simply placed on a building slot will be stay there
He will guard there and NOT roam around.
There will be a similar building to the guard-patrol-path thingy that will make any NPC placed on it roam around in the area rather then stand still.

Yes palisade walls for guild houses will be the same the way things look right now.
Walls will come in different variations now thou.
We have support for building upgrades that change the building. You can build a full wall and then decide that one of the parts should be upgraded to a gate or the other way around.
In the same way you will be able to upgrade the first wood-type of wall into stronger walls.


¿De verdad que van a poner por fin lo de mejorar las empalizadas?

2 1 respuesta

#3388 Si.

Thank you to our awesome community for voting us up to the very top of 15,000 game titles and earning our place on Steam, the worlds largest online PC game distribution platform.

More information concerning our plans for Steam will be announced shortly; we just wanted to shout out a big "thank you" to our incredible community.

Mortal Online's future is getting more exciting by the day!

1 respuesta

#3389 en steam, yeah!!! xD

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