Mortal Online


Es un problema de ip y compañias de internet, no de la compañia, por eso a alguno les deba error y a otros no.

Si os sigue dando error aqui os paso una solucion:

1 respuesta

hoy internete has estado jodido en general, la misma mediavida daba penita xD


no a sido culpa de starvault lo de no poder entrar, pero weno es lo que hay


#2581 por cierto esto funciona muy bien :)


Siempre me quedé con ganas de probarlo. Sería un juego perfecto si fuese gratuito, pero si me paso a leer, da igual la época del año, están con muchos bugs que corregir y con un servicio pésimo.
Y es una pena, viendo Darkfall.


Un player se ha currado un mapa de la Dungeon de los sators:


Pues al cambiar la ip es peor, ya da System error has ocurred. Sabe dios, se admiten ideas.


A mi ejecutando en administrador me tira.


Ya lo probe , pero nada, gracias.


nuevo parche:


Optimized skill updates to UI transfer.
Optimized item updates to UI transfer.

Sentries are now blue flagged.
Fixed gazzel idle animations not looping correctly
Removed the funny NomNomNom response from your pet when you give it good food.
Pets leveling has been fixed!
Fixed an issue that made it so that the AI didin't release their follow-pos, making it so that ai would be to much inside players when fighting.
Ai should now be at a slightly larger distance away from their target if that target is a client, this to avoid them moving inside the player too much.
Trade broker listing should now work correctly.
Pages on the broker should now work.
Fixed issues with old pet recipts not correctly getting removed.
Fixed a crash caused by the broker interface.
Mobs with ai-attacks that should drop loot will now do that.
Pets with dynamic stats (mounts) will show their stats on the desc of the icon, even in the broker.
The crafting tutor now gives you one more skill to get your weapon crafting career started.
Lynx should now correctly spawn

You now get a error message when you try to transfer a house to someone who allready has a house.
You now get a error message when you try to transfer a house but you don't seem to have one to transfer.
You should now correctly see the max amount of taxes you can pay in the house ui.
House UI has been cleaned up, you can now see how many days you have missed paying taxes.
Fixed a minor issue where the house sign wouldn't show the correct cost per day
Increased the update rate of house taxes.
House stables should now correctly spawn a stable keeper.


You now correctly gain experience in Bribe.
You now correctly gain experience in Threathen.
You now correctly gain experience in Persuade.
Purify now correctly works again.
Mindblast now correctly works again.
Fulminaton should now work correctly.
Corrupt should now work correctly.
Dyeing skill should now correctly work and level up.
Fixed an issue where new skills wouldn't always correctly get added to the skill book due to skill update overload.
Fixed several portables that have the correct skills connected to them.


You should now be able to build siege weapons again.
One handed shaft handles now use the correct skill when crafted.
You should now be able to craft handle only weapons too.
Fixed a couple of custom-weapons not being connected to the correct skills, making them worse then they should be.

Guild invite popup now UI converted.
Fixed a couple of bad guild messages.

Made it slightly easier to pefect block ai.
Resynced springbok animations with attack.
Perfect blocked ai will now correctly trigger the perfectblock message and a counter chance.


Tindrem is now the default starting location in character creation.
Tindrem now has a tutorial section for new players.
Player loot decay increased from 900 to 1800. Note that the decay will speed up a lot if there is nothing in the loot.
You are now allowed to safely loot the contents of your dead pet without turning grey.
World chests now correctly lock again after being picked or opened.
World chests closing while you are looting should now correctly close the looting window.
Looting world chests should now work a lot better.
Using a single lockpick will now correctly destroy it if broken.
Update char-creation tips for cities
Severly optimized chat to avoid freezes when too much chat has been saved.
Fixed a crash where clients would go down if they requested more info on a bag.
Fixed an issue where you could stable a infinite amount of pets in a single stable. It's now correctly limited to 5.
Stables can now create a receipt for any pet you have stabled there:
A receipt will be named after the type of pet and its level.
It costs you 50 silver to create a receipt.
After a pet is made into a receipt it will no longer count towards your stable limit.
If you have receipts that can be used at the stable you are talking to, you will get a "Use a receipt" option. Once you choose to use a receipt the pet in the receipt will be stabled at that stable.
Pets stabled using receipts will have a fairly low loyalty when brought back out so make sure you have food ready!
The receipt description will give you more info about the pet (works on broker too!)
Fixed issues with old pet-receipts not correctly moving to the stables. (This would have to be done by a GM before)
Stables will now change you response depending on if you have pets to stable/unstable.
You can no longer lockpick when dead.
Horse armor should correctly work again.
When extracting with a skinning knife the window now says "Skinning"
Fixed an issue where portables wouldn't be correctly picked up by the code and couldn't be correctly used.
You should now be able to add more items as catalysts for the extractor.
Fixed issue where calx powder couldn't correctly be used.
Fixed issue with glassblowing not giving the correct item.


Pues donde no arreglen lo de la instalacion, se pueden cansar de meter parches , porque no habra jugadores nuevos, yo por mi parte ya desinstale.

1 1 respuesta

#2591 Ese problema olo lo tienes tu creo yo, pero vamos nose.


Hello Folks

Added tab to target to the tutorial help.
Fixed issues with NPCs that wasn't correctly holding their weapon when doing idle animations.
Fixed defaults in the chat window.
Aggro drop on AI has been slightly decreased.
Vendors can now override the default buy rules.
The Herald in Tindrem should now be able to do this and should therefore buy the Megnaton weapons.
Broker window should now correctly close when you move away.
Fixed issue where axes made using the 2h short handle would count as poleaxe.[Yay]
Fixed a bad message when trying to open a loot that was too far away.
The 25s axe that the utility vendor sells should now correctly work.
Fixed it so that the tower UI can no longer send glitched values.
You can no longer have several splits open in the UI.
Fixed a couple of issues with the dynamic coloring of icons.
Found a bug that could cause all kinds of strange UI-saving behaviour.



Sir, no tengo nada contra el juego, es mas yo hablaba muy bien y me gaste la pasta en comprarlo para ayudar a que siguiera, pero perdona, pasate por los oficiales y veras que hay mucha gente con el mismo problema, pero da igual coñe, solo es un juego, hay mas en el mercado, lo que pasa que a un estafador, le llamo estafador , al menos por la parte que me toca.

1 respuesta

#2593 no se tio nosotros 100 personas que han pasado por le clan y me quedo corto, si que han tenido algún problema con el instalador pero vamos todos han conseguido jugar unos mas otros menos pero todos lo han probado, yo nunca he tenido ese problema osea que no se como ayudarte a no ser que mandes un soporte tecnico o entres al IRC del mortal que seguro que te lo solucionan, a veces hay que poner un poco de empeño en las cosas, que no es una excusa para ellos ojo, que lo tienen que arreglar xDD



Si es verda que el año pasado tube un problemilla al actualizar, ke me peto, y ni me instalaba de 0 ni ostias, pero no recuerdo como acabe solucionandolo, ya es raro esto que te pasa a ti, as probado a borrarlo TODO y bajar el instalador de nuevo y tal? esque es raro, En el foro no sale ninguna solucion a lo tuyo?


El problema es cuando reinstalas, al parecer si vas actualizando y no tienes algun error no hay problema, pero donde tengas que empezar de cero, se jodio, en el foro primero hablaban de cambiar la ip en el hosts, pero cuando lo haces da error de systema y se jodio, no se si tendra que ver con las directx, yo tengo las 11 e igual no las aguanta, pero joder, si a ellos que van a cobrar no les interesa, pues que le vamos a hacer, desde luego en el primer ticket les comente el problema y ni caso, en el segundo les puse a parir literalmente.
No busco broncas ni estare flameando mas en el foro, ojala el juego algún día me funcione, pero la verdad, me han decepcionado, esperaba que siendo una empresa pequeña cuidarian mas a sus usuarios, mal camino toman si no reparan lo esencial, pero sigo diciendo que si algun día lo reparan, seguramente le dee un tiento, eso si no estoy en otra cosa claro esta jeje.

Un saludo a todos.

1 respuesta

#2596 No si entiendo que te frustre, es normal. E independientemente de mi relacion amor/odio con el juego, Es la empresa, al menos de las que yo halla visto, con mas comunicación. Es mas yo tube un problema hace unos meses, y acabe mandandome privados por el foro (sin ser yo mas que un usuario mas) con el omnipotente. Ni gm's ni ostias, con el jefazo. Cosa que aunque el problema no se resolvió como yo queria me gusto. Pero no sé. Es incompatibilidad con tus ips? xq suena raro


Parche incoming:

Hello Folks,

Here's the latest Patch Notes, this has just arrived on Test so there will be a delay before they go Live but thought you'd like to see now.


Fixed issues with some icons showing color when they shouldn't.
Strength Requirements should now correctly show on ranged and melee weapons icons.
Pre-made weapons (loot-weapons) tooltip will now correctly work.
Fixed tool tips and some other issues with equipped items.
Fixed the default icons in the broker and some other places too.


Third-person unarmed frontal block t-pose fixed.
Fixed a couple of animation issues with fist-weapons.
Triple strike should now correctly work with dual fist weapons and single fist weapons.


Fixed a couple of unique armors not correctly working.
Fixed the odd coloring on the armors.
Added support for material blood on several creatures.


Mount damage is now correctly saved when you dismount.
Fixed issue with mount health not being accurate when you dismount.
Dismounting players who get hit by an arrow on their mount will now correctly be handled as a mount strike.
Moving a stack onto something it can stack with but can't add the entire stack will now add as much as it can instead of swapping.
Fixed several issues with items going invisible after being moved to bags.
Fixed issues with items being moved to pet back and going invisible.
Splitting stacks and moving it straight to pets should now work as intended.*
Splitting stacks and moving it straight to bags should now work as intended.*
Fixed an issue where un-equipping armor from a mount didn't correctly move the item to the inventory.
Fixed an issue where un-equipping armor directly to a bank didn’t correctly move the item to the inventory.
Fixed issue with swapping mount equipment from a mount to a bag not working correctly.
Fixed a couple of problems with pet armor not correctly being re-calculated.
Level locks on pet should now correctly be saved when stabled etc.
House stables should now correctly spawn.
Client only doors now correctly block.
Fixed a house spot that was placed in the ground.


Made it easier to set what type of food each creature eats.
Pigs should now like any type of food.
Campadons should now correctly like non-meat food.


Increased axe-heads combat trace.**
Tower deeds are now cheaper.
Tower upgrades are now cheaper.
Changed bandit loot-tables.**
  • Contact the GMs if you have invisible items due to this bug
    ** We would like some feedback on these changes

Thanks all!



Estan subiendo el parche!


han dado una semana gratis a toda la gente con cuenta en mortal online, por si alguien le pica de probarlo :P


2 respuestas

de puta madre! mañana le doy y lo pruebo!!! #2600


goesss goess!!!


Dear Community,

Thank you for the support over the last few months and to the Focus Group and the whole team, it’s amazing how far we have come. We are now inviting the whole community that has ever participated in Mortal Online to come and take another look at the game - so a free week of game time starts today for everyone.

So we hope you enjoy Awakening, spread the word and help us bring old friends and new to Mortal.
Good luck all.




La verdad es que ahora parece un juego de verdad (no juego desde la release) , le estoy dando ahora al Tutorial por Tindremer o como se llame. Me gusta el libro de hechizos y la UI en general , menos el inventario ala hora de lootear, es una pesadilla , si lo arrastras rapido no te coje el item y al por encima desaparece y tienes que volver lootear :/ deveria poderse lootear con click secundario o algo, por lo demas me esta gustando bastante , se ve el mundo mas vivo , los arboles se mueben solos y cuando pasa un conejo o lo que sea y esas cosas .Hace eones q no juego , como he dicho.

Un par de dudas:
1º Por que tengo casi media barrita de stamina que esta gris y no se utiliza?
2º Que son las opciones "Hidde chat bubbles?" y la de ver extra info en los unitframes , no noto ningun cambio.
3º Por que tengo opciones en gris? , como el profanity filter y "Open inventory when looting"
4º Por que la gente vomita lol?



Tienes que dormir para subir la barra de estamina, o comer com ido para que te la suba y recuperes, piensa que ahora hay cansancio etc...
Hay que comer.


La peña vomita porque ha comido o algo envenenado o algo asqueroso.


A ver a ver.. que este juego me está ya empezando a tocar la moral. A vostros también os pasa que no podéis quitarle la puta música? Es que no la tengo enable y se escucha, y encima a toda ostia que me retumba toda la casa. He probado poniendolo y quitandolo como 40 veces y nada, que ahí sigue la dichosa musiquita xD.

1 respuesta

#2607 a mi no me pasa :( prueba de buscarla en el archivo ini a ver si puedes desde hay


Pues algo hicieron, porque misteriosamente empezo a instalar solito, lo triste es que no contesten a los tickets, perobueno, le daremos un tiento en cuanto acabe de instalar.


¿Que tal esta el combate tras los parches estos? Sigue siendo tan "ortopedico" o lo han cambiado?

1 respuesta
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