Mortal Online


Queda mucho para el parche o está al caer?

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#2041 pues garou ya no se la verdad xDD en esta semana diremos algo a ver si nos enteramos de cuando, pero ya no puede quedar mucho jeje


#2039 ya lo tengo descargando xD me he estado mirando la creación de personaje y tal y por lo que veo hay que definir una raza y unos stats y eso. A ver a mi me gusta mucho el crafting y el combate a melee a poder ser con escudo y arma a una mano, podria llegar a hacer las dos cosas o mejor orientar el personaje a solo una cosa?

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#2043 Tendrias que hacerte 2 personajes, no es demasiado curro, asi que no te asustes.
El personaje se sube mucho mas rapido que en cualquier mmo que hayas estado, aunque la sensacion a veces puede ser otra.


#2030 parece que tengo que masticarlo también para que lo puedas entender.. No me refiero a que todos tengan todo lo que he mencionado, sino que entre todos ellos tienen algunas de las cosas mencionadas en común, o es mentira? ahora dime que no tiene instances y clases, y que no tienes que subir niveles.

Yo solo he hecho una mencion a starvault y a ti te ha sentado mal, así que ya me diras tú quien es el hater ;/

he provado la mitad de los que he dicho y me parecen iguales, quizás en cierto aspectos sean distintos no te lo niego, pero la forma de jugar es la misma.


yo hago la porra para el dia de siempre el del aniversario del lanzamiento xd

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#2046 cuando es por cierto que no me acuerdo?


Focus Group Community Update - Week: 6 un dia tarde pero bueno :) hehe

Focus Group
This week's Community Update will not focus so much on the team and numbers of bugs etc, but rather on some of the testing that has taken place in the sessions over the last 7-10 days.

Community Update
We received our latest patch on Friday with some new features, specifically enhancements on taming and creature control.

Meduli has been surrounded by mobs including Black Bears, Brown Bears, Wolves, Dire Wolves, River Prowers, Shore Prowers, Cougars, Taur Dogs and others together with a few 'new' creatures to grace Nave with the release of Awakening.

The testing activity below was undertaken using these various creatures in a series of separate testing sessions.

Testing Activity
Testing of pets has become more involved with the introduction of many new game features and mechanics associated with taming and creature control. The following is a 10 point overview of the testing activity that the Focus Group has been working on during the last week.

Multiple Pets: Awakening delivers the ability to control multiple pets and with this comes a system to define how many pets a player may have. Testing of this concentrated on how controlling multiple pets worked, having different types of pets and how they were controlled.

Creature Attributes: No longer will Nave be populated by creatures and mobs where one size fits all. Like when creating a new character there are attributes specific to that character and these may be impacted by factors such as age and size. Awakening introduces a similar concept for creatures. Testing to ensure the variation of these attributes are correctly affected by the type and level of a creature has been a detailed process.

Hunger: /feed is a thing of the past with pets in Awakening. Testing the new hunger system meant understanding not just the mechanics of feeding pets but also what is needed to feed your pet -- this affects hunger levels and the side affects of a pet being very hungry or fully fed.

Flagging: The flag of a pet and a player are now directly linked. Testing has included pet vs pet, pet vs player, pet vs guard and pet vs creatures in a variety of different scenarios. Compounding this was the same types of testing but using multiple pets to engage in various types of combat.

Loyalty: Pet loyalty in Awakening has been described by the team as being both the same but also different to what players have been used to. Loyalty has traditionally been affected by typing /feed as much as possible, and you need pet loyalty to effectively control your pet. Testing of these factors has been done but the new pet loyalty system links to pet attributes in a few other ways and affects your pet in different ways as well.

Stabling: Testing of town and house stables has been relatively straight forward with the emphasis placed on the mechanics of doing this with multiple pets.

Sklils: There are a few skills that impact your ability to tame and control pets. Intensive testing has been undertaken (with more to do) on taming and controlling various pets with various skill levels. Not every player will decide to invest 100 skill points in these skills so validating the game mechanics at different skill levels is an important aspect of pet testing.

Taming: It might be odd but the basic premise of taming a creature involves a large number of variables, other than the skill level mentioned above. There are lots of factors to be verified such as the type of creature, distance from the creature, is a weapon equipped or not, are you facing toward or away from the pet, are you in combat mode or not, what if you already have a pet, and so on...

Guilds and War Dec: The behaviour of pets whose owner is in a guild and also in a war is also part of the testing process. This includes such concerns as how a pet responds to other players in the same guild or a player who is a guild enemy etc...



Resumen en español please.


llevar varias pets

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#2050 hombre dice 2 o 3 cosas mas como niveles, nuevo sistema de alimentacion nuevo sistema de tamear pets ... XD


Quiero un perro!!!!!!!!!

1 respuesta

#2052 llevate al kranick!xDDD

Bueno buenas lo primero
y lo segundo decir, que Somos una guild (la unica) española, no una ONG, es decir, nosotros ayudamos en orientacion a los españoles que entran sin problema, pero para ayudarlos con equipo diero o cosas así, tienen que tener el juego comprado! joputas!

Putos de sv, una vez mas, me sacan la exp cuando estoy en mallorca, como los odio


Bueno ya queda menos chicos, hehe yo creo que en 2 semanas ya tenemos la expansion!


a ver si es verdad, ya hay ganas :P solo puedo decir que el nuevo sistema de pets es fucking awesome hehe :P


No obstante Kranick sigue jugando, no ganamos nada. xD

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#2056 maldito judio xDD ya te dare cera buena ya hahah :)


He vuelto... Nos vemos por el TS!

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#2058 Frondoso poke cuando estes por TS xDD que si no no me entero que te tengo que pasar el ts de al alianza :P


bueno nueva actualizacion de focus group semana 7, lo de las imagenes gigantes lo explican era un error, las criaturas comían comían y no dejaban de crecer tanto que tapaban el sol eso ya esta solucionado



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ppppppffffffffff no vuelvo al agua


#2061 me cago en el agua y su puta madre, ahora eso si las risas fueron wapas xDD hahaha


#2060 estilo caballos de dos plantas juejjj xd


no no mas grandes aun, hahahahhaha eran como monstruos rollo godzilla o como coño se diga xDD


En cuanto este juegaso se pase a free to play me lo bajo de una, me recuerda mucho al oblivion, aparte parece ser bastante completo. No puedo jugar el Trial por el simple hecho que me quedaria con unas ganas terribles de seguirlo u.u

1 respuesta

#2066 pues me parece que vas a tener que esperar mucho tiempo, no creo ni que lo pongan nunca fre2play antes creo que cerrarian

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#2060 madre del amor hermoso.. pues los campodones debían ser en plan diplodocus, los debías ver desde la pantalla del login xD


#2068 hahahaha me encanta este video :P

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