PlanetSide 2 #HG

Servidor elegido por MV: MILLER

Guia de optimizacion de Planetside 2

1. Entender el indicador de FPS y CPU / GPU
2. Formas de aumentar los FPS
3. Como configurar el modo ultra

Gracias a #1158


#1680 gracias, ahora mismo le echo un vistazo!!


PS2 nominado a mejor juego, MMO y FPS del año por PC Gamer

Compitiendo directamete con Natural Selection 2 y Tribes Ascend (todavia alguno se extraña que estos dos se hayan comido battlefields, cods y cs:go?) :P

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#1682 Esto lo gano walking dead me parece.

Algo lei en el hilo de /v/ que el GOTY se lo llevo The Walking Dead.

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#1683 Esto es la lista de Game of The Year de PC Gamer,y lo que ves son las NOMINACIONES que se han publicado hoy mismo.

Otras publicaciones pueden hacer sus propias listas cuando quieran, claro.

Lo que no tiene sentido es que esté ahí Hawken, un juego que sale mañana en Open Beta. Lo considero un juego de 2013, la verdad.

11 de Diciembre, Día del Orgullo Vanu:

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rezuma skill el piloto del batwing...

#1684 hay videos de las otras facciones?.

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#1684 el del scythe muy bueno pero casi nunca le atacan xDDD asi cualquiera se pone a matar...

Eso lo intenta un NC y se come los mocos xD

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Lo del piloto de #1684 lo hara con raton y teclado o con joystick ?

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#1685 Esta este video super imba de los terran. No es oficial, es un fanmade pero la verdad que es muchisimo mas épico (especialmente la recta final)

PD: si, se cuela alguna imagen de Halo. Pero lo hace disimuladamente y no se nota.


#1686 en favor de la NC digo que ultimamente estais que os salis, puede que deje de llamaros las hookers de los teletubbies :D. Puede.

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#1689 Nah tranquilo, si yo soy Terran. Dije NC por la penilla que dan los pobres a veces, que son tan pocos.. xD


#1687 La mayoría de la gente que pilota bien lo hace con teclado y ratón, no estoy convencido de que un joystick pueda tener la precisión necesaria, por desgracia. Un mando de consola lo veo factible eso sí.

Para aclarar: con un joystick harás mejores maniobras, y será más divertido, pero perderás precisión al seguir a tus objetivos con la ametralladora.

Y sí, SOE no sabe hacer trailers épicos. Mucho mejor lo que hacen algunos outfits.

El de NC:

El de TR:


Sobre el video del pilot de 160 kills:

Eso es de la beta?

Lo digo pq primero, con la visión nocturna yo no veo tan lejos ni de coña xD Solo veo por explicarlo de alguna forma, por debajo de la cruceta. El resto todo negro. Y además no se vé tan claro.

Segundo, veo que mata demasiado facilmente. Se peta un tanque con 2 tiros de cohetes ( 4 cohetes), cuando yo necesito almenos 2 o 3 "cargadores" enteros. Aparte con la ametralladora, supongo que la rotary, se peta aviones en menos de 2 segundos...

Primero decir que yo llevo 2 dias con los aviones, pero ni de coña me parece que eso sea real hoy dia. A no ser que para los vanu sea así. (yo solo he jugado de NC, y escribo esto pensando que todos son "iguales" )

Ojo, que no digo que el tio no tenga mérito eh? XD ya me gustaria a mi controlar la mitad.

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#1692 No es de la beta. El no tiene "vision nocturna" (lo que en el juego seria infrared optics) sino que tiene la termic optics (la cara, 200 certs), por eso es posible que lo veas diferente.

Se peta a un tanque con 2 cohetes y medio cargador de la primaria porque le esta dando justo por detras. Si a los vehiculos les disparas cohetes detras haces muchisimo mas daño. De ahi que haga la maniobra para pillarlos por detras y no darles de frente directamente.

Segun dice en el video como primaria usa la hairstorm (250 certs), que segun esta diseñada para a2a, asi que es normal que se pete a los aviones tan rapido, lo que no entiendo es si es tan mortifera para infanteria como parece tambien.

Y para los vanu no suele ser asi ni de coña, todo depende de lo arriesgado que juegues pero lo normal es durar bastante menos que ese. Solo que él esta jugando con un escuadron entero de scythes (varios wingmans) y se apoyan bastante bien. Si a eso le juntas que el tio es una puta maquina, pues se puede tirar 2 dias jugando que a no ser que cometa un fallo gordo o le pillen 2 maxes con doble burster pues no cae. Tambien tiene un escuadron entero de tierra apoyando que tambien le chivara objetivos y le ayudara con los antiareos supongo. Al parecer su outfit es The Vindicators, una de las outfits Vanu mas veteranas.

Vamos, que el tio es una puta maquina

Respecto al resto de ESFs, fichate los videos de los canales de pilotos estos, la mayoria tienen videos con el Mosquito y Reaver por ahi y lo petan igualmente...

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#1693 A no ser que en los Scythe sea diferente, la Thermal Optic es esta:

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#1694 Me suena que lei en algun sitio que el color cambiaba con la faccion, pero la mecanica es la misma.

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La térmica es blanca, la nocturna es verde.


#1695 No tendría lógica xD El verde-negro con unidades en blanco se ve mejor (resalta más) que el thermal optic de ese video.

Además, los infrarrojos siempre van a verse como verdes. No pueden cambiar el color de eso, si ponen la Thermal Optic verde también, seria una tonteria, que diferencia habría?



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Pues si, es la que decis. No se que habra tocado en el ini para que se vea asi. El renderdistance quiza?

#1698 Inserto:
All servers will come down at 6 AM PT for Game Update 1. Downtime is anticipated to be less than two hours. Players may notice the following changes.


Horns are now available for the Sunderer and Flash! Check the Depot under Vehicle Gear.
New weaponry is currently being issued to all three empires. If you are looking for a new light machine gun or assault rifle, head to the Depot and check them out.
A number of changes have been made to Vehicle and Aircraft weaponry. Please see the Vehicle notes below.
Fixed a few crash bugs and provided some optimizations to improve gameplay.
Players may now make multiple characters on the same server.

Notable Bugfixes:

The NS-11 Platinum should now properly unlock medals.
The Facebook Promotional Weapons should now properly unlock medals.
Players should no longer be able to spot enemies without a line of sight.
The Gauss Compact S will now provide players the ability to aim down sights and strafe more accurately.
Destroying enemy terminals will no longer provide a Kill stat.
The Light Assault Jumpjet will no longer break if you run into terrain while in flight.
When holding down push to talk it should no longer become "stuck" when released.
The NS-11 will now have a sound indicating it is being reloaded.
Spawning a vehicle in the warpgate will no longer cause players to fall through the world.
The TX2 Emperor should now provide the correct damage level to targets.


The tail gun on the Liberator is now located on the back of the tail wing and not underneath it. This provides a greater coverage for all tail gun variants.
Aircraft and Phalanx Turret resistance to the following weapons has been reduced:
M40 Fury
C75 Viper
L105 Zephyr
G30 Vulcan
M60 Bulldog
Personal Defense Weapons (on light aircraft only)
Sunderer resistance to heavy machine guns has been increased.
All Flak damage has been increased by 5%.
The Composite Armor tooltip has been adjusted to be more accurate.

Infantry Weaponry:

New Weapons:

The NS Decimator rocket launcher is now available to all empires.

Terran Republic:
The TAR will provide the best hip fire of this empires assault rifles.
The T32 Bull will provide an adaptable solution to long or short range combat but has a slow reload.

New Conglomerate:
The Carnage BR is now available. This medium-fast fire rate assault rifle has good hip fire and range limiting recoil.
The Anchor light machine gunprovided good mobility and a 45 round magazine.

Vanu Sovereignty:
The Corvus assault rifle has a slow rate of fire but compensates with deadly accuracy.
The Ursa light machine gun will provide a slightly lower rate of fire but extreme accurate fire.

General Weaponry:

Tank mines can now once again be deployed by throwing them reverting the change made last week.
Lock on Rocket Launchers will no longer fire without a lock on.
Extended ammunition attachments will no longer provide more ammunition capability than intended. They all will now provide 4 more rounds.
A small increase in movement accuracy with iron sights was made on on slower assault rifles, carbines, and light machine guns.
A small decrease in movement accuracy was made with the 40 round assault rifles and carbines.
The NC Gauss and Gauss S now have increased projectile speed.
The Cycler TRV now has reduced hip fire accuracy.
The Razor GD-23 now has reduced recoil for the first shot.
The TR CARV and CARV S now have increased equip time.
The LA80 projectile speed has been reduced to put it in line with the other empire sniper rifles.

Vehicle Weaponry:


M20 Drake: Previously the M20 Basilisk, this weapon has increased top end damage. It also has a longer range before damage fall off occurs.

M60-A Bulldog: Previously the M60 Bulldog, this aircraft weapon has had the following changes:
Magazine size has been reduced from 10 to 6.
Magazine size certifications now 1 round per rank increase.
Projectile speed has been increased
Direct hit damage has been increased
Splash damage will no longer damage heavy armor.
The M60-A has a faster projectile than its ground based variant the M-60G.

A30 Walker: This is now the air variant of the Walker weapon system.
The reticule and first person tracer have been changed to make them easier to see.
Projectile speed is slower but drop has been reduced.
Damage has been increased overall.

Light Aircraft Rocketpods:
Blast radius in which maximum damage occurs has been reduced. This does not change the size of the blast radius.
Damage against Sunderers and Aircraft have been reduced.
Significantly reduced damage against Phalanx turrets.

Liberator AP30 Shredder:
Damage has been increased at close ranges.
Magazine size has been increased to 50.

Reaver Air Hammer:
The projectile spread has been tightened up.
Damage per projectile has been increased.
Damage fall off will occur at a further distance.

Ground Weaponry:

The Lightning Skyguard Turret has increased projectile speed and it's reticule has been adjusted to use the Terran Republic Burster MAX reticule.

C75 Viper:
Direct hit damage increased
Increased maximum blast radius damage

M40 Fury:
Reduced damage against heavy armor.
Upped direct hit damage and blast damage.

Anti-Personnel Phalanx Turret:
Cone of Fire tightened up a bit
Slight adjustments to heat. Will cool off a bit faster and take a little bit longer to overheat.
Pushed out range where projectiles start to lose damage significantly.


The main shields at Tech Plants are now operated by two generators in the outlying buildings. These shields now have icons that display the status of the generators.
Frosbite Harbor Spawn Room now has a pain field.
The grav pads at the Dahaka Amp Station western forward spawn are now functional.
Players are no longer able to spawn at Sungrey Amp Station when the SCU has been destroyed.
Enemy projectiles will no longer go through the Biolab Gate Shields.
Players still in a vehicle once the pilot has logged off will no longer disconnect.
The Phalanx Turret has increased projectile speed and it's reticule has been adjusted to use the MAX burster reticule.


The Regen benefit of a Biolab will now display on the Tab scoreboard.
All Heavy Assault ability items are now using unique icons.
Platoons should now longer state they are “full” when all squads have squad leaders and there is still room for more members.
SAS-R and Impetus optics will now display a description when hovering over with a mouse.
The TS4 Haymaker and FA1 Barrage now have a tooltip when mousing over the progress bar.
Moving a player to another squad will no longer boot them from a Squad/Platoon locked vehicle.
Players removed from a Squad or Platoon channel will no longer be able to use that channel.
Unoccupied Phalanx Turrets should now display “Press [E] to Enter” messaging.


The NS-11 Platinum and Ns-11A rifles are no longer the same color.
The Sunderer Smoke Screen will no longer hide decals.
Lightning Hood Ornaments will no longer be placed on top of decals.
New Conglomerate African Forest Weapon Camo no longer displays Vanu Sovereignty coloring.
A MAX unit will no longer appear to float while descending on a Grav Pad.
Purchased Weapon Camo will no longer be cleared when a weapon trial ends.
The Engineering Repair tool is now black.
Main Battle Tank and Lightning armor should no longer cover decals.
The Lasher magazine will now reload and no longer “floats” if the player is sprinting.
The NC Gauss Compact S Underbarrel weapons will now show a reloading animation correctly.
A player will no longer siplay headless and frozen in a riding pose when killed on a Quad.

1 respuesta

#1699 si lo pegas, lo traduces XDDDDDDDD

pd: 2,5 GB de parche haha n1


"The main shields at Tech Plants are now operated by two generators in the outlying buildings. These shields now have icons that display the status of the generators."

Sera grandote el parche porque supongo que modifican mapeado.

Que putada con la de tardes que te tirabas en las tech plant.


Deseando que me llegue el pc nuevo para volver a darle durisimo a esto , veremos si encuentro algun outfit de ludaos con grupo aereo.

#1703 Pues yo 0 por hacer el capullo con las macros xDDD

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#1702 197h jugadas tengo hahahaha ludópata power

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#1703 Si hombre. Me voy a tirar media hora traduciendo para que venga otra vez el capuyo aquel y me diga que es copypaste... Es un ingles muy sencillito y se entiendo bien.


Venga chavales ya llevo 2 gb descargados hahaha los 10 primeros q entren les regalan 1000sc!

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hombree, por fin le van a poner cláxon a las motos xD (y sunderer)


#1705 Han dicho que 2h de ETA

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#1708 yo mas bien me miraría este


#1707 Cuando han dicho eso? Cuando se supone que los abren'

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