Mortal Online


Guerra en las ciudades!:

2 1 respuesta

Focus Kuthara y Kuthara exploto XD.


#2071 hhahaha menudo focus se come el colega lol xDD

Y pongo otro video para no perder la costumbre hahaha




Entrevista a Henrik por el IRC

<HenrikNystrom> Hello everyone
<HenrikNystrom> just wanted to jump in and say hello
<HenrikNystrom> been working very hard lately
<HenrikNystrom> need a break
<HenrikNystrom> sometime its relaxing to hear you guys Veradey
<@HenrikNystrom> kuthara yes, you will be able to black list ppl in cities
<@HenrikNystrom> we have converted some things in the prediction system
<@HenrikNystrom> the test group says its much tighter now, similar to where it was as its best before or around dawn I think it was
<@HenrikNystrom> we have changed a lot in weapons yes
<@HenrikNystrom> the test group seem very pleased so far
<@HenrikNystrom> we have addressed a main issue in all weapons except blades
<@HenrikNystrom> making it hard to hit
<@HenrikNystrom> now its easier more that you would expect from what you see
<@HenrikNystrom> so we see a lot of diff weapon on test
<@HenrikNystrom> doing good in duels
<@HenrikNystrom> I dont want to say a date since I would hate to disappoint if we miss it
<@HenrikNystrom> we really believe in doing this expansion as good as we can
<@HenrikNystrom> we have gone very far, but we want to polish
<@HenrikNystrom> and include some features that we haven't mentioned that we would love to get in
<@HenrikNystrom> we are not "far" away
<[KotO]Kuthara> Some new armour sets and weps would be awesome
<@HenrikNystrom> kuthara of course
<@HenrikNystrom> I think we will please in a few areas, not only the AI
<@HenrikNystrom> we do have a system fully supporting diff logos, and even your own art, but we do not have a working way of allowing you to upload it yet
<@HenrikNystrom> well, we have improved a ton when it comes to polish and identifying bugs.
<[KotO]Kuthara> So Henrik, will we be seeing larger keep palisade walls and gates?
<@HenrikNystrom> we do have models ready for that kuthara, and we would liketo add them soon enough, but as most other it do require a lot of work, even someone may think heck just replace A with B
<@HenrikNystrom> we do not want to add anything that connects in pvp/sieging/cities that may be risky at all
<[AXIS]Eladriel> @Henrik: Will you start running some marketing campaigns at the release ?
<@HenrikNystrom> Eladriel, the plan is to go out full motion when Awakening hits yes
<[CRIM]Drenn> Henrik, will more races be viable for PvP other then the cookie cutter builds?
<@HenrikNystrom> Drenn, we will add more styles, actions, weapon types, and we will give the option to alter your stats
<@HenrikNystrom> No we are not on steam, Yet
<@HenrikNystrom> they had 1 thing against us when they evaluated us last year, they didn't say what it was
<@HenrikNystrom> But I have my ideas..
<Siper> nudity henrik?
<@HenrikNystrom> siper I think you are right
<@HenrikNystrom> nudity is a big problem in US actually for MO
<Koshin> Yeah im sure its the nudity Which kills the game for me also Why not force some type of underwear?
<@HenrikNystrom> Koshin, we have a solution
<[KotO]Rilman> physicsx boobs mmmmmm
<@HenrikNystrom> we plan to remodel all player characters actually, to make them look extremely next gen hehe, but it doesn't look like we have time to do that for awakening sadly
<@HenrikNystrom> eladriel, yeah we are working on newbie experience
<@HenrikNystrom> there is no harder game I think, for noobs currently.
<@HenrikNystrom> Tindrem, may be a good place for them though
<@HenrikNystrom> crossbows comes with the new weapon package group type
<@HenrikNystrom> No, not in awakening, awakening will not give any new weapon types, but it will give new gear
<@HenrikNystrom> types as in crossbows instead of bows
<@HenrikNystrom> there will be clothing, armor, weapons
<@HenrikNystrom> items in hands
<@HenrikNystrom> eladriel, its not to easy to add a lot of good money sinks, but I agree we need more of them
<@HenrikNystrom> Kuthara, I still promise we will get ships, but I didn't promise when
<Spiritwolf> Henrik, will we be able to craft arrows in Awakening?
<@HenrikNystrom> spirit, its on our list to finalize that in awakening yes, but its not a promise
<SFRanger> henrik will you guys do anything with the jungle?
<@HenrikNystrom> ranger yes
<[AXIS]Eladriel> Easy ass money sink Henrik: outlawing a person costs ...50 gold per day!
<@HenrikNystrom> eladriel already ahead of ya
<@HenrikNystrom> but 50 g per day, isn't that a bit much?
<@HenrikNystrom> if you want to ban 10 players thats 500 gold a day?!?
<@HenrikNystrom> yeah but 10 ppl are nothing as well, start mass banning and you go bankrupt fast
<@HenrikNystrom> that could be 1 player eladriel using 3 accounts
<@HenrikNystrom> pluro already made a lot of hard work and balancing in weapons
<[ENVY]Pluro> Henrik will you be introducing prostitution???
<@HenrikNystrom> pluro, you already know the answer on that one
<[ENVY]Pluro> SWEET!!!!!
<@HenrikNystrom> Pluro, well, we are doing A LOT, especially for being such a small team with little resources, if you get to see what we are doing and compare us to others, or if you were a game dev company you would know how good we are progressing
<@HenrikNystrom> we just want to make sure awakening works well, and that we can deliver all promised features
<@HenrikNystrom> and some more as a bonus
<@HenrikNystrom> since we want to add some secret stuff as well
<@HenrikNystrom> ltankhsd, AI is coming along very nicely, the test group have gotten a lot of beating from the minotaurs already
<@HenrikNystrom> push bug is fixed that i know (on test server)
<@HenrikNystrom> we have fixed a lot on awakening client
<@HenrikNystrom> already
<[KotO]Kuthara> Do horses now crap as well as piss?
<@HenrikNystrom> no they only piss
<@HenrikNystrom> the piss feature took 49 seconds to add
<@HenrikNystrom> time decides such feature
<Torikhtil> birds shit
<Torikhtil> close enough
<@HenrikNystrom> no 64 bit will not req a reinstall
<@HenrikNystrom> it simply points to other packages
<@HenrikNystrom> which we include in the new client
<@HenrikNystrom> there will be some new mobs in awakening that drops other things than carcasses
<@HenrikNystrom> for instance the gear they wear in some cases
<@HenrikNystrom> player crafting will always be the key, even with dropable loot
<@HenrikNystrom> guards will drop their gear
<@HenrikNystrom> but murdering a guard have penalties
<@HenrikNystrom> also its illegal to wear their gear.
<@HenrikNystrom> ltankhsd yes you will be able to make money on fighting only
<[AXIS]Eladriel> so you're saying you will stay grey when wearing the guards gear ? i doubt that is implemented ;-)
<@HenrikNystrom> eladriel, you will see
<@HenrikNystrom> like I mentioned before, we are finally getting to the illegal stuff feature, with drugs and gear
<ltankhsd> Henrik is something eventually going to be done to even the racial playing field in game so that "the" race to be isn't Thursar Kurite?
<@HenrikNystrom> ltankhsd yes
<@HenrikNystrom> ranger you will love the 64 bits support if you have a monster rig
<@HenrikNystrom> there will be no more limits
<@HenrikNystrom> we have changed night setting a bit
<@HenrikNystrom> since most ppl would crank their gamma anyway
<@HenrikNystrom> so its more enjoyable for noob and vets to play at nights
<@HenrikNystrom> without touching gamma
<@HenrikNystrom> we play the game every day on the feature we work on, but we have little time to play on live lately
<@HenrikNystrom> ranger, I've said many times Im very happy for the hard work the community gives to the game, Im happy with that
<Rhodri> Here is a good question, will there be systems in place to prevent people from giving out Guard-Suicide MC's?
<@HenrikNystrom> rhodri already fixed (on test)
<SFRanger> henrik whats the real max capacity of your MO server?
<@HenrikNystrom> ranger, there is no real cap
<@HenrikNystrom> its a dynamic system
<@HenrikNystrom> I would say, The only cap we have currently is Myrland.
<@HenrikNystrom> siper, well right now its not to small, but if pop goes up it will get to small yes
<Spiritwolf> Henrik, how is the roll out to China coming along?
<@HenrikNystrom> spirit, slow, very slow, they are not working as we are used to work.
<SFRanger> henrik where do you see MO 5 years from now?
<@HenrikNystrom> ranger, close to Eve
<@HenrikNystrom> population wise
<@HenrikNystrom> pros may forget its not that easy to handle spell aimings correctly in a decent sized fight. ending up releasing them on wrong target..
<@HenrikNystrom> we don't go fully traditional as in class wise and a counter wise, though we try hard to make all the diff skilset viable in pvp in different forms, though some will always be worse and they are meant to in some cases
<@HenrikNystrom> alright I think I will be off trying to beat the "hell" act in the new dungeon in MO now then guys, thanks for the chat tonight!


buena entrevista :) fue una cosas sin avisar pero esta bastante bien, a dicho un poco de refrito de lo que ya sabemos pero también a dicho cosas nuevas como lo de las drogas :) y muchas cosas mas haha


Tooooodo mentira, no os creais nada de Henrik

2 2 respuestas

#2077 luego entras al ts y me lo dices!!!!!! hahahaha


#2077 la cosa esque tenemos unos cuantos testers que corroboran lo que dice henrik i algunas cosas que no dice el ^^

2 1 respuesta

#2079 chivatoooo hahahahaha xDDD


holaaa, bueno pongo por aquí la ultima actualización del focus gruop, no es mucha cosa pero hay algunas screenshots de tindrem bastante interesantes :)

Hello Folks

A brief update this week as we are still focusing on AI in general and AI Vs AI balance.

We get the latest build later today which will implement Nodes! S

Testing over the weekend

-AI and Nodes
-AI in combat crossing Node-Lines

  • Weapon balancing across all exisiting weapon types.

Much more detail in next week's FG Update - as we'll have Nodes in be able to show you a little more than we can right now.

However, another week of solid progress. SV have committed to the Board that we will fully polish this build before going live - so as Henrik said in IRC chat last night - this is a big release for us and the community - so please bear with us as we continue to work on this truly game-changing release.

Here's some screenshots of Tindrem, on the Test Server, is it fully finished and populated? No. Is it looking amazing... yes! Enjoy!

Remember this isn't fully populated.. but gives a feel as to how it will be on Live

And another..


enlace original:


Las vistas desde el interior preciosas la verdad, me gustan mucho :)

Las vistas desde menos la primera parecen casitas de pega, pero bueno, quizá es la iluminación.

1 respuesta

#2082 piensa que para hacer esa foto tiene que estar bastante lejos de la ciudad porque es realmente grande, eso que se ve en las fotos no es nada te lo digo yo ;) hehehe

y tienes razon que la primera foto parece que este superpuesto, pienso que es culpa del mar y de que las casas son muy luminosas, el mar por cierto no es el definitivo le meteran otro color


el agua no me gusta es demasiado azul, si el cielo es rojizo el agua deberia serlo tambien :/, aunque mejor que el gris actual xD


el agua la cambian ya lo han dicho :)

1 1 respuesta

¿Llegaron a poner las granjas?

1 respuesta

Tenemos alguna fecha ya?

2 respuestas

#2086 inserto:

1 respuesta

#2088 Ya deberiaa estar, 1 mes max.


#2087 no hay fecha pero no puede quedar mucha ya, a ver que tal :P

#2088 no las granjas no están se pueden recoger muchas cosas del suelo pero granjas no hay de momento, pero vamos vienen muchas cosas muy interesantes para el Awakening.

1 1 respuesta

Nunca las van a poner T.T, llevo esperandola desde que Henrik lo dijo por el irc Gracias por la respuesta #2091

1 respuesta

#2092 Lo pondran tranquilo!!!!!!!!!!

Quiero esa aventuras en la jungla!


¿Qué tal están los ladrones? Leí por los foros que ahora mismo no tienen mucha utilidad, solo sirven para el griefing, pero que en esta expansión iban a darle los disguise kit ¡. Corregidme si me equivoco.

1 respuesta

#2089 2:49 podéis confirmar si eso es 100% verídico? Porque sería una gran noticia si realmente se cumpliera que solo te golpean cuando realmente te da el arma (porque viendo el vídeo se veían cosas muy raras)

1 respuesta

#2095 eso lo dicen por los mobs, que solo te dan cuando te impacta el arma, antes te daban desde cuenca o cuando se quedaban atrancados haha

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#2094 Los van a mejorar, pero ahora mismo un buen ladron roba muy muy bien.

1 respuesta

#2096, ya ya, sí me acuerdo, por eso lo preguntaba. Estaba viendo el vídeo y pensaba: si siguen dándote desde Cuenca no tiene mucha gracia y leo eso (me leían la mente? xD). Guay entonces si es así.

1 respuesta

#2098 haha de momento la verdad que están haciendo un buen trabajo tanto el focus group como SV, a ver que tal en la release y si todo sale medianamente bien, pues todos contentos :)


#2097 Gracias por la respuesta. A propósito, ¿qué fue de Mats Persson?¿Sigue trabajando en MO? Hace tiempo, cuando seguía el desarrollo del mismo siempre se le veía postear, pero con todos los cambios del foro no se como ver los usuarios desarrolladores.

1 respuesta
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