Mortal Online


Se me hace raro ver a la peña con las botas puestas xDDD

Quizas retome un tiempecillo para ver el estado del juego vista la gena de dark fail....

1 1 respuesta

#2911 ahora esta bastante bien de poblacion y tal, bugs tiene pero bueno es muy muy jugable ahora xD y están trabajando mucho con los parches


Yo es que veo los vídeos y sigo viendo un spameo de espadazos, y no noto la diferencia en nada... ahora que estoy viciando mucho al Chivalry y veo un combate donde el bloqueo es importante, cuando veo esto lo noto rápido y sin sentido.

Vosotros que estáis jugando, ha cambiado mucho el combate? Se empieza a bloquear más y tal? Es que no se, veo el vídeo y no lo noto, pero en un vídeo eso no se nota si no juegas habitualmente.

1 respuesta

#2913 Si tio, ahora el bloqueo es crucial, y lo mas importante cuando bloquear para lanzar el contraataque, ya que si lo mantienes mas de 2 seg. ya no hay contra, si tienes bloqueo a 100 recibes por ejemplo 5 de daño al bloquear, y si lo tienes a 0 20 de daño, ahora si que mola.
Lo mejor si te enfrentas a un tio con maza o hacha, tienes que ir con cuidado de bloquear bien, sino te destroza.

1 respuesta

#2914 Me gusta lo que leo, y cuando pusieron las notas del parche sobr el combate tuve un minihype, pero luego veo el vídeo de #2910 y no veo que se aplique nada de lo que leo xDDD

A ver si lo vuelvo a descargar y le doy un tiento al combate :)

#2916 no que me apalizas :'( xD

2 respuestas

#2915 Ese video es de antes del parche creo.

Metete al TS y hechamos unos duelos y lo veras en tus manos.

1 respuesta

#2915 tu entra hahahah!


El cobmate del mrotal en grupo realmente (salvo que seas mago) si que es spameo de ostias, el bloqueo importa es obvio pero para mi lo que determina un mejor o peor player a si a bote pronto son dos cosas:

1- La habilidad de darle a un tio en movimiento (que no es faicl si se meuve en plan zig zag etc cuando se forma la melee)
2- Tener stamian management, osea saber jugar con tu stamina.

1 respuesta

Le he dado un tiento esta tarde...

....por partes. Me gusta mucho como está el combate, el tema del bloqueo y tal. Pero claro, siguen con un problema bastante grave: la sincronización. Y con el bloqueo que han puesto, más que corregirlo, se hace más evidente. Cuando leí lo de que "si bloqueabas los 2 primeros segundos sería perfect block" me imaginé que los tiros iban por ahí. Es muy frustrante ver que te pegan a 5 metros de ti y te dan. Se que en un MMO es más complicado de corregir, pero es algo que arrastrarán siempre. Con algo así corregido sería una delicia, pero es complicado. Y por muchos cambios que hagan acaba siendo lo que comenta #2918.


no se si lo había puesto alguna vez pero como la cerraron y ahora esta de nuevo online, es una radio de mortal online con info de guilds y alguna informacion extra mas :P ademas ponen música! jeje



nuevas notas del parche han añadido de nuevo la opción de /stuck y muchos fixeos necesarios

None-player made shields should now no longer impact your swing. (there you go Bronzen).
Fixed traces on a couple of spear heads
Fixed traces on a couple of crushing heads
Fixed traces on a couple of axe heads
Added a some new titles for dominators.
Fixed an issue where the first title couldn't be selected, and one account title was missing.
Fixed an issue where you could attack yellows with your pets.
Fixed issues when the ai hitting you with skills that had special effects while you were mounted.
Eating poisoned food no longer increase your passive/active generation. Both skills are used to determin the outcome thou.
You now only gain skill in passive generation when the skill acctually increases you HP.
Fixed some timing issues with the demonic sphere attack.
None-player made shields will now also be carried on the back when not equipped.
Fixed up several issues with none-player made shields not using the correct mesh. Note that this will only apply to shields picked up AFTER patch.
Added a sound/effect and cooldown on crafting.
Added a new update to all the crafting UI this should solve the issue those windows had with adding stacks that where created in your inventory after the UI was opened.
Fixed a couple of issues with the crafting window wasn't correctly showing it's preview.
Improved the fail messages for crafting to make it more clear what you are doing wrong.
Increased the update rate of inventory info.
Added a queue system for updates to the inventory info to avoid it taking to much CPU when you get a lot of updates at once.
Added several checks on the armor-crafting to avoid confusion.
Fixed up a couple of things in the weapon-crafting window that could cause confusion. Most of them where rules about what handle can be used with what blade and how that showed up in the preview.
Added more checks for moving around equipped items to make sure nothing goes bananas.
Weapon tooltips should now correctly show piercing damage.
Rebalanced some of the min/max used to tooltips.
Added some loading animations and cleaned up broker UI.
Rebuilt parts of the timing sync with the server to make sure clients that don't restart when the server restarts keep in sync with the server.
Rebalanced the chance to get a chemical reactions when combining potions a bit.
Added a silent stun timer to mounting and unmounting to avoid spam causing issues.
Fixed issue where the materials of player made weapons would sometimes stick even when switching to a weapon that had custom materials.
Fixed an issue where switching from a player-made weapon would sometimes keep the old mesh if the new weapon was not player-made.
Added more checks when buying from keep-staff to make sure the buyer in question is in the correct guild.
New command added: /endhelpchat this will take you out of the helpchat and you will no longer recive any messages from it.
Added a very simple /stuck command. It takes 10 sec to execute and will force move you a bit upwards. Always good to try before contacting a GM.

enlace oficial:


entrevista con henrik nistrom, de parte de aralis el primero en donaciones, la entrevista no tiene desperdicio, la hace henrik jajaja xDD


si pusieran ojala el sistema basico de housing en f2p alomejor jugaba pero como que paso

1 respuesta

#2923 realmente es lo unico que esta limitado eso junto al cap de 60 en las skills, ahora mismo ya han deslimitado todo el tema loot y tal, osea que con una cuenta free puedes lotear de todo, pero también te digo que con cuenta premium se disfruta mucho mas, es lo que hay, sobre todo con los ladrones y tal, nosotros tenemos suerte que tenemos castillo con muchas casas y todo tipo de mesas de crafteo y la gente que entra free pues tiene eso con lo que apoyarse, pero claro si entras alone, pos no es lo mismo.

también informo que el sistema este de free que han puesto esta dando muy buenos resultado, la gente se esta quedando en el juego con cuentas premium y formando clanes nuevos, a parte claro de los clanes antiguos que están volviendo que son muchos y la población esta ahora mas que decente :)


cosas del mortal jajaja


coño, iniesta! xD


Ponlo en NSFW! xD

1 respuesta

#2927 que pasa que no se ve?

xDD jajajaja


Bueno entonces contarme un poco como va el tema de razas, sigue siendo tan raza/rol dependiente si quieres ser competitivo ?¿?¿ Imagino que en cuestiones de optimizacion no ha mejorado mucho la cosa al igual que la noche que era un poco cagallon. xD


Si que ha mejorado la optimizacion, y en cada parche la toca, tienes por ejemplo el lanzamiento 4 bits que va muy bien.

Razas ahora ya son todas buenas, segun como te guste mas jugar.


Tenia pensado hacerme algo con arco y algun pet estilo cazador aunque recuerdo que cuando lo deje ir con mascota era un poco apestoso xD, pero bueno supongo que tocara retomarlo a ver si termino un par de trabajos que tengo pendiente y le doy un tiento.

Por cierto como se llamaba el payaso ese que era lider del zer que controlaba meduli y medio mortal ?

1 respuesta

#2931 Kuthara, pero solo controlaba Medulli.

Fueron destruidos.

1 1 respuesta

parche para el servidor: is a full server-patch.
Large parts of the server structure has been built upon and here is a list of the new things that have been added.

Daily reboots
A system for daily reboots have been implemented. The server will auto boot at the same time once per day. Clients will get a message a full hour before the reboot. The reboot is currently planned for 14:00 ( Stockholm CMT +1 ).

Node auto-boot
On the server Nave is split up into something that is called nodes. Each node handle the logic for every avatar on that node. Sometimes things go wrong and a node crashes. In the previous versions this meant that the avatars on the crashed node would be moved to another node so now that node would handle two parts of the world. This caused a lot of issues, one of them was that the node that avatars where moved to didn't have the proper navmesh loaded.
This has now been changed. All nodes now have a backup node running, whenever the node dies the avatars are moved to the backup and a new backup node is started.
This in theory means that we can have unlimited up-time.

Better heartbeat check for nodesA new system has been implemented to assure that the nodes are doing what they should. Before a node could enter a infinite loop and all the avatars on that node would simply be stuck there because the node was not picked up as "crashed". This will no longer happen, the node will now be moved to it's backup when this happens.

In summary this really boost the up time of the server. You should experience less (if any) problems related to nodes going down, and a lot less server-reboots.

1 1 respuesta

#2933 muy buen parche, ya era hora estas cositas son las que le hacen falta al Mortal xD


Cuando dice avatars se refiere a los pj, no? que no entendía nada xD

1 respuesta

#2935 si jeje


#2932 Me alegra oirlo menudo payaso era el nota ese.


All through out the land a message is heard. The criers of each town buzzing with news from the Emperor.

Hear ye! Hear ye! The Emperor hath decreed! He seeks the capture of a fish rumored to have been discovered in the waters near his shores. A fish said to not only to resemble that of a tiny dragon, but also to possess special properties when cooked. He who captures such a creature, will be greatly rewarded!

The Emperor will reward the first who captures said creature with a prestigious title and other possible wealth! Any and all are encouraged to aid the Empire in this effort. Newcomers and seasoned Warriors alike!

It is also a very hot commodity within the market place. Vendors may pay a good price for such a rare creature. It is also rumored that Butchers all through out the land seek them for their meat and scales.

New In game events:

"A Rare Catch" Event
A new kind of rare fish can now be found while fishing. It resembles that of a tiny dragon. A title will be granted to the first who fishes up said creature. That's right folks! This is a server first reward! Be the first to catch the rare fish, and you will be rewarded with a title that no one else will be able to obtain. This event will be an ongoing event that will last for as long as the title is obtainable. Anyone is able to participate in this event. Both Free to play and premium accounts are eligible.

"The Biggest Catch" Weekend Event
Starting February 9th up until February 10th, We will be hosting fishing events in Mortal Online. We will make an announcement via the Town Crier just before the event begins. Participants will have the opportunity to qualify in four separate categories.

  1. Biggest catch in one go during the time allotted
  2. Most species during the time.
  3. Most fish in total during time.
  4. fastest to reach the specific spicies: ( Trudis, Laake, and Red Squilla ).

Each event will last up to an hour. Fish must be caught during the event in order to be eligible.


Players must register for event few minutes prior to the start of the event. Participants must attend with an empty inventory. Equipment will be provided for you at the event. During the event if more equipment is needed, seek the Event Registrar (Game Master). Leaving the event area or trading with players during the event will disqualify you from the event. Bringing or obtaining any items from anyone other than the Event Registrar will disqualify you. These rules may be subject to change at any point during the event.


Grand prize for each category: Forum Title of "The Biggest Catch" Champion, Goody bag containing( Top quality Fishing Equipment, and a rare Tier 1 Skill Books)

Fishing guide:
Fishing skill has recently been given some new life within Mortal Online. It has some new content for players to explore which can be quite profitable. Butchers will seek out certain types of fishes to butcher for unique materials and cooks will seek out fish meat for their recipes. Fishing is truly a mini game in its own right. No combat skill is needed to become a fisherman. New players, and veterans are welcome to explore the updated skill.

Step 1:

Equip a pole and draw it like a weapon
Choose for the top slot a fishing line
Choose second from top slot a hook
Choose bottom slot bait

Step 2:

Set a depth that your hook will be fishing at.

Step 3:

Hold down the left mouse button to pull back then release to cast the hook a distance in front of you.

Step 4:

Wait and watch chat for your first indication.
You feel a nibble! }Something is nibbling at your line.
Something tugged your line! }Something is on your line and simply tapping the left mouse button if done on time will yield the next message you receive.
Something pulls the float down! }You have hooked a fish now real it in by either holding down the left mouse button or in bursts depending on the type of line you have used.
You caught a NAME at Amount. }You have caught your fish! The name will be listed and the weight of the fish you caught.

Step 5:

Cast your line in again to repeat the process.

Note: When a fish is pulling on the fishing rod, you will notice that the rod is bending. If you reel in the fish during this, you will add extra stress to the rod and may cause the fish to get away. Be sure to wait until the the rod stops bending before reeling in and your success rate will increase significantly.


Os paso aqui una cancion que nos ha escrito un bardo en el juego:

1 respuesta

#2939 jajaja vamos canción para ES en mortal online :P como mola hehe

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