Mortal Online



Yo mi voto se lo doy, va...xD


yo se lo doy por los buenos momentos que me dio y por supuesto porque la idea es muy buena :



With the next donation goal, we'll be bringing back the Molva beast as a ridable mount as well as a new mount type from Lykia, a breeding system and rebuilt mount control. The fighting system will also be updated with a new thrust mode and lance weapons.

Sebastian is going to revert back to the old control system for mounts. He will also finalize the breeding system; this was planned in our normal schedule. Thanks to generous donors, we will also be able to add the old Molva, only updated and improved to work with the dynamic mount system and breeding system.

The new mount from Lykia will arrive in Myrland. It will be a part of the dynamic mount system and breeding system, as well. We will introduce thrusting on mounts, including a new lance weapon.

Players will be able to use their player stables to further breed their mounts so that they can become stronger and have a different look. The new pet will take it's DNA from it's parents just as it works in real life. NPC stables can also be used, but they are not able to give bonuses.



necesitamos tu dinero,si te gusta tirar la pasta y quieres matar free players y sentirte pro este es tu juego p2w


Hola, perdonar que no me lea las 96 paginas, solo me he leido el primer post. Me he metido en la web oficial y pone "Free play now", y mi pregunta es: las cuotas que sale en el 1er post para que son entonces? tienes beneficios supongo pero se esta en clara desventaja en cuanto al PvP? agradeceria un resumen sobre este tema.

Gracias por adelantado y un saludo!

1 respuesta

#2857 em...entiendo que no te leas 96 páginas, pero en la anterior hay una discusión sobre ello...




    Added new console command /stopreading, this will cancel your current book.
    Krampos Buccus is once again visiting Fabernum!


    Guards and AI will now more properly clear aggro when players die or turn blue after being grey.
    Guards now double check all flags before starting a attack.


    Transferring pets should now correctly update the pet-points of the person that transfers.
    Pets on aggressive no longer auto-attacks hidden criminals.
    Abandoned pets should now correctly get their flag set.


    Using town-criers will now make them talk (on your client).


    Fixed typos in the loading hints.
    Fixed a couple of other typos.
    Splitting stacks and adding the new stack directly to a vendor will should no longer make the new stack invisible in the UI.
    Potions can now correctly be used in the combine window again.

Por cierto, ahora que si me carga, resulta que entro y al poco se me queda frito y me echa al windows, alguna idea de porque pasa eso???

20 días después

ni idea, prueba a quitar graficos.


Mabelrode, si algun dia vuelvo al MO te recuerdo ke me debes pasta, bastante pasta.

1 respuesta


1 respuesta

Si alguien quiere jugr le estamos dando otra vez!


#2863 ROFL


pelea en varias ciudades del juego, la ultima pelea la mejor sin duda :P

1 1 respuesta

#2866 video molon si.,
la cueva esa la han metido hace mucho? seguro que mas de uno se ha perdido ahi, ya lo veo de rodillas medio llorando por encontrar la salida...

1 respuesta

#2867 na la cueva esa es la de cerca de vadda, la verdad que no recuerdo cuando la pusieron xD


Bueno parche EPICO del mortal, el mejro desde que yo jeugo sin duda, aun n oesta peusto pero viendo als patch notes es increible. Remodelano el sistema de combate haciendolo mcuho mas skill based y mejor.


Tamed creatures loot-bags will now have the same timer as player-lootbags.
Cleaned up the blood-decals to remove the odd squares they sometimes showed.
Optimized Tindrem.
Optimized several parts of the terrains and how the use light.
Trade restrictions for free users have been lifted.
Loot restrictions for free users have been lifted.
Vendor restrictions for free users have been lifted.
Bandit heads and scrolls can now be looted by fp2
Reduced damage you take from falling into water to 25% of it's previous calculation. Note that Diving still removes even more damage from this.
Fixed an issue where gaining HP would trigger the Perfect Block effects.
Fixed an issue where dragging items directly from the doll to another item in the bag would make one item invis.
Fixed an issue where some players that created characters that didin't start in Tindrem could talk but not listen in help chat.
New characters will now always have access to the help-chat while the timer hasn't run out.
A portal to the Grey Halls have been open in Myrland. *
A Demonolog have arrived in Morin Khur and Tindrem. *
Sewers in Tindrem is now open. *
2 Namned NPCs from donators have been added to the world. *
Severely optimized the new AI on the nodes.
Most AI attacks that cause knockdown now have a hard-timer to avoid being constantly spammed by the AI.
AI-stun effect for AiAttacks have been changed.
Increased guards in Morin Khur *
Guards run speed have been slightly increased *
When abandoning a pet in your visinity you will now get a question first. You character will also turn to face the pet to avoid removing the wrong pet.
When abandoning a pet that is not in your vicinity you will get a question first too.
Fixed so that you can't make receipts from dominated pets.
Fixed an issue where pets that were dominated would sometimes be saved as if they were not.
Temporary mobs will no longer tick their destroy timer after being dominated or tamed. Most mobs with this timer are spawned by other mobs.
Possible fix for pets that stay blue after being lost due to loyalty.
Mobs spawned by other mobs will now spawn at the level of their parent.
Updated the max amount of items that can be involved in a vendor trade from 14 to 36.
Added a message when you try to add more items to a full in a vendor trade.
Fixed a bug where currency gained from broker sales would sometimes go straight into the sellers inventory rather to his mail.
The reading-indicator will now update a lot more often.
Fixed a bug where unpaid taxes will transfer to a NEW house if built upon a dead house.
Fixed issue where some houses wouldn't start of with the starting "free" taxes paid.
Adding things to the broker directly from a pet bag or a bag will no longer cause oddness when the item is bought.
Bound items that try to change owner (being in a bag and dying etc) will now auto-move to the players backpack instead.
Tindremic Bronze cape now correctly works.
Combining stacked vials will now auto-unstack a vial and fill that.
Fixed an issue where combining vials wouldn't correctly transfer all the effects from one vial to another.
Fixed an issue where chemical reactions when combining vials wasn't correctly happening.
Fixed issue where moving things to a pet back that was to heavy for the pet would make one item invis.
Combat moves requiring two weapons will now have their stamina drain use the stamina from BOTH weapons rather then just the one in you right hand.
Combat moves that require two weapons will now play their animation at the average rate of both weapons.
Combat moves that require two weapons will now use the length of the shortest weapon of the two.
Adjusted volume requirements on Axes and Hammers by -10% *
Slightly reduces thrusting power on Long Spear *
Slightly Increased Thrusting power on 2H Handles *
Counter timer window is now 2.0s *
Stamina gain just after swinging is now 0.25s
While running combat moves the stamina regain will be as if you just swung. *
Cleaned up so that the swing reduction for stamina should work as intended *
You will no longer regain stamina when moving and just swung *
Stamina blocking start increased from 3.5 to 15 with 0 in blocking skills *
The force calculations for melee combat has changed a bit, you will now deal more damage the later into the animation you hit. *
Slightly increased the collision radius of all players *
Changed a couple of things concerning the handle hits, handle hits are now scaled based on the handle you hit. *
A dynamic "handle" hit system have been added which means the damage is not just on/off depending on handle hit now, but there is a dynamic courve to give handle, the closer to the head piece the more effective hit, the closer to the handle it will be an ineffective hit. Hitting with the head always performs a normal full damage hit as before. *
Above stack with the force system so handle hitting someone with the base of the weapon early in the swing animation will deal the least amount of damage while hitting someone at the end of the animation with the top of the handle still will deal a large amount of damage.*
Sator spears have been slightly reduced in damage. *
Athletics will now boost your strafe speed (from 80% of movespeed to 95%)
Athletics will now boost your backpedal speed (from 70% of movespeed to 85%)
Updated how blocking skill affects the blocking damage. An example would be standard block. With 0 in blocking you take 85% of the damage, with 100 in the skill you will take 70%.
Updated how unarmed blocking skill is used with damage reduction. It's now in line with how normal blocking works but does NOT use the normal blocking.
Blocking has been balanced a bit:
Perfect Blocking has been renamed and is now called Parry.
You will get a Parry, and a chance to counter, if you start blocking 2 sec before the damage is dealt.
So you need to time/guess/predict where when the hit will come aswell as where it will come from.
You still have to block in the right direction, and also you need to be facing the opponent.
If you block in the right direction but not within the 1 second window you will get a block. This will block (with 100 blocking skill) up to 70% of damage.
If you parry but you are NOT facing your opponent this will count as a block and currently block 30% of the damage(with 100 blocking skill), but not give you a counter.
If you are not blocking in the right direction or you miss the timing for parry and get hit in the back you take full damage.
To block arrows you only need to face the ranged character and block in any direction.
You can parry arrows too, simply start blocking just before you get hit, this will not give you a counter thou.
You will no longer get a parry from the back.
You will no longer get a counter from getting your weapons hit while blocking.
All notes are subject to change.


Han metido mucha mano al combate. Está muy bien. Me alegra que este juego siga vivito y coleando.

2 respuestas

La verdad que esta semana hemos vuelto a jugar y estoy contento, por supuesto les faltan cosas, pero hay gente y este parche es sin duda muy bueno, ahora solo falta que funcione bien heheheh!


#2871 y mas que nunca frondoso, la verdad que esta lleno de gente y no solo free accounts xD si no muchos clanes han vuelto, a ver si suben el parche que tengo ganas de mirar cositas xD

1 respuesta

#2871 A ver si te metes al TS tiu!


Y han mejorado todo el tema que ya hablamos por aquí de complicarlo todo demasiado? Osea es algo más con cabeza?

Edit: estoy leyendo las notas del parche y me gusta. Sobre todo por que le estoy dando ahora sin parar al Chivalry y veo que se parece en algo.

1 respuesta

#2875 Si Kraibag, poco a poco, ademas cambios para simplificar, por ejemplo, ahora van a quitar la ia esta de los caballos para poner la que tenian al principio que funcionaba bien.



A portal to the Grey Halls have been open in Myrland. *
A Demonolog have arrived in Morin Khur and Tindrem. *
Sewers in Tindrem is now open. *
2 Namned NPCs from donators have been added to the world. *

Increased guards in Morin Khur *
Guards run speed have been slightly increased *

Slightly reduces thrusting power on Long Spear *
Slightly Increased Thrusting power on 2H Handles *
Counter timer window is now 2.0s *
Stamina gain just after swinging is now 0.25s
While running combat moves the stamina regain will be as if you just swung. *
Cleaned up so that the swing reduction for stamina should work as intended *
You will no longer regain stamina when moving and just swung *
Stamina blocking start increased from 3.5 to 15 with 0 in blocking skills *
The force calculations for melee combat has changed a bit, you will now deal more damage the later into the animation you hit. *
Slightly increased the collision radius of all players *
Changed a couple of things concerning the handle hits, handle hits are now scaled based on the handle you hit. *
A dynamic "handle" hit system have been added which means the damage is not just on/off depending on handle hit now, but there is a dynamic courve to give handle, the closer to the head piece the more effective hit, the closer to the handle it will be an ineffective hit. Hitting with the head always performs a normal full damage hit as before. *
Above stack with the force system so handle hitting someone with the base of the weapon early in the swing animation will deal the least amount of damage while hitting someone at the end of the animation with the top of the handle still will deal a large amount of damage.*
Sator spears have been slightly reduced in damage. *


#2873 Lo haré tarde o temprano! La falta de tiempo es mi peor enemigo.


Joder, me alegra ver que se mantienen la verdad, este juego me ha dado los mejores momentos en un mmo.
Creia que con esto del free to play se estaban terminando de enterrar, que gusto haberme equivocado.

Tema cerrado