Star Citizen #HG



En caso contrario el castigo puede conllevar un Punish.

¿Diferencias de un hilo u otro?

  • Este hilo es para hablar de temas ceñidos a la actualidad del juego, noticias, dudas, etc. Y aunque el debate sano siempre es bienvenido, la intención es dejar el hilo limpio para tal propósito. Por lo tanto la moderación en este hilo será más estricta.
  • El hilo de Off-Development está para soltarse más, donde la moderación será menos estricta y se permite tocar, criticar o debatir temas que eran fruto de discusiones que ensuciaban el principal objetivo de este hilo, incluyendo todo aquello relacionado con el desarrollo. Allí vale más "todo", exceptuando faltas de respeto y las normas generales de Mediavida.

DATOS DE INTERÉS (Actualizado 15/11/2018)


Es preciosa!

1 1 respuesta

#37051 pues nene a mi no me gusta nada, me recuerda a un ratón gaming.

1 1 respuesta

A mi el detalle me sigue dejando el culo rotísimo.


Tiene cosas chulísimas, pero también me da la sensación de ratón gaming xD

Lo que me flipa es lo grande que es, no había visto números y me sorprende todo el espacio interior que tiene.


#37019 Te imaginas que sacan algo para averiguar todos los que le metieron mierda en un momento que no puedan jugar? Algo turbio rollo identificación por DNI? Ahí las risas iban a ser muy grandes xDDDD.

1 respuesta

#37056 tu flipas no?

1 respuesta

#37057 Te imaginas...

2 respuestas

Lo que hay que leer


#37058 Tu dales dinero fresco, y como si has matado a su abuela, no pasa ná.


#37058 Te imaginas que ni tu, ni nadie, me diga que hacer con MI dinero...te imaginas que a alguien se le ocurra entrar en un foro para buscar info y no para ver soltar mierda sin fundamento....te imaginas


2021 imagina seguir en pe-alpha.


¿Se sabe cuándo saldrá un free flight ? Que hay coleguillos que tienen curiosidad

3 respuestas

#37063 Pues para la semana de la IAE (a partir del 20) seguramente lo hagan


#37063 Desde el viernes creo que hay free flight lo que dure la expo, una semana creo.


#37052 Creo que se refiere a la física de vuelo y esos giros y "resbales" tipo arcade finales de los 80´s :person_facepalming:


#37063 suerte,mucha suerte yo lo intenté en su día y cuando pasan del hype de "bua que pasada" y "madre mía que nivel de detalle" al "ok y que se puede hacer? xdxd" y "se me ha crasheao otra vez tío y van 3" pues convencerlos para comprar un pack básico es dificil y con razón


10 1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

#37069 O es un bait cojonudo o no has jugado hace tiempo. Decir que el juego sólo sirve de wallpaper simulator es querer hacer rabiar por rabiar.

1 respuesta

O es un bait cojonudo o no has jugado hace tiempo. Decir que el juego sólo sirve de wallpaper simulator es querer hacer rabiar por rabiar

Pero si es la realidad. El que tú quieras rolear y hacerte tus pajas mentales con los colegas es cosa tuya. Pero el juego ahora mismo ofrece muy poco. Bueno, según algunos no es ni un juego jejjeje (¡Entonces no hay discusión! xd)

2 2 respuestas

#37071 Pero que rol ni que niño muerto, el juego por 38 putos euros te da la ostia de tiempo y con gente sin pajas mentales te comes esos 38 euros mas agusto que un arbusto. No convirtais el hilo en un lloro constante

1 respuesta

te da la ostia de tiempo

Te da eso, paseos espaciales, minería y repartidor de seúr bugueado. A mí de momento me divierten otras cosas que no están, o si están dan bastante asco y tedio jugar, como el FPS y el dogfighting.


#37071 oye! que en otro juego del mismo genero que este a eso lo llamaban "jugabilidad emergente" y se quedaban tan panchos!!

1 1 respuesta

#37074 revisa el concepto


Ya se puede desplegar y recoger la antena de la Mercury!

1 respuesta

The IAE 2950 Free Fly Schedule

Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 Free Fly
Experience the Biggest Aerospace Event in the Galaxy
To celebrate this year’s premier aerospace event on microTech, we’re launching a Free Fly event. From November 20 through December 2, you have the chance to try some of Star Citizen’s most iconic vehicles for free. All you have to do is to create an account, download the game and jump into the fun.

Here’s how it works:

During the promotion, anyone can explore Star Citizen’s incredible Persistent Universe for free. Even if you don’t own a Star Citizen Game Package, you can try it for free and fly to the Expo in style, as we’re providing every account with an Origin 100i starter ship as a loaner for the time of the IAE 2950.

Starting on November 20 (4pm UTC), each day a different ship manufacturer will take over one of the expo halls for 48 hours. There’s something new to see every day, and nearly everything on display is available to test-fly for free!

Check out the schedule below to plan your test flights. We’ve also created an IAE 2950 FAQ on Spectrum, where we answer questions about the show, including where to go and how to take part in the Free Fly event.

Have fun and fly safe!

The IAE 2950 Free Fly Schedule

Nov 20-21 | Day 1/2 – CNOU, Argo, Greycat

Nomad: CNOU looks to shake things up with an all-new entrant for those looking for a premium starter ship. Stop by Day 1 of the expo for the official reveal!

Mustang Alpha: Consolidated Outland’s premier ship for those wanting to push the limits a little further when starting out.

Mustang Beta: Home is where the heart is. The Beta offers comfortable living quarters for beginners roaming the frontier.

Mustang Delta: The Mustang Delta is armed with heavier weapons and rocket pods to give new pilots a little more firepower.

Mustang Gamma: An additional engine provides racers the competitive edge they need.

Argo MOLE: Tap into your crew’s full potential with the combined force of Argo’s patented tri-lateral mining system.

Argo MPUV 1C: A small, unarmed utility runabout designed for shuttling cargo.

Argo MPUV 1P: A compact utility shuttle built for moving personnel.

Greycat ROC: Designed to be as hard-working and versatile as the miners who use it.

Greycat PTV: The Greycat PTV buggy gets you from point to point, wherever you are.

Nov 21-22 | Day 2/3 – Aegis Dynamics

Avenger Stalker: A modified version of the Avenger catering to bounty hunters thanks to built-in prison cells.

Avenger Titan: A former Advocacy patrol ship with added cargo capacity for light couriering.

Avenger Titan Renegade: Special-edition of the Avenger Titan with custom livery and a loadout geared to Arena Commander.

Avenger Warlock: A variant of the Avenger armed with an EMP generator to humanely disable enemies.

Eclipse: A sleek stealth bomber armed with heavy torpedoes.

Gladius: An aging but agile light-fighter boasting mid-range armament.

Gladius Valiant: Special-edition Gladius with custom livery and a loadout geared to Arena Commander.

Hammerhead: A multi-crew corvette bristling with manned turrets and heavy firepower.

Reclaimer: A vast deep-space salvage vessel built to reclaim wrecks and derelict ships.

Retaliator Bomber: A long-range, anti-capital-ship bomber. Covered in manned turrets and capable of launching size-9 torpedoes.

Sabre: Favoring agility over durability, the Sabre is light, sleek, and deadly.

Sabre Comet: Special-edition of the Sabre with custom livery and a loadout geared to Arena Commander.

Vanguard Harbinger: A powerful bomber that can operate out of the roughest forward-operating bases.

Vanguard Hoplite: Long-range squad dropship with a manned turret for protection.

Vanguard Sentinel: Designed to fight smart instead of taking enemies head-on.

Vanguard Warden: Long-range heavy fighter with a manned turret.

Nov 22-23 | Day 3/4 – Anvil Aerospace

Arrow: Featuring an ultra-aerodynamic frame and slight profile, it’s the most agile ship in its class.

Ballista: This self-propelled air defense system is capable of destruction on a massive scale.

C8X Pisces: Ideal for inter-system travel or investigating tight spots inaccessible to larger ships, it’s a small ship ready for big adventures.

Carrack: Iconic multi-crew explorer ready for your next epic adventure.

Hornet F7C: Tough and dependable, the F7C is a textbook multi-purpose medium fighter.

Hornet F7C Wildfire: Special-edition of the F7C Hornet with custom livery and a loadout geared to Arena Commander.

Hornet F7C-M – Super Hornet: A two-seater medium fighter with a heavy loadout.

Hornet F7C-R – Tracker: Sacrificing the turret for an advanced radar system, the Hornet Tracker seeks what’s hidden.

Hornet F7C-S – Ghost: Stealthy, silent, deadly – the Ghost keeps a low profile.

Gladiator: A ruggedly built two-person dive bomber.

Hawk: The perfect ship for independent bounty hunters or local security.

Hurricane: A heavy fighter with an almost excessive loadout. Includes a turret that punches through shields and defenses.

Terrapin: Heavily armored ship with a sophisticated scanner. Ideal for recon and exploration.

Valkyrie: A heavily armed dropship perfect for full-crew expeditions.

Nov 23-24 | Day 4/5 – Crusader, Tumbril, Kruger

Mercury Star Runner: Built with the same engineering and design principals that has made Crusader the go-to manufacturer for galactic transport on any scale, the Mercury checks all the boxes expected of a dependable courier vessel, and then some.

Cyclone: Stir up a storm with this robust two-seater buggy that can carry a little something in the back.

Cyclone AA: Features EMP functionality and an anti-air missile launcher to deter threats from above.

Cyclone RC: Cyclone racing variant. It’s red, fast, and equipped with a built-in nitro booster.

Cyclone RN: Built to clear the fog of war, the recon variant of the Cyclone features a powerful scanner array.

Cyclone TR: Support infantry with this combat buggy. Equipped with a mounted turret to provide cover fire for ground operations.

P-52 Merlin: Small, agile, and with a sting in its tail. This snub fighter is fragile but difficult to hit.

P-72 Archimedes: The Archimedes delivers exceptional handling and boost capabilities in a beautifully designed package.

Nov 24-25 | Day 5/6 – MISC

Freelancer: A multi-crew freighter with a turret and ordnance to deter those after its haul.

Freelancer DUR: The Freelancer DUR specializes in exploration with improved scanner, jump drive, and fuel tanks.

Freelancer MAX: The Freelancer MAX is for pilots who prize increased cargo capacity over everything else.

Freelancer MIS: The Freelancer MIS is a limited-edition militarized variant of the classic merchant ship.

Prospector: A miner’s best friend, with a powerful laser and saddlebags to turn minerals to profit.

Razor: Cutting ahead of the competition, this sleek racer gives anyone a run for pole position.

Razor EX: Stealth-edition of the Razor outfitted with signature-reducing materials and low-draw components.

Razor LX: Special-edition of the Razor features reduced maneuverability and armament in exchange for extreme straight-line speed.

Reliant Kore: A fusion of Xi’an and Human technology, this light freighter lets you haul cargo with a friend.

Reliant Mako: Go where the news is and capture every moment with turret-mounted optics.

Reliant Sen: The Reliant Sen is a versatile mobile science platform.

Reliant Tana: An easy to maintain, versatile, lightweight fighter.

Starfarer Gemini: This military variant sacrifices fuel capacity for armor and a missile launcher.

Nov 25-26 | Day 6/7 – Drake Interplanetary

Buccaneer: A light fighter that sacrifices durability (and its ejection seat!) for raw firepower.

Caterpillar: A heavy multi-crew commercial freighter. Lightly armed with superior cargo capacity.

Cutlass Black: Back in black, Drake’s pirate-favorite is a highly versatile ship with combat and cargo prowess.

Cutlass Blue: The Cutlass Blue boasts missiles, a more powerful engine, and Durasteel holding cells in the cargo bay.

Cutlass Red: The Cutlass Red converts the standard cargo hold into a well-equipped medical facility, including two MedBeds.

Dragonfly Black: A two-seater grav-lev bike that easily traverses rough terrain or open space.

Herald: No secret is safe. Drake’s Herald captures and stores information before leaving at blistering speed.

Nov 26-27 | Day 7/8 – Aopoa, Banu, Esperia

Aopoa Khartu-al: Enigmatic, exotic, and agile. The fragile Khartu-al excels at lateral thrust and maneuverability.

Aopoa Nox: Sleek and fast, this gravity bike glides across rough terrain. Perfect for scouting and racing.

Aopoa Nox Kue: Sleek and fast (and silver), this gravity bike glides across rough terrain. Perfect for scouting and racing.

Banu Defender: The exotic fighter is the first line of defense against enemy attack.

Esperia Blade: This alien fighter slices through the air with high agility to shred foes to ribbons.

Esperia Glaive: This medium alien fighter replica drives fear with its ramming blades.

Esperia Prowler: The Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin armored personnel carrier.

Nov 27-28 | Day 8/9 – Origin Jumpworks GmbH

85X: A luxury and sporty short-range runabout for pilot and passenger.

100i: Tour the universe with the perfect coupling of luxury and performance.

125a: With high fuel economy, a souped-up weapons package, and trademark Origin refinement, the 125a is the ideal entry into luxury spaceflight.

135c: With a deceptive amount of storage space in its sleek, stylish frame, the 135c is the obvious choice for the hauler of taste.

300i: Travel in style with this high-performance solo tourer.

315p: Traverse the ‘verse with this high-performance light explorer.

325a: Origin’s sleek signature fighter, the 325a makes a great companion for finding your mark in style and sophistication.

350r: Origin’s signature racer, the 350r leaves the competition in the dust.

600i Touring: Star Citizen’s iconic luxury tourer.

890 Jump: A vessel in a class all of its own, the collosal 890 Jump is a masterpiece of long-distance touring.

M50: Origin’s premier racer. Small, fast, and highly agile.

Nov 28-29 | Day 9/10 – Roberts Space Industries

Aurora CL: The Aurora Clipper is an effective vessel for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned traders alike.

Aurora ES: A descendant of the X-7, this is the ideal choice for new ship owners. Versatile and intuitive.

Aurora LN: For combat-focused citizens. The Aurora LN comes with bigger shields and larger weapons that pack a punch.

Aurora LX: The Aurora Deluxe adds luxury and comfort for long stretches into the deep.

Aurora MR: A balance of function and performance, the Aurora MR comes with cargo capacity and guns to ensure freight gets there safely.

Constellation Andromeda: A multi-crew freighter with a modular design, the RSI Andromeda is one of the most iconic ships in the verse.

Constellation Aquila: Explore the stars and distant horizons. The uprated sensor suite and redesigned cockpit offer maximum visibility.

Constellation Phoenix: A chariot of the gods, this converted luxury freighter is ideal for VIP transport.

Mantis: Stop ships dead in their tracks with RSI’s premier quantum enforcer.

Ursa Rover: Rugged, durable, and tough, this is the rover of choice for extreme planetary exploration.

Nov 29 till Dec 2 | Day 10 – Day 13 – Best in Show

Aegis Eclipse: A sleek stealth bomber armed with heavy torpedoes.

Anvil Carrack: Anvil’s iconic explorer is built for deep-space adventure.

Anvil Valkyrie: A heavily armed dropship perfect for full-crew excursions.

Drake Cutlass Black: Back in black, Drake’s pirate-favorite is a highly versatile ship with combat and cargo prowess.


Nomad premium starter ship. Stop by Day 1 of the expo for the official reveal!

kekw A los que pensaban que seria monstruosa.

1 respuesta

#37078 Los rumores es que sería una refinería inicial con la que jugar junto a Prospectors,. una monoplaza. La que si que tenía pinta de aparecer era una gran nave de RSI (Odin originalmente, ahora parece que se llama Perseus), pero en el calendario no aparece X/

1 respuesta

#37076 En realidad no es una antena por así decirlo: Cuando estas en el Asiento del Escáner y le das al Power. Enciendes los sistemas de los Data Pod + Servidores + Cache. Cuando le das al al Scan es cuando se despliega ya que ejecuta la orden de encendido y se despliega para la recogida de datos [Emision/Recepcion] cuando el sistema ya esta operativo por la energía de la Power Plant, "Seguramente sea Pasivo" y. Puedes recoger datos, estos pueden ser cualquier cosa que allá en el espectro al rededor de la nave en si. Y lo puedes monitorear en los paneles que puedes ver en el. En la Herald como el la Mercury tienen el mismo sistema. 4 Paneles + Data Pod + Servidor + Cache.

Igual que el Escáner de la Herald es el SATA - M6A1 este se le podría denominar Scan 03. Los 2 hay que encenderlos manualmente como habéis podido comprobar. El nombre de la Herald lo podéis comprobar en un panel de la misma, el de la Mercury lo podéis ver cuando esta desplegado. [Sata - M6A1]---[03]

Las antenas como las conocemos no son como las conocemos en el juego, estos son otra cosa. Por eso tiene luminiscencia ambos. Una antena recoge señales electromagnéticas del espacio o de un emisor, y este las transforma en una señal reconocible por un dispositivo. esto es diferente. Pero también hay una multitud de ellas. No se como tienen pensado implementar el Data Running, pero estoy impaciente.

A dia de Hoy 18/11/20. Es mejor llamarlos [Escáner] y ya.


Usuarios habituales

  • LimiT-SC
  • clethaw
  • eondev
  • Rigal01
  • Adamanter
  • FrostRaven
  • Celonius
